Invisible Reich new
The blog to end all blogs, the article to end all articles. Among other things this article will prove that the end of WW2 was vastly misunderstood, all the way down to the death of Hitler, that many countries celebrated their new Nazi elitist think tanks and wasted no time adapting their ideas, assuming a process deemed "denazfication". The U.S became a Nazi Disney Land, but that sounds upsetting, and outlandish, until one really focuses in between the lines, in between the mainstream (essentially useless and destructive) news, and sees the post war machine tearing away at the country, it's people, and more shockingly, the whole world. It's not your fault, or American families, or even the German people's fault. But it does have way too much to do with the Nazis, lemme explain what they did and why we might be fucked' until this is more common knowledge. Surprisingly, we can get even more specific, it is always a group of well funded global elite who force people into horrible gore filled wars. People have evolved from slaves to the rich, into robot drone soldiers beheading each other over the king's war industry. We've been closely instructed and not so politely programmed to worship and die for (somehow explained as patriotic necessary sacrifice to secure family and the things one loves about one's homeland) American hero Captain America has an identity crisis unlike any other hero. He is an accidental hypocrite. He was just a skinny, blond, weakling. Art is where Steve Rogers took on greater forms than himself and gave the super soldier a true American underdog archetypal ring, to his gliding shield. All this walking spectacular 4th of July flair on a character who has personally been written as a vigilante who serves only the American people, and the ideal American quality of life and yet, he is the tall blonde, blue-eyed Aryan stereotype injected with a serum complete from a Nazi program. This is where both the super soldiers and secret shadow governments, in both the conspiracy literature of facts, and nightmare's of comic book underworlds start to merge in a way that only synchromystic language can understand. I don't know if this is about Red Skull, or James Casbolt, or Wolfenstein, or aliens, or Occultism involving long streaming blonde psychic tendrils of Russian hair, but we will probably visit all of these...
Here we gather, without reading it yet, that Cap has made his way in the second issue to an underground bunker of some kind where Hitler has a globe with a Nazi flag pegged on the U.S. The book between Bucky and the globe reads something like "Trapped in a Nazi Stronghold"
"For Reasons of National Security..."
...Is the reason Hitler gave the people of Germany, to invade Poland after he burned down a farmhouse and blamed it on the “terrorists”; immediately denouncing those who questioned him as unpatriotic and soon had their peers turning them over to the SS. False Flag Terrorism is something we are all hopefully quite aware of by now, but, as is often my question...How did we get here? A quick look at the history of corporations, just within the U.S. may help us to understand how we wound up in the burning Animal Farm, or this preparatory Orwellian state.
A globalist takeover is an evident theme in all Nazi literature, as well as in the fundamentalist ranting of the novelists who were mouthpieces of modern organizations which currently push forward with their utopian plan for a "New World Order.” Because bankers and corporations do hold so much power, some of these ideas are far from conspiracy and they now constitute a daily reality which most people are at least partially aware of, even if it goes unmentioned for most of the time.
When it comes to the cult of Nazism, often the researcher is chilled to the bone by confronting a movement which simultaneously surpassed human progression and horror. One can see how the Nazi philosophy was not authored to merely die out upon Hitler’s defeat. It certainly was never personally forgotten, for the men who forged that bloody chapter in history were deeply spiritually and philosophically connected to their work. This meticulous data, kept safely compartmentalized in case of capture or death, would survive the war almost entirely intact arriving on the heels of its own self-fulfilling prophecy in the form of Hitler's less well known book, New World Order, which would serve as the center of focus for the emerging globalist worldview.
There was a kind of “the future belongs to us" idealism to the National Socialist state. And in our contemporary socio-political climate, this feeling has seemingly been realized by the surviving Nazis, their descendants, and their American supporters. The same handful of names of persons involved in the global intelligence community changed the world in more ways than imaginable between the years of 1943 and 1969, and researchers in all fields ranging from ritual magic to military strategy and theoretical physics are still putting the pieces of the Nazi puzzle together to try and figure out just what happened. Martin Bormann, Josef Mengele, Werner Von Braun, Klaus Barbie, Reinhard Gehlen, then Himmler and Hitler did enough during the war to influence an unending crusade of globalist ideas. Knowledge that is still found in the arsenal of modern doctors, spies, torture experts, rocket scientists, marketing executives, and so on.
Our latest Freemasonic and Skull and Bones presidents and other political leaders jump at the chance to vocalize the loaded term “New World Order." It becomes impossible to dismiss conspiracy theorists on this subject as most of the American populace is walking around with the phrase printed on every one dollar Federal Reserve note in their pocket. Under the pyramid on the Great Seal of this country it says, Novus Ordo Seclorum, a “New Order of the Ages.“ Is this the same as the Nazi weltanschauung, or worldview? From modern medicine, propaganda in the media, modern technology, the space program, politics, intelligence communities, and modern terrorism, you will find that, "the Nazis didn't ever lose World War 2, they just moved." (Monarch: The New Phoenix Program) The American flag is still flying high and children are still saluting it, so was this some kind of worst case scenario of silent, Cold War era infiltration? Are these simply the delusional ramblings of poor conspiracy theorists and disinformation agents trying to squeeze the last buck out of the conspiracy-as-entertainment crowd?
In sixty years we went from watching our fathers die in Normandy and Stalingrad to letting the same powerful families create wars out of thin air for their own ends. They consolidate money and power, and continue what researcher and author Jim Marrs calls, a National Socialist or NSA/NASA/Nazi police state which perpetuates a climate of fear and propaganda, trauma based mind control, and brutal unending S.S.-styled violence. These impossibly wealthy banking and political families make no secret of their agenda. Some of the more obvious offenders are the Bush, Rockefeller and the Rothschild clans. They crop up on both sides of every major war throughout history, pulling the strings as it were. The Rothschild's, who have no fear of media attention, openly discuss their plans for globalization, often as sound-bytes in the daily news.
Outside of direct contact with the agenda are found what are sometimes unwitting agents of polarization. Namely, people like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and Fox News who pull our emotions, opinions, fears, and finally votes in every direction. None of them seem to care that they leave us confused, fighting amongst each-other and blind to the fact that two choices of how to get to the same destination is ultimately no choice at all. They kindly for the dissemination of water-cooler conversation among the public, always parroting the extreme opinions promoted by what pretends to be an independent media. Even the people who are speaking fragments of truth do so in a way that is anxiety ridden, unsettling, and often influenced by their sponsors.
The Nazis and their sympathizers made sure that they had their hands in everything. They have tentacles spread through every major secret society, corporation, the media, and the military all over the world; the product of the post-war Nazi smuggling operations known collectively today as “Odessa,” and sometimes styled as a mythical beast such as in The Nazi Hydra in America by John Hawkins. The word represents the seamless compartmentalization of Nazi intelligence, scattered safely across the world after World War II into every global intelligence body, space program, banking option or opportunity, torture handbook, eugenics ideology, and especially the psychology departments of major American universities.
This transfer of information was called Project Paperclip on the polite American media side and was sanctioned by the U.S. government. Those who did not make it out officially made it out surreptitiously through “ratlines“ to South America and Israel, where they sometimes found themselves involved in all kinds of paramilitary operations, false flag attacks, and cultivating racist extremism. These ratlines were also assisted by units of the U.S. Infantry who were involved in counter-intelligence. Author and researcher Peter Levenda says, in his book Unholy Alliance, that about seventy thousand Nazis escaped after the war and didn't waste any time catching back up with their work. The slow but sure corporate takeover of the military, aided by the media, is loosely termed: the military industrial complex, abbreviated by Stephen Ambrose as MIC. In the U.S., people like Roosevelt, Eisenhower, JFK, and even Nazi S.S. officer Werner Von Braun warned of the threat of consolidating military, government, air and space, and corporate power into too few hands.
“The creation of this empire has been facilitated by the power of the corporate mass media, increasingly falling into fewer and fewer hands. The ownership of the corporations that presently control the information available to the broadest portion of the public can be traced back to the same families and companies who backed Hitler. Like Hitler, who sought to bring individuals alienated by the Industrial Revolution and Depression into a hive-like German Volk, of united people, the globalists who control America's mass media have attempted to bring citizens into one common worldview by the unremitting dissemination of homogenous news and information." -- Jim Marrs, Fourth Reich
"The obsession of the Nazis with the occult was there since the beginning, and it's very well documented its not something we are just making up... It's in the national archives and the Library of Congress and all throughout Europe to show the Nazis really were not a political party but a cult...They were a cult they were not any kind of political party as we would understand it"
Young Adolf Hitler became fascinated with the Spear of Destiny Habsburg Regalia exhibit at the Hofburg Musuem in Viennea, 1913. Later its known from Ravenscroft and Peter Levenda's work that the weaponization of the occult was very important to the leading Nazis. Between the Thule, Vril, and Black Sun, and Greenbaum remote viewers, there was quite a lot of Nazi occultism taking place during the war. Oddly enough, most of the eugenics ideas seem hijacked from Madame Blavatsky, yet they may originate from an otherworldly source in a body of data where masonry, the Golden Dawn and an offshoot of the Knights Templar spiritualist intersect. It seems that beside Hitler being possessed in some ways, many occultist of the time were experimenting with what Crowley, at least did successfully in the late thirties, contact with a trans-dimensional that mirrors the beings abducting Americans for the past fifty years. Though the history of contact with other entities is a long and deluded one, we can make out some of the book marks in time. On the popular side you have guardian angels, demons, fairies, aliens, etc... On the other you have more mysterious characters Solomon and his Temple, Jesus and his artificial insemination, Abdul Al Hazard and the Necronomicon, the Book of Enoch, John Dee, Enochian, and Jack Parsons' Babylon Working.
