"You now face a new world, a world of change. The thrust into outer space of the satellite, spheres, and missiles marks a beginning of another epoch in the long story of mankind. In the five or more billions of years the scientists tell us it has taken to form the earth, in the three or more billion years of development of the human race, there has never been a more abrupt or staggering evolution. We deal now, not with things of this world alone, but with the illimitable distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the universe.
We are reaching out for a new and boundless frontier. We speak in strange terms of harnessing the cosmic energy, of making winds and tides work for us, of creating unheard of synthetic materials to supplement or even replace our old standard basics; to purify sea water for our drink; of mining ocean floors for new fields of wealth and food; of disease preventatives to expand life into the hundred of years; of controlling the weather for a more equitable distribution of heat and cold, of rain and shine; of spaceships to the moon; of the primary target in war, no longer limited to the armed forces of an enemy, but instead to include his civil populations; of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy; of such dreams and fantasies as to make life the most exciting of all times."
-General Douglas MacArthur
This is an experimental way of looking at history. It is filled with facts but not with the same objectives as most historical documentation. This section does pose the idea that a strange seance and the Bush family may have drastically shaped our world much in the way that John Dee molded the British Empire.
From Air Force to Space Fleet:
"Heavy research into aircraft technics during World War II led to the
creation of the first rocket and jet aircraft. Subsequently the first
claims of breaking the sound barrier were made during the war. However,
the first recognized flight exceeding the speed of sound for the first
time by a manned aircraft in controlled level flight was on October 14,
1947 in an American research project, using the experimental Bell X-1 research rocket plane, piloted by Charles "Chuck" Yeager.
The first production plane to break the sound barrier was an F-86
Canadair Sabre with the first 'supersonic' woman pilot, Jacqueline
Cochran, at the controls, although this aircraft was not designed with
regular supersonic flights in mind"-wikipedia-supersonic speed
A) Do theories of back engineered alien or
Nazi (or Nazi alien channeling based...) technology hold any weight and
B) Does this play some vital role in the abduction phenomenon,
explaining away most aspects of the abduction as a military operation
and not an otherworldly medical exam.
With only a brief understanding
of C.I.A. and Nazi mind science, one can understand how electroshock and
psychotronics can turn into bright lights and little grey men, but I
find it just as important to prove to skeptics of the entire study, that
this is a tangible phenomenon. Tangible but not parallel to beliefs
widely held in this field(s).
" In the period 1948-1949, sources within the British Government were
extremely interested in determining the extent to which the Nazis had
succeeded in constructing flying saucer-like aircraft during the Second
World War; and furthermore, those same sources were expressing concern
regarding the extent to which the Soviets might have capitalized on this
This can be amply shown by virtue of the fact that as far back as
September 1949, the Air Ministry’s Scientific and Technical Intelligence
Branch (STIB) was regularly receiving clippings culled from all manner
of publications on both Nazi saucers and various other UFO reports.
To illustrate this, on 14 September 1949, the STIB received from the Press Information Room of the Air Ministry’s Intelligence Division, a selection of newspaper reports concerning UFO activity over Vienna, Austria. Now it’s Flaming Saucers, proclaimed one such clipping from the Daily Herald on 12 September 1949. Similarly, only months later, the STIB received from the Press Information Room, a large batch of magazine articles photocopied from German newspapers and science periodicals on both highly-advanced flying saucer designs postulated by the Nazis during the Second World War, as well as post-War designs on the drawing-boards of the Soviets and the Americans"-mysterious universe / Nick Redfern
If military craft are used in abductions, we can safely assume they would be stealth craft. The most reported craft in strictly MILAB cases or what are officially deemed military abductions, is the TL-3 or TR-3 craft. (list of advanced aircraft capable of abductions or similar stealth applications)
"At this time, I am aware of the existence of ten kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form.
"These ten are:
Before we examine these ten exotic aerospace craft, a brief overview of the different forms of generating antigravity fields is in order.
the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomberthe Aurora Lockheed-Martin’s X-33A Boeing and Airbus Industries’ Nautilus the TR3-A Pumpkinseed the TR3-B Triangle Northrop’s Great Pumpkin disc Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical’s XH-75D Shark antigravity helicopter Lockheed-Martin and Northrop’s jointly-developed TAW-50 hypersonic antigravity fighter-bomber
The most primitive antigravity technology is electrogravitic. This involves using voltages in the millions of volts to disrupt the ambient gravitational field. This results in an 89% reduction in gravity’s hold on airframes in such vehicles as the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the TR3-B Astra triangular craft. And given the considerable ambient ionization field I observed around the X-22A, it is reasonable to assume that extreme-voltage electrogravitics is also employed with these craft.
The next level up of sophistication is magnetogravitic. This involves generating high-energy toroidal fields spun at incredible rpm’s, which also disrupts the ambient gravitational field, indeed to the extent that a counterforce to Earth’s gravitational pull is generated. The early British aeronautical engineers called this dynamic counterbary. This may have been used in some earlier American saucers and prototypes, but I have only been told that the secret Nautilus spacefaring craft uses magnetic pulsing , which appears to utilize this technology.
The third level of sophistication, that used in the more modern American antigravity craft, is direct generation and harnessing of the gravitational strong force. Such a strong-force field extends slightly beyond the atomic nucleus of Element 115, an exotic element donated by Star Visitor scientist-consultants to human scientists at S-4, a secret base south of Area 51. By amplifying that exposed gravitational strong force, and using antimatter reactor high energy, and then directing it, it is possible to lift a craft from the Earth and then change directions by vectoring the shaped antigravity force field thus generated. Important information about this third technology is available on Bob Lazar’s website. (1) This information is also described on the Bob Lazar video. Lazar worked on extraterrestrial technology at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Area 51’s Site S-4. (2)"
-Advanced Craft
It seems the most common craft seen in modern days is the triangular black craft, for those who have been interested in this long enough, I feel I must mention it's almost like a Hollywood pots and pans monster (the classic popular model) became a slick CGI creepy prop over time to match our psyche's understanding of technological fantasy and mystery (I mention this only in the context of the often considered psychological element of the sight of the UFO, whether that be a Jungian, wholeness type of perspective or a spiritual or even simulation based worldview.)
- They are seen at specific altitudes, or very close to the ground, usually less than 500 feet.
- They are much slower than conventional aircraft. (?)
- They are seen over interstate highways.
- They are seen over areas of dense population or over areas of economic development.
- No identifiable identification.
- Unconventional lighting.
- Specific flight paths.
"For one, the Cabal conduct psychological warfare operations on innocent
civilians by projecting and having a realistic-looking 3-D fake
extraterrestrial visit a human person. This image can be blended with
psychotronic thought-projections into the head of the civilian victim,
so she thinks the extraterrestrial is communicating with her. This
visit is misused to give the victim menacing messages. And the Cabal
can even beam false emotion-generating waves at the victim to make her
think that the extraterrestrial is emitting cold or menacing vibes.
(I must pause to ask, are not there multiple facts proving that this modern phenomenon is at least a show, if not a program...of some kind, a systematically occurring system being carried out by beings, intelligences, or just intelligent people who have a precise plan . I'm not insisting that it is a trickster being(s) of some sort, and I am also not insisting that it is the military. But neither am I saying it's wild to think it is one of the two. Firstly, the latter has left a trail in many ways...not one that has been easy or quick to decipher, but a trail of clues and leaks nonetheless. We assume from the tales of ancient magick and jinn and angels- they were much better at appearing all powerful or divine than simply torture or examination, trauma, and return. However as Thomas Bullard and other mythologist have quite studiously observed there are countless parallels between the classic grey alien abduction and abductions by the Faieries (Tuatha De Danaan,etc....)
"If an even more intense terrifying experience is desired, the Cabal can
render the victim unconscious by either psychotronics or sleeper gas,
etc.. And then Cabal special operatives invade her bedroom, haul her
aboard one of the XH-75D Stealth antigravity Shark helicopters, whisk
her away to a secure (usually underground) facility, where she may be
interrogated, threatened, abused, terrorized, gang-raped, drugged, and
hypnotically programmed to mis-remember her ordeal as an alien
abduction . She is then returned home to let the sleeper drug wear off.
Voila Another duped victim of alien abductions to go around spreading
the word of how terrible they are. This new unwitting propaganda
"agent" costs the Cabal nothing more, and can mislead the public for
years. "
For additional impact, in their MILABS, Cabal operatives use high technology, including antigravity “tractor beams” (to draw persons up into disguised, silent, hovering antigravity helicopters masked as “UFOs”, which then take the victim to an installation made to seem like a UFO base, so that the victim will become confused and blame “the aliens” for Cabal kidnapping and abuse.
And in other operations Cabal operatives use this technology, plus hand-held lasers, to lift up livestock, core out the livestock’s organs, and drop them back on the pasture to create the negative propaganda impression that “heartless aliens” had been engaged in “cattle mutilations”."
“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly...The Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property.”-Charles Fort
Refer to Bottom 001
MJ-12 Revisited:
The Majestic-12
First off, what’s up with the 12? Could this be related to 12 Disciples? 12 occult followers of Himmler with possible extraterrestrial or trans-dimensional contact, or 12 Knights of Camelot? These guys are mostly quite notable bloodlines, some of which command whole centuries of history, much like the philosophies of the men in the center of the above mentions clans of 12. According to the information that comes forward in interviews with whistleblower Dan Burisch, the Majestic 12, (which he claims to have been a member of) are each masters of technology or science in their respective fields brought together to evaluate and often “back-engineer” exotic technologies for the use of other agencies within the secret government. These secret programs are the continuation of well documented Psy research out of the Pentagon, Department of Defense, and Stanford Research Institute in the 70s. Not only was the 12 supposed to be responsible for “what to do” about the UFO phenomenon, they were so heavily populated by heads of the CIA, it is a question as to whether this was somehow a mechanism of the “space brothers” Psyops. (See Contactees by Nick Redfern) Some part of me also wants to call "bullshit", when I see this list of guys and their credentials, I see people who could master faked alien abductions while faking slight concern over "unidentified" objects. Shouldn't the group include more experts on flight and physics and less, well directors of intelligence organizations? Just a thought...
“All the alleged original members of MJ-12 were notable for their military, government, and/or scientific achievements, and all were deceased when the documents first surfaced (the last to die was Jerome Hunsaker, only a few months before the MJ-12 papers first appeared). The original composition was six civilians (mostly scientists), and six high-ranking military officers, two from each major military service. Three (Souers, Vandenberg, and Hillenkoetter) had been the first three heads of central intelligence. The Moore/Shandera documents did not make clear who was the director of MJ-12, or if there was any organizational hierarchy." -source unknown
The named members of MJ-12 were: 1. Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter: first CIA director
2. Dr. Vannevar Bush: (March 11, 1890 – June 28, 1974) chaired wartime Office of Scientific Research and Development and predecessor National Defense Research Committee; set up and chaired postwar Joint Research and Development Board (JRDB) and then the Research and Development Board (RDB); chaired NACA; President of Carnegie Institute, Washington D.C. on and on... "The idea of a personal computer, one that ordinary individuals could own and operate and keep in their homes, was envisioned in 1945 by Vannevar Bush. After building his Differential Analyzer at MIT and helping to create the military-industrial-academic triangle, he wrote an essay for the July 1945 issue of the Atlantic titled “As We May Think.” In it he conjured up the possibility of a personal machine, which he dubbed a memex, that would not only do mathematical tasks but also store and retrieve a person’s words, pictures and other information. “Consider a future device for individual use, which is a sort of mechanized private file and library,” he wrote. “A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory. Bush imagined that the device would have a “direct entry” mechanism so you could put information and all your records into its memory. He even predicted hypertext links, file sharing, and collaborative knowledge accumulation. “Wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified,” he wrote, anticipating Wikipedia by a half century." -The Culture that gave birth to the Personal Computer
Bush was an American engineer, inventor and science administrator known for his work on analog computers, for his role as an initiator and administrator of the Manhattan Project, for founding Raytheon,(see Note R) "(He) was an American engineer, inventor and science administrator, whose most important contribution was as head of the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) during World War II, through which almost all wartime military R&D was carried out, including initiation and early administration of the Manhattan Project. His office was considered one of the key factors in winning the war. He is also known in engineering for his work on analog computers, for founding Raytheon, and for the memex, an adjustable microfilm viewer with a structure analogous to that of the World Wide Web. In 1945, Bush published As We May Think in which he predicted that "wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified". The memex influenced generations of computer scientists, who drew inspiration from its vision of the future. For his master's thesis, Bush invented and patented a "profile tracer", a mapping device for assisting surveyors. It was the first of a string of inventions. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1919, and founded the company now known as Raytheon in 1922. Starting in 1927, Bush constructed a differential analyzer, an analog computer with some digital components that could solve differential equations with as many as 18 independent variables. An offshoot of the work at MIT by Bush and others was the beginning of digital circuit design theory. Bush became Vice President of MIT and Dean of the MIT School of Engineering in 1932, and president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 1938. Bush was appointed to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) in 1938, and soon became its chairman. As Chairman of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), and later Director of OSRD, Bush coordinated the activities of some six thousand leading American scientists in the application of science to warfare. Bush was a well-known policymaker and public intellectual during World War II, when he was in effect the first presidential science advisor. As head of NDRC and OSRD, he initiated the Manhattan Project, and ensured that it received top priority from the highest levels of government. In Science, The Endless Frontier, his 1945 report to the President of the United States, Bush called for an expansion of government support for science, and he pressed for the creation of the National Science Foundation."
...and for the memex, an adjustable microfilm viewer with a structure analogous to that of the World Wide Web. In 1945, Bush published As We May Think in which he predicted that "wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified".The memex influenced generations of computer scientists, who drew inspiration from its vision of the future. For his master's thesis, Bush invented and patented a "profile tracer", a mapping device for assisting surveyors. It was the first of a string of inventions. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at MIT in 1919, and founded the company (American Appliance Company) now known as Raytheon in 1922. Raytheon refers to itself as an "industry leader in defense and government electronics,space,information technology,technical services and business aviation and special mission aircraft."(?) He had his hands in genetics, pharmaceuticals, atomic energy, and would have been in a perfect position to invent the alien abduction...
- Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs 3. James Forrestal: Secretary of the Navy; first Secretary of Defense (replaced after his death on MJ-12 by Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, 2nd CIA director)
4. Gen. Nathan Twining: headed Air Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson AFB; Air Force Chief of Staff (1953–1957); Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (1957–1961)
5. Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg: Directed Central Intelligence Group (1946–1947); Air Force Chief of Staff (1948–1953)
6. Gen. Robert M. Montague: Guided missile expert; 1947 commander of Fort Bliss; headed nuclear Armed Forces Special Weapons Center, Sandia Base
7. Dr. Jerome Hunsaker: Aeronautical engineer, MIT; chaired NACA after Bush
8. Rear Adm. Sidney Souers: first director of Central Intelligence Group, first executive secretary of National Security Council (NSC)
9. Gordon Gray: Secretary of the Army; intelligence and national security expert; CIA psychological strategy board (1951–1953); Chairman of NSC 5412 Committee (1954–1958); National Security Advisor (1958–1961)
10. Dr. Donald Menzel: Astronomer, Harvard; cryptologist during war; security consultant to CIA and NSA
11. Dr. Detlev Bronk: Medical physicist; aviation physiologist; chair, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council; president Johns Hopkins & Rockefeller University
12. Dr. Lloyd Berkner: Physicist; radio expert; executive secretary of Bush's JRDB
According to other sources and MJ-12 papers to emerge later, famous scientists like Robert Oppenheimer, Albert Einstein, Karl Compton, Edward Teller, John von Neumann, and Wernher von Braun were also allegedly involved with MJ-12”. -The above section was collaged together from MJ-12 at wikipedia
Above: Stanton Friedman analysis and more...
"No individual or governing body has ever gone on record to confirm it (MJ-12) exists"-Unsealed Conspiracy Files History Channel Show
...Well, thats what I thought until a recent blog from my friend and researcher Nick Redfern:
"Over at the Department of Defense's website you can find a document that has been declassified via the Freedom of Information Act on the subject of Project Pandora (which, in part, was focused on how microwaves can affect the mind and nervous-system). It's a fascinating file that dates back to the 1960s. It's a lengthy file, too: it runs to 469 pages."
But, here's the weird thing...
If you scroll down to page 449, you'll see that it contains a copy of the controversial "MJ12/Eisenhower Briefing Document" on the Roswell affair of 1947!"-UFOs, Project Pandora at Nick Redfern's World of Whatever
Did someone at the Freedom of Information Act really slip up or was this included for a reason. If you read the hundreds of pages of scientific testing data, you see that more than once it is implicated that these extremely harmful radiation test should be moved to human test subjects, and the open eagerness to do so is somewhat palpable in the language of the documents. So hundreds of pages of radiation test, attached to the MJ-12 documents, which most of the field are already convinced themselves were bogus altogether, can together only suggest one more thing- That the abductions between 1947 and 1980s were more likely to leave radiation burns (seemingly accidently) and later this was corrected in the 90s to current times. As if the technology of UFO/abduction type interactions with human beings was improved over the decades. (Kind of at the rate we develop technology) But that's still not really the weirdest part.
“Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Greada Treaty, which basically made the agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but that they had to give details about the people involved."- Before It's News, What Really Happened in the 1979 Dulce Fight
A near or actually Nazi focus on genetics, a nearly Soviet interest in ESP, secret and silent craft, ancient bloodlines, places, and relics, cultivation of ancestry by false flag alien abductions, super soldiers being the crossroads of all these programs and traits at once, perhaps even one of the key purposes or just an end game?
"Project MKUltra is the code name of a U.S. government human research operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans through the CIA's Scientific Intelligence Division. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. The program engaged in many illegal activities; in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy. MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture. The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement" -wikipedia, happy to remind you of shit you already knew So we can reasonably assume MK-Ultra is this pop culture code word which means different things to different people. MK to the younger generations has something to do with a Rain Man, Illuminati rappers, and kitten altars, to older generations who watch but don't read, it's got something to do with Oswald and the film Manchurian Canidate, for those college going sprouts in the middle, they are pretty sure they can sound smart explaining the use of LSD on U.S. soldiers hopping over logs, and something about the C.I.A. on a quest for a truth serum... But MK-Ultra was SO much more...to SO MANY people in the KNOW...
"Subject usually has no knowledge of actual interrogation."
From this document we might assume they felt the need to hide these programs, take them underground, or into the air if you prefer...