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In 1558, Queen Elizabeth the 1st appointed a man named John Dee her personal astrologer. Dee along with Edward Kelley received "from divine sources," a communication system for establishing a dialogue with angels ( and or one's guardian angel/divine self ) this angel language was called Enochian.
" Anybody who claims to have god's personal mobile number... is a tremendous threat to the established church. The church, in spiritual terms, is a collection of middle men. If you had an entire population capable of communicating with spiritual forces for themselves then popes.cardinals,bishops, all of these who have been redundant, that was the threat that John Dee posed to the religious authorities. Anybody who had information or knowledge which didn't fit with the established orhtodoxy was cruisin for a bruisin " -Alan Moore .
Interestingly enough, enochian is practiced by masons at the 33rd degree. Astronauts are usually 33rd degree masons. 33 degrees is also the latitudinal line across the earth that geographically maps out all the sites of alien or angel contact including Roswell and the site of the dictation of the book of Enoch. So Dee developed a system, with trans dimensional assistance of course that Crowley would later elaborate on, and it seems Parsons and Hubbard may have fucked up, quite simply; opening a portal to the UFO sightings and abductions of the the same time the beginning of a very Nazi esque eugenics plan and violent experimentation is also beginning that continues well documented into current cases.
One can begin to understand the magick secret societies of the third reich by what they were working on at the time. What is known is that the Vril was concerned with underground paradise in a Hollow Earth and that vril itself seems like another version of chi, prana, or orgone and can be channeled in many various ways once invoked. The Vril or Vril-ya term seems to be from a hybrid of science fiction, geomancy or ley line magick, but is essentially the same as chi in martial arts or prana in yoga.
The Thule were started around 1919, led by Dietrich Eckhart who would later edit the Nazi newspaper, advanced spiritualist concerned with bloodlines, the Spear of Destiny,Teutonic and Pagan rites, etc...
The Black Sun or Black Order seems to be Himmler's pet occultist, tied together by an everlasting belief in these occult beliefs. Himmler seems to have practiced a self-stylized form of Nordic mysticism that pooled ideas from the above organizations, and the most high ranking SS being blessed by him, so that their deceased skulls could be used in necromancy and channeling.
Himmler is also most known for taking over castles in Europe in a ritualistic fashion for geomancic purposes. Strange as it seems, the occult side of Nazism and contact with other worldly beings, is really what informed the plan to wipe out other races, in other words, aliens may have been responsible for the genesis of eugenics in the Third Reich, besides the element of a racist and psychotic work force, the extreme racist justifications provided if not prophesied simultaneously, by Darwin.
One of the leading theories which drove Nazi occultism was that of a hollow earth. It seems to be the living quarters for pre history reptilian civilizations and a breeding ground for Dulce base conspiracy theories. Though much of the original German occultism regarding the hollow earth was in theory, and in part seemingly based on a fiction novel*. Later records show the SS making an expedition there as they did all other occult hot spots on the globe.
( Jim Marrs' research and any work into German business post- WW2 points out the rise in antidepressants was solely the invention of corporations making money off of the " Pandora's box of placebo cures" we accept for our problems, normal human problems and natural chemical reactions that we try to artificially police with nonsense. Also Marrs points out that every major spree shooter in the last two decades was on a cross-design of some psychiatrists " anti-psychotic" anti-anxiety cocktail without real mental therapy. )
Science has had many years to catch up with modern occultism and in some cases demystify some of the long undusted cryptic passages of history. Just as well, the occult and its various rites, mythologies, and organizations have had time to cross compare, translate, and make simple even the most ancient and laborious of invocations.A trip to the local bookstore will unveil a thousand ways to contact a billion mystery school entities, exciting psychedelic ritual journeys for any curious psychonaut or proper magician. We have been able to access a part of history where by we can cross reference the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying with Rick Straussman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
Modern Counter Culture, in the hash smelling dorm rooms it existed in, bonded in some ways, with magick and science and created pop gurus like Timothy Leary and Ram Dass. In the late 90s DMT and grey aliens had forced their way onto the main stream pulse of culture. The Fifth Element and Transmetropolitan became pseudo household names. One of the leaders in occult thought in our modern pop black hole informational matrix, as he might put it, is comic book author Grant Morrison. He gave a talk at Disinformation that left everyone's jaw on the floor, and among his many other treasured writings, the Invisibles stands out as an occult history; more colorful and inclusive than most scholarly work on the subject, and is probably the foremost inspiration for the Matrix films. One of the thousands of ideas that Grant puts forth in his work and talks is that two-dimensional art or sigils with magickal intent, function as a kind of hacking code of the universe, and we can, by will, change reality. Quantum Physicists and British Comic Book authors at least agree on one thing: That we live in a two-dimensional reality of stacked informational hard drives, projecting three-dimensional holograms that we know as reality. Therefore two dimensional designs are the blue prints for our mental plane creating reality in front of us. In terms of consciousness, we have been dreaming ourselves about to wake up for about two centuries now.Within this framework we can easily see how other entities can shift in and out of this reality. Mega Ritualistic designs utilizing sacred geometry or astronomical arrangements also take on a more meaningful context in this startling new view of reality.
The mental "programming" we receive from television was started by the Nazis who aired not only their bizarre Aryan, mega ritual marches but also the Olympics to the people of Berlin in 1936. This would be the first mass appearance of the television. Later it would be used to mold the 50's Truman Show, robot-esque conformist-yet constructive, ideally peaceful culture. Nowadays, on the media side, six multinational monoliths control all popular and overwhelming global media. " Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, Vivendi, Bertelsmann AG, and News Corporation completely inform our world view." ( Marrs ) This is the ultimate Nazi dream. All information from one source, filtered through scripted controlled sources, to a controlled and sleepy public. Everyone reporting and advertising their body, skills, and daily activity to a book of faces or facebook. For the ultimate catalogue of all citizens to begin the NSA's dream of mass identification, whether it involves RFID chips and X-Ray scans, or not. Start a war, see if anyone stands up, Start another, repeat. The media and war are always working hand in hand in our modern fear based political climate. The idea is to traumatize a population to make it more easily controllable. Trauma based mind control- we shall talk more about this later.
Not so much has been published about the fine line that currently exists, supposedly between military and industry. Certainly in the age of war profiteering it becomes impossible to distinguish if there is a line between military industry and the state. Much more disturbing, would there be any division between the intent of the military and media? ( Not so much. ) Many mind control and brain-washing techniques, that have been mastered in combat settings, have become the palate of globalist advertisers, the multiple personality attention deficit is in the media...not the people. We have developed all kinds of names for what too much TV does to us; and our current collective mental condition allows for a handful of individuals to start decade long world wars and make all the money from both sides. They have one motivation, fear, and one tool, the television. Since it works so well, no further steps toward control have to be taken. We just assume the news is not lying or mal-informed, even though we know journalism is dead and reporters are actors in a studio reading a script.
" voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger" ( Goering )
The TV worked well, but they didn't stop there. One could write five books alone, on the contribution to freak science and elitist mind control tactics, of one Josef Mengele or the " Angel of Death". In short, with thousands of helpless human bodies to experiment on in the concentration camps, Mengele and his team of doctors, worked to extract a massive amount of what is mostly - still secret medical data. One of the key things America, gave him thousands of dollars after the war to master, was trauma based mind control. Later after the Korean War, when soldiers came back entirely brainwashed into being Communist, the military gave Mengele the green light to apply TBMC in every way imaginable. This method lead to the various branches of MK-ULTRA post Vietnam ( or the Phoenix Project specifically ) turning gradually into a corporate/ military / industrial / air and space mind control frenzy continued at least through the late 90s. Mind control victims emerge from Delta level Military or black ops soldiers, Disney pop stars and actors, political assassinations, NASA scientist, Russian prodigy children, etc...The list is really longer than most are comfortable with.
Supposedly, according to a conglomeration of researchers, underground bases span from Disney World to the Denver Airport, New York, and of course Area 51. They were built with CIA and NSA money from the " war on drugs ". They were initially for elitist pedophilia rings, then those just turned into mind control centers. When a child is traumatized severely they tend to disassociate and naturally split their personality to not deal with the trauma. According to people who have been victims of TBMC, and law enforcement officials, this is done at ages 3 and 5 or 6, and is seamlessly connected to satanic circles and individuals who harm kids sexually in ritualistic context or wearing masks, to discredit the children when they complain of attack to someone they trust. Once a person's mind has split successfully, it has open or secret rooms, so to speak, where data can be literally programmed in and encrypted, then the memory of the whole ordeal is removed or blocked. This allows the " handler " to program in alternate personality's that respond only to the handler's subliminal or encoded nonsensical commands or messages. The mind is an obediant puppy when the applications of electroshock ( used to "see the light" or have a seemingly spiritual nerve numbing experience ) and sexual and other brutal physical trauma are mixed to ensure an obedient, vulnerable, and programmable individual. This is how Russia, the US, and a few others farmed their NASA brains, personal sex slaves, and Delta level Spec Ops soldiers. This Psy Op mix of torture and loving enslavement, or " love bombing ", are the staple of Disney morals or religion and military emotional castration. Many victims remember Mengele programming them as children in Arizona and California. This later evolution of TBMC was called Monarch, another sub-project of MK-ULTRA. It takes its name from the person being shattered and reborn, and MK from MK-ULTRA is just the German abbreviation for " mind control ".
After the war, it seems almost obvious upon reflection that much of the Nazi eugenics and freakish mind-manipulation experiments were carried out under the smokescreen of alien abduction. Thousands of people from all over the world have claimed to have been abducted by aliens and put through a traumatic eugenics program. The CIA has been caught on more than occasion influencing our alien-obsessed culture. They began the Pleiadian contacts of the New Age movement, fueled the 1960's psychedelic movement with Orange Sunshine acid given to Timothy Leary by CIA assets, promoted modern art over the bland architecture of their Cold War enemies, and so on. It’s foolish to think that their meddling has ended. In his legendary ‘tin foil’ end times survival manual Behold a Pale Horse, ex-Naval Intelligence officer William Cooper details some of the exotic mind control technology that could be used to convince someone that they have been abducted over and over by the same three and a half foot tall grey aliens and interfered with in some continuing way. Doctor Jose Delgado was not alone in advancing the kind of research that allowed electrical stimulation of the occipital lobe to cause hypnagogic suggestions. These discoveries may explain the bright light witnessed in alien abductions and also near-death experiences where the hypnagogic state may be reached naturally, involving similar parts of the brain.
Even though we can see that some alien-themed scenarios have been fabricated by the intelligence community, and we know that some members of this community have been involved in trans-dimensional magick, there still seems to be an intriguing validity to the alien argument; including the popular ‘ancient astronaut’ theory hinting at an alien influence on more ancient civilizations. One needs to look no further than the popular History Channel show Ancient Aliens, where researchers like David Hatcher Childress, Philip Coppens, Nick Redfern, and Giorgio Tsoukalos blend physics, art history, and science know-how to explain many ancient visions and scenarios, that seem to be visitations from another world or a hidden part of our world; the experience obviously being colored by the worldview of the indigenous people in witness. Ancient Aliens cross compares the work of all the ancient alien theorists including Erich von Daniken, whom Tsoukalos is a student, as well as Zechariah Sitchin and Robert K G Temple.
People who are new to the topic of alien abduction often see the subject as being too "far out" to be worth serious consideration; however, the abduction phenomenon has provided physical evidence supporting its argument in the form of microchip implants, crop circles, false memory implants, unexplainable scars and burn marks, and other mysterious anomalies. Though more data points to the abduction experience itself being a product of some kind of memory manipulation or mind control, the mere fact that something is happening begs for scientific scrutiny by any willing branch of respectable academia.
Oddly enough, science fiction has always been under the same scrutiny, programming the masses, intentionally or not, through the subtle yet dangerous method of predictive programming via the media. Chris Carter (X-files), Philip K. Dick (A Scanner Darkly, Blade Runner, Total Recall), and Stanley Kubrick (possibly involved in Apollo moon mission fakery) were all approached by members of the intelligence community, or the fourth Reich, and influenced, instructed, or censored in some way in their work. Other science fiction authors have directly alien or Masonic ties like Willy Ley (Tom Corbett, Man in Space) and Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek). (Jay Weidner / Richard Hoagland)
"I'm sure we would not have had men on the moon if it had not been for Wells and Verne and the people who write about this and make people think about it. I'm rather proud of the fact that I know several astronauts who became astronauts through reading my books.“ -- Arthur C Clarke, address to Congress, 1975.
In Jay Weidner's documentary Kubrick's Odyssey, Weidner details how Stanley Kubrick would have been recruited by the intelligence community, based on his innovative methods of filming the B-2 bomber scenes in Dr. Strangelove, to fake the moon landing utilizing the exact timeline and budget of his seminal sci-fi film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Weidner illustrates how Kubrick's internal demons from this mass deception and the shady characters who perpetrated it would haunt him and become the driving force behind his hijacking of Stephen King's novel The Shining. This film, in turn, became a symbolic parable about elitist tactics as well as a possible confession of his knowledge or involvement with the space program.
Weidner shows how the research of people like Richard Hoagland may have disproved earlier theories of artificial structures on the moon, when pointing out the anomalies in the back of official NASA moon photos, and are actually proof of pre-green screen special effects which Kubrick used in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Researcher and Dark Mission co-author Mike Bara disagrees: “I think he’s completely and unequivocally wrong. We see the exact same structures from orbit as we do from the lunar surface. That pretty much settles it for me. We can even see the same structures from 2 different landing sites, Apollo 12 and Apollo 14." (
It has already been established that NASA was originally comprised of Masons, magicians, and Nazis. All three groups have their mascots or flagship individuals. The Freemasons had Buzz Aldrin who set up an altar on the moon; a great human being who was quite possibly “debriefed,” or brainwashed, as is evident in his odd responses to direct questions about the moon. The magicians were represented by Jack Parsons of JPL, a one time head of the California branch of the magical order Ordo Templi Orientalis. And the Nazi group was led by Werner von Braun. They may have, according to researcher Joseph Farrell, overpowered the other two groups by now.
One of the enigmas of history is von Braun. Here is a man who was sketching moon bases and dreaming of universal peace and freedom in the late 40s, at a time when Himmler and company were breaking down his door to make sure his V-2 rocket would level London instead of get a man into space. After a few years as an S.S. scientist, von Braun is welcomed with open arms in the U.S. and becomes Director of NASA. Years later he would work with Disney, starring in his own Disney space propaganda, for lack of a better description. Meanwhile, Willy Ley, one of von Braun's closest associates on rocketry, decided to escape Nazi rule and come to America. There was no great interest in rocketry at the time, so he turned to writing and advising on science fiction novels and television shows like Tom Corbett, Space Cadet. Air and Space
Wernher Von Braun (needs to be updated with notes from Secret Space Conference-Peter Levenda)
It seems, right from the beginning of life in Wersitz, Wernher had a strong passion for rockets. Influenced directly by the science fiction- which functioned then, as scientific speculation, a young von Braun started experimenting right away with flying and exploding rocket experiments. He had the mind filled with imaginative sci-fi ideas and the family money to experiment.
" The young von Braun became fascinated by science fiction-that literary underdog of pulp magazines and lurid fantasies which has, in fact, transformed the world just as much more ( than ) " sophisticated " literature ever has. Jules Verne's 1865 novel From the Earth to the moon was a particular inspiration. Like so many space visionaries, von Braun fell in love with rockets as a young boy and chased that one passion relentlessly for the rest of his life. Rockets today are " just" machines for sending satellites and modules into space, but half a century ago they seemed to promise something more to the people who dreamed of building them. Humanity would fly into the cosmos and settle on other planets, where new and perhaps better societies could be created. The rocket mirage was vague, but it was in keeping with the "romance of flight" or the "romance of the open road " that made the airplane and the automobile such objects of desire in the 1920s and 1930s, when the darker potentials of such machines had not yet been revealed to their fullest and most bitter extent."[1]
Wernher von Braun: Rocket Man for War and Peace
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He met up with like-minded visionaries in The Society for Space Travel ( Verein fur Raumschiffart ) Willy Ley and Hermann Oberth. Throughout the thirties von Braun would swiftly have his optimistic vision for the future of man, turn over night- into weapons capable of mass obliteration, by demanding Nazis like Heinrich Himmler. Much controversy surrounds von Braun's position on Nazism.One thing that the Nazi's make clear, join us or no research at all...20,000 people died in the tunnels built to house experimentation on the V-2 rocket. These projects were jointly headed by von Braun
"To me, von braun was a crusader he had an objective he wanted to reach a goal he wanted to get to and his whole activities were in that direction" -Julius Brown US Army Intelligence
Though it is obvious that von Braun knew of the atrocities happening in the same places he worked, he may have actually saved many people by assigning them elsewhere. Either way, it seems von Braun had his eyes on one thing...the development of his dreams in space exploration,
"We knew that we had created a new means of warfare, and the question as to what nation, to what victorious nation we were willing to entrust this brainchild of ours was a moral decision more than anything else. We wanted to see the world spared another conflict such as Germany had just been through, and we felt that only by surrendering such a weapon to people who are guided by the Bible could such an assurance to the world be best secured. All of man's scientific and engineering efforts will be in vain unless they are performed and utilized within a framework of ethical standards commensurate with the magnitude of the scope of the technological revolution. The more technology advances, the more fateful will be its impact on humanity.You must accept one of two basic premises: Either we are alone in the universe, or we are not alone in the universe. And either way, the implications are staggering". - von Braun
Though the above documentaries try to convince you otherwise, it seems there is no proof of von Braun's nazism, in the usual sense...If von Braun could've done it over himself, he may have not hurt anyone...There is no distinction between SS orders and von Braun's real intentions
" I trust you realize that your rocket has ceased to be an engineer's toy? The German people are eagerly waiting for it. " -Himmler
Capture of von Braun
. " I didn't know von Braun from a hole in the ground. " -44th division veteran below
" As Hitler's Third Reich was crumbling in January 1945, von Braun made plans to move his team of about 125 leading rocket scientists and engineers of the world, south to surrender to the Americans. Rather than succumb to capture by the long-sworn enemies the Russians, von Braun organized a mass exodus from Peenemunde to surrender to the American troops in Austria. Unknown to von Braun, Hitler had ordered their execution to prevent their capture by the Allies. After a dangerous intrigue filled journey and secure in Austria, they waited for the American arrival. At that time, brother Magnus von Braun journey on a bicycle to meet them. The first soldier that he met was a sentry with the 324th Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division, Private First Class Frederick Schneikert. Magnus was ordered to drop the bicycle and surrender, hands-up. In poor English, Magnus tried to explain his mission. The young soldier was not really sure what think of his claims. He turned the matter over to his commanding officer, First Lieutenant Charles L. Stewart. Stewart at first thought that Magnus was trying to"sell" his brother and the other scientists to the Americans. The contemporary report from the "Mission Accomplished, The Battle History of the 44th" is written with this prospective. The communications were soon cleared up and Lieutenant Stewart gave Magnus passes for the Germans, to ensure their safe passage to the American encampment. On May 2, 1945, von Braun and his rocket team surrendered to the US 44th Infantry Division. Had the Soviets captured von Braun instead, the post WW2 history might have been far different. " from the44th Division site here
Von Braun had always embraced science fiction but his vision like Disney's extended way past our current science. He and many at NASA from the late 50's, envisioned space stations and the like...