Notes: on Betty, Barney Hill and Nazis: "He describes them as wearing shiny black suits with matching caps. There was one alien who seemed a little bit taller and was standing at a window; Barney called him the Leader. He was dressed the same way, and when asked about him, Barney says that he looks like a Nazi, a "German Nazi." Though Barney seems to have served during World War II it is unclear whether or not he had ever seen a Nazi first-hand. Drawings show The Leader wearing a stylish scarf. From Barney's interview with Walter Webb, NICAP investigator, 21 October 1961:"
"The figures, according to Barney Hill were of human form dressed in shiny black uniforms and black caps with peaks or bills on them (which could be seen when the figures turned their heads). The uniforms were like glossy leather… The figures reminded the observer of the cold precision of German officers; they moved smoothly and efficiently and showed no emotion except for one figure operating a lever who, Mr. Hill claimed, looked over his shoulder and smiled… The 'leader' at the window held a special attraction for the witness and frightened him terribly."-The Iron Skeptic
Note L: "Lebensborn (Spring of Life) set up by Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, the National Socialist CEO, was far more sinister than breeding from birth generations of Nazis. Behind the veil, thousands of children were ‘drafted’ into Lebensborn. They were kidnapped and sent to secret remote hospitals, academies, and children concentration camps for mind control programming and reprogramming.[1] In 1933 SS Himmler had written that he sought “. . . to attract all of the Nordic blood to Germany and so subtract it from our enemies.” The invasion of Poland in September 1939, afforded him with an excellent opportunity to acquire more Nordic blood for the Reich. Himmler ordered that all Polish children be examined racially. Those under the age of six years who proved racially valuable were to be brought to Lebensborn homes for further evaluation and the process of Eindeutschung (brainwashing). Afterwards, they would be made available for adoption by childless SS couples under the guise of “. . . German orphans from the reconquered east.” Many children were rounded up at orphanages, at school, or at playgrounds; others were kidnapped off the street or even out of their mothers.”[2] In 1946, it was estimated, it is only an estimate, that more than 250,000 children were kidnapped for Lebensborn and sent by force to Germany for programming.[3] Lebensborn wasn’t an afterthought. It was a massive undertaking and one of the primary goals of the State. It was one of SS Himmler’s largest, and most ambitious, daring and secretive corporations....Lebensborn and the Ahnenerbe (Occult Bureau) didn’t disappear with the Fall of Nazi Germany. They had a life of their own. They became secret “Creatures of the State” without borders and boundaries. One of the “hidden hands” and “research beneficiaries” behind the veil of Dr. Mengele on the other side of the globe was the Rockefeller Foundation of New York City." -from this site (more on alien/blonde hybrid children in the Contact Book) added excerpts from 1947 - wikipedia, plus notes and comments: April 16th- American financier and presidential adviser Bernard Baruch describes the post–World War II tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States as a "Cold War". May 22nd- The Cold War begins: In an effort to fight the spread of Communism, President Harry S. Truman signs an Act of Congress that implements the Truman Doctrine. This Act grants $400 million in military and economic aid to Turkey and Greece. The Cold War ended in 1991. June 21st- Seaman Harold Dahl claims to have seen six unidentified flying objects (UFOs) near Maury Island in Puget Sound, Washington. On the next morning, Dahl reports the first modern so-called "Men in Black" encounter. June 24th- Kenneth Arnold makes the first widely reported UFO sighting near Mount Rainier, Washington. July 8th- A supposedly downed extraterrestrial spacecraft is reportedly found in the Roswell UFO incident, near Roswell, New Mexico, which was written about by Stanton T. Friedman. July 26th: the same as the events at Roswell, U.S. President Harry S. Truman signs the National Security Act of 1947 into law, creating the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council!!! Why am I seeing all these agencies created for a purpose much larger than the Cold War, and if actions planned by JFK would have ended the Cold War more immediately and sabotaged a secret space program and all the other secrets that come with it, is that why he had to be removed from the picture? (-FZ) November 24 – McCarthyism: The United States House of Representatives votes 346 – 17 to approve citations of Contempt of Congress against the "Hollywood Ten" after the screenwriters and directors refuse to co-operate with the House Un-American Activities Committee concerning allegations of communist influences in the movie business. The ten men are blacklisted by the Hollywood movie studios on the following day. "British coal mines are nationalized. Proceedings of the U.S. Congress are televised for the first time. The United Nations takes control of the free city of Trieste. A meteor creates an impact crater in Sikhote-Alin, in the Soviet Union. Cold War: The Voice of America begins to transmit radio broadcasts into Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. U.S. Army Ordnance Corps Hermes program V-2 rocket Blossom I launched into space carrying plant material and fruitflies, the first animals to enter space. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is founded. John C. Hennessy, Jr., brings the first Volkswagen Beetle to the United States. He purchased the 1946 VW from the U.S. Army Post Exchange in Frankfurt, Germany, while serving in the U.S. Army. The Beetle was shipped from Bremerhaven, arriving in New York this day. The International Monetary Fund begins to operate and Wernher von Braun marries his first cousin, the 18-year-old Maria von Quirstorp the same day. Previous discovery of the 'Dead Sea scrolls' in the Qumran Caves (above the northwest shore of the Dead Sea) by Bedouin shepherds, becomes known. The Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is introduced. The communists seize power in Hungary. Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties (Communist Information Bureau) ("Cominform") is founded. First recorded use of the word computer in its modern sense, referring to an electronic digital machine. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the foundation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), is established. In Long Beach, California, the designer and airplane pilot Howard Hughes carries out the one and only flight of the Hughes H - 1 Hercules seaplane, the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built and flown. This flight only lasted eight minutes. The United States Air Force test pilot, Captain Chuck Yeager, flies a Bell X-1 rocket plane faster than the speed of sound, the first time it has been accomplished. International Telecommunication Union becomes a specialized agency of the United Nations. Universal Postal Union (UPU) becomes a specialized agency of the United Nations. In Brussels, 15,000 people demonstrate against the relatively short prison sentences of Belgian Nazi criminals. The United Nations General Assembly votes to partition Palestine between Arab and Jewish regions, which results in the creation of the State of Israel. 400,000 slaughtered during mass migration of Hindus and Muslims into the new states India and Pakistan. The first practical electronic transistor is demonstrated by Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley of the United States. Elizabeth Short, an aspiring actress nicknamed the "Black Dahlia", is found brutally murdered in a vacant lot in Los Angeles. The case remains unsolved to this day. The Communists take power in Poland. " Bush family / Glen Greenwald: The Tragic Legacy of George W Bush: Foreign and Economic Policy
"Moral and ethical questions have been raised over the billions of dollars Bush has requested for the Iraq war, which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) has said ensures that less money is made available to help children and the poor in the United States. Critics have accused him of stinginess toward poor children with regards to health care in a time when it is increasingly unaffordable. Another example is Bush's effort to cut food stamps for the poor. In 2005, Bush called for "billions of dollars in cuts that will touch people on food stamps and farmers on price supports, children under Medicaid and adults in public housing." While passed by the Republican Congress, initially the "White House proposed the restriction". Bush has taken a significant amount of criticism for his decision to invade Iraq in March 2003 and his handling of the situation afterwards. As Bush organized the effort, made the case, and ordered the invasion himself, he has borne the brunt of the criticism for the undeclared war. A Newsweek poll taken in June 2007 showed a record 73% of respondents disapproving of Bush's handling of the war in Iraq. Another point of discussion has been whether the enhanced interrogation techniques in the Abu Ghraib prison and the Guantánamo Bay detainment camp constitutes torture or not. Although a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll "found that sizable majorities of Americans disagree with tactics ranging from leaving prisoners naked and chained in uncomfortable positions for hours, to trying to make a prisoner think he was being drowned. Bush has stated that "We do not torture." Yet, many people and governments and non-governmental organizations disagree and have staged several protests.[105][106][107][108] These sentiments are partly a result of the Pentagon's suggestion that the president can decide whether normal strictures on torture still apply if it outweighs the security of the nation, and because the Bush administration has repeatedly acted against attempts to restrict controversial interrogation techniques, including signing statements by Bush to exclude himself from the laws created by the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 as well as vetoing legislation that would have made waterboarding and other coercive interrogation methods illegal. Furthermore, some are concerned by the Bush Administration's use of Extraordinary rendition, where individuals are sent to other countries where torture can easily occur without any form of oversight. Bush defends this practice on the basis that: [...] the United States government has an obligation to protect the American people. It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way. And we will do so within the law, and we will do so in honoring our commitment not to torture people. And we expect the countries where we send somebody to, not to torture, as well. But you bet, when we find somebody who might do harm to the American people, we will detain them and ask others from their country of origin to detain them. It makes sense. The American people expect us to do that. A Pentagon memo lists many interrogation techniques which were requested and approved during Bush's presidency on the basis that "The current guidelines for interrogation procedures at GTMO limit the ability of interrogators to counter advanced resistance". The Bush administration's connection to these controversial interrogation techniques has been one of the main considerations in the movement to impeach George W. Bush. These controversial enhanced interrogation techniques have in several cases become military policy and in response to Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse controversy Germany had looked into seeking to charge Rumsfeld and two others with war crimes."-notes from video above (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYrrFDQIe9s)
In New Orleans, the C.I.A. developed and spread biological weapons like AIDs, and various more commonly contracted cancers (particularly lymphatic) Was this related to an alien virus, were the radiation test accumulated for UFO pilots, a cancer giving precursor to the chemtrail idea? Was the kind of radiation weapon of massive destruction being built in New Orleans related to UFO technology? Why does this history of New Orleans parallel and interact so intimately with the life of Osawld? Finally, why are all these century sculpting events so closely orchestrated by strange, yet small and in some ways remote organizations (or think-tanks) like MJ-12 or the Nine?
Now we can only assume that deadly plans to create epidemics and energy weapons in New Orleans by the C.I.A., and others, surrounding Oswald and certain hospitals; may have been part of this larger plan involving the assassination of Kennedy and the Nine. There may be no way to ever know. But what do we know? That just the human element of the Company has a rather well documented history of being willing to go to quite severe extremes to snuff out alternative or futuristic technologies (most of which is clear for over more than half a decade; the most readily available example being, of course, the electric car)
1952- quite accurately deemed The Seance That Changed America by Gordon White of runesoup
Puharich first gathered together these nine people on a warm night in early June. But the most interesting results were actually achieved in New Year’s Eve of the same year.
And it’s a line-up that positively defines “could not make this up”. The group included:
- Arthur Young, who invented the Bell helicopter. However at the end of WWII he abandoned military aviation to concentrate full-time on the paranormal.
- Arthur’s wife, Ruth… previously of the Forbes dynasty. Her son, Michael, would get a job at Bell Aerospace through her and Arthur’s influence. (Michael’s wife got Lee Harvey Oswald his job at the book depository. She was learning Russian from Oswald’s wife who was living with her in Irving, Texas. Oh, and her father worked for a CIA front called the Agency for International Development. Lee Harvey Oswald left the coffee company in New Orleans, saying to his co-workers he was “going to work for NASA.” After the assassination, two other coffee company employees get jobs at NASA. Just saying.)
- Mary Bancroft; of the Bancroft dynasty who would much later sell the Dow Jones and Wall Street Journal to Murdoch. She also happened to be the mistress of the then-CIA chief. (The one JFK fired after the Bay Of Pigs after saying he was also going to break up the CIA… who conveniently went on to investigate JFK’s death. Just saying.)
- Marcella Du Pont of the Du Pont family.
- Alice Bouverie who was born into the Astor dynasty. (Her father died on the Titanic and her first husband was a Czarist prince who would work for the OSS during WWII.)
These gods, who were nine in number
as well, were part of one great, creator god known as Atum. The other
gods consisted of Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys,
and sometimes Horus.
Communication with these entities was
handled by the medium, an Indian gentleman referred to as Dr. D.G.
Vinod, who slipped into a trance state at 12:15 AM and began speaking as
‘the Nine’ by 12:30. Afterwards Dr. Vinod would claim to have no memory
of the conversation that preceded between the Ennead Nine and their
human counterparts.
During the course of the seance the
mystical Nine informed the human nine that they would be in charge of
bringing about a mystical renaissance on Earth. From there the Nine
ventured into quasi-scientific, philosophical constructs that eventually
led to the acknowledgement that they, the Grand Ennead, were in fact
extraterrestrial beings living in an immense spaceship hovering
invisibly over the planet and that the assembled congregation had been
selected to promote their agenda on Earth.
Not a bad collection of people to pull together if you wanted to promote a specific agenda over the second half of the twentieth century. Untold riches and connective power in one farmhouse. In fact, you have to wonder what percentage of American wealth was controlled by people related to the attendees. Writing about the face on Mars and its relation to a descendant group sprung from this very séance, Chris Knowles points out:
And the other conundrum here is if
the Council of Nine’s psychics saw this thing before it was photographed
in 1976, did NASA go looking for it solely based on their advice? What
does that say about the influence of a group that most people could be
excused for dismissing as a bunch of gullible New Agers?
The Nine would go on to surface in weird places for decades including near Uri Geller (the AP is Puharich, who first brought Geller to the US), President Ford, Gene Roddenberry (Deep Space Nine anyone?), Al Gore as well as Soviets surrounding Gorbachev who were instrumental in the collapse of communism as mentioned in this old Fortean Times piece. It’s not unreasonable to assume there were many more such places."-Runesoup (articles on the 9)
Now we can only assume that deadly plans to create epidemics and energy weapons in New Orleans by the C.I.A., and others surrounding Oswald, mysterious UFO investigating fake bishops (including J.Edgar Hoover of all people) and certain hospitals; may have been part of this larger plan involving the assassination of Kennedy and the Nine. There may be no way to ever know, but what we can be sure of is a staggering web of synchronicity, possibly even lending weight to Nick Redfern's recent theory about dimensional rifts allowing for entirely different accounts of the same phenomenon, at the same time...such a paradox would surround events such as the Kennedy Assassination, channeling alien beings, and secret space goings ons.
Greada Treaty: “Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Greada Treaty, which basically made the agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but that they had to give details about the people involved."- What really Happened in the 1979 Dulce Alien Firefight
In 1961 some researchers believe Eisenhower warned Kennedy of the possible threat posed by such a group as Majestic and Kennedy then consulted Alan Dulles on these issues and extraterrestrials, who of course refused to comment.
1962 The speech from General MacArther at the top of this entry
1977 A document to President Carter details several UFO crashes, data about Roswell actually involving two crashed UFOs, and a warning from Eisenhower about the Dulce base prompting a joint task force special forces assault on the "base" led by a General Harry C. Aderholt (whom which I can only find an association with the Rand corporation between 1962-64 which doesn't begin to prove his involvement) in September 1979.
However 1979 is the year that Phil Schneider claimed he hads a firefight with tall greys
Prescott Bush- As I began to glance into the times that Prescott Bush was coming from I was immediately shocked to find such a heavy Nazi-American presence before I even got to Prescott
1947-A Dark Beast slithers through the corridors of Power, the Military Industrial Complex Spies it's Corporate future
It has been noted by Astonishing Blogsmiths Gordon White and Christopher Knowles, how 1947 seems to be a cosmic intersection of high strangeness. As usual I want to point you toward their writing if you missed it, and add some notes from where I'm standing.
World War 2 fascinates me in every way and always has. What came after results in the last decade spent researching what happened and how the rest of the post war world was effected. But in 1947 there was an energy brewing seemingly too aggressive to be entirely of this world, or maybe that's just when we developed the tools to start seeing it all move at once, in such bizarre directions.
"With the National Security Act of 1947, and amendments in 1949, the U.S. government established the contemporary intelligence community...In the years to follow, the public and even most government officials were privy to little information about its workings." -America's Secret Power
The C.I.A. and the jurisdiction provided by the National Security Act (signed on July 26, 1947) allowed; in the coming years, for everything from false flag violence on black people,incited by "the Company" to wire-tapping and file keeping on hundreds of Americans. Now of course all this tedious investigation of the very country which one's job title insist- one is employed to protect, is done by computers, the harder work by cameras, and high tech gadgetry. It seems everyone in the entire modern military industrial media driven corporate scripted complex has some kind of well farmed and groomed complex themselves, to be either a sociopath and a killer of men or of planets; or a sociopath who feels nothing but expresses far too much, reading people the unfortunately chosen and carefully scripted news. Each and every one of us has our place in the intelligence simulation of America and each and every one of us better follow along.
Secret Government’: Shocking 1987 Documentary On US Intelligence - See
more at:
" The 1947 pivot
This year gets its own section. Because of reasons. These ones:
- Creation of the CIA
- Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting
- The Roswell crash
- The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech
- The House Un-American Activities Committee begins investigating Hollywood
- Arthur Young leaves Bell Labs to devote his life full time to the paranormal. (The beginning of his disenchantment with all projects strictly military related and this time marks the beginning of his gravitation toward the famous Nine channelings-FZ)
- US Navy begins Project CHATTER, the quest for a truth serum
- The Corporal Missle, using Jack Parson’s solid state fuel, is
launched. (At least one is destroyed in the upper atmostsphere by a
UFO.) - Crowley dies at Netherwood
- As Levenda points out, this is also the year Sergeant Pepper taught
the band to play: “Twenty years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught us to
play.” That would make it June 1947. (The Kenneth Arnold sighting
happened June 24.)"
"The idea of a personal computer, one that ordinary individuals could own and operate and keep in their homes, was envisioned in 1945 by Vannevar Bush. After building his Differential Analyzer at MIT and helping to create the military-industrial-academic triangle, he wrote an essay for the July 1945 issue of the Atlantic titled “As We May Think.” In it he conjured up the possibility of a personal machine, which he dubbed a memex, that would not only do mathematical tasks but also store and retrieve a person’s words, pictures and other information. “Consider a future device for individual use, which is a sort of mechanized private file and library,” he wrote. “A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.
Bush imagined that the device would have a “direct entry” mechanism so you could put information and all your records into its memory. He even predicted hypertext links, file sharing, and collaborative knowledge accumulation. “Wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified,” he wrote, anticipating Wikipedia by a half century."
-The Culture that gave birth to the Personal Computer
1952- quite accurately deemed The Seance That Changed America by Gordon White of runesoup
"The man at the centre of this séance was Andrija Puharich, US Army Captain and author of a government paper on the weaponisation of ESP. And this is the guy that is moving in the same murky circles as bishops Jack Martin and Fred Crisman. The farmhouse in question was owned by his bizarro Round Table Foundation which appears to have received funding from the CIA.Puharich first gathered together these nine people on a warm night in early June. But the most interesting results were actually achieved in New Year’s Eve of the same year.
And it’s a line-up that positively defines “could not make this up”. The group included:
- Arthur Young, who invented the Bell helicopter.
However at the end of WWII he abandoned military aviation to concentrate
full-time on the paranormal. - Arthur’s wife, Ruth… previously of the Forbes
dynasty. Her son, Michael, would get a job at Bell Aerospace through her
and Arthur’s influence. (Michael’s wife got Lee Harvey Oswald his job
at the book depository. She was learning Russian from Oswald’s wife who was living with her in Irving, Texas.
Oh, and her father worked for a CIA front called the Agency for
International Development. Lee Harvey Oswald left the coffee company in
New Orleans, saying to his co-workers he was “going to work for NASA.”
After the assassination, two other coffee company employees get jobs at
NASA. Just saying.) - Mary Bancroft; of the Bancroft dynasty who would much later sell the Dow Jones and Wall Street Journal
to Murdoch. She also happened to be the mistress of the then-CIA chief.
(The one JFK fired after the Bay Of Pigs after saying he was also going
to break up the CIA… who conveniently went on to investigate JFK’s
death. Just saying.) - Marcella Du Pont of the Du Pont family.
- Alice Bouverie who was born into the Astor dynasty.
(Her father died on the Titanic and her first husband was a Czarist
prince who would work for the OSS during WWII.)
These gods, who were nine in number
as well, were part of one great, creator god known as Atum. The other
gods consisted of Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys,
and sometimes Horus.
Communication with these entities was
handled by the medium, an Indian gentleman referred to as Dr. D.G.
Vinod, who slipped into a trance state at 12:15 AM and began speaking as
‘the Nine’ by 12:30. Afterwards Dr. Vinod would claim to have no memory
of the conversation that preceded between the Ennead Nine and their
human counterparts.
During the course of the seance the
mystical Nine informed the human nine that they would be in charge of
bringing about a mystical renaissance on Earth. From there the Nine
ventured into quasi-scientific, philosophical constructs that eventually
led to the acknowledgement that they, the Grand Ennead, were in fact
extraterrestrial beings living in an immense spaceship hovering
invisibly over the planet and that the assembled congregation had been
selected to promote their agenda on Earth.