"The space station (to be constructed using rockets with recoverable and reusable ascent stages) would be a toroid structure, with a diameter of 250 feet (76 m). The space station would spin around a central docking nave to provide artificial gravity, and would be assembled in a 1,075 mile (1,730 km) two-hour, high-inclination Earth orbit allowing observation of essentially every point on earth on at least a daily basis. The ultimate purpose of the space station would be to provide an assembly platform for manned lunar expeditions. The notion of a rotating wheel-shaped station was introduced in 1929 by Herman Potočnik in his his book The Problem of Space Travel - The Rocket Motor. More than a decade later, the movie version of 2001: A Space Odyssey would draw heavily on the design concept in its visualization of an orbital space station. Von Braun envisaged these expeditions as very large-scale undertakings, with a total of 50 astronauts travelling in three huge spacecraft (two for crew, one primarily for cargo), each 49 m (160.76 ft) long and 33 m (108.27 ft) in diameter and driven by a rectangular array of 30 rocket propulsion engines.Upon arrival, astronauts would establish a permanent lunar base in the Sinus Roris region by using the emptied cargo holds of their craft as shelters, and would explore their surroundings for eight weeks. This would include a 400 km expedition in pressurized rovers to the crater Harpalus and the Mare Imbrium foothills." At this time von Braun also worked out preliminary concepts for a manned Mars mission that used the space station as a staging point. His initial plans, published in The Mars Project (1952), had envisaged a fleet of ten spacecraft (each with a mass of 3,720 metric tons), three of them unmanned and each carrying one 200-ton winged lander. in addition to cargo, and nine crew vehicles transporting a total of 70 astronauts. Gigantic as this mission plan was, its engineering and astronautical parameters were thoroughly calculated. A later project was much more modest, using only one purely orbital cargo ship and one crewed craft. In each case, the expedition would use minimum-energy Hohmann transfer orbits for its trips to Mars and back to Earth. Before technically formalizing his thoughts on human spaceflight to Mars, von Braun had written a science fiction novel, set in 1980, on the subject. According to his biographer, Erik Bergaust, the manuscript was rejected by no less than 18 publishers. Von Braun later published small portions of this opus in magazines, to illustrate selected aspects of his Mars project popularizations. The complete manuscript, titled Project MARS: A Technical Tale, did not appear as a printed book until December 2006. -wiki
Oddly enough it seems there were people on the surface who wished to downplay Wernher's Space Odyssey, if you will, and make the technology appear to move a lot slower. The notorious compartmentalizing of information by intelligence groups around that time make it impossible to understand how far the initial potential of von Braun's vision reaches...or destroys...
" Another possible crossing point for aerospace information may have been the Interplanetary Society ( BIS ), according to bennett and Percy. While the BIS was reportedly created in September 1945 by combining several existing organizations interested in the future of space exploration, it was not officially inaugurated until December of that year. At that time, Wernher von Braun, the man behind the V-2 rockets, was named as an honorary fellow. Arthur C. Clarke, an early member of the BIS, claimed the society had been in existence long before the was and was merely in "suspended animation" from 1939 to 1945. Nothing that the Soviet embassy in London subscribed to no less than twenty copies of the bimonthly BIS journal, Bennett and Percy asked, "Why was it necessary to reform a society already in existence? Why did the British hasten to grant such an award to the man who only nine months before...was responsible for the annihilation of so many people in London and the Home Countries? Why did von Braun...wish to play down the real timing, if everybody felt comfortable with the reasons for honoring ( him ) ? " Their insinuation is that valuable tocket technology information was passed along via the BIS, possibly with the approval of von Braun. "
Here again we see the encryption of key data in these magazines as proof of the " in plain sight " method of communicating certain data.
" Von Braun was also given the chance to display his undeniable charm on the public stage. He became a campaigner for space, tirelessly working the local Chambers of Commerce, the Rotary clubs and any other venues that would host him. By sheer force of personality, he shed his past and took up the role he had dreamed of ever since he was a boy: as the champion of our ascent into space. Perhaps he reinvented himself morally too, for his speeches and presentations throughout the rest of his life were informed not just by his abiding love of rockets, but also a passionate belief in human values. " -Bizony p30
Von Braun and Disney
"In the hope that its involvement would bring about greater public interest in the future of the space program, von Braun also began working with Walt Disney and the Disney studios as a technical director, initially for three television films about space exploration. The initial broadcast devoted to space exploration was Man in Space, which first went on air on March 9, 1955, drawing 42 million viewers and unofficially the second-highest rated television show in American history." -wiki
Two men that had a million ideas for the future, almost all of them utopian, ideal, flawless. The art that designed space stations and future worlds turned into Imagineering.
Conspiracy Theories regarding Von Braun:
In 1967 Von Braun visited Antartica
"Find yourself a copy of National Geographic, October 1968. I found one last month during my first search. On page 568 it has a 24-page article Antarctica: Icy Testing Ground for Space by Samuel W. Matthews, which might answer some of your questions. There was a large programme of study. In brief, it made perfect sense for NASA to be studying one of the most hostile environments on earth to get some idea of what environments off earth might be like. On page 571 it has a brief, and its only, mention of von Braun:
"Last January," a young Ph.D. at Byrd told me casually, "Dr. Wernher von Braun flew in to see our moon station. Here we are, out on the end of a limb, buried in the ice, living under the most hostile conditions. No need to wonder what a base on the moon might be like someday. We're it already."
It continues:
During my own month on "the Ice," as all Antarctic hands call their world, I found:
Even more intriguing than von Braun visiting an Antarctic research station is a United States Rear Admiral visiting a Russian Station there, at the height of the cold war. The caption to the photo on page 587 says: Russian hospitality: Soviet leader Boris Belyaev, right, spreads a welcome at pinup-decorated Vostok Station. U.S. Antarctic commander Rear Adm. J. Lloyd Abbot, Jr., and Jerry Huffman, senior National Science Foundation representative, flew in two American scientists for joint ionosphere studies. Likewise, Russians work each year at U.S. bases. The article has the names of ships I forgot decades ago (Eltanin, Burton Island, Westwind, and on page 577 it has a photo of the red-hulled ship Magga Dan, a name I hadn't heard since 1968. It took the first 21 tourists to Antarctica, and because it left from New Zealand it was in our news at the time"//
-this was taken fromhere
Some of the information on this page is taken directly fromWernher at wikipedia
Carol Rosin
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I've been talking with Carol Rosin, von Braun's last secretary who set up a lot of anti space war organizations. These are her ideas...HERE
Apollo Hoax Board
We can sleep well at night knowing that Jack and Simon did not create Cap as some kind of hidden statement about World War 2, regardless we see Cap clobbering Hitler just as he is about to review his plans for the conquest of the U.S (map included on top of "...Plans for U.S.A.") starting with a TV guided missile targeting (history of...) a U.S.Munitions depot.
Here we gather, without reading it yet, that Cap has made his way in the second issue to an underground bunker of some kind where Hitler has a globe with a Nazi flag pegged on the U.S. The book between Bucky and the globe reads something like "Trapped in a Nazi Stronghold"
"For Reasons of National Security..."
...Is the reason Hitler gave the people of Germany, to invade Poland after he burned down a farmhouse and blamed it on the “terrorists”; immediately denouncing those who questioned him as unpatriotic and soon had their peers turning them over to the SS. False Flag Terrorism is something we are all hopefully quite aware of by now, but, as is often my question...How did we get here? A quick look at the history of corporations, just within the U.S. may help us to understand how we wound up in the burning Animal Farm, or this preparatory Orwellian state.
A globalist takeover is an evident theme in all Nazi literature, as well as in the fundamentalist ranting of the novelists who were mouthpieces of modern organizations which currently push forward with their utopian plan for a "New World Order.” Because bankers and corporations do hold so much power, some of these ideas are far from conspiracy and they now constitute a daily reality which most people are at least partially aware of, even if it goes unmentioned for most of the time.
When it comes to the cult of Nazism, often the researcher is chilled to the bone by confronting a movement which simultaneously surpassed human progression and horror. One can see how the Nazi philosophy was not authored to merely die out upon Hitler’s defeat. It certainly was never personally forgotten, for the men who forged that bloody chapter in history were deeply spiritually and philosophically connected to their work. This meticulous data, kept safely compartmentalized in case of capture or death, would survive the war almost entirely intact arriving on the heels of its own self-fulfilling prophecy in the form of Hitler's less well known book, New World Order, which would serve as the center of focus for the emerging globalist worldview.