Not a bad collection of people to pull together if you wanted to promote a specific agenda over the second half of the twentieth century. Untold riches and connective power in one farmhouse. In fact, you have to wonder what percentage of American wealth was controlled by people related to the attendees. Writing about the face on Mars and its relation to a descendant group sprung from this very séance, Chris Knowles points out:
And the other conundrum here is if
the Council of Nine’s psychics saw this thing before it was photographed
in 1976, did NASA go looking for it solely based on their advice? What
does that say about the influence of a group that most people could be
excused for dismissing as a bunch of gullible New Agers?
The Nine would go on to surface in weird places for decades including near Uri Geller
(the AP is Puharich, who first brought Geller to the US), President
Ford, Gene Roddenberry (Deep Space Nine anyone?), Al Gore as well as
Soviets surrounding Gorbachev who were instrumental in the collapse of
communism as mentioned in this old Fortean Times piece. It’s not unreasonable to assume there were many more such places."Most of this information is something that has always been interesting to me but I was waiting for it to make it's way a little more to into public domain. The show Unsealed: Conspiracies
has made leaps and bounds as of late and I understand this data to essentially now be public domain.
I think this may be a golden intersection of this information that may be a clue, not exactly a Holy Grail, hopefully not a smoking gun, and possibly like the high weirdness abundant in 1947 in general, a clue we absolutely can't afford to overlook. As usual, just for a moment, I find it much more direct and tangible when wedged between popular fictions most people understand, as opposed to obscure book references. The link between radiation, super soldiers, black operations and or special access programs, alien abduction, mind control, and at least the British, Russian, and U.S governments pursuit of these as a post Nazi necessity of some kind are illustrated in every aspect, directly in the following fiction more than real documentation thus far.
A Nazi doctor who works with plants is working on a human-(alien, super soldier, similar projects) hybrid to withshand the end times matching conspiracies about "the black awakening" or even Cold War sleeper agents.
American Horror Story (Season 2)-
A Nazi doctor who works with plants is working on a human-(alien, super soldier, similar projects) hybrid to withshand the end times matching conspiracies about "the black awakening" or even Cold War sleeper agents.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
The C.I.A is fighting against a strange biological weapon found near Nazi bases in Antarica, while the different countries trauma base train super soldiers to withshand the end times matching conspiracies about "the black awakening" or even Cold War sequel sleeper agents. Many aspects of MK-Ultra, the Phoneix Program in Vietnam, and the future of military technology (DAARPA/Boston Dynamics,etc...) One of the strangest details of this game is the rooms all over the world built by the C.I.A. for some kind of mental programming or mental driving process.
(Further elaboration on Call of Duty, X-Files, and American Horror Story)
When I began watching the present season of American Horror Story I was hoping they would be brave enough to come around full circle and illustrate how the Nazi doctor was involved in an alien abduction, and furthering his experiments mainly within a psych ward, continued his work from the War. Anything less would be irresponsible on the part of the show's writers I think but that's just my opinion. After reading about this stuff for so long, it is nice to see the public, already obsessed with horror for gores sake, taking in some little known facts while they watch (...one of the most popular shows on right now) It has long been a theory of mind that eugenics, biological and chemical experiments were continued after the war, the US,Canada,South America and elsewhere; not only in psych wards, prisons, the military and anywhere they had access to people, but through the use of intelligence organizations' mind control tactics. The complete faking of alien abduction and proliferation of the UFO phenomenon to hide the truth. A cold hard truth that many in the UFO and abduction fields would have trouble swallowing...
In the last episode he (Dr.Arthur Aden) stated directly that his funding and perhaps some of his orders, to create a species of humans that could withstand nuclear fallout, that could survive the Cold War regardless of how hideous, came stright from the Vatican in Rome. How many other things Nazi came from or still run from this route of funding and interest?
In some of the episode we see that he has plant experiments as well. This mirrors three different things the X-Files were trying to tell us about Nazi doctors with plants, about abductions, and about super soldiers.
Victor Klemper-http://x-files.wikia.com/wiki/Victor_Klemper
"Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell) is a doctor at Briarcliff Institute and a former Nazi whose sadistic experiments have produced "Raspers", mutated former patients, who lurk in the woods surrounding the institution. He appears to have a history of violence towards women."http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_Horror_Story_characters#Season_2
Black Ops 2: zombiesThe doctor in American Horror Story resonates with the doctor in Black Ops. They are both Nazis working on a post apocalyptic super human race. Both developing zombies, it seems along the way.
"Dr. Ludvig Maxis and his scientist team, Group 935, were tasked with creating an army of super soldiers and new technology for the government project christened "Der Riese" or "The Giant". In his experiments, Maxis usedElement 115 to create the zombies. The zombies, however, couldn't be controlled and would always be killed when they went berserk.
While this was going on, Dr. Edward Richtofen was testing 115 on living test subjects to create his super soldiers at a Siberian facility. In his experiments, Richtofen used Takeo Masaki, Nikolai Belinski, and an unknown Mexican. When Richtofen accidentally killed the Mexican, he replaced him with Tank Dempsey. Dempsey had recently been captured when he went to spy on the asylum to rescue Dr. Peter McCain, an OSS spy sent to infiltrate Group 935. After being captured, a Marine Recon team was sent in after him to the abandoned asylum. Richtofen, however, already suspected Peter McCain (along with Harvey Yena), and the team was killed. The testing affected each of the subjects' minds, making Dempsey extremely aggressive, quieting Takeo into only reciting Japanese proverbs, and making Nikolai functionless without vodka. It also had the side effect of erasing their recent memories, making them forget how Richtofen captured them and what he did to them.
Maxis also invented 115-powered teleporters, but they would always destroy anything sent through them. All of these experiments were done with his assistant, Dr. Richtofen. Without Maxis, Richtofen and Schuster would complete the first successful teleportation with a walnut using a very small amount of 115. When Maxis found out about this, he criticized Richtofen for not working on his project and that teleporting a walnut wasn't a big deal. Maxis then told Richtofen that he was going to make a deal with the Nazi party for money and equipment in exchange for weapons. These new weapons Group 935 created were also powered by 115. Maxis created the Ray Gun based on plans received from Shi No Numa. Richtofen created the Monkey Bomb and Wunderwaffe DG-2 from 115. Maxis promised to mass-produce the DG-2 to his superiors, but his growing infatuation with Sophia slowed his progress and infuriated Richtofen, who was secretly plotting to overthrow him and take control of Group 935. Richtofen continued his teleporter tests with Schuster behind Maxis' back. Richtofen was the first human test subject and was first sent to the M.P.D., which he believed to be of alien origin. When he touched it, he felt static and started hearing whispering. He was then teleported to a jungle. Dr. Scheuster got worried and planned to scrap the teleporter when Richtofen had been gone for a few days, but he returned as Schuster was talking about it and told him that there was work to be done. Richtofen sounded much crazier and Scheuster noticed this change.
Two Group 935 scientists, Dr. Groph and Dr. Schuster, were stationed at the Moon base and were trying to figure out how to work the M.P.D.. When Schuster killed a rat, its soul was absorbed by a glass vial protruding from the machine. The pair then proceeded to kill many people until the device was filled with souls. The bodies were buried on the moon, leaving them open to zombification. When they finished, they contacted Richtofen who told them that he was going finally going to get rid of the Maxises, indicating that the two scientists were aware of his scheme.
Unbeknownst to Maxis, Richtofen had already mastered teleportation while Maxis was still trying to master it. Maxis was getting frustrated that he could not send a subject to the mainframe Maxis and then used his daughterSamantha's dog, Fluffy, as a teleporter test subject but once again failed. The dog was teleported, but instead of being destroyed like past test subjects, she was zombified (the first hellhound). When Samantha came running in and started questioning her dad about what happened to her dog, Maxis tried to stop her and get out of the room. Richtofen then followed through with his previously-planned betrayal by locking Maxis and his daughter in the room with the hellhound, he then activated the teleporter which he then thought killed Samantha and Maxis.
Little did Richtofen know that Maxis' teleporter actually worked and sent Samantha to the Moon base. In her fear, she ran into the M.P.D. and became the one to control the zombies. When Richtofen was informed of what had occurred he warned the pair of scientists about the hellhound and then told them to find a way to get Maxis. When Maxis was found, they let him approach his daughter to calm her down. After apologizing for his actions, Maxis told Samantha to kill all of the Group 935 members for betraying him and was subsequently shot. Samantha then proceeded to fulfill her father's request by unleashing the zombies.
Richtofen retreated with his super-soldiers to Shi No Numa to think things through. When the zombies attackedRichtofen he realized that Samantha will stop at nothing to seek revenge. Richtofen planed to recover all of the equipment to take control of the zombies. Richtofen then took the group to Der Riese, which had been abandoned since the zombie takeover. The group used the Wunderwaffe DG-2's 115 to overcharge the Teleporter, making it capable of time travel. Richtofen was apparently unaware of this possibility until he tried it. He seemed unconcerned that he and his partners have been teleported to an abandoned theater in Germany in an unknown year. Although he didn't know what year it was, Richtofen knew about the theater as it was the place Maxis would unveil the Teleporterto the German high command. Since Maxis was killed, the theater was abandoned.
Sometime prior the characters' arrival at the Soviet Cosmodrome, Yuri Kravcheski was transferred to work on sending monkeys into space, much to his dismay. His transfer was caused by his superior, Gersch, who he holds a grudge against. As the radio messages progress, Yuri notices the teddy bear and the Matryoshka Dolls and wonders how a child could be let into the station. A child then slowly drives Yuri insane. Yuri, in his state of insanity, finishes the Gersch Device and has Gersch activate it, letting in the zombies and trapping Gersch. Yuri soon realizes his mistake and is heard screaming at the end of the last recording.
After the events of Kino der Toten, the main characters somehow reach an abandoned Soviet Cosmodrome. The characters then hear Gersch, who tells them that the mechanism must be repaired. He is referring to the Kassimir Mechanism, which must be repaired by completing different tasks. After all of the tasks are completed and the mechanism is repaired, Gersch is freed.
While the events of Ascension are occurring in Russia, the events of "Five" are also unfolding in the Pentagon. A piece of Intel reveals that all Wunderwaffe materials were to be moved to American-controlled installations. As a mainframe is visible behind one of the windows in "Five", it is apparent that it was moved there as per this order. While John F. Kennedy, Robert McNamara, Fidel Castro, and Richard Nixon are negotiating, zombies break into the Pentagon with only the four of them left to fight them. While fighting, they call Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolai, and Richtofen using three red telephones spread across the Pentagon. Their calls show that they're running out of ammo and will soon be defeated.
As they continue fighting, the three super-soldier test subjects slowly regain their memories. Takeo is the first to remember, and remarks to himself that some day when the group is finished fighting zombies Richtofen will get what he deserves. He also shows his observations of the other two. He believes Nikolai drinks vodka because he wishes to forget the past and can't function when he remembers it, perhaps meaning Nikolai is beyond hope. Tank, on the other hand, is slowly making progress, as he remembers that he'd seen Richtofen before the fight at Shi No Numa.Takeo notes his shifting memories and believes Tank is finally remembering what Richtofen did to him.
Sometime in the present, George A. Romero stumbled upon Group 935's research while making a WWII film. He and the cast took a ship out to an abandoned lab in Siberia. After he and the ship's crew were zombified, only the cast, made up of Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund, Danny Trejo, and Michael Rooker, remained. This set the stage for Call of the Dead. After the Kassimir Mechanism was completed in Ascension, it overloaded the teleporter and sent the original characters to a Group 935 facility in Siberia, where they were trapped behind a locked door. The celebrities then proceeded to help them escape to Paradise. Richtofen then asked the celebrities to help him obtain the Golden Rod, which they did. Richtofen thanks the group by giving them the DG-2 to help them fight thezombies. In reality, the group could've escaped after the security system was disabled. It is unknown what became of the celebrities after helping the group escape.Group 935 ( or 17 )http://nazizombies.wikia.com/wiki/Group_935
Shangri-La, however, does not live up to its name, as its inhabitants have all been zombified before the group's arrival. Richtofen now states that this the last step to controlling the world before he is teleported there. The temple houses a mining facility filled with Element 115, explaining the inhabitants' zombification.
Prior to the group's arrival to Shangri-La, two explorers, Brock and Gary went on an expedition to prove their theories on Argatha. Brock later figures out that the temple wasn't built by an ancient civilization, but by people in the modern era interpreting it. After investigating the temple, the pair accidentally activated the temple's time travel and died in the resulting Zombie attack. The group travels back in time and helps the pair survive. The pair's changing fate is illustrated by the radio that changes message and location as the group helps them. When the group finally create the Focusing Stone, it lands on an altar with Richtofen's name on it, meaning the temple was in fact anotherGroup 935 facility and explaining Richtofen's knowledge of its location. The two explorers are then sent back to the moment they discovered the temple, indicating that they're stuck in a never-ending loop.
Now in possession of both the Golden Rod and the Focusing Stone, Richtofen believes he can now control the zombies. The group then travels to Area 51 so they can get to the moon via a teleporter to a top-secret Moon facility named Griffin Station. When the group reaches Area 51, it is already overrun. Due to the Element 115 on the moon, astronauts and scientists sent there have been zombified before the group's arrival. The people killed by Groph and Schuster contributed even more to the zombie horde.
Richtofen then has the group complete the M.P.D.. When the device is completed, it opens up to reveal Samantha Maxis suspended in the air. As it turns out, the device acts like a prison and keeps her cryogenically frozen so she can be used to control the zombies. Richtofen goes to a terminal to power up the Golden Rod (or V Device) and theFocusing Stone, which he fuses together. However, he encounters Dr. Maxis inside the terminal, who tries to stop him. Richtofen switches souls with Samantha to gain control of the zombies. Richtofen finally thinks everything has gone his way, until Takeo, Tank, and Nikolai decide to stop him. Dr. Maxis, sensing Richtofen's betrayal, prepared a backup plan in case Richtofen got this far. The group then fires the missiles located on the Moon, which destroys the Earth's atmosphere. Richtofen is now only in control of the zombies on the moon, greatly lessening the damage he could cause."striaght from http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Zombies_(mode)/Story
The amount of movies that attempt to justify Nazi experiments from AeroSpace to Mind Control is mind-blowing...
Cosmic Comics Black Ops 1
CONTACT: junk or Alien DNA, Gibson from X-Files,
Nick Redfern's World of Whatever
Unsealed Full Video Library (official)
The Seance That Changed America -RuneSoup
Secret Sun; The Council of Nine
Secret Sun: The Secret Star Trek Series:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Machine:Redux
Suggested Watching for MJ-12:
Other suggested relevant fiction:
possible clues on the development of real super soldiers, sleeper agents, and psi special forces
S.A.L.T. -Angelina Jolie plays a Russian sleeper agent in a high diplomatic position in the U.S.
The Men Who Stare at Goats-psychic spies and soldiers, psyops and peace ops
Universal Soldier: Detailing everything from the Phoenix Program in Nam to current microchipped super soldiers of Daarpa
Extra Notes from sources listed or written by me:
Notes on 1947 from wikipedia, plus notes and comments
April 16th- American financier and presidential adviser Bernard Baruch describes the post–World War II tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States as a "Cold War".May 22nd- The Cold War begins: In an effort to fight the spread of Communism, President Harry S. Truman signs an Act of Congress that implements the Truman Doctrine. This Act grants $400 million in military and economic aid to Turkey and Greece. The Cold War ended in 1991.
June 21st- Seaman Harold Dahl claims to have seen six unidentified flying objects (UFOs) near Maury Island in Puget Sound, Washington. On the next morning, Dahl reports the first modern so-called "Men in Black" encounter.
June 24th- Kenneth Arnold makes the first widely reported UFO sighting near Mount Rainier, Washington.
July 8th- A supposedly downed extraterrestrial spacecraft is reportedly found in the Roswell UFO incident, near Roswell, New Mexico, which was written about by Stanton T. Friedman.
July 26th: the same as the events at Roswell, U.S. President Harry S. Truman signs the National Security Act of 1947 into law, creating the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council!!!
Why am I seeing all these agencies created for a purpose much larger than the Cold War, and if actions planned by JFK would have ended the Cold War more immediately and sabotaged a secret space program and all the other secrets that come with it, is that why he had to be removed from the picture?
November 24 – McCarthyism: The United States House of Representatives votes 346 – 17 to approve citations of Contempt of Congress against the "Hollywood Ten" after the screenwriters and directors refuse to co-operate with the House Un-American Activities Committee concerning allegations of communist influences in the movie business. The ten men are blacklisted by the Hollywood movie studios on the following day.
Raytheon produces the first commercial microwave oven.Where's Rayhteon these days? Buying up General Dynamics and...
Ray gun testing on prisoners
In August 2010, Raytheon announced that it had partnered with a jail in Castaic, California in order to use prisoners as test subjects for a new non-lethal weapon system that "[...] penetrates about a 64th of an inch under your skin. That's about where your pain receptacles are. So it's what it would feel like if you just opened up the doors of a blast furnace."
Harvesting personal data from social networking websites
In 2010 Raytheon developed an "extreme-scale analytics" system named Rapid Information Overlay Technology (RIOT), which allows the user to track people's movements and even predict their behaviour by mining data from social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, Gowalla, and Foursquare. Raytheon claims that it has not sold this software to any clients, but has shared it with US government and industryVannevar Bush:
"(He) was an American engineer, inventor and science administrator, whose most important contribution was as head of the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) during World War II, through which almost all wartime military R&D was carried out, including initiation and early administration of the Manhattan Project. His office was considered one of the key factors in winning the war. He is also known in engineering for his work on analog computers, for founding Raytheon, and for the memex, an adjustable microfilm viewer with a structure analogous to that of the World Wide Web. In 1945, Bush published As We May Think in which he predicted that "wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified". The memex influenced generations of computer scientists, who drew inspiration from its vision of the future. For his master's thesis, Bush invented and patented a "profile tracer", a mapping device for assisting surveyors. It was the first of a string of inventions.He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1919, and founded the company now known as Raytheon in 1922. Starting in 1927, Bush constructed a differential analyzer, an analog computer with some digital components that could solve differential equations with as many as 18 independent variables. An offshoot of the work at MIT by Bush and others was the beginning of digital circuit design theory. Bush became Vice President of MIT and Dean of the MIT School of Engineering in 1932, and president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 1938. Bush was appointed to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) in 1938, and soon became its chairman. As Chairman of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), and later Director of OSRD, Bush coordinated the activities of some six thousand leading American scientists in the application of science to warfare.
Bush was a well-known policymaker and public intellectual during World War II, when he was in effect the first presidential science advisor. As head of NDRC and OSRD, he initiated the Manhattan Project, and ensured that it received top priority from the highest levels of government. In Science, The Endless Frontier, his 1945 report to the President of the United States, Bush called for an expansion of government support for science, and he pressed for the creation of the National Science Foundation."
"The song Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band mentions Sgt. Pepper teaching the band to play "20 years ago today". This would place the event somewhere between February 1 and June 1 of 1947."
"British coal mines are nationalized. Proceedings of the U.S. Congress are televised for the first time. The United Nations takes control of the free city of Trieste. A meteor creates an impact crater in Sikhote-Alin, in the Soviet Union. Cold War: The Voice of America begins to transmit radio broadcasts into Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. U.S. Army Ordnance Corps Hermes program V-2 rocket Blossom I launched into space carrying plant material and fruitflies, the first animals to enter space. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is founded. John C. Hennessy, Jr., brings the first Volkswagen Beetle to the United States. He purchased the 1946 VW from the U.S. Army Post Exchange in Frankfurt, Germany, while serving in the U.S. Army. The Beetle was shipped from Bremerhaven, arriving in New York this day. The International Monetary Fund begins to operate and Wernher von Braun marries his first cousin, the 18-year-old Maria von Quirstorp the same day. Previous discovery of the 'Dead Sea scrolls' in the Qumran Caves (above the northwest shore of the Dead Sea) by Bedouin shepherds, becomes known. The Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is introduced. The communists seize power in Hungary. Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties (Communist Information Bureau) ("Cominform") is founded. First recorded use of the word computer in its modern sense, referring to an electronic digital machine. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the foundation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), is established. In Long Beach, California, the designer and airplane pilot Howard Hughes carries out the one and only flight of the Hughes H - 1 Hercules seaplane, the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built and flown. This flight only lasted eight minutes. The United States Air Force test pilot, Captain Chuck Yeager, flies a Bell X-1 rocket plane faster than the speed of sound, the first time it has been accomplished. International Telecommunication Union becomes a specialized agency of the United Nations. Universal Postal Union (UPU) becomes a specialized agency of the United Nations. In Brussels, 15,000 people demonstrate against the relatively short prison sentences of Belgian Nazi criminals. The United Nations General Assembly votes to partition Palestine between Arab and Jewish regions, which results in the creation of the State of Israel. 400,000 slaughtered during mass migration of Hindus and Muslims into the new states India and Pakistan. The first practical electronic transistor is demonstrated by Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley of the United States. Elizabeth Short, an aspiring actress nicknamed the "Black Dahlia", is found brutally murdered in a vacant lot in Los Angeles. The case remains unsolved to this day. The Communists take power in Poland. "
Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Hess, Henry Ford, and Al Capone all died in 1947.
Expanded Notes on the Black Oil and the Nine:
The Alien Scapegoat Theory
Roughly sixty years ago a handful of strange alien interaction cases began an avalanche of abductions that coincide with a sudden increase, in not only UFO sightings, but in the consolidation of power in the U.S. This would mark the birth of an intelligence network which would quickly span the world over, and now even space. This intelligence apparatus, as it is often referred, would control the next half a century of technology, air and space flight, the media, war, social movements, mind science, eugenics and other secret genetic research, just to name a few...
For some reason, UFO and alien abduction research, have stayed kind of partitioned in the middle. There are hardcore UFO photographers, and hardcore abduction researchers, all of whom have been suspected of being an intelligence disinformation agent of some variety, and these two groups rally to make sense of the phenomenon. Using some “hard” evidence, and bizarre theories hanging up all over the internet, the field(s) have suffered horribly from this kind of segregation between key elements. For example E.S.P. and abductions, or ritual magick, exotic advanced physics, and U.F.O.s, leaving only a handful of brilliant authors who are willing to write about these subjects all at once, from a more well-rounded perspective. (see Jacques Vallee, Nick Redfern, and Thomas Bullard)
As a disclaimer, this article is not suggesting that aliens can’t exist, or have never been to this planet; rather, it is putting evidence toward a new view of the alien abduction phenomenon, since at least 1947, as being entirely a fabrication of the intelligence or secret groups carrying on something more sinister, than holy or mysterious...
Here's the short theory: The modern alien abduction phenomenon; almost in it's entirety, is congruent with most known intelligence community activities, black operations, secret technology and the like, and this might not be a coincidence but it seems the major UFO events and abductions in recent history are congruent with major changes in secrecy within the government. MK-Ultra and the evolution of secret air and space technologies go year for year with the history of alien abductions and the technologies, and methodologies, used in them. This does not explain if the greys are real or why they are all over ancient art, but it may help fill in some gaps in recent abduction research (involving medical examinations, bright lights, military uniforms, etc…)
- Multiple abductees from all over the world see men in military uniforms. Check
The first well known abductees, Betty and Barney Hill recall (under hypnosis) one of the men abducting them, as wearing obvious SS regalia and uniform, as well as men in jumpsuits, whom Barney believed were from the Air Force...Check
- Many abductees can't remember the faces of their abductors, or of
the aliens. Facial blurring technology was developed publically by the
military shortly after these cases. Check
Abductees are chipped, a now well known HUMAN process of tagging living things, developed by the same mind scientists like Persinger and Cameron, who were stars of MK-Ultra. It is not impossible to understand and examine the patents for this tech long enough to understand how these technologies could induce experiences from headaches and euphoria, to the complete hallucination of an alien abduction. There's de-patterning, mental driving, psychotronics, take your pick. Also, chipping the populace speaks to an already established plot toward a technocratic Orwellian state, not an alien “check-up” method Check
- The blaming of eugenics, psychological, and metaphysical
experimentation started by the Nazis, continued by many governments in
secret, on little green men. Convenient huh? Check
- A hungry cult of UFOlogist, eccentric abductees, and New Age
armchair gurus, waiting to devour up any explanations like "the
government is hiding some truth about ALIENS, something-something Skull
and Bones", -un-researched MK-Ultra rants influenced by movies and not
documentation. This position is defended with such severity, that they
themselves, will defend the most absurd disinformation; circulated by
bored bloggers on vacation from the intelligence community, training
themselves to see all who search for facts or truth as part of a
conspiracy against them and those who believe their individual
- A mythology so thick and rich that it eclipses meaningful concerns
related to all of the above, real and secret space programs,
environmental disaster, corrupt governments in your backyard, foreign
policy atrocities, problems with the economy, education, local
government, health, self-help, meditation, exercise, and almost anything
outside of it's addictive youtube scholar's association of Project
Camelot rambling and Alex Jones chaos storms. Check
- All matters of extreme secrecy regarding exotic technology would now have a perfect elusive scapegoat-the UFO. Check
- All matters of foreign policy and environmental prophecy can be
communicated through those who would just know better- “the space
brothers”. Check
- Intense attention to certain bloodlines, and subsequent abduction,
training, memory modification, abuse, etc... leading to every strange
corner of the field that no one wants to touch from child abuse to super
soldier programs. Wherever there is little physical proof, there is a
mountain of untapped testimony, which should lead to further
investigation of some kind; whether into a new kind of collective
psychosis and implanted memory, or secret craft and far out star
systems. Check (Note L below)
- Underground Bases or D.U.M.B.s are used for all the things that conspiracy theorist say they are used for...except the alien factor might be the largest "gargoyle factor" of all, scaring off even the bravest and most foolish investigators...well that, and the clear warnings relating to "deadly use of force", aggressive military in unmarked government jeeps, etc... Check
- Disinformation related to accepting Nazi advances in technology and science and disseminating ideas of this in fact being, a pact with aliens, not Nazis. Who would ever forgive their democracy for working with Nazis? The idea was spread that people like Wernher Von Braun could be de-Nazified, and while serving as the director of Nasa, the country must have believed it. (He was in fact not de-Nazified, though he was making children’s television specials on space and his 2001 Space Odyssey style space station ideas with Walt Disney, for the record.) Check
There is a dark, shadowy, secretive presence abducting people, running test on them, and creating a hybrid program, but I'm afraid it's all too human.
I'm not trying to take the fun and magick away from believers here, I think aliens are still a large part of the equation...just not the equation researchers keep circling around. Roswell, the greys, and underground bases are all involved, but they are not the answers themselves. The largest question would be, where is any hard proof that the government has had contact with real life beings from another world? Because the proof of abduction is there...however the proof of the aliens is eclipsed by the current, obvious, motivations of the increasingly paranoid, vigilante technocratic state.
How to Build a U.F.O.
Money, mating, and education will all be closely monitored and policed as we march toward a New World Order. The media serves only as a unit of the military for the sole purpose of psychological operations. Each and every individual will be chipped and have their money intertwined with a global electronic grid which can also pinpoint location, satellite surveillance, and possible satellite targeting from space based platforms run by Space Command. (A seldom discussed branch of the Air Force)and theoretically zapped from above, the all seeing eye satellite device that aides the character OMAC in the comic books (Brother Eye) is similar to this scenario.
This is a hypothetical timeline based off of, what could be considered creative hunches regarding the switching of dimensional wavelengths with which the collective consciousness of the species is operating at, or tuned into if you like...a kind of psychic biorhythm; being passed from one person to another, much like the way data is transferred from one wi fi device to another. It is quite easy to step back and see where attention is payed, if it is payed, and what people tend to care about...because we constantly mark our opinions and make them visible; about everything, all the time, thanks to social networking, corporations, government spy agencies, etc...
Decades can be compared to channels, which change every ten years effecting the mood, lighting, productivity, etc.. of the audience. We are entering a world where corporations freely utilize technology which can shift all of these things, without the consent or any rational explanation to those targeted. This is the new world. How did this start? How do we separate conspiracy and fear porn drivel from the actual promptly blooming facts about our real world?
1947-A Dark Beast slithers through the corridors of Power, the Military Industrial Complex Spies it's Corporate future
It has been noted by Astonishing Blogsmiths Gordon White, Nick Redfern and others, how 1947 seems to be a cosmic intersection of high strangeness. As usual I want to point you toward their writing if you missed it, and add some notes from where I'm standing.
World War 2 fascinates me in every way and always has. What came after results in the last decade spent researching what happened and how the rest of the post war world was effected. But in 1947 there was an energy brewing seemingly too aggressive to be entirely of this world, or maybe that's just when we developed the tools to start seeing it all move at once, in such bizarre directions.
"With the National Security Act of 1947, and amendments in 1949, the U.S. government established the contemporary intelligence community...In the years to follow, the public and even most government officials were privy to little information about its workings." -America's Secret Power
The C.I.A. and the jurisdiction provided by the National Security Act (signed on July 26, 1947) allowed; in the coming years, for everything from false flag violence on black people,incited by "the Company" to wire-tapping and file keeping on hundreds of Americans. Now of course all this tedious investigation of the very country which one's job title insist- one is employed to protect, is done by computers, the harder work by cameras, and high tech gadgetry. It seems everyone in the entire modern military industrial media driven corporate scripted complex has some kind of well farmed and groomed complex themselves, to be either a sociopath and a killer of men or of planets; or a sociopath who feels nothing but expresses far too much, reading people the unfortunately chosen and carefully scripted news. Each and every one of us has our place in the intelligence simulation of America and each and every one of us better follow along.
Secret Government’: Shocking 1987 Documentary On US Intelligence - See
more at:
" The 1947 pivot
This year gets its own section. Because of reasons. These ones:
- Creation of the CIA
- Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting
- The Roswell crash
- The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech
- The House Un-American Activities Committee begins investigating Hollywood
- Arthur Young leaves Bell Labs to devote his life full time to the paranormal. (The beginning of his disenchantment with all projects strictly military related and this time marks the beginning of his gravitation toward the famous Nine channelings-FZ)
- US Navy begins Project CHATTER, the quest for a truth serum
- The Corporal Missle, using Jack Parson’s solid state fuel, is launched. (At least one is destroyed in the upper atmostsphere by a UFO.)
- Crowley dies at Netherwood
- As Levenda points out, this is also the year Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play: “Twenty years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught us to play.” That would make it June 1947. (The Kenneth Arnold sighting happened June 24.)"
World Programming-
The manipulation of the people's desire to stop violence and coexist in complete peace, into a psychological operation more geared toward selfish religious deeds and financial alleviation. The American stage provides a constant escape slightly more distracting than a well lit highway diner sign. Confused and minimalist yet expensive self improvement, mislead double standards, in sex, and in love, in self indulgence and in overall, the will. Self esteem grappling onto ego holding onto blame promptly based on some reality show baboon, some insignificant asshole. All that worry and projection makes us function on a lower chakra vibration much like the people who make the world this way. The worldview, one which would have erected Soviet statues taller than buildings, one which allows people to take Fox news' word for it, even if it means the sacrifice of their military children...even knowing somewhere in their hearts that it's wrong to send their kids into a war they damn well don't understand, to kill people you'll never know the names of, in the name of a country that hasn't coughed up a straight answer since JFK's skull was still in one piece. This worldview, an aspect of Nazi psychological warfare, complete with advertising smiles, and concentration camp mental driving, has been adopted (also pioneered by the Russians) by the world intelligence community, and secret cabals which pull related strings. You may know them by quite American names. This idea of the ultimate exclusive world view is dangerous to no end. It is the hidden hand of patriotism that regards itself as "protecting the homeland", "fighting for one's own country", the notion worst of all, that if your government wants it done, it must be the right thing to do. All too often, in matters of military and private defense, we are under the impression that we are the good guys, or at least that our Western idea of God, stolen and dreamed up from the very areas in the world we are attacking nonetheless, will watch over us as long as we don't realize we are participating in empirical war games, genocide, and infrastructure obliteration within foreign areas that are already bad off in many ways. We are under the impression that we can do no wrong. This is only one small way, of many ways, that we kill women and children, trying to get an upper hand on an enemy that could be flushed out using a thousand other tactics. American troops aren't Nazis. But, the eradication of a group of people under the guise of military expansion and judging them based off of skin color or race is what the Nazis did. Again, American troops are not Nazis, most of them are trying to do the the right thing, but their officers have turned it into a game where one gets money per mission. Making it, just another job, effectively desensitizing missions to the same rules of any other job, and likening violence to video game upgrades. The worldview provided allows for pregnant single mothers waiting for their husbands to return from Iraq, the elderly who just don't want change and who trust the government, their families far too scared and lacking in personal contemplation motivation to question the story dictated by reporters hired to lie. (If they don't lie they haven't had a job since 2002...if not, before that time.) The whole of society becomes an informational brick wall, where by, it's been agreed that all places besides one's house, while one is alone; are barred from discussing religion, politics, etc...Friends didn't want to discuss 9-11 out loud after we were threatening to go into Iraq. I saw grown men hiding in a corner of a bar's back patio whispering their opinions. That was a wake up call. People are genuinely scared to express themselves. People are genuinely frightened that they cannot make a difference. This rolling indifference is the kind of docile, hypnotized populace that any super villain would be aiming for. It's the nothing, it's the toxic shit we refuse to accept is part of us. It's the sweaty paranoia, the sleepless nights worrying, the look in every friends eye for the past decade as they insulted and laughed at me and those like me, thinking today's technological police state climate we live in was entirely impossible...but they don't have to live in this world, they have football and phones smarter than them and they'll be staring into that self esteem meter catching last minute selfies when Ragnarok smashes the streets in two with fire and floods, hoping to get that last player trade or speaker on ebay, before the sky falls in.
- "The song Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band mentions Sgt. Pepper teaching the band to play "20 years ago today". This would place the event somewhere between February 1 and June 1 of 1947. "
- Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Hess, Henry Ford, and Al Capone all died in 1947
1957-present? My translation here, is that methods that were mastered in trying to "get certain truths out of an enemy" or create a "fearless war machine" of a man, wound up being the same methods used on an unsuspecting populace to abduct and manipulate the very reality of thousands of people...(the ones who are unfortunate enough to remember) bright white light-electroshock?
cars and electronics effected-EMP?
memory manipulation- one of many drugs proven to do such
seeing god or anything else unusual- psychotronics and above mentioned drugs tractor beam- ...uh...tractor beam? aliens -holograms, robots, maybe even aliens... As to why sexual abuse or military families, and alien abduction, seem both consistently part of these people's lives is still one of the largest of mysteries.
Raytheon produces the first commercial microwave oven. Where's Rayhteon these days? Buying up General Dynamics and... Ray gun testing on prisoners In August 2010, Raytheon announced that it had partnered with a jail in Castaic, California in order to use prisoners as test subjects for a new non-lethal weapon system that "[...] penetrates about a 64th of an inch under your skin. That's about where your pain receptacles are. So it's what it would feel like if you just opened up the doors of a blast furnace."Harvesting personal data from social networking websites
In 2010 Raytheon developed an "extreme-scale analytics" system named Rapid Information Overlay Technology (RIOT), which allows the user to track people's movements and even predict their behaviour by mining data from social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, Gowalla, and Foursquare. Raytheon claims that it has not sold this software to any clients, but has shared it with US government and industry Rand Corporation: A Visual GuideThe Rand Corporation and UFOs Part 2 Rand and Underground Bases The RAND corporation seems to be one of the only documented names that comes up when it comes to the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases known as D.U.M.B.S. Mostly because of patents dug up related to certain whistle-blower's tales of nuclear boring technology. For people like me, who didn't quite pursue that military technology degree, what else does Rand do?
Raytheon Visual Guide: (Note R)
Read more: The Seance That Changed America
Random Credits: comic book panel of doctors from Warren Ellis' Global Frequency
The Nine:
(image courtesy of Red Ice Radio/Creations)
Andrija Puharich and the Nine article from Fortean Times
Links and Notes on the Nine:
The Black Oil:
Andrija Puharich and the Nine article from Fortean Times
Links and Notes on the Nine:
The Archons:
The Black Oil:
Are we really in the East for Oil or to secure future (current now) wars or some strange stargate which hardly anyone seems to know the details of?
Did elements of a shadow government start the war before 9-11? (I know you know the answer
Why does the double-tap* method of drone strikes not do anybody any good? If they are so precise and get our troops out of harm's way, why are there more civilian casualties? Is it really just about getting the "bad guys"
Some time in November 1991, a new artist was furiously scribbling his detailed clutter style into the mainstream, and into my adolescent life. Obsessed with cyborgs,energy blast, and gun play; Todd Mcfarlane was just the guy to have mixed massive castle moving characters into a duel of endless destruction, the likes of which, Manhattan may have some trouble processing now as the strange sync of the destruction of the WTC towers, jumps right out of one of the first pages.
While the towers burn and my curiosity is perked, nothing seems more plausible than a simple coincidence. However when one tracks Mcfarlane to the black oil; the alien virus that can possess people and comes seeping onto a spacecraft during a mission to the Moon (in the Marvel Universe and the film Species). Multi contextual clue seeking leads us in all kinds of unsure and exciting new places. For instance does Spider Man represent a grey alien? Is the world wide web an idea that suggest that one black and possesed entity waking in it's previously artificial intelligence is speaking through our very media!!!??? Probably not, but don't stop thinking...
Notice the nifty newer Spidey suit has the same naively positive
perspective on trans-humanism that Spider Man Unlimited exhibits.
So just like in Spider Man Unlimited, we see him jumping through time and space gates, and having clone and genetic problems that lost him a ton of 90's readers.
Before we get into programs and the meat of the super soldier data I would like to wrap up those human potential or occult related ideas, so habitually misunderstood by those who study this kind of stuff and attempt to get all readers, regardless of possible lingering belief systems, to a new, more all inclusive system.
The black oil seems to be as old a curse or demonic entity as the beginning of time, it's attributes can be seen intertwined with ancient spiritual invocations. In some ways linking up with Eastern systems that deal in jinn and western systems possibly employed by even low ranks of the U.S. military*
(Douglas Dietrich's interviews detailing the future of the Temple of Set on the west coast as a necessity for new recruits, and the furthering of Satanism and abuse in the military.)
- Oil in occult and etymological terms roughly equals black gold or oil as money. Oil=black gold and so of course is related to Saturn- limitations and physical things. Oil allows the rich to keep getting richer, and oil destroys the earth when turned surface currency . Those who care not for this, care not if millions die in war, or of starvation. It is apparently too far from their concern whatsoever.
- So the oil, as is demonstrated in real life provokes war, in South Park the BP oil company accidentally drills Lovecraftian deities out from the ocean floor and then threaten to drill the moon (Moon=memory or feminine)
In the X-files, the black oil possesses people and controls them by entering through the eyes. The idea that they come from underground and or Antarctica mirrors many Tony Jay (animated) films and shows where he repeatedly plays a false flag alien invader willing to make deals with the government, not keeping his word and like Cobra from GI Joe drain the Federal Reserve... (See Ninja Turtles Season 9, Invasion America ,Joe, etc (Note similarities between Dregg, Invasion America Lord Dredd, Captain Power Dredd, and Doctor Who: Pirate Planet)
The black oil mythology in the X-Files weaves in and out of the super soldier story, sometimes appearing as a mercurial looking metallic substance that is identical to the same one that Doggett (Robert Patrick) finds himself in, in Terminator.