There was a kind of “the future belongs to us" idealism to the National Socialist state. And in our contemporary socio-political climate, this feeling has seemingly been realized by the surviving Nazis, their descendants, and their American supporters. The same handful of names of persons involved in the global intelligence community changed the world in more ways than imaginable between the years of 1943 and 1969, and researchers in all fields ranging from ritual magic to military strategy and theoretical physics are still putting the pieces of the Nazi puzzle together to try and figure out just what happened. Martin Bormann, Josef Mengele, Werner Von Braun, Klaus Barbie, Reinhard Gehlen, then Himmler and Hitler did enough during the war to influence an unending crusade of globalist ideas. Knowledge that is still found in the arsenal of modern doctors, spies, torture experts, rocket scientists, marketing executives, and so on.
Our latest Freemasonic and Skull and Bones presidents and other political leaders jump at the chance to vocalize the loaded term “New World Order." It becomes impossible to dismiss conspiracy theorists on this subject as most of the American populace is walking around with the phrase printed on every one dollar Federal Reserve note in their pocket. Under the pyramid on the Great Seal of this country it says, Novus Ordo Seclorum, a “New Order of the Ages.“ Is this the same as the Nazi weltanschauung, or worldview? From modern medicine, propaganda in the media, modern technology, the space program, politics, intelligence communities, and modern terrorism, you will find that, "the Nazis didn't ever lose World War 2, they just moved." (Monarch: The New Phoenix Program) The American flag is still flying high and children are still saluting it, so was this some kind of worst case scenario of silent, Cold War era infiltration? Are these simply the delusional ramblings of poor conspiracy theorists and disinformation agents trying to squeeze the last buck out of the conspiracy-as-entertainment crowd?
In sixty years we went from watching our fathers die in Normandy and Stalingrad to letting the same powerful families create wars out of thin air for their own ends. They consolidate money and power, and continue what researcher and author Jim Marrs calls, a National Socialist or NSA/NASA/Nazi police state which perpetuates a climate of fear and propaganda, trauma based mind control, and brutal unending S.S.-styled violence. These impossibly wealthy banking and political families make no secret of their agenda. Some of the more obvious offenders are the Bush, Rockefeller and the Rothschild clans. They crop up on both sides of every major war throughout history, pulling the strings as it were. The Rothschild's, who have no fear of media attention, openly discuss their plans for globalization, often as sound-bytes in the daily news.
Outside of direct contact with the agenda are found what are sometimes unwitting agents of polarization. Namely, people like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and Fox News who pull our emotions, opinions, fears, and finally votes in every direction. None of them seem to care that they leave us confused, fighting amongst each-other and blind to the fact that two choices of how to get to the same destination is ultimately no choice at all. They kindly for the dissemination of water-cooler conversation among the public, always parroting the extreme opinions promoted by what pretends to be an independent media. Even the people who are speaking fragments of truth do so in a way that is anxiety ridden, unsettling, and often influenced by their sponsors.
The Nazis and their sympathizers made sure that they had their hands in everything. They have tentacles spread through every major secret society, corporation, the media, and the military all over the world; the product of the post-war Nazi smuggling operations known collectively today as “Odessa,” and sometimes styled as a mythical beast such as in The Nazi Hydra in America by John Hawkins. The word represents the seamless compartmentalization of Nazi intelligence, scattered safely across the world after World War II into every global intelligence body, space program, banking option or opportunity, torture handbook, eugenics ideology, and especially the psychology departments of major American universities.
This transfer of information was called Project Paperclip on the polite American media side and was sanctioned by the U.S. government. Those who did not make it out officially made it out surreptitiously through “ratlines“ to South America and Israel, where they sometimes found themselves involved in all kinds of paramilitary operations, false flag attacks, and cultivating racist extremism. These ratlines were also assisted by units of the U.S. Infantry who were involved in counter-intelligence. Author and researcher Peter Levenda says, in his book Unholy Alliance, that about seventy thousand Nazis escaped after the war and didn't waste any time catching back up with their work. The slow but sure corporate takeover of the military, aided by the media, is loosely termed: the military industrial complex, abbreviated by Stephen Ambrose as MIC. In the U.S., people like Roosevelt, Eisenhower, JFK, and even Nazi S.S. officer Werner Von Braun warned of the threat of consolidating military, government, air and space, and corporate power into too few hands.
“The creation of this empire has been facilitated by the power of the corporate mass media, increasingly falling into fewer and fewer hands. The ownership of the corporations that presently control the information available to the broadest portion of the public can be traced back to the same families and companies who backed Hitler. Like Hitler, who sought to bring individuals alienated by the Industrial Revolution and Depression into a hive-like German Volk, of united people, the globalists who control America's mass media have attempted to bring citizens into one common worldview by the unremitting dissemination of homogenous news and information." -- Jim Marrs, Fourth Reich
"The obsession of the Nazis with the occult was there since the beginning, and it's very well documented its not something we are just making up... It's in the national archives and the Library of Congress and all throughout Europe to show the Nazis really were not a political party but a cult...They were a cult they were not any kind of political party as we would understand it"
Young Adolf Hitler became fascinated with the Spear of Destiny Habsburg Regalia exhibit at the Hofburg Musuem in Viennea, 1913. Later its known from Ravenscroft and Peter Levenda's work that the weaponization of the occult was very important to the leading Nazis. Between the Thule, Vril, and Black Sun, and Greenbaum remote viewers, there was quite a lot of Nazi occultism taking place during the war. Oddly enough, most of the eugenics ideas seem hijacked from Madame Blavatsky, yet they may originate from an otherworldly source in a body of data where masonry, the Golden Dawn and an offshoot of the Knights Templar spiritualist intersect. It seems that beside Hitler being possessed in some ways, many occultist of the time were experimenting with what Crowley, at least did successfully in the late thirties, contact with a trans-dimensional that mirrors the beings abducting Americans for the past fifty years. Though the history of contact with other entities is a long and deluded one, we can make out some of the book marks in time. On the popular side you have guardian angels, demons, fairies, aliens, etc... On the other you have more mysterious characters Solomon and his Temple, Jesus and his artificial insemination, Abdul Al Hazard and the Necronomicon, the Book of Enoch, John Dee, Enochian, and Jack Parsons' Babylon Working.
In 1558, Queen Elizabeth the 1st appointed a man named John Dee her personal astrologer. Dee along with Edward Kelley received "from divine sources," a communication system for establishing a dialogue with angels ( and or one's guardian angel/divine self ) this angel language was called Enochian.
" Anybody who claims to have god's personal mobile number... is a tremendous threat to the established church. The church, in spiritual terms, is a collection of middle men. If you had an entire population capable of communicating with spiritual forces for themselves then popes.cardinals,bishops, all of these who have been redundant, that was the threat that John Dee posed to the religious authorities. Anybody who had information or knowledge which didn't fit with the established orhtodoxy was cruisin for a bruisin " -Alan Moore .
Interestingly enough, enochian is practiced by masons at the 33rd degree. Astronauts are usually 33rd degree masons. 33 degrees is also the latitudinal line across the earth that geographically maps out all the sites of alien or angel contact including Roswell and the site of the dictation of the book of Enoch. So Dee developed a system, with trans dimensional assistance of course that Crowley would later elaborate on, and it seems Parsons and Hubbard may have fucked up, quite simply; opening a portal to the UFO sightings and abductions of the the same time the beginning of a very Nazi esque eugenics plan and violent experimentation is also beginning that continues well documented into current cases.
One can begin to understand the magick secret societies of the third reich by what they were working on at the time. What is known is that the Vril was concerned with underground paradise in a Hollow Earth and that vril itself seems like another version of chi, prana, or orgone and can be channeled in many various ways once invoked. The Vril or Vril-ya term seems to be from a hybrid of science fiction, geomancy or ley line magick, but is essentially the same as chi in martial arts or prana in yoga.
The Thule were started around 1919, led by Dietrich Eckhart who would later edit the Nazi newspaper, advanced spiritualist concerned with bloodlines, the Spear of Destiny,Teutonic and Pagan rites, etc...
The Black Sun or Black Order seems to be Himmler's pet occultist, tied together by an everlasting belief in these occult beliefs. Himmler seems to have practiced a self-stylized form of Nordic mysticism that pooled ideas from the above organizations, and the most high ranking SS being blessed by him, so that their deceased skulls could be used in necromancy and channeling.
Himmler is also most known for taking over castles in Europe in a ritualistic fashion for geomancic purposes. Strange as it seems, the occult side of Nazism and contact with other worldly beings, is really what informed the plan to wipe out other races, in other words, aliens may have been responsible for the genesis of eugenics in the Third Reich, besides the element of a racist and psychotic work force, the extreme racist justifications provided if not prophesied simultaneously, by Darwin.
One of the leading theories which drove Nazi occultism was that of a hollow earth. It seems to be the living quarters for pre history reptilian civilizations and a breeding ground for Dulce base conspiracy theories. Though much of the original German occultism regarding the hollow earth was in theory, and in part seemingly based on a fiction novel*. Later records show the SS making an expedition there as they did all other occult hot spots on the globe.