David Marrow and many other members of the altered soldier community
have claimed operations on, alterations to, and organic beings added to
their spinal cords. Sometimes these entities relate to the black oil.
Footnotes: James Cameron = Abyss Avatar and Terminator which all link
into the super soldier program in one way or another. Abyss is close to
some of Aaron Mccollum's experiences, Avatar is always referenced by the
group, and Terminator has many aspects of the phobias and dangers alike
related to the emergence of artificial intelligence.
(*according to Bill Wood)
In the Media:
Directly by name in the Media:
"The Return of the Archons" is a mind boggling episode of the first season of the original Star Trek series. As episode 21, in the series, it aired on February 9, 1967.
"Kirk sends another party down to investigate. They find the culture on Beta III is quiescent, with no creative tendencies. The entire culture is controlled by a group of 'lawgivers' known as "The Body" which is, in turn, controlled by the omniscient Landru. The inhabitants change from normal, peaceful people to a violent mob at the coming of the Red Hour. This 'Festival' is the society's only outlet for the tyrannical hold that Landru has over them at all other times.
For centuries the computer, 'Landru,' has been interpreting his suggestions to the point that no one is allowed independent thought. Kirk tells the computer that instead of helping to nurture the culture of Beta III, it has harmed it.-StarTrek.com"
Part 1 as the Black Oil
X-Files-contained in literal oil, Doggett and Mulder discuss the plausability of implanting an alien virus in oil.
South Park-
Oil Industry ( BP ) drills straight into another dimension and lets out Lovecraftian alien demons. BP jokes about drilling in the moon.
Spider Man-
Who was Todd Mcfarlane before he put Spidey in the black oil...would he have remained an unknown artist? Although Todd didn't invent the oil, does the image below not strike you, in it's popularity? Were the Archons possessing him? Is this, more directly the character Spawn? Is this why Spidey is so wrapped up in the gray alien / WTC mythos?
Wikipedia's definition of symbiote and the origin of the costume itself becomes more confusing.
"A symbiote capable of mind-controlling subjects by touch...In an attempt to create "super-cops" to police their new Utopia, the Life Foundation probed the Venom symbiote and extracted the last five of its "seeds" - the materials used to create SPAWN...The ability to shape-shift, from mimicking clothing up to and including complete change of appearance, regardless to the host's actual stature and bodily dimensions as the symbiotes are living tesseracts...The Venom symbiote also has empathic abilities, and is able to project desires and needs into the thoughts of its host or potential hosts, This ability can also aid Venom in detecting the truth from those he interrogates....Genetic memory, recalling information from previous hosts. "
So why is it in the Spider cartoons that they always feel like speaking freely about ruining the shuttle program?
Spider Man ( 90s )
The Alien Costume part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Note the resemblance to the popular imagery of the Gray alien...
Spider Man and his Amazing Friends
Realm of Darkness Part 1
Realm of Darkness Part 2
Spider Woman
Shuttle to Disaster
Spider Man Unlimited ( featuring a John Carter )
Spider Man Unlimited: World's Apart Part 2
Part 2 as Machine
In Marvel
Jack Kirby's OMAC, Machine Man, both looks at cyborg men, technocratic futures and the like. ( Machine Man, seems to have imagined this future while talking to aliens in a mental hospital! )
Star Trek:
Gene and the Borg; just like with the Decepticons from Transformers, and Agent Smith; in that they are examples of assimilation by an alien or robotic race that can shape shift in one way or another. In the latter's case, possession becomes relevant. Agent Smith and the T-1000 shape shift in very similar ways. As do the X-files aliens ( the " rebels " led by the actor who plays Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat (another Dimension ruler... )
Seven of Nine is one of the more popular characters in Deep Space 9. Oddly enough, she became a sex symbol for sci fi in general, and a soft spot for most modern Star Trek fans.
2001 A Space Odyssey :
Hal 9ooo-functions much like the T-1ooo or Skynet
Agent Smith
is the All Spark cube from Transformers. As if assimilation wasn't
already a theme with Agent Smith actor; Hugo Weaving, he goes on to play
the main villain of mechanical space assimilation again in
Transformers, as Megatron (yes even up to the dark side of the moon).
Then he returns as Red Skull who taps the power
of the " Cosmic Cube " which he receives at the base of Yggdrasil in the
Captain America. This " cube of space " with its cubicle/corporate
limitations of space are imposed on the mind, becoming evident when one
refuses to think outside the box, so to speak. In three dimensions, this
becomes the
cube, a six sided shape relative to the seemingly Archonic, Saturn worshiping Draconian rule of organized world religions, military, and
politics, or the Global Bully League. Of course Hugo Weaving is now
going to play a super evil Sith lord in the up-coming Star Wars. Though
he opposes the ideas of fascism in the Alan Moore adaptation, V for
"Most Cosmic Cubes are cube-shaped matrices. However, similar objects with different shapes are known as Cosmic Containment Units.Sentient beings wanting to create a Cosmic Cube must generate a force field to open a rift to another dimension inhabited by the Beyonders, allowing the extra-dimensional energy to filter through the rift. When entering the Earth's dimension, the energies can be held in a matrix, and the force itself would shape the matrix into a perfect cube. It would also provide the Cube with its almost-unlimited power. A Cube would eventually develop its own intelligence, commonly influenced by the beings who had manipulated it. Mephisto has postulated that the Cubes are hosts to a semi-sentient will and that, even in Cube form, they can choose how they want to be used, and deny certain wishes. Mephisto also has proposed that a billion-sentient universally-linked will could overcame this problem, and that the Cubes could be as powerful as the Infinity Gems" - Marvel wiki
Aside from an endless host of Ufo lore surrounding rectangular craft, the shape seems to be a well known transformative element in 2001 A Space Odyssey, and the Ancient Alien evolution of consciousness, Archonic or not.
In Animorphs, the series of books written by K. A. Applegate, the alien race the Andalites, who had the ability to absorb a creatures DNA by touching them and concentrating, had a cube that would eventually give such a power to the recurring human characters of the series.-EBZ
The T-1000 in Terminator is also resonant of the shape shifting assimilative powers of the Archons explained in the Gnostic gospels. Oddly enough actor also plays Agent Dogget in X-Files a sure resonator of the Dog Star Sirius.
He also shifts into a dog or is a shape-shifter in general in a True Blood.
(*according to Bill Wood)
In the Media:
Directly by name in the Media:
"The Return of the Archons" is a mind boggling episode of the first season of the original Star Trek series. As episode 21, in the series, it aired on February 9, 1967.
"Kirk sends another party down to investigate. They find the culture on Beta III is quiescent, with no creative tendencies. The entire culture is controlled by a group of 'lawgivers' known as "The Body" which is, in turn, controlled by the omniscient Landru. The inhabitants change from normal, peaceful people to a violent mob at the coming of the Red Hour. This 'Festival' is the society's only outlet for the tyrannical hold that Landru has over them at all other times.
For centuries the computer, 'Landru,' has been interpreting his suggestions to the point that no one is allowed independent thought. Kirk tells the computer that instead of helping to nurture the culture of Beta III, it has harmed it.-StarTrek.com"
Part 1 as the Black Oil
X-Files-contained in literal oil, Doggett and Mulder discuss the plausability of implanting an alien virus in oil.
South Park-
Oil Industry ( BP ) drills straight into another dimension and lets out Lovecraftian alien demons. BP jokes about drilling in the moon.
Spider Man-
Who was Todd Mcfarlane before he put Spidey in the black oil...would he have remained an unknown artist? Although Todd didn't invent the oil, does the image below not strike you, in it's popularity? Were the Archons possessing him? Is this, more directly the character Spawn? Is this why Spidey is so wrapped up in the gray alien / WTC mythos?
Wikipedia's definition of symbiote and the origin of the costume itself becomes more confusing.
"A symbiote capable of mind-controlling subjects by touch...In an attempt to create "super-cops" to police their new Utopia, the Life Foundation probed the Venom symbiote and extracted the last five of its "seeds" - the materials used to create SPAWN...The ability to shape-shift, from mimicking clothing up to and including complete change of appearance, regardless to the host's actual stature and bodily dimensions as the symbiotes are living tesseracts...The Venom symbiote also has empathic abilities, and is able to project desires and needs into the thoughts of its host or potential hosts, This ability can also aid Venom in detecting the truth from those he interrogates....Genetic memory, recalling information from previous hosts. "
So why is it in the Spider cartoons that they always feel like speaking freely about ruining the shuttle program?
Spider Man ( 90s )
The Alien Costume part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Note the resemblance to the popular imagery of the Gray alien...
Spider Man and his Amazing Friends
Realm of Darkness Part 1
Realm of Darkness Part 2
Spider Woman
Shuttle to Disaster
Spider Man Unlimited ( featuring a John Carter )
Spider Man Unlimited: World's Apart Part 2
Part 2 as Machine
In Marvel
Jack Kirby's OMAC, Machine Man, both looks at cyborg men, technocratic futures and the like. ( Machine Man, seems to have imagined this future while talking to aliens in a mental hospital! )
Star Trek:
Gene and the Borg; just like with the Decepticons from Transformers, and Agent Smith; in that they are examples of assimilation by an alien or robotic race that can shape shift in one way or another. In the latter's case, possession becomes relevant. Agent Smith and the T-1000 shape shift in very similar ways. As do the X-files aliens ( the " rebels " led by the actor who plays Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat (another Dimension ruler... )
Seven of Nine is one of the more popular characters in Deep Space 9. Oddly enough, she became a sex symbol for sci fi in general, and a soft spot for most modern Star Trek fans.
2001 A Space Odyssey :
Hal 9ooo-functions much like the T-1ooo or Skynet
Agent Smith
"Most Cosmic Cubes are cube-shaped matrices. However, similar objects with different shapes are known as Cosmic Containment Units.Sentient beings wanting to create a Cosmic Cube must generate a force field to open a rift to another dimension inhabited by the Beyonders, allowing the extra-dimensional energy to filter through the rift. When entering the Earth's dimension, the energies can be held in a matrix, and the force itself would shape the matrix into a perfect cube. It would also provide the Cube with its almost-unlimited power. A Cube would eventually develop its own intelligence, commonly influenced by the beings who had manipulated it. Mephisto has postulated that the Cubes are hosts to a semi-sentient will and that, even in Cube form, they can choose how they want to be used, and deny certain wishes. Mephisto also has proposed that a billion-sentient universally-linked will could overcame this problem, and that the Cubes could be as powerful as the Infinity Gems" - Marvel wiki
Aside from an endless host of Ufo lore surrounding rectangular craft, the shape seems to be a well known transformative element in 2001 A Space Odyssey, and the Ancient Alien evolution of consciousness, Archonic or not.
In Animorphs, the series of books written by K. A. Applegate, the alien race the Andalites, who had the ability to absorb a creatures DNA by touching them and concentrating, had a cube that would eventually give such a power to the recurring human characters of the series.-EBZ
The T-1000 in Terminator is also resonant of the shape shifting assimilative powers of the Archons explained in the Gnostic gospels. Oddly enough actor also plays Agent Dogget in X-Files a sure resonator of the Dog Star Sirius.
He also shifts into a dog or is a shape-shifter in general in a True Blood.
One cool idea is the Blue Beret team used by the Syndicate in the X-Files. Seemingly, they are most often used for UFO crash retrieval.
I always say, sometimes the juiciest most well researched or "in the know" data is in the most mundane, boring, and laughable mediums. Otherwise I guess we figure we can't be honest with ourselves as a species with some topics.
References from Above 001
This is an experimental way of looking at history. It is filled with facts but not with the same objectives as most historical documentation. This blog does pose the idea that a strange seance and the Bush family may have drastically shaped our world much in the way that John Dee molded the British Empire...with magick and all kinds of other weirdness!
The new steps in human advancement (mostly under the military's initial advisement as well as dime) include full control of the mind, and therefore the individual, through physical, psychic, and technological means. For these mind controlled subjects to be servants of a totalitarian state, might seem like a reach to those working on these projects, and seemingly a nightmare to every crack pot conspiracy theorist on the planet, but it is simply where this tech is headed, we have no fate written in stone. The majority of us, see it in the movies and we see it coming in the headlines, and before you know it, the whole of society couldn't care less about cameras on every street corner or wars fought in their name but without their understanding, or sometimes even care.
Some more spiritually and occult inclined individuals may see this as one of many gears working in a kind of Saturn Machine...using all the money, science and technological know-how, mostly in the name of killing people, or the ritual practice (video games and violent rape obsessed television programs) of method acting the honest and direct psychopath (a serial killer) through the channeling of dishonest or "patriotic" killers (corporations, fundamentalist, and militarist organizations)
Whatever the reptilian killer, the Jungian shadow pent up into fear and hate, needs to convince itself is the reason to be "brave" or daring enough, to take another life, castrating the natural ability to decide right from wrong by handing the will over to an authority who has the aim of obliterating a populace or idea. The hierarchy which naturally thrives off of conflict of those under its command and jurisdiction.
Altogether the creation of societal multiple personality neurosis which is unfit to grow, to love, to heal itself, let alone float things with it's mind or witch to the electric car or solar panels without cashing in on that as well...
One may imagine a system, albeit more natural, of course, if there is a type of electromagnetic (or other) current running (or that once ran more clearly, or in more defined dimension with respect to our perspective) through the layout of ancient civilizations and sacred spaces. If so, is this new smart city grid matrix actually a resurrection of these ancient energies, or at least the systems and psycho-spatial kinetic technology used therein? I cannot escape the media which lends me crazy ideas similar to these.
In Lawnmower Man 2, Job, explains the smart city idea quite clearly using a model that looks similar to those used currently to promote the smart city concept to companies and...well,cities. In the Spider Woman cartoon a mechanical mummy master floats pyramids over major cities in a threat only duplicated by Horus in the film Immortal. Serpentor, from G.I.Joe, (perhaps the Beast to the Joe's Scarlet if only he had a family castle in the UK like Destro/Crowley...) utilizes massive floating black pyramids to control a "grid" over the earth.
(Before I move on I would like to point out that many aspects of the smart cities and the environmental creativity and ingenuity being utilized in the small areas which are experimenting with these projects are running very efficiently and are the most immediately positive examples for much better management of these systems, in an otherwise uncontainable, sudden plunge into full scale societal technological bombardment and simultaneous breakdown.)
Now back to the system or machine...This is a mechanical organism obsessed with secrets, which functions like an ant hill of intelligence circle back stabbing programmed to scan, assess, and with the potential to eradicate. Holding some secrets for the Security of the Nation and the world and others at the expense of the Security of the Nation and the world...which does not care to admit it understands far more than it dictates through soapbox crazy-talk, major-media hubs. Informational outlets which have, certainly since the events of 9-11, been carefully scripted and controlled down to the second, as part of a "They Live" style propaganda machine that Cold War Russia, and Japanese animation combined, couldn't have seen coming in all their combined mastery of the senses.
For this new propaganda arouses in it's attack so many seemingly opposing opinions, that those who cannot be bothered by meaningful notions in general, those fatty tissue parts of the brain; of the species, who refuse to be distracted from the Colosseum at any rate, will fight to reserve their right to stay distracted, believing all their opinions and thinking, to have been preordained for them by the state and its machinations, leaving no need for personal conviction outside of sport, and obviously not much else to discuss outside of sports, the sports of money and the sports of sex.
Warning: Slightly Personal Overly Opinionated Ramble Fit:
The three drugs any stage can become concrete overnight in the haze of (This aggression of course is substituted in the "modern patriots" mind as the real fight against the bad guys...Real Wars= Okay if Fake Wars with pads funded by massive car and beer corporations can continue and be bet on.) A coexistence of role playing dungeons and dragons statistical- give a shit mixed with jock butt-slap mentality this writer is yet to grasp the appeal of beyond the individuals personal will to play a sport or participate in some war game, which this writer finds perfectly normal and would even participate in, as long as no one is getting hurt, and real ideas aren't being sacrificed for the constant attention to the game (especially if it's not fucking taking place at the moment)...and the likes of which do not seem to begin to wake up, as it were, to any of their species actual predicaments, or opportunities at evolution beyond the physical and athletic. Which are vital, but not so much so that we need more Army grunts and linebackers, in a time when we should encourage co-existence, and visionary concepts in our children.)
So we have this Matrix and within the Matrix, we have built a stage, and within the stage are characters running programs. Programs can be understood most easily as personalities, because individuals programs function within the spiritual gears and framework of emotional body that we recognize personality to effect or be the cause of... See films like 13th Floor, Matrix, Existenz, Sleepdealer, etc... for exacting imagery of the matrix type. On the stage or set, you are assigned a program which takes you to, let's say, one building over and over. You get a phone call on your cell. You are the New Man, you are Neo, getting his warning to escape the machine, the cubicle, the XBox reality. In the film Eagle Eye starring Shia Lebeauf there is an identical scene. This idea is truly explored in many different ways by the Animatrix series as well. This call to action by a guardian angel type shouldn't be absorbed lightly.
(Also suggested for it's worldview of artificial intelligence take-over basically being our fault.)
The problems we are having with robotics already seem to be more of problems WE haven't quite fleshed out as humans, regarding ourselves, NOT intelligent protest or revolt from the A.I. systems. In other words problems with robots might be a result of them being built, so far; by people with odd social conditions or only military intentions for their creations. Our whole idea of forcing nature and nurture here becomes complicated. This, as with atomic energy is not hard to factor as a problem in the growth of artificial intelligence, the foot soldier of the machine, in science fiction imagery terms.) Particularly, in America, where the idea of tearing the machine down may have well started, there is now a hazy, drunk, and pride filled patriotism, which nearly drips with the guilt of it's own sins, realized and forcefully disconnected. Yes, we are wired but to a now quite blind and disturbing patriotism, an allegiance, to an artificial intelligence, to consumerism as global dishonesty and theft. One, which for all logical reasons cannot be viewed as humane, or even remotely logical itself. This author wants to believe in their country as much as anyone, wants to believe they are on the right side. That is why honesty is a complicated task, when no one wants to hear it, and everyone has already defaulted to a constant subconscious state of preparation towards it's suggesting of the most negative possible ramifications.
The point here is not to quickly gather in the town square with torches seeking out the corporate Frankenstein menace for our own mistakes, for feeding a monster, but rather to understand the psycho-pathological needs of the un-medicated, lonely corporation, and attempt to build a bridge through systems which have, until now, been thought to have NEEDED to be destroyed; in order to be repaired or function properly in the first place.
It is always our choice how we decide to first use our tools (and resources) and then put them away properly or not. For all we beckon the end and chaos, some even anarchy, in the name of self satisfaction and letting it "all go to shit", it may just do us better to take a deep breath as a society, get up, and try again. This time without the repressed sexuality, and the religious cubicles forcing fundamentalist wars, and the iPhones... ... right...right....wait let me read this text hollup (you get my point) We can start a new day with the understanding that it bears a kind of responsibility we don't mind being tasked with because it is the will of the species to at least get up and make something...figure something out...one day at a time...
The universe, and the world, we find ourselves oddly captive in (were we to never have itched and examined our species wounds' enough to recognize said shackles) is a zoo, if you like, but from what we understand (and have for quite some time...) is that this does not necessitate it also being a prison. If it is a prison, this does not necessitate, what is often thought of as prison conditions. What is the quality of life of the corporate employee, the student, the prisoner? Does it match the so called American dreams, the world wide dreams we have for a better existence, or is it, unfortunately more of the grease that comes off the machine, the black oily sweat wiped from the brow of the classic American hard worker. Is that hard work what made this country great or the masking of communism and Nazism by means of nuclear families, nuclear war, and Leave it to Beaver values which still function today to keep "religion and politics" out of all places which contain people or discussion. Effectively eliminating important or meaningful conversation altogether, whether in the workplace or family breakfast table, has made for a new surge of idiotic dependence on small talk for interaction. Of course this is small talk in the form of oral word to word contact only, the people talking are often staring into their personal NSA 2001 Monoliths making sure not to miss a second of diversionary small talk from the black box of obsidian.
And we sit, slumped over at out restless condition, taking it day by day, taking what we can, and when all our science finally admits eight billion something possibilities of planets habitable in the way our very own is, we still do not often think, publicly aloud, at least, of higher intelligences, be they aliens, monsters, gods, or robots, could they not already cast nets of intelligence and knowing like radio waves onto our planet and like subway grafitti in comic books, engrave this intelligence onto our fast traveling and spiraling DNA, and becoming intelligence?
As we become more robotic scientist and futurist ask whether people are ready to have their jobs taken by robots, in a hellish reversal of Bucky Fuller's ideas. I hate the term sheeple because it implies that there is a culture of people who know so much better. There's not. It's not a Silicon Valley think tank thing, or an Illuminati thing, or a meditating in some remote mountain thing, it can't be enlightening only over here or only under this light, as so many choose to change the lens and push buttons; it's not just the drugs while you're on them... It's all of us, all of it happening right now, as you are reading this all the time. We have to learn how to be people again, receive each other again (in some cases pull the tentacles of ego and personality out of others and free them, and possibly now of sudden importance freeing ourselves from the grasp of the machines...to make sure there's still human in there. Imagine how many programs run simultaneously in your mind, in your day...where's the real start or end, is anything original? Can we create new worlds so we don't get stuck with this Dark Metropolis narrative again?)
The most important steps we can start taking toward defeating the machine is tuning into it, tuning into each other. Stop imagining the end game, the end scenario, stop thinking in terms of defeating a thing and start feeling in terms of being in tune with it (so as to tune, write your own tune, co-create harmonious "tunes" which can be interpreted here as living spaces, music, art, community, biorhythms as parameters of synchronicity, etc...)
"Be like water my friend"
A Tool
We can use the brain in so many ways that we refuse to believe we ever could. As step one to becoming the X-Men I will suggest imagining the Internet between brains instead of computers. Now take the training wheels off; realize that brains never needed computers, we only use computers as imagery in this example for quick reference.
Cerebro becomes a technique of informational gathering, a psychic means of overcoming the idea of spying vs privacy and enters a world of a unified mind. A hive which can interlink but not disrupt or directly influence it's individuals. A dangerous and complicated task that only ideally becomes wonderful.
OMAC represents one possibility of combining computer minds, the way it
realistically already happens, much like Terminator's Skynet, this all
seeing system can monitor and police the world. But as Call of Duty
Black Ops proposes what if the controls get in the wrong hands? Sub
orbital satellite laser based weapons systems and androids under the
control of the bad guys? Doesn't sound pretty...
Power Syncs Referral 002
2001 : 9-11 by far one of the most significant events in recent human history and one of the most repeated themes in media BEFORE it occurred, in some cases by weeks, months, and years, in every medium imaginable from comics (multiple from different publishers to album covers of nearly unknown independent artist (Original year of 2001: A Space Odyssey- by far one of the most significant events in snychrofilm-study
Shredder wasn't the only one to use twin pillars as a stargate, and the letter O and Z from OZ are right next to N and Y, New York- in the alphbet.
(for those who haven't seen the film the term "tuning" is used to designate a bunch of aliens who possess dead bodies version of the "force" or more properly, in out context, the ability to manipulate reality at will (in accordance with the will) If this knowledge and power was external, in our world, and not an internal power (like the X-Men or the Jedi)
Junk DNA and Tuning?
"They go on to argue that because DNA is like a language, you can talk to it (in “the human” language) and by talking you can reprogram the DNA. This is because the DNA has “frequencies” and your voice has “frequencies.” See how that works. “Frequencies” is definitely a new favorite of pseudoscientific technobabble. It sounds sciencey but is used in a meaningless way – another common feature of pseudoscience. He relies heavily on the research of Peotr Garjajev, who claims to have research showing that DNA can be reprogrammed."
and for my last example let's use Jean Grey (Grey alien DNA or genes which has been manipulated through the (alien) Apocalypse and (Mengele/shadow Darwin) Sinister =junk DNA-activates psychic and other powers...Yoda would explain all this in terms of metachlorians and so forth...
"Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force. When you learn to quiet your mind, you'll hear them speaking to you."
- ―Qui-Gon Jinn, to Anakin Skywalker
-Star Wars wiki midi-chlorians
Season 6 Episode 1
SCULLY: Mulder, these are test results. DNA from the claw nail we found matching exactly the DNA from the virus you believe is extraterrestrial.
MULDER: That's the connection.
SCULLY: Which matches exactly DNA that was found in Gibson Praise.
MULDER: Wait a minute. I don't understand. You're saying that Gibson Praise is infected with the virus?
SCULLY: No. It's a part of his DNA. In fact, it's a part of all of our DNA. It's called a genetic remnant. It's inactive junk DNA. Except in Gibson it's turned on.
MULDER: So if that were true, that would mean that Gibson is in some part extraterrestrial.
SCULLY: It would mean that all of us are...
Discovery News : Junk DNA is no longer called junk, creates the shape of your face...
and in some weird way we keep losing our knowledge of ancient advanced psychospiritual/mental or psychic powers and method to access the ancestral record or the races history through our individual brains...sorta like Edgar Cayce.
In Invasion of the Body Snatchers, why do they predominantly abduct people while they are asleep and in bed? Sound familiar? Though the Invasion of the Body Snatchers is about the paranoia of the Cold War, can we be so sure we all know what really happened behind the scenes during the Cold War.... (More on this coming soon...if I can figure the rest out)
The modern version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers...
The Puppet Masters
Heinlein source material again!
They Live:
In They Live, a film I surely enjoy for it's strange alien Predator drones and it's jumpgate to Alpha Centauri, etc, I am left baffled, like the Matrix does in ways... The lead character acts more like a Domestic terrorist and even seems programmed to do so, like an MK throwaway...Are we supposed to view everyone as the possessed walking dead? Is this how we got to our current love of the zombie genre?
Invaders from Mars: (original and remake)
This alien mind control paranoia has manifested in our personalities, whether we accept it or not. And now we fight to either remain human, or remain possessed by other entities. And when we become more human...do we actually become more alien? Or the types of psi application we see in movies, could they actually accessible by simply unlocking our junk dna, or unused parts of the brain, etc...?
So if the manipulation of genetic programs, and the search for a nuke resistant soldier, are either partly documented or can be inferred from testimony and documentation alike, could, just like in the X-Files; a biological weapon capable of an all too archaic and archonic revival, brought about through mass possession of a hive of worker ants (formally living or dead people), whether aliens are involved or not, be the real end game?
When countries become corporations, (now I'm just going off science fiction) we may infer that they will have no humane cares, only more rules, and less compassion... because they had to be psychopaths to get where they are in the corporate world. That kind of all devouring psychopathology lunges in it's most evil acts, right from the reptilian brain, perhaps being fed off or on by some multidimensional demonic or reptilian type being...Do with that what you will ;)
People without a true sense of will, who follow orders and suggested patterns only, are like unto robots. We deal with digital interfaces all day to erase the human interface, if you will. We work and work to pay the rent for a place we spend almost no time in... We race to find love, often, to enact an expected family unit...and in so many ways we have been separated not only from our third eyes, but from our true/crown/mystical connection to the divine. The real tragedy of the current human drama is the distance we have moved from our hearts.
Now I mention a type of biological weapon that may be symbolized by the black cancer or alien black oil in the X-Files, but apparently it's everywhere...
Suggested Watching:
Night of the Creeps
John Dies at the End
'The Host': A Guide to Aliens That Invade the Human Body — INFOGRAPHIC
Reprogramming your "junk" DNA- NeuroLogica Blog
Taken- the book (multiple cases of Contact)
MIB sync
Assimilation by CUBE!!
Saturday Morning Vision Quest
Is this how the pyramids were built? ;)
In the beginning there was Huxely and Darwin, X-Men fans read this as, Mr.Sinister and Darwin. But I'm not necessarily saying Huxelys were Sinister...or were they?
Image from; suddenly not so X-Men like, Bryan Singer "teasing" the Days of the Future script
"The X Club was a dining club of nine men who supported the theories of natural selection and academic liberalism in late 19th-century England. Thomas Henry Huxley was the initiator: he called the first meeting for 3 November 1864.[1] The club met in London once a month—except in July, August and September—from November 1864 until March 1893, and its members are believed to have wielded much influence over scientific thought. The members of the club were George Busk, Edward Frankland, Thomas Archer Hirst, Joseph Dalton Hooker, Thomas Henry Huxley, John Lubbock, Herbert Spencer, William Spottiswoode, and John Tyndall, united by a "devotion to science, pure and free, untrammelled by religious dogmas."[2]
But then my jaw dropped
Stare at it...until you see it. Besides saying, "X-Men" quite clearly just for clarification that this isn't fiction anymore, it mentions a "Reacting to the Past" ("Days of the Future Past"? weird) which begins us on an already weird sync journey revolving around a movie I need to go see ASAP...
"The nine men who would compose the X Club already knew each other well. By the 1860s, friendships had turned the group into a social network, and the men often dined and went on holidays together. After Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published in 1859, the men began working together to aid the cause for naturalism and natural history. They backed the liberal Anglican movement that emerged in the early 1860s, and both privately and publicly supported the leaders of the movement."-wikipedia
Now Mr. Sinister begins his relationship with Charles Darwin and is supposedly responsible for creating or being Jack the Ripper...!
Xavier's ancestor debates Darwin at 2:41
Young Charles sleeps next to a picture of Darwin
Now what I've always wondered, and I know I'm skipping around timelines here, who funds a government military like special forces team (the X-Men) and did the militarization of mutant powers actually "force" a mass panic in society? If we look at the evidence now for the 60s counterculture being engineered by the intelligence movement, does this mean Charles was engineering the future, his double speak only covering up the same agenda Apocalypse and Sinister seemed to be working toward? (Though each man seems to have their separate agenda, both Sinister and Xavier are mutants that are subservient or vulnerable to alien influence...keep this in mind. Because there were 9...(1)
As I've inquired before, who pays for the X-Mansion, why do they use a famous top secret spy plane?
"Rejecting the traditions of British natural theology and the privileges of the established church and its educational institutions, the X Club represented the naturalistic movement in science. The natural order, its members believed, is a deterministic order of cause and effect to be investigated by science; there may be mysteries beyond the scope of science, but, if so, they are beyond knowledge and are thus “unknowable.” The obvious practical benefits of science, they argued, demonstrated that industrial society needed more scientific advice and scientific employees. Nevertheless, they added, the highest benefits of science are intellectual—scientific reasoning trains the mind as effectively as a classical education and leads to a true understanding of the natural world. On the basis of these principles, X Club members claimed cultural leadership for scientists (rather than the clergy), defended Charles Darwin (Xavier?) and his theory of evolution, campaigned for government support for science and jobs for scientists, and demanded a place for science at all levels of education."-Britanica
In the case of the fictional world of the X-Men, socio-politically speaking, they came at a perfect time in 1963, when society needed heroes who embraced the diversity of the group, and diversity in general, to rally against so many oppressors. America was changing rapidly as Civil Rights cases were popping up all over, and many people wound up in jail, some for their bravery, others for their hate crimes. Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream “speech days before the release of the first issue of the X-Men. In a way Xavier’s philosophy seems to be a median between Martin Luther King and Kennedy’s wisdom. This is the same year Kennedy was killed and Malcolm X was giving talks on defending oneself if provoked by violence. A stance that is not at all unlike that of X-Villain Magneto. Both real and fictional men have their early lives scarred by hatred and violence toward their families for simply being; who they naturally were…Both men, taking a lifelong vigilant stand against that kind of evil. Both perhaps, winding up in the trappings of the agencies who seek to control larger societal tides, whose agendas were masked to both Eric Magnus and X. Also of note, in that year different countries were protesting their government’s choice to further nuclear programs, something often considered synonymous in and out of fiction, with mutation and alien contact.
Professor Xavier- Inner turmoil and opposition in Xavier can be noticed when he becomes Onslaught, where by the leadership position was really repressing anger and building up Xavier’s shadow into a separate entity. This shadow can be seen as the manipulative experimental doctor not very different from the one who programs and tortures Wolverine. ( The identity of which is still unknown. ) This is similar to the tales of a biblical Father God who is angry and vengeful and seems to have human emotional “hang-ups”. Of course the interface for us is this kind imagery of Jesus as savior, the way that Xavier is usually portrayed. These extreme opposites are also exhibited by Jean as she makes her biblical transformation from (Isis, or Magdalene) Mary to the Dark Phoenix or the Whore of Babylon. However Xavier and Magneto’s relationship can be seen as mirroring that of MLK and Malcolm X. One can be used by the elite to orchestrate false flag peace and the other false flag war. Of course this is where Bishop’s mission and morality come into place. Bishop is akin to a Time Lord with militant leanings. The M on his eye standing for Magneto, he alone seems to tie these themes together as he is the one who attempts to assassinate Xavier in one of the timelines…
The actor who plays Professor Xavier in the first two films is the captain on the bridge of Star Trek Next Generation and the actor who voices him in the 90’s cartoon plays a similar role of taking in a super person in XII.
“ During the 30’s he moved to California where he gathered individuals who were subjected to his experiments. While in Los Angeles he fell in love with Faye Livingstone, though he did not admit his feelings. Yet one night when she discovered his secret laboratory she was confronted with the truth. Her genes contained the X-Factor which would allow her children to be more than human. She was horrified by this news and tried to escape but instead she was kept as Sinister’s prisoner. For months she was subjected to degrading experiments, breaking her in both mind and spirit. Sinister forced her to see beyond the illusion that was Nathan Essex. Yet one night, during a storm he opened the doors, releasing her without a word or gesture. Eventually she was brought to the Carlysle Nursing Home in San Diego, as she was being overtaken by cancer. She was never married or child-bearing because of her love for Essex, this also meaning that the children Essex had wished for never came to exist. However, during her time in the Nursing Home she received an annual visit from Mr. Essex, who never admitted to anyone, not even himself, why he did this.” -comicvine Sinister
He would work with the Nazis continuing that same work, scaring even the Nazis, he would acquire the nickname “ Nosferatau “ because he had the habit of taking blood samples from everyone. He would give people candy in exchange for their blood, all very Mengele sounding. Later he was involved in the monitoring of thousands of children in holding tanks in a secret base New Mexico.“After World War II, Sinister’s labs were raided by the army of the United States. The journals that detailed his experiments were found by the Weapon Plus scientists Dr. Cornelius, Hinesand Professor. 1946…Project: Black Womb, a government-funded project that performed experimented on babies (most of them mutants) had several important figures working amongst its staff, one of these was Brian Xavier, another was Nathan Milbury (whom most believe to be Mr. Sinister)”-comicvine Sinister. In Vietnam Sinister abducted soldiers and Vietnamese and experimented on them. He also continued studying mutant children and manipulating their lives from behind the scenes, essentially ensuring his role as controller. These mutants included Gambit, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, the Morlocks, Sabertooth, Morph,etc…There is no evidence that Sinister didn’t orchestrate aspects of the X-Men; the team itself, believing them to be a super race capable of one day defeating the seemingly unstoppable Apocalypse. Mr.Sinister has pale skin and obsesses over genetic and memory based experiments making him a direct tie to the Dark City Men In Black.
Mr. Sinister is known for his never ending genetic experiments and use of strange techno-organic mind control technology not far from the X-Files or Wildcats. Sinister’s name was Nathaniel Essex. He got his start as a brilliant biologist in Victorian England. Though he became obsessed with the theories of Darwin and his contemporaries, he believed their work to be hampered by fundamentalist moral concerns.
After losing a son to multiple genetic disorders, and getting no help in funding for his brilliant ideas ( not even from the Hellfire Club ) he began abducting people off the street for his experiments with the help of a group of thugs known as the “ Marauders “. After having finally lost his wife over the attempted resurrection of their son, he aligned himself with another being obsessed with genetics and mutation, Apocalypse. Sinister would continue his work on unwitting hospital patients in America.
There are assorted suggestions that Sinister designed the genetic trees that would eventually evolve into the X-Men, believing them to be a super race capable of one day defeating the seemingly unstoppable Apocalypse. Sinister has pale skin and obsesses over genetic and memory based experiments making him a direct tie to the Dark City Men In Black.
According to the Andy Pero and John Stormm (altered soldiers or super soldiers), and some others, when a shadow agency tried to create real X-Men…one of the places was in Rochester,N.Y..
2 minutes 20 seconds in:
Human Experimentation Documentary covering Rochester
(The fictional X-Men Mansion and base is in Westchester,N.Y.)
"Andy did say he had been abducted by the alien Greys a few times, where samples were taken from him for breeding purposes. One of the more bizarre stories Andy related to me was about his visit to a group of high level Illuminati, who were really shape shifting reptilians, that convened in an underground base not far from Rochester, NY. This happened sometime in 1989-90."
It would just be weird if Michael Fassbender (Magneto in X-Men First Class) has super soldier or Psi type lineage…(German,Irish,he’s only missing Native American according to the super soldier criteria as professed by those involved…)
"Mr. Fassbender’s father is German; his mother is from Northern Ireland. He was born in Germany (no relation to the director Rainer Werner Fassbinder) and brought up in Killarney County Kerry, Ireland, where his parents ran a restaurant”
"In his most recent film, “Jane Eyre,” Mr. Fassbender played an anguished, sideburned Mr. ROCHESTER, a smoldering hunk of 19th-century passion”
Andy Pero mentions an underground facility in Rochester
"Much of my training and torture sessions were done right at the University of Rochester, NY. They used to take me to a private room in the attic or top floor of the library."
“By the end of the 1950s the CIA was funding just about every qualified LSD researcher and psychologist it could find, through such contractors as the Society for the Study of Human Ecology, the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, and the Geschichter Fund for Medical Research. Author John Marks, in his 1975 book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, identified the CIA’s LSD research pioneers as:
Dr. Robert Hyde at Boston Psychopathic Hospital, Dr. Harold Abramson at Mt. Sinai Hospital and Columbia University in New York City, Dr. Carl Pfeiffer at the University of Illinois Medical School, Champaign-Urbana, Dr. Harris Isbell of the NIMH-sponsored Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Ky.,Dr. Louis Jolyon West at the University of Oklahoma, Stillwater, Dr. Harold Hodge at the University of Rochester (N.Y.)”