( Jim Marrs' research and any work into German business post- WW2 points out the rise in antidepressants was solely the invention of corporations making money off of the " Pandora's box of placebo cures" we accept for our problems, normal human problems and natural chemical reactions that we try to artificially police with nonsense. Also Marrs points out that every major spree shooter in the last two decades was on a cross-design of some psychiatrists " anti-psychotic" anti-anxiety cocktail without real mental therapy. )
Science has had many years to catch up with modern occultism and in some cases demystify some of the long undusted cryptic passages of history. Just as well, the occult and its various rites, mythologies, and organizations have had time to cross compare, translate, and make simple even the most ancient and laborious of invocations.A trip to the local bookstore will unveil a thousand ways to contact a billion mystery school entities, exciting psychedelic ritual journeys for any curious psychonaut or proper magician. We have been able to access a part of history where by we can cross reference the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying with Rick Straussman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
Modern Counter Culture, in the hash smelling dorm rooms it existed in, bonded in some ways, with magick and science and created pop gurus like Timothy Leary and Ram Dass. In the late 90s DMT and grey aliens had forced their way onto the main stream pulse of culture. The Fifth Element and Transmetropolitan became pseudo household names. One of the leaders in occult thought in our modern pop black hole informational matrix, as he might put it, is comic book author Grant Morrison. He gave a talk at Disinformation that left everyone's jaw on the floor, and among his many other treasured writings, the Invisibles stands out as an occult history; more colorful and inclusive than most scholarly work on the subject, and is probably the foremost inspiration for the Matrix films. One of the thousands of ideas that Grant puts forth in his work and talks is that two-dimensional art or sigils with magickal intent, function as a kind of hacking code of the universe, and we can, by will, change reality. Quantum Physicists and British Comic Book authors at least agree on one thing: That we live in a two-dimensional reality of stacked informational hard drives, projecting three-dimensional holograms that we know as reality. Therefore two dimensional designs are the blue prints for our mental plane creating reality in front of us. In terms of consciousness, we have been dreaming ourselves about to wake up for about two centuries now.Within this framework we can easily see how other entities can shift in and out of this reality. Mega Ritualistic designs utilizing sacred geometry or astronomical arrangements also take on a more meaningful context in this startling new view of reality.
Mind Control
The mental "programming" we receive from television was started by the Nazis who aired not only their bizarre Aryan, mega ritual marches but also the Olympics to the people of Berlin in 1936. This would be the first mass appearance of the television. Later it would be used to mold the 50's Truman Show, robot-esque conformist-yet constructive, ideally peaceful culture. Nowadays, on the media side, six multinational monoliths control all popular and overwhelming global media. " Time Warner, Disney, Viacom, Vivendi, Bertelsmann AG, and News Corporation completely inform our world view." ( Marrs ) This is the ultimate Nazi dream. All information from one source, filtered through scripted controlled sources, to a controlled and sleepy public. Everyone reporting and advertising their body, skills, and daily activity to a book of faces or facebook. For the ultimate catalogue of all citizens to begin the NSA's dream of mass identification, whether it involves RFID chips and X-Ray scans, or not. Start a war, see if anyone stands up, Start another, repeat. The media and war are always working hand in hand in our modern fear based political climate. The idea is to traumatize a population to make it more easily controllable. Trauma based mind control- we shall talk more about this later.
Not so much has been published about the fine line that currently exists, supposedly between military and industry. Certainly in the age of war profiteering it becomes impossible to distinguish if there is a line between military industry and the state. Much more disturbing, would there be any division between the intent of the military and media? ( Not so much. ) Many mind control and brain-washing techniques, that have been mastered in combat settings, have become the palate of globalist advertisers, the multiple personality attention deficit is in the media...not the people. We have developed all kinds of names for what too much TV does to us; and our current collective mental condition allows for a handful of individuals to start decade long world wars and make all the money from both sides. They have one motivation, fear, and one tool, the television. Since it works so well, no further steps toward control have to be taken. We just assume the news is not lying or mal-informed, even though we know journalism is dead and reporters are actors in a studio reading a script.
" voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger" ( Goering )
The TV worked well, but they didn't stop there. One could write five books alone, on the contribution to freak science and elitist mind control tactics, of one Josef Mengele or the " Angel of Death". In short, with thousands of helpless human bodies to experiment on in the concentration camps, Mengele and his team of doctors, worked to extract a massive amount of what is mostly - still secret medical data. One of the key things America, gave him thousands of dollars after the war to master, was trauma based mind control. Later after the Korean War, when soldiers came back entirely brainwashed into being Communist, the military gave Mengele the green light to apply TBMC in every way imaginable. This method lead to the various branches of MK-ULTRA post Vietnam ( or the Phoenix Project specifically ) turning gradually into a corporate/ military / industrial / air and space mind control frenzy continued at least through the late 90s. Mind control victims emerge from Delta level Military or black ops soldiers, Disney pop stars and actors, political assassinations, NASA scientist, Russian prodigy children, etc...The list is really longer than most are comfortable with.
Supposedly, according to a conglomeration of researchers, underground bases span from Disney World to the Denver Airport, New York, and of course Area 51. They were built with CIA and NSA money from the " war on drugs ". They were initially for elitist pedophilia rings, then those just turned into mind control centers. When a child is traumatized severely they tend to disassociate and naturally split their personality to not deal with the trauma. According to people who have been victims of TBMC, and law enforcement officials, this is done at ages 3 and 5 or 6, and is seamlessly connected to satanic circles and individuals who harm kids sexually in ritualistic context or wearing masks, to discredit the children when they complain of attack to someone they trust. Once a person's mind has split successfully, it has open or secret rooms, so to speak, where data can be literally programmed in and encrypted, then the memory of the whole ordeal is removed or blocked. This allows the " handler " to program in alternate personality's that respond only to the handler's subliminal or encoded nonsensical commands or messages. The mind is an obediant puppy when the applications of electroshock ( used to "see the light" or have a seemingly spiritual nerve numbing experience ) and sexual and other brutal physical trauma are mixed to ensure an obedient, vulnerable, and programmable individual. This is how Russia, the US, and a few others farmed their NASA brains, personal sex slaves, and Delta level Spec Ops soldiers. This Psy Op mix of torture and loving enslavement, or " love bombing ", are the staple of Disney morals or religion and military emotional castration. Many victims remember Mengele programming them as children in Arizona and California. This later evolution of TBMC was called Monarch, another sub-project of MK-ULTRA. It takes its name from the person being shattered and reborn, and MK from MK-ULTRA is just the German abbreviation for " mind control ".
After the war, it seems almost obvious upon reflection that much of the Nazi eugenics and freakish mind-manipulation experiments were carried out under the smokescreen of alien abduction. Thousands of people from all over the world have claimed to have been abducted by aliens and put through a traumatic eugenics program. The CIA has been caught on more than occasion influencing our alien-obsessed culture. They began the Pleiadian contacts of the New Age movement, fueled the 1960's psychedelic movement with Orange Sunshine acid given to Timothy Leary by CIA assets, promoted modern art over the bland architecture of their Cold War enemies, and so on. It’s foolish to think that their meddling has ended. In his legendary ‘tin foil’ end times survival manual Behold a Pale Horse, ex-Naval Intelligence officer William Cooper details some of the exotic mind control technology that could be used to convince someone that they have been abducted over and over by the same three and a half foot tall grey aliens and interfered with in some continuing way. Doctor Jose Delgado was not alone in advancing the kind of research that allowed electrical stimulation of the occipital lobe to cause hypnagogic suggestions. These discoveries may explain the bright light witnessed in alien abductions and also near-death experiences where the hypnagogic state may be reached naturally, involving similar parts of the brain.
Even though we can see that some alien-themed scenarios have been fabricated by the intelligence community, and we know that some members of this community have been involved in trans-dimensional magick, there still seems to be an intriguing validity to the alien argument; including the popular ‘ancient astronaut’ theory hinting at an alien influence on more ancient civilizations. One needs to look no further than the popular History Channel show Ancient Aliens, where researchers like David Hatcher Childress, Philip Coppens, Nick Redfern, and Giorgio Tsoukalos blend physics, art history, and science know-how to explain many ancient visions and scenarios, that seem to be visitations from another world or a hidden part of our world; the experience obviously being colored by the worldview of the indigenous people in witness. Ancient Aliens cross compares the work of all the ancient alien theorists including Erich von Daniken, whom Tsoukalos is a student, as well as Zechariah Sitchin and Robert K G Temple.
People who are new to the topic of alien abduction often see the subject as being too "far out" to be worth serious consideration; however, the abduction phenomenon has provided physical evidence supporting its argument in the form of microchip implants, crop circles, false memory implants, unexplainable scars and burn marks, and other mysterious anomalies. Though more data points to the abduction experience itself being a product of some kind of memory manipulation or mind control, the mere fact that something is happening begs for scientific scrutiny by any willing branch of respectable academia.
Oddly enough, science fiction has always been under the same scrutiny, programming the masses, intentionally or not, through the subtle yet dangerous method of predictive programming via the media. Chris Carter (X-files), Philip K. Dick (A Scanner Darkly, Blade Runner, Total Recall), and Stanley Kubrick (possibly involved in Apollo moon mission fakery) were all approached by members of the intelligence community, or the fourth Reich, and influenced, instructed, or censored in some way in their work. Other science fiction authors have directly alien or Masonic ties like Willy Ley (Tom Corbett, Man in Space) and Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek). (Jay Weidner / Richard Hoagland)
"I'm sure we would not have had men on the moon if it had not been for Wells and Verne and the people who write about this and make people think about it. I'm rather proud of the fact that I know several astronauts who became astronauts through reading my books.“ -- Arthur C Clarke, address to Congress, 1975.
In Jay Weidner's documentary Kubrick's Odyssey, Weidner details how Stanley Kubrick would have been recruited by the intelligence community, based on his innovative methods of filming the B-2 bomber scenes in Dr. Strangelove, to fake the moon landing utilizing the exact timeline and budget of his seminal sci-fi film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Weidner illustrates how Kubrick's internal demons from this mass deception and the shady characters who perpetrated it would haunt him and become the driving force behind his hijacking of Stephen King's novel The Shining. This film, in turn, became a symbolic parable about elitist tactics as well as a possible confession of his knowledge or involvement with the space program.
Weidner shows how the research of people like Richard Hoagland may have disproved earlier theories of artificial structures on the moon, when pointing out the anomalies in the back of official NASA moon photos, and are actually proof of pre-green screen special effects which Kubrick used in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Researcher and Dark Mission co-author Mike Bara disagrees: “I think he’s completely and unequivocally wrong. We see the exact same structures from orbit as we do from the lunar surface. That pretty much settles it for me. We can even see the same structures from 2 different landing sites, Apollo 12 and Apollo 14." (
It has already been established that NASA was originally comprised of Masons, magicians, and Nazis. All three groups have their mascots or flagship individuals. The Freemasons had Buzz Aldrin who set up an altar on the moon; a great human being who was quite possibly “debriefed,” or brainwashed, as is evident in his odd responses to direct questions about the moon. The magicians were represented by Jack Parsons of JPL, a one time head of the California branch of the magical order Ordo Templi Orientalis. And the Nazi group was led by Werner von Braun. They may have, according to researcher Joseph Farrell, overpowered the other two groups by now.
One of the enigmas of history is von Braun. Here is a man who was sketching moon bases and dreaming of universal peace and freedom in the late 40s, at a time when Himmler and company were breaking down his door to make sure his V-2 rocket would level London instead of get a man into space. After a few years as an S.S. scientist, von Braun is welcomed with open arms in the U.S. and becomes Director of NASA. Years later he would work with Disney, starring in his own Disney space propaganda, for lack of a better description. Meanwhile, Willy Ley, one of von Braun's closest associates on rocketry, decided to escape Nazi rule and come to America. There was no great interest in rocketry at the time, so he turned to writing and advising on science fiction novels and television shows like Tom Corbett, Space Cadet. Air and Space
Wernher Von Braun (needs to be updated with notes from Secret Space Conference-Peter Levenda)
It seems, right from the beginning of life in Wersitz, Wernher had a strong passion for rockets. Influenced directly by the science fiction- which functioned then, as scientific speculation, a young von Braun started experimenting right away with flying and exploding rocket experiments. He had the mind filled with imaginative sci-fi ideas and the family money to experiment.
" The young von Braun became fascinated by science fiction-that literary underdog of pulp magazines and lurid fantasies which has, in fact, transformed the world just as much more ( than ) " sophisticated " literature ever has. Jules Verne's 1865 novel From the Earth to the moon was a particular inspiration. Like so many space visionaries, von Braun fell in love with rockets as a young boy and chased that one passion relentlessly for the rest of his life. Rockets today are " just" machines for sending satellites and modules into space, but half a century ago they seemed to promise something more to the people who dreamed of building them. Humanity would fly into the cosmos and settle on other planets, where new and perhaps better societies could be created. The rocket mirage was vague, but it was in keeping with the "romance of flight" or the "romance of the open road " that made the airplane and the automobile such objects of desire in the 1920s and 1930s, when the darker potentials of such machines had not yet been revealed to their fullest and most bitter extent."[1]
Wernher von Braun: Rocket Man for War and Peace
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He met up with like-minded visionaries in The Society for Space Travel ( Verein fur Raumschiffart ) Willy Ley and Hermann Oberth. Throughout the thirties von Braun would swiftly have his optimistic vision for the future of man, turn over night- into weapons capable of mass obliteration, by demanding Nazis like Heinrich Himmler. Much controversy surrounds von Braun's position on Nazism.One thing that the Nazi's make clear, join us or no research at all...20,000 people died in the tunnels built to house experimentation on the V-2 rocket. These projects were jointly headed by von Braun
"To me, von braun was a crusader he had an objective he wanted to reach a goal he wanted to get to and his whole activities were in that direction" -Julius Brown US Army Intelligence
Though it is obvious that von Braun knew of the atrocities happening in the same places he worked, he may have actually saved many people by assigning them elsewhere. Either way, it seems von Braun had his eyes on one thing...the development of his dreams in space exploration,
"We knew that we had created a new means of warfare, and the question as to what nation, to what victorious nation we were willing to entrust this brainchild of ours was a moral decision more than anything else. We wanted to see the world spared another conflict such as Germany had just been through, and we felt that only by surrendering such a weapon to people who are guided by the Bible could such an assurance to the world be best secured. All of man's scientific and engineering efforts will be in vain unless they are performed and utilized within a framework of ethical standards commensurate with the magnitude of the scope of the technological revolution. The more technology advances, the more fateful will be its impact on humanity.You must accept one of two basic premises: Either we are alone in the universe, or we are not alone in the universe. And either way, the implications are staggering". - von Braun
Though the above documentaries try to convince you otherwise, it seems there is no proof of von Braun's nazism, in the usual sense...If von Braun could've done it over himself, he may have not hurt anyone...There is no distinction between SS orders and von Braun's real intentions
" I trust you realize that your rocket has ceased to be an engineer's toy? The German people are eagerly waiting for it. " -Himmler
Capture of von Braun
. " I didn't know von Braun from a hole in the ground. " -44th division veteran below
" As Hitler's Third Reich was crumbling in January 1945, von Braun made plans to move his team of about 125 leading rocket scientists and engineers of the world, south to surrender to the Americans. Rather than succumb to capture by the long-sworn enemies the Russians, von Braun organized a mass exodus from Peenemunde to surrender to the American troops in Austria. Unknown to von Braun, Hitler had ordered their execution to prevent their capture by the Allies. After a dangerous intrigue filled journey and secure in Austria, they waited for the American arrival. At that time, brother Magnus von Braun journey on a bicycle to meet them. The first soldier that he met was a sentry with the 324th Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division, Private First Class Frederick Schneikert. Magnus was ordered to drop the bicycle and surrender, hands-up. In poor English, Magnus tried to explain his mission. The young soldier was not really sure what think of his claims. He turned the matter over to his commanding officer, First Lieutenant Charles L. Stewart. Stewart at first thought that Magnus was trying to"sell" his brother and the other scientists to the Americans. The contemporary report from the "Mission Accomplished, The Battle History of the 44th" is written with this prospective. The communications were soon cleared up and Lieutenant Stewart gave Magnus passes for the Germans, to ensure their safe passage to the American encampment. On May 2, 1945, von Braun and his rocket team surrendered to the US 44th Infantry Division. Had the Soviets captured von Braun instead, the post WW2 history might have been far different. " from the44th Division site here
Von Braun had always embraced science fiction but his vision like Disney's extended way past our current science. He and many at NASA from the late 50's, envisioned space stations and the like...
"The space station (to be constructed using rockets with recoverable and reusable ascent stages) would be a toroid structure, with a diameter of 250 feet (76 m). The space station would spin around a central docking nave to provide artificial gravity, and would be assembled in a 1,075 mile (1,730 km) two-hour, high-inclination Earth orbit allowing observation of essentially every point on earth on at least a daily basis. The ultimate purpose of the space station would be to provide an assembly platform for manned lunar expeditions. The notion of a rotating wheel-shaped station was introduced in 1929 by Herman Potočnik in his his book The Problem of Space Travel - The Rocket Motor. More than a decade later, the movie version of 2001: A Space Odyssey would draw heavily on the design concept in its visualization of an orbital space station. Von Braun envisaged these expeditions as very large-scale undertakings, with a total of 50 astronauts travelling in three huge spacecraft (two for crew, one primarily for cargo), each 49 m (160.76 ft) long and 33 m (108.27 ft) in diameter and driven by a rectangular array of 30 rocket propulsion engines.Upon arrival, astronauts would establish a permanent lunar base in the Sinus Roris region by using the emptied cargo holds of their craft as shelters, and would explore their surroundings for eight weeks. This would include a 400 km expedition in pressurized rovers to the crater Harpalus and the Mare Imbrium foothills." At this time von Braun also worked out preliminary concepts for a manned Mars mission that used the space station as a staging point. His initial plans, published in The Mars Project (1952), had envisaged a fleet of ten spacecraft (each with a mass of 3,720 metric tons), three of them unmanned and each carrying one 200-ton winged lander. in addition to cargo, and nine crew vehicles transporting a total of 70 astronauts. Gigantic as this mission plan was, its engineering and astronautical parameters were thoroughly calculated. A later project was much more modest, using only one purely orbital cargo ship and one crewed craft. In each case, the expedition would use minimum-energy Hohmann transfer orbits for its trips to Mars and back to Earth. Before technically formalizing his thoughts on human spaceflight to Mars, von Braun had written a science fiction novel, set in 1980, on the subject. According to his biographer, Erik Bergaust, the manuscript was rejected by no less than 18 publishers. Von Braun later published small portions of this opus in magazines, to illustrate selected aspects of his Mars project popularizations. The complete manuscript, titled Project MARS: A Technical Tale, did not appear as a printed book until December 2006. -wiki
Oddly enough it seems there were people on the surface who wished to downplay Wernher's Space Odyssey, if you will, and make the technology appear to move a lot slower. The notorious compartmentalizing of information by intelligence groups around that time make it impossible to understand how far the initial potential of von Braun's vision reaches...or destroys...