-June 13, 2000 An exclusive interview with Andy Pero, survivor of a secret mind control project
I think many alien abductions are a cover for, Nazi eugenics and mind control programs,right? But while I’m slinging out parallels…In the “real” world (check the Disclosure/Exopolitics crowd to hear this repeated…) there was supposedly a deal or trade, rather, made between the American government and a race of alien or transdimensional beings. This deal involved allowing human abductions in exchange for exotic technology in the hundred different versions that I have read in completely different books, that’s mostly the gist of it. I get the idea that perhaps all the talk about a dying race of aliens that need our genetic material starts to sound like a dying cult desperate to reproduce and spread the mania. I’m talking of course about a cult of Nazism, and it’s current power hold in the military industrial and space complex. We are constantly surrounded in today’s modern science world with the idea that we have to modify ourselves to be better,loved,confidant. So when this kind of robot thinking extends itself to genetics, well, we may already be in trouble…
"…his race would not share technology with the government and, despite their warnings about the Big-nosed Grays (WTF? -Frank Zero), the government broke off contact with them, preferring to allow the Grays to trade technology in mind control, beam weaponry and gravitation for silence on part of the United States about their abduction and mutilation operations. The Grays were required to furnish a periodic list of abductees to the National Security Council. But, by April of 1954, it became obvious to the Eisenhower administration that the Grays had broken the agreement and that they were abducting far more people than they reported, including large numbers of children. Since there was nothing they could do about it, they decided to keep the alien presence secret until a way could be found to do something about it. "
imageUNITED HUMANITY WEBSITE www.oocities.org
and now this from the X-Men…
"He (Sinister) uses this persona as he accesses the American branch of the Hellfire Club to seek government funding for what he claims is eugenics work. It isn’t that far off the mark, and is actually welcomed by the foolishly bigoted WASP power structure. What he is able to found is no less than Operation: Black Womb. The project is simple: He will give the US government tidbits of the promise of genetic engineering, and they will give him near-unlimited funding and access to less-than-desirable castoffs of society…They are eager to do so! The mentally ill, racially-undesirable prisoners – prisoners of all kinds, actually – the disabled … Black Womb hardly discriminates. He also is able to channel genetic data taken from socially acceptable people, culled from doctors’ offices across the country.”
If these Mengele or Mr.Sinister types are alien themselves or following some alien agenda where by they solidify the importance of genetic manipulation (sometimes publically, but more succesfully from the shadows. In Sinister’s case this alien may be Apocalypse and his ancient Annunaki/Archon type influence
Watch the X-Men cartoon: No Mutant Is An Island where Cyclops frees kids being programmed in strange Montauk chair looking devices at an orphanage.
Between Sinister and High Evolutionary I don’t know who has a scarier more disturbing view of the future of genetics or who had more air time in the 90’s cartoons on Fox Kids.
Apocalypse- In the Nag Hammadi text there is a reference to a being known as an archon. However he is thrice archonic, in every contemporary way possible because he is an Egyptian shape shifting, alien, robot…
In the “ Fifth Horseman “ episode of the cartoon series Fabian Cortez and Apocalypse create a duplicate “ Lazarus Chamber “ in the Aztec Pyramids which works in conjunction with a“ celestial conjunction “. Apocalypse intends to use Jubilee as a vessel to bring himself into this dimension.
“The future came to me in that craft I have embraced it and merged with its technology so that I may lead the evolution of the human race…since when has mankind ever known what it needs ?”
-Apocalypse, X:Men Evolution Ascension
There is some debate over whether Apocalypse was the first mutant in Marvel history. (Namor, being the first popular mutant to appear in the comics, though he is considered by some to be a hybrid…) The character certainly dates back to the origin of human events in the Marvel universe. Most of the events of his early public life took place in Ancient Egypt. Obviously the idea of his Four Horseman may detail his part in the biblical Book of Revelation, as he seems to be an entity rooted in nearly lost ancient text. ( The Nag Hammadi Text ?)
“As long as mankind has existed, I AM. War and strife have been mankind’s proving ground. I have encouraged these things…to ensure that the denizens of the world below grow strong. “
–Apocalypse, X-Factor Annual #3
Apocalypse, whose real name is En Sabah Nur, was created in June of 1986 by Louise and Walter Simonson and Jackson Guice. Though the character is only as old as issue five in the X-Factor comics, Apocalypse was later revealed to be the first mutant ever, being spawned some five thousand years ago. In the ” Beyond Good and Evil” mini-series of the animated X-Men show of the 90s he gathers psychics to generate a “Lazarus Chamber ” in the hidden chamber under the Great Pyramid, not unlike the use of psychics in SRI experiments and in Crowley’s writing of the ” Book of the Law ” ( also in the Great Pyramid ).
“Time is motion and motion and thought are a unity. Two aspects of a single power that is beyond comprehension to all but myself that is why certain psychics can see into the future. The mind can transcend time”
The first mutant may have thought himself to exist longer than the totality of human life, he also only lived a life, seemingly to annihilate human progress and then to change the world into mutants. A step he saw as necessary to evolution, already a very Nazi-sounding eugenics agenda. His shape shifting ability and eventual fusion with alien technology would lead him to control the events of man’s past and shape the agendas of his future. Born En Sabur Nur, he was abandoned as a baby (his tribe fearing him to be a demon) and later picked up by a roaming group of marauders, and looked after by the character Baal. The demon connotation, especially the regional one in Apocalypse’s case, makes him seem in some ways like Jack Kirby’s idea of the Deviants in the comic book Eternals.
Those who subscribe to the ancient alien theory will note that all the ancient sacred sites are the coordinates of ancient aliens landing spots, or at least the cultures who had direct alien influence in their art, architecture, technology, astronomy, mythology etc… In Marvel comics these places are the landing places of the ancient alien races as well (The Eternals and Celestials for example). Apocalypse utilizes the ancient Celestial technology in those places (He has a secret base under the Sphinx and Stonehenge) and they eventually bonded with his physiology… Anyone familiar with WW2 history or even 90s action cartoons will know he is no pioneer in this geomancy based ley line take-over of the Earth, Himmler and Cobra have both attempted the same thing. In Cobra and Apocalypse’s case they marked their territory with bizarre energy pyramids that wind up rising into a low orbital “morphogenetic grid”.
The theme of controlling ancient alien technology beneath the surface of the planet that can be entered through trans-dimensional doorways comes up in every fictional/mythical work from the Tuatha De Danann in Irish Mythology to the film Dark City to the new Batman: Brave and Bold cartoon (see episode Equinox). In all of these examples especially with Apocalypse, there seems to be an attempt at direct representation of the archons that seek to control our reality. The term archon has roots in words like lord or ruler, interpretations of the Nag Hammadi text, according to John Lamb Lash and Jay Weidner, have led to an understanding of the archons as being “ shape shifters, deceivers, tricksters,” hive-minded, technological or organically assimilative. These are all also ways of describing Apocalypse and nodes of his never ending agenda. This also lends explanation to other technological take overs in fiction. Terminator, the black oil from X-Files, the Daemonites from Wildcats, and the Deceptions or more popularly, Decepticons from Transformers all seem to be technological manifestations of an archon-based agenda.
“Since the dawn of time, humans have recorded encounters with strange beings with weird powers and even stranger means of transportation. They’ve been identified in various cultural trappings. Our tech-minded age chooses to see them as extraterrestrial technocrats, coming to Earth to conduct their experiments.”
-Christopher Knowles at the Secret Sun
The Archons at the Deconstruction Zone
Also of note: In the early 90s there were a couple of shows with psychotic fundamentalist trying to end the world based off their own literal interpretation of prophecy, Mighty Max featured the villain Rage, obsessed with his own Book of Rage trying to high-jack the space program and crazy talk ramble people to death like Apocalypse.
Oddly enough by Season Two of the X-Men cartoon, they show Cable fighting exact likenesses of the T-1000 robots from Terminator. As Cable ducks off from fire in one episode they show him consulting his cosmic computer cube on a ” time stream realignment “. A by-product of agencies with different plans for the future altering the past so that the future keeps changing to fit their desired outcome. Even stranger, in this future time, currency simply says “Cube” on it.
In the future timelines of the X:Men including the assassination of the Professor and the Age of Apocalypse; Bishop travels back in time from the future to stop the Professor’s murder. This parallels Cable traveling through time to fight Apocalypse and stop his perversion of the Celestial Technology. This is very much like Arnold time-traveling in Terminator to protect John Conner and stop the birth of A.I. collective brain Sky net. Something that is apparently already underway in the real world according to the work of Anthony Sanchez.
What Apocalypse and fundamentalist refer to as a “New Order“, is mostly brought about by the black magic politics of the Hellfire Club, Apocalypse, and black government agencies. They employ many tools to do this but the one that really forced the end times; perhaps prematurely was the sentinels. In the initial pull for Mutant Registration, they were responsible for using government information on mutants and then capturing them and placing them in internment camps, if not killing them. Another World War Two reference comes in the form of the mark on Bishop’s face. Bishop has an “ M “ mark on his eye signifying that he is a mutant, much like the star Jewish people had to wear in concentration camps.
The Archons in the real world seem to have manifested through technology in so many ways. Movies like Terminator, Thirteenth Floor, and the Matrix playing out the worst of “what if?” scenarios regarding technology, but what if those scenarios aren’t as far-fetched as previously thought?
Once I began to realize how “real “ many of the plots and programs were in the X-Men mythology, I was prompted to check in with the Secret Sun’s science and technology experts to see how far-fetched some of this stuff was; or, if some of it was applicable to our current situation as a species. One cannot escape ideas like Scott and Jean being monitored throughout their ancestry for possible genetic traits that could play into the eugenics agendas of characters like Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse. In conspiracy circles it is thought that certain bloodlines are picked for their supernatural powers, usually psychic in nature as discussed in past articles. One of the more popular supposed projects discussed here is Talent.
“For an amount of time spanning throughout several decades Sinister would observe developing mutant children that resided in the State Home for Foundlings which was located in Omaha, Nebraska. Yet it was in his laboratory under the orphanage where most of his horrific acts took pace. He proceeded to cruelly manipulate the young lives of the mutant orphans eventually attempting to make them his minions while manipulating their adult lives, one of these many victims was Scott Summers.”-comicvine Sinister
read more material like this
(1) Why is 9 a curious number in all this weird culture creation?
In the X-Men the Hellfire Club is an evil magickal sect with 9 members. (most of the time). They are quite powerful and cunning and exert their influence on some aspects of the military and government. In the film X-Men Origins they try to hasten the Cold War. They are involved with the creation of the of the sentinels, clone armies, and seem to be interested in random mutants genetics, the Phoenix power, mind control, etc… They also use Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic motto “Do What Thou Whilt”.
” Despite initial setbacks all
subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to
reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them.
When they’re covert services are needed they will attack their target
and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind,
The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme
emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the
subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down
making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life
events. ” -Doctor (X-Men cartoon Episode Weapon X, Lies, and Videotape)
” The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take
volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds
through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named
Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a
man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine “-Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2
Weapon X
There seem to be some unflinching similarities between the accounts of
“real super soldiers ” and those in a particular region of the Marvel
Comics Universe. When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron
furthering the work of Mengele’s, it became hard to not see a tie to
the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a
mysterious ” Professor ” who has quite an uncanny resemblance to
Cameron.The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius
and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren’t enough, with all the
replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and
what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test
subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finiaon’s interviews.
or Fritz Springmeir’s Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how
did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger
when we see that GI Joe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X
issues in the 90s…
” Under the name Logan, Wolverine had
already been working for the CIA alongside fellow agents like Victor
Creed, the future Sabertooth. The CIA established Project X in order to
convert men into “super soldiers” with unusual abilities. The project
facilities were set up in Windsor, Canada, through a secret agreement
with the Canadian government. “-X-Men: The Ultimate Guide
" The Project
was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and
transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual
and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are
two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named
Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2
There seem
to be some unignorable similarities between the accounts of "real super
soldiers " and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics
Universe. When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron
furthering the work of Mengele's, it became hard to not see a tie to the
fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a
mysterious " Professor " who has quite an uncanny resemblance to
Cameron. The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham
Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren't enough, with
all the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the
mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other
test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finiaon's
interviews. or Fritz Springmeir's Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s
? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets
stranger when we see that GI Joe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the
Weapon X issues in the 90s...
X-Men 90's cartoon series Season 3 Episode 19 Weapon X, Lies and Videotape
travels back to Canada to investigate his past. In this episode the
Canadian Professor seems to list the steps of his work as if they are
simply chapters in a Fritz Springmeier book.
(In the
comics the professor would later have his hand cut off by Wolverine who
would track him down and find him hiding in the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Pest Control Division. He was killed by Silver Fox in
Ontario years after.)
So Wolverine has dreams about Sabertooth emasculating him by threatening his woman ( Silver Fox ),
" after all we've been through "
This seems to be a reference to what Monarch researchers would consider trauma-bonding.
Xavier tries to probe his mind and screams in agony
" Strange tortuous memories pouring out as if a damn had burst "
Then Wolverine has a super soldier freak out on his own friends.
" Hank, I
found this, inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago, there was no
return address. I've seen this image in his mind, this must be a clue to
his delusions. Perhaps it triggered him "
Soldier" Duncan Finioan explains these same paranoid PTSD related
delusions and triggers that cause him to board himself up in his house
with all the lights off and his guns out.
" You just went in a dream state again what did you see ? "
" Me Being trained to take people out " - Wolvie
" I assume
you've been having headaches and nightmares, like Maverick and I, they
did something to our minds when we worked here, something code named
Project Talos "
" Take a closer look Logan, you remember these places don't you " Silver Fox
" Created Memories, but to what purpose ? " - Beast -memory implants from Wolverine Files: A Detailed Chronology
Wolverine has memories contradicting the movie sets of his memories he is standing in.
Sabertooth falls to the ground weeping remembering his dad abusing him for being different.
" Why does somebody want us to remember this, like it’s all bad "
According to
the literature on mind control. It has been found most effective to
traumatize ( abuse ) a person physically at ages three and five, later
these people would be bonded with other children and giving moments of
life that seemed perfect/supportive
As Wolverine approaches Silver Fox lovingly, she wards him off
" The cabin, was that a lie too ? " - Wolverine
" Despite
initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning,
we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we
conditioned them. When they're covert services are needed they will
attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the
subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a
simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive
chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming
them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best
when based on actual life events. " -Doctor
" Aldo
Ferro was a crime lord...who once owned half the land /biz in Cuba.
During the Weapon X experiment, Ferro used his telepathic powers to
implant false memories in Wolverine and other victims. Ferro linked the
false memories to the pain receptors of his victims not only because it
was more effective, but because he enjoyed inflicting pain on others. " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Vol.2
They show the four subjects back to back as if to hint at twinning. It is made obvious that this set is a movie studio with different rooms to fabricate different childhood memories...
Talos is responsible for their reprogramming, he is an evil borg looking archon type
are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large
crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly
unemotional, so they gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so
they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of
living on their planet's surface and needed to use other species to
reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original
Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and capture Captain Pike. They reappear in "The Menagerie". All
that blabber from Wikipedia just means that the Talosians were the
Watchers and here we have a Watcher that is trying to reprogram
Monarch/Military mind control victims...very odd indeed. Sabertooth uses
the creative visualization against the shape shifting watcher and
pretends he is fighting his father. Maverick shape shifts as well.
"Don't you get it Logan, it was all made up "
Weapon Plus
Captain America- 1st generation super soldier
Red Skull- first successfull German super soldier
Omega Red-first Russian super soldier
WEAPON X Projects
Wolverine-10th generation super soldier, actual character created 1974Maverick
Silver Fox
Lady Deathstrike
Weapon XV
Department H -
Alpha Flight, but sounds like Detachment G in real life- Note: Maverick, Sabertooth, and Wolverine were all in the C.I.A. in the 60s.
- Note: The Shi'ar also wanted to preserve Wolverine's genetics to produce clones in other dimensions…
Grillflame at the Secret Sun
Stalin’s Monkey Men
One of the first points on the timeline is World War 2. Instead of immediately diving into Nazi occultism and the darker suggestions of human potential;
a good starting point is the X-Men mythology specifically, Magneto’s
childhood. World War Two was the beginning of the Weapon Plus super
soldier program. The likes of which were almost entirely destroyed in
the creation of Captain America. Captain America and Wolverine worked
together on top secret OSS missions against the Nazis and or Hydra. (The
events of Wildcats/X-Men comic books also put Wolverine with Wildcats
character Zealot in a fight against high ranking Nazis who are actually
reptilian shape –shifters, also known in the Wildcats mythology as
“(It) belongs to a race of aliens who have sought dominion over the earth for centuries. “
“ Great. Next thing I know, yer gonna
tell me there are a bunch of mutatin’ humans tryin’ to start a genetic
civil war. “ “I have heard that prediction as well—but it’s not supposed
to occur for another few decades. “
-Wildcats and X-Men issue #1
These types of tales are not far from the pseudo-historical landscape of Mignola’s Hellboy graphic novels. All around, the theme is the carrying on of Nazi-esque eugenics and super soldier programs, which haven’t even been slightly noticed by the public, let alone, been well documented at all. A good percent of these
stories have an alien link in them, as do the conspiracy tales that
surrounded the Reich during the war. In the X-Men however, the alien
mythology started covering other ancient alien and modern conspiracy
theories, and it became quite complicated in understanding…
Were the writers more “well read” and knowledgeable about this data than most of the researchers of thesetopics in the real world, and before the information was released to the public for research? Were the creative forces behind the X-Men like
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, or Chris Claremont receiving their script ideas
from what can be considered a “ higher “ source, in the intelligence
department…perhaps, an otherworldly intelligence all together?
” Only in the last few thousand yearsdid mankind begin to make clothes for himself, build shelters, use heat and grow food in large quantities. With this man-made environment remaining relatively stable, the X-factor became dormant. For reasons
still not known to us, we are seeing what some are calling the
beginnings of another stage of evolution. ” – Jean from the X-Men Movie
On one hand, worldly mystical traditions, secret societies, and benign cults would insist thefurthering of human potential is quite late, in our growth as a
species; that methods which grant access to psychic abilities have been
around as long as recorded history. On the other hand; are those victims
or authors familiar with mind control methods who insist these “powers ”
were trained in over time, to them as individuals ( in alternate
personalities or altars ) for use when they’re controllers saw fit.
Either way the hope that little Uri Gellar’s and Bruce Lees will begin
to pop up everywhere, surely resides in many fans of the super hero
Vocalist/wine master/ritual magician Maynard James Keenan makes a great point in the essay that appears in the liner notes of the album Aenima, stating that
every time a human jumps higher or runs faster, evolution is taking
place. One only has to watch Shaolin Monks, Nasa scientist, Spetsnaz
soldiers, or basketball players excel at what they do, to notice they
are taking giant steps for all of mankind, actually evolving furthering
the full waking extent human potential.
Ewan Cameron Documentary :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4j6wznvOGg
In the case of the fictional world of the X-Men, socio-politically
speaking, they came at a perfect time in 1963, when society needed
heroes who embraced the diversity of the group, and diversity in
general, to rally against so many oppressors. America was changing
rapidly as Civil Rights cases were popping up all over, and many people
wound up in jail, some for their bravery, others for their hate crimes.
Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream “speech days before the
release of the first issue of the X-Men. In a way Xavier’s philosophy
seems to be a median between Martin Luther King and Kennedy’s wisdom.
This is the same year Kennedy was killed and Malcolm X was giving talks
on defending oneself if provoked by violence. A stance that is not at
all unlike that of X-Villain Magneto. Both real and fictional men have
their early lives scarred by hatred and violence toward their families
for simply being; who they naturally were…Both men, taking a lifelong
vigilant stand against that kind of evil. Both perhaps, winding up in
the trappings of the agencies who seek to control larger societal tides,
whose agendas were masked to both Eric Magnus and X. Also of note, in
that year different countries were protesting their government’s choice
to further nuclear programs, something often considered synonymous in
and out of fiction, with mutation and alien contact. The TV show Alphas
also reflects many of these ideas, and Kerry Cassidy mentioned the X-Men
(let's say...kind of) at the Second Super Soldier Summit.
The following is a critical psychoanalysis of the characters in the X-Men, based off of worldly mythological comparisons.
some ways these comparisons can be articulated further to the mythology
of the X-Files as, well as other worldly magickal traditions and black
projects. In order to be brief this is an abbreviated version of those
correspondences, which should be expanded upon.