" Another possible crossing point for aerospace information may have been the Interplanetary Society ( BIS ), according to bennett and Percy. While the BIS was reportedly created in September 1945 by combining several existing organizations interested in the future of space exploration, it was not officially inaugurated until December of that year. At that time, Wernher von Braun, the man behind the V-2 rockets, was named as an honorary fellow. Arthur C. Clarke, an early member of the BIS, claimed the society had been in existence long before the was and was merely in "suspended animation" from 1939 to 1945. Nothing that the Soviet embassy in London subscribed to no less than twenty copies of the bimonthly BIS journal, Bennett and Percy asked, "Why was it necessary to reform a society already in existence? Why did the British hasten to grant such an award to the man who only nine months before...was responsible for the annihilation of so many people in London and the Home Countries? Why did von Braun...wish to play down the real timing, if everybody felt comfortable with the reasons for honoring ( him ) ? " Their insinuation is that valuable tocket technology information was passed along via the BIS, possibly with the approval of von Braun. "
Here again we see the encryption of key data in these magazines as proof of the " in plain sight " method of communicating certain data.
" Von Braun was also given the chance to display his undeniable charm on the public stage. He became a campaigner for space, tirelessly working the local Chambers of Commerce, the Rotary clubs and any other venues that would host him. By sheer force of personality, he shed his past and took up the role he had dreamed of ever since he was a boy: as the champion of our ascent into space. Perhaps he reinvented himself morally too, for his speeches and presentations throughout the rest of his life were informed not just by his abiding love of rockets, but also a passionate belief in human values. " -Bizony p30
Von Braun and Disney
"In the hope that its involvement would bring about greater public interest in the future of the space program, von Braun also began working with Walt Disney and the Disney studios as a technical director, initially for three television films about space exploration. The initial broadcast devoted to space exploration was Man in Space, which first went on air on March 9, 1955, drawing 42 million viewers and unofficially the second-highest rated television show in American history." -wiki
Two men that had a million ideas for the future, almost all of them utopian, ideal, flawless. The art that designed space stations and future worlds turned into Imagineering.
Conspiracy Theories regarding Von Braun:
In 1967 Von Braun visited Antartica
"Find yourself a copy of National Geographic, October 1968. I found one last month during my first search. On page 568 it has a 24-page article Antarctica: Icy Testing Ground for Space by Samuel W. Matthews, which might answer some of your questions. There was a large programme of study. In brief, it made perfect sense for NASA to be studying one of the most hostile environments on earth to get some idea of what environments off earth might be like. On page 571 it has a brief, and its only, mention of von Braun:
"Last January," a young Ph.D. at Byrd told me casually, "Dr. Wernher von Braun flew in to see our moon station. Here we are, out on the end of a limb, buried in the ice, living under the most hostile conditions. No need to wonder what a base on the moon might be like someday. We're it already."
It continues:
During my own month on "the Ice," as all Antarctic hands call their world, I found:
- Biologists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California studying microscopic forms of life that somehow survive the gripping cold, desert drought, and lack of sunlight half the year in mysteriously snow-free valleys. "We hope to learn how to detect life on Mars, if any exists there," they said.
- Physicists measuring upper-atmospheric disturbances and solar winds that could menace moon-bound astronauts.
- Psychophysiologists recording men's sleeping and dreaming behavior, to learn the effects of living under cramped and totally isolated conditions, as in a future space station.
- Scientists of a dozen nations working together, under international exchange programs, without regard to political differences. There is no cold war in earth's coldest land.
- Tourists, farther south than ever before...
Even more intriguing than von Braun visiting an Antarctic research station is a United States Rear Admiral visiting a Russian Station there, at the height of the cold war. The caption to the photo on page 587 says: Russian hospitality: Soviet leader Boris Belyaev, right, spreads a welcome at pinup-decorated Vostok Station. U.S. Antarctic commander Rear Adm. J. Lloyd Abbot, Jr., and Jerry Huffman, senior National Science Foundation representative, flew in two American scientists for joint ionosphere studies. Likewise, Russians work each year at U.S. bases. The article has the names of ships I forgot decades ago (Eltanin, Burton Island, Westwind, and on page 577 it has a photo of the red-hulled ship Magga Dan, a name I hadn't heard since 1968. It took the first 21 tourists to Antarctica, and because it left from New Zealand it was in our news at the time"//
-this was taken fromhere
Some of the information on this page is taken directly fromWernher at wikipedia
Carol Rosin
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I've been talking with Carol Rosin, von Braun's last secretary who set up a lot of anti space war organizations. These are her ideas...HERE
- 1. SPACE 50 by Piers Bizony. Smithsonian Books. Harper Collins, 2006
- 1. ^ The Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs. Harper Collins, 2008
Apollo Hoax Board
Stargates, SpiderMan, and eugenics?
Spider Man Unlimited-
![ac0abfcddb47f8bed9c1d24f37ad6362.jpg ac0abfcddb47f8bed9c1d24f37ad6362.jpg](
In the first episode, NASA scientist explain there is a counter earth on the other side of the Sun. They use circular stargates to teleport a shuttle to Counter Earth, very similar to the technology proposed in Michio Kaku's stargate talks in 2011. Before the first episode is allowed to end, we meet the black oily versions of both Venom and Carnage, as well as the characters of Counter Earth and their religious devotion to the High Evolutionary.
Michio Kaku doing his thing...(related to stargates and dimensional travel)
Spider Man also gets really psyched over his nano-armor, adding to the trans-humanism porn feel of many of the cartoons of the 90's. The episode concludes with Spidey about to be sawed open by a bunch of genetic experiments that refer to themselves as Beastials and make it sound cool like bestiality and furries in one warrior class.
The high evolutionary explains in episode two that he was looking for a Utopia, so he built a society out of his genetic experiments. He considers his technology and creations the ultimate achievement. . The high evolutionary is referred to as the Wizard of Oz.
"I thought I came through a space warp to get here... feels more like a Looking Glass "
(Frank Zero does not approve of David Wilcox)
Well that's a pretty direct reference to Project Looking Glass and Timeline 2. Carnage and Venom become obsessed with the Synaptic, which in Kirby's world would be the Eternals Uni Mind or perhaps what the Borg from Star Trek would defeat us with in the end " Your probably the only untagged human in the city,...Every human is tagged with a subdural chip. " What a strange RFID tangent. I don't remember Spidey in the funny books having such a Star Trek sense.
In the first episode, NASA scientist explain there is a counter earth on the other side of the Sun. They use circular stargates to teleport a shuttle to Counter Earth, very similar to the technology proposed in Michio Kaku's stargate talks in 2011. Before the first episode is allowed to end, we meet the black oily versions of both Venom and Carnage, as well as the characters of Counter Earth and their religious devotion to the High Evolutionary.
Michio Kaku doing his thing...(related to stargates and dimensional travel)
Spider Man also gets really psyched over his nano-armor, adding to the trans-humanism porn feel of many of the cartoons of the 90's. The episode concludes with Spidey about to be sawed open by a bunch of genetic experiments that refer to themselves as Beastials and make it sound cool like bestiality and furries in one warrior class.
The high evolutionary explains in episode two that he was looking for a Utopia, so he built a society out of his genetic experiments. He considers his technology and creations the ultimate achievement. . The high evolutionary is referred to as the Wizard of Oz.
"I thought I came through a space warp to get here... feels more like a Looking Glass "
(Frank Zero does not approve of David Wilcox)
Well that's a pretty direct reference to Project Looking Glass and Timeline 2. Carnage and Venom become obsessed with the Synaptic, which in Kirby's world would be the Eternals Uni Mind or perhaps what the Borg from Star Trek would defeat us with in the end " Your probably the only untagged human in the city,...Every human is tagged with a subdural chip. " What a strange RFID tangent. I don't remember Spidey in the funny books having such a Star Trek sense.
Then there's THE BLACK OIL which of course deserves it's own page...
James Casbolt
Before I go into who James Casbolt is, I want to detail that I hold no common views on racism, Nazism, hate, or population control. However thorough work, in the area of post World War 2 Nazi technological financial, scientific, financial and super soldier development research; makes it abundantly clear that a secret (or not so much considering Von Braun, the President of Nasa, Rinehardt Gehlen led our intelligence operations against the Russians in the Cold War with his Nazi friends, Mengele and the tentacles of Nazi mind control and eugenucs became American entertainment, their ideas of eugenics and dumbing down the public became very real in America to no measureability in our current political climate and nazi like fascism IS apparent in our streets and coming from those who we are told are there to protect and serve us. Always be aware the Romans were the Nazis are the New World Order and until they explain themselves they seem absolutely and drunk in evil, in materialistic gain over any relationship with the earth or other human beings (let alone aliens)
. More on this later...(Check the work of Jim Marrs, Peter Levenda, Joseph Farrell, Robert Jay Lifton, etc..)
James Casbolt claims to be an alien hunting assassin/super soldier with Annunaki=German/French/Greek/Sumerian background which descended from the “Tribe of Dan” in Egypt. After the Exodus they became the Spartans- an Atlantean bloodline that evolved into a hybrid race to run the intelligence agencies of modern times. He was raised in a joint Canadian/Nazi/secret world government base called the “Q552 Nelson Base, between 1976 and 1979. (He explains the base to be near a logging compound and Nelson Air Force Base.) This base was for the Indoctrination of Nazi philosophies in children as well as a kind of ultimate warrior ethos. Ideas about attaining immortality and the thousand year Reich were driven into the children’s minds.
“In our minds we…were prepared for endless warfare.” They