The Rand Corporation: what good is a conspiracy theory without an underground base built by a secret government working on Super Soldiers?
, Land Corporation in an interview with George Getz is a science writer
for the LA Times, Robert M.Salter said, said For more information on
this tunnel construction, the use of existing technologies and projects
addition, he said, also that there is a reason to be built
environmental, economic in the transportation system of this
What … again, What is the ultra-high-speed 10,000 miles per hour? ” -(LA article of 1972)
Land Corporation and is one of the agencies that there is a number that
made in the United States mankind brainwashing conspiracy think tank in
the United Kingdom “ta Vittorio Stock relationship Institute” -fabiofeminofanti(...)
RAND the Air Force and Underground Tunnels
In the film
X-Men First Class, the film begins with a flipping Nazi coin that is
blurred into the X for the X-Men intro. We see Magneto being traumatized
by first the suggestion, then the murder of his mother before his eyes.
In a Project Talent-esque way this seems like trauma forced on the
young Magneto to test the extent to which his emotions can affect his
powers. Duncan Finiaon explains that the occult persona is another
altar. Could this be like Wolverine being given false memories of
traumatic events during Weapon X? Is this why the mutation hits often at puberty, with the onset of extreme emotional re-activity?
Nazi Gold:
billions in Nazi gold telegraph.com
Article on Nazis in South America
So it seem Magneto spent some time in
Israel and then in South America…(he occupies a fictional part of South
America we will pretend isn’t Argentina where he steals a military
craft. All this and the missile crisis and “Blue-Beam” army, courtesy of
”Magneto’s experiences surviving
Nazi Germany, Auschwitz, and Vinnytsia would shape his outlook on the
situation that mutants face in the Marvel Universe. Determined to keep
such atrocities from ever being committed against mutantkind, he is
willing to use deadly force to protect mutants. He would believe that
mutants (“Homo superior”) will become the dominant life form on the
planet and would set about either creating a homeland on Earth where
mutants could live peacefully, or conquering and enslaving humanity in
the name of mutantkind."
Magneto’s first villainous act was
attacking a United States military base called Cape Citadel after
bringing down missiles. He was defeated by Charles Xavier’s mutant
students, the X-Men, in their first mission. He creates Asteroid M, an
orbital base of operations in a hollowed out asteroid that he wanted to
be a homeland for all mutantkind. He then gathered a group of angry and
disillusioned mutants including his own, albeit at the time, (children
whom he didn’t know were his) Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch and
formed the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to further his goals.”
“Magneto briefly
conquers the fictional South American nation of San Marco in the hopes
of establishing a mutant homeland there after stealing a military ship
and getting Mastermind to cast an illusion of an army, but is once again
foiled by the X-Men. He tried to make the Toad infiltrate the X-Men,
but when that failed he captured the Angel and tried to force him to
tell the secrets of the X-Men. However the other X-Men were able to
rescue their member and destroy Asteroid M.”
- Note:
Magneto is traumatized/mutated by Sebastian Shaw. ( S.S. for short )
who is a black magician who manipulates the powers in the military
industrial complex to further his centuries old agenda. He is also
responsible for the ideas behind the sentinels. - The
beginning of the film oddly confuses the swastika and X symbol on Kevin
Bacon’s quarter, suggesting super human mutation and SS projects are
closely tied.) - John
Murdoch in the film Dark City is not able to actually change the Saturn
Machine until he gets angry enough. Then with the use of his third eye
and lots of rage he adjust the physical reality around him to his
Asteroid M
“In reality asteroids, even in the
main belt, are spaced extremely far apart. Proto-planets in the process
of formation and planetary rings may look like that, but the Sun’s
asteroid belt does not. (The asteroid belt in the HD 69830
system may, however.) The asteroids are spread over such a high volume
that it would be highly improbable even to pass close to a random
asteroid. For example, the numerous space probes
sent to the outer solar system, just across the main asteroid belt,
have never had any problems, and asteroid rendezvous missions have
elaborate targeting procedures. The movie 2001: A Space Odyssey is unusual in that it does portray realistically the ship’s “encounter” with a lone asteroid pair.”
the following is from the Asteroid Mining Company:
“Why can we do this now, instead of, say 50 years ago when the idea was first floated by the likes of von Braun?
Improvements in rocketry (especially
ion engines) have only occurred in the last 10-15 years. This technology
enables exhaust velocities that allow large delta-V’s (very energetic
maneuvers) with small fractions of spacecraft mass devoted to fuel.
Improvements in asteroid detection infrastructure (Catalina Sky Survey
and such) have only occurred in the last 10-15 years. This could
potentially have been pursued before, but the political backing has only
materialized recently, as we realized just how common these bodies
really are. As industry moves towards ever-larger spacecraft (40 kW
range), the size of asteroid that we retrieve has only recently started
to match the size of asteroid that we can detect from the ground.
Improvements in astrodynamics in just the last 10 years include the
discovery of the Interplanetary Transport Network or if you’re
comfortable with a bit of calculus, see (this PDF document) If you’re patient, these approaches can let you travel from place to place in our solar system with very little energy.”
- Note: Magneto is
traumatized/mutated by Sebastian Shaw. ( S.S. for short ) who is a black
magician who manipulates the powers in the military industrial complex
to further his centuries old agenda. He is also responsible for the
ideas behind the sentinels. - Note:
the beginning of the film oddly confuses the swastika and X symbol on
Kevin Bacon's quarter, suggesting super human mutation and SS projects
are closely tied.) - Note:
John Murdoch in the film Dark City is not able to actually change the
Saturn Machine until he gets angry enough. Then with the use of his
third eye and lots of rage he adjust the physical reality around him to
his liking.
Spider Man
Spider Man comic books
A SpiderMan/X-Force comic from 1991 shows
and uses language that is very clear regarding the destruction of the
WTC towers, similar imagery from the previews of the Spider Man film
trailer resulted in the preview being taken out of theaters. Todd
Mcfarlane wrote and illustrated both that comic and the first issue of
the black alien symbiote (black oil) saga. Spider Man resembles a grey
alien and the 90s also put him through a Clone War similar to Star Wars
and some super soldier testimony
Spider Man tie in #2
Spider Man Unlimited-
In the first episode, NASA scientist
explain there is a counter earth on the other side of the Sun. They use
circular stargates to teleport a shuttle to Counter Earth, very similar
to the technology proposed in Michio Kaku's stargate talks in 2011.
Before the first episode is allowed to end, we meet the black oily
versions of both Venom and Carnage, as well as the characters of Counter
Earth and their religious devotion to the High Evolutionary. Spider Man
also gets really psyched over his nano-armor, adding to the
trans-humanism porn feel of many of the cartoons of the 90s. The episode
concludes with Spidey about to be sawed open by a bunch of genetic
experiments that refer to themselves as Beastials and make it sound cool
like bestiality and furries in one warrior class.
The high evolutionary explains in episode
two that he was looking for a Utopia, so he built a society out of his
genetic experiments. He considers his technology and creations the
ultimate achievement. . The high evolutionary is referred to as the
Wizard of Oz.
"I thought I came through a space warp to get here... feels more like a looking glass "
Well that's a pretty direct reference to Project Looking Glass and Timeline 2.
Carnage and Venom become obsessed with
the Synaptic, which in Jack Kirby's world would be the Eternals Uni Mind
or perhaps the Borg from Star Trek
" Your probably the only untagged human
in the city,...Every human is tagged with a subdural chip. " What a
strange RFID tangent. I don't remember Spidey in the funny books having
such a super soldier sense.
X-Men tie in #2
One of the first points on the timeline
is World War 2. Instead of immediately diving into Nazi occultism and
the darker suggestions of __human potential__;
a good starting point is the X-Men mythology specifically, Magneto’s
childhood. World War Two was the beginning of the Weapon Plus super
soldier program. The likes of which were almost entirely destroyed in
the creation of Captain America. Captain America and Wolverine worked
together on top secret OSS missions against the Nazis and or Hydra.
(The events of Wildcats/X-Men comic books
also put Wolverine with Wildcats character Zealot in a fight against
high ranking Nazis who are actually reptilian shape –shifters, also
known in the Wildcats mythology as Daemonites.)
“(It) belongs to a race of aliens who have sought dominion over the earth for centuries. “
“ Great. Next thing I know, yer gonna
tell me there are a bunch of mutatin’ humans tryin’ to start a genetic
civil war. “ “I have heard that prediction as well—but it’s not supposed
to occur for another few decades. “
-Wildcats and X-Men issue #1
These types of tales are not far from the
pseudo-historical landscape of Mignola’s Hellboy graphic novels. All
around, the theme is the carrying on of Nazi-esque eugenics and super
soldier programs, which haven’t even been slightly noticed by the
public, let alone, been well documented at all. A good percent of these
stories have an alien link in them, as do the conspiracy tales that
surrounded the Reich during the war. In the X-Men however, the alien
mythology started covering other ancient alien and modern conspiracy
theories, and it became quite complicated in understanding…
Were the writers more “well read” and
knowledgeable about this data than most of the researchers of these
topics in the real world, and before the information was released to the
public for research? Were the creative forces behind the X-Men like
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, or Chris Claremont receiving their script ideas
from what can be considered a “ higher “ source, in the intelligence
department…perhaps, an otherworldly intelligence all together?
” Only in the last few thousand years did
mankind begin to make clothes for himself, build shelters, use heat and
grow food in large quantities. With this man-made environment remaining
relatively stable, the X-factor became dormant. For reasons still not
known to us, we are seeing what some are calling the beginnings of
another stage of evolution. ” – Jean from the X-Men Movie
On one hand, worldly mystical traditions,
secret societies, and benign cults would insist the furthering of human
potential is quite late, in our growth as a species; that methods which
grant access to psychic abilities have been around as long as recorded
history. On the other hand; are those victims or authors familiar with
mind control methods who insist these “powers ” were trained in over
time, to them as individuals ( in alternate personalities or altars )
for use when they’re controllers saw fit. Either way the hope that
little Uri Gellar’s and Bruce Lees will begin to pop up everywhere,
surely resides in many fans of the super hero genre.
Vocalist/wine master/ritual magician
Maynard James Keenan makes a great point in the essay that appears in
the liner notes of the album Aenima, stating that every time a human
jumps higher or runs faster, evolution is taking place. One only has to
watch Shaolin Monks, Nasa scientist, Spetsnaz soldiers, or basketball
players excel at what they do, to notice they are taking giant steps for
all of mankind, actually evolving furthering the full waking extent
human potential.
“The future came to me in that craft I
have embraced it and merged with its technology so that I may lead the
evolution of the human race…since when has mankind ever known what it
needs ?”
-__Apocalypse__, X:Men Evolution Ascension
There is some debate over whether
Apocalypse was the first mutant in Marvel history. (Namor, being the
first popular mutant to appear in the comics, though he is considered by
some to be a hybrid...) The character certainly dates back to the
origin of human events in the Marvel universe. Most of the events of his
early public life took place in Ancient Egypt. Obviously the idea of
his Four Horseman may detail his part in the biblical Book of
Revelation, as he seems to be an entity rooted in nearly lost ancient
text. ( The Nag Hammadi Text ?)
“As long as mankind has existed, I AM.
War and strife have been mankind’s proving ground. I have encouraged
these things…to ensure that the denizens of the world below grow strong.
–Apocalypse, X-Factor Annual #3
Apocalypse, whose real name is En Sabah
Nur, was created in June of 1986 by Louise and Walter Simonson and
Jackson Guice. Though the character is only as old as issue five in the
X-Factor comics, Apocalypse was later revealed to be the first mutant
ever, being spawned some five thousand years ago. In the " Beyond Good
and Evil" mini-series of the animated__X-Men__
show of the 90s he gathers psychics to generate a "Lazarus Chamber " in
the hidden chamber under the Great Pyramid, not unlike the use of
psychics in SRI experiments and in Crowley's writing of the " Book of
the Law " ( also in the Great Pyramid ).
“Time is motion and motion and thought
are a unity. Two aspects of a single power that is beyond comprehension
to all but myself that is why certain psychics can see into the future.
The mind can transcend time”
The first mutant may have thought himself
to exist longer than the totality of human life, he also only lived a
life, seemingly to annihilate human progress and then to change the
world into mutants. A step he saw as necessary to evolution, already a
very Nazi-sounding eugenics agenda. His shape shifting ability and
eventual fusion with alien technology would lead him to control the
events of man’s past and shape the agendas of his future. Born En Sabur
Nur, he was abandoned as a baby (his tribe fearing him to be a demon)
and later picked up by a roaming group of marauders, and looked after by
the character Baal. The demon connotation, especially the regional one
in Apocalypse’s case, makes him seem in some ways like Jack Kirby’s idea
of the Deviants in the comic book Eternals.
Those who subscribe to the ancient alien
theory will note that all the ancient sacred sites are the coordinates
of ancient aliens landing spots, or at least the cultures who had direct
alien influence in their art, architecture, technology, astronomy,
mythology etc… In Marvel comics these places are the landing places of
the ancient alien races as well (The Eternals and Celestials for
example). Apocalypse utilizes the ancient Celestial technology in those
places (He has a secret base under the Sphinx and Stonehenge) and they
eventually bonded with his physiology… Anyone familiar with WW2 history
or even 90s action cartoons will know he is no pioneer in this geomancy
based ley line take-over of the Earth, Himmler and Cobra have both
attempted the same thing. In Cobra and Apocalypse’s case they marked
their territory with bizarre energy pyramids that wind up rising into a
low orbital "morphogenetic grid".
The theme of controlling ancient alien
technology beneath the surface of the planet that can be entered through
trans-dimensional doorways comes up in every fictional/mythical work
from the Tuatha De Danann in Irish Mythology to the film Dark City to
the new Batman: Brave and Bold cartoon (see episode Equinox). In all of
these examples especially with Apocalypse, there seems to be an attempt
at direct representation of the archons that seek to control our
reality. The term__archon__
has roots in words like lord or ruler, interpretations
Hammadi text, according to John Lamb Lash and Jay Weidner, have led to
an understanding of the archons as being “ shape shifters, deceivers,
tricksters,” hive-minded, technological or organically assimilative.
These are all also ways of describing Apocalypse and nodes of his never
ending agenda. This also lends explanation to other technological take
overs in fiction. Terminator, __the black oil from X-Files__,
the Daemonites from Wildcats, and the Deceptions or more popularly,
Decepticons from Transformers all seem to be technological
manifestations of an archon-based agenda.
“Since the dawn of time, humans have
recorded encounters with strange beings with weird powers and even
stranger means of transportation. They've been identified in various
cultural trappings. Our tech-minded age chooses to see them as
extraterrestrial technocrats, coming to Earth to conduct their
-__Christopher Knowles at the Secret Sun__
__The Archons at the Deconstruction Zone__
Also of note: In the early 90s there were
a couple of shows with psychotic fundamentalist trying to end the world
based off their own literal interpretation of prophecy, Mighty Max
featured the villain Rage, obsessed with his own Book of Rage trying to
high-jack the space program and crazy talk ramble people to death like
Oddly enough by Season Two of the X-Men
cartoon, they show Cable fighting exact likenesses of the T-1000 robots
from Terminator. As Cable ducks off from fire in one episode they show
him consulting his cosmic computer cube on a " time stream reallignment
". A by-product of agencies with different plans for the future altering
the past so that the future keeps changing to fit their desired
outcome. Even stranger, in this future time, currency simply says "Cube"
on it.
In the future timelines of the X:Men
including the assassination of the Professor and the Age of Apocalypse;
Bishop travels back in time from the future to stop the Professor’s
murder. This parallels Cable traveling through time to fight Apocalypse
and stop his perversion of the Celestial Technology. This is very much
like Arnold time-traveling in Terminator to protect John Conner and stop
the birth of A.I. collective brain Sky net. Something that is
apparently already underway in the real world according to the work of
Anthony Sanchez.
What Apocalypse and fundamentalist refer
to as a “New Order“, is mostly brought about by the black magic politics
of the Hellfire Club, Apocalypse, and black government agencies. They
employ many tools to do this but the one that really forced the end
times; perhaps prematurely was the sentinels. In the initial pull for
Mutant Registration, they were responsible for using government
information on mutants and then capturing them and placing them in
internment camps, if not killing them. Another World War Two reference
comes in the form of the mark on Bishop's face. Bishop has an “ M “ mark
on his eye signifying that he is a mutant, much like the star Jewish
people had to wear in concentration camps.
The Archons in the real world seem to
have manifested through technology in so many ways. Movies like
Terminator, Thirteenth Floor, and the Matrix playing out the worst of
"what if?" scenarios regarding technology, but what if those scenarios
aren’t as far-fetched as previously thought?
Top Five Reasons ( it may appear ) Technology Could “Take Over” ( in the real world )
1.__Self-Replicating Technology__
2.__Psychotronic Advertisement and other Applications the Beam Directly into the Brain__
3.__Robot Armies__
4.__Hologram Programs__
5.__Unmanned Sky-Net type System__
Once I began to realize how “real “ many
of the plots and programs were in the X-Men mythology, I was prompted to
check in with the Secret Sun’s science and technology experts to see
how far-fetched some of this stuff was; or, if some of it was applicable
to our current situation as a species. One cannot escape ideas like
Scott and Jean being monitored throughout their ancestry for possible
genetic traits that could play into the eugenics agendas of characters
like Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse. In conspiracy circles it is thought
that certain bloodlines are picked for their supernatural powers,
usually psychic in nature as discussed in past articles. One of the more
popular supposed projects discussed here is Talent.
“For an amount of time spanning
throughout several decades Sinister would observe developing mutant
children that resided in the State Home for Foundlings which was located
in Omaha, Nebraska. Yet it was in his laboratory under the orphanage
where most of his horrific acts took pace. He proceeded to cruelly
manipulate the young lives of the mutant orphans eventually attempting
to make them his minions while manipulating their adult lives, one of
these many victims was Scott Summers.”-__comicvine Sinister__
esonates with Ain Sophia, Gaia, Earth,Natural Origins and Feelings. Storm controls the weather and was
considered a goddess in Africa only after being raised under the mind
control and ninjitsu like tutelage of the Shadow King- A being that has
also been around since the dawn of humanity and feeds off of hatred and
psychic host. Just like Hellfire Club member Sebastian Shaw, Shadow King
is also a Nazi during WW2.
Jean Grey-
Who may represent Isis has power overher third eye, a powerful psychic woman, notably at the side of Cyclops.
The first of Xavier’s X-Men, she was seemingly picked first for her
level of power/skill/concentration.
had his childhood handled in many ways by
Sinister, in the animated episode No Mutant is and Island of the
original 90’s X-Men TV show, it is revealed that Scott grew up in an
orphanage which specializes in brain washing children to be future world
Cyclops breaks up childhood mind control program
Jean and Cyclops
lead a team/class/cult/ that teaches
children how to control and militarize their powers. This leads almost
immediately to going on missions that the Professor deems fit for the
continuation of his dream. The X-Men along with X-Force, -Factor,
-Caliber, Generation X and Alpha Flight are all privatized guerilla
military factions with individuals trained in special skill sets. ( This
may not often occur to the reader of the colorful comic books but it
must be noted for this analysis, especially as X-Force and X-Force have
now merged and dress like a Black Ops team. An invention of prior
mentioned comic writer Warren Ellis. It should also be noted that
X-Force has always looked like a team of augmented super soldiers, much
like the Ravagers ) The beginning missions for Department H and its
ex-C.I.A. victims ( pre Alpha Flight Canadian mutant special forces )
seem much like the real Delta Force but with mutant abilities calibrated
into urban fighting tactics., while on the other hand, Generation X
seemed like a high school with missions for field trips.
Illustrated Version at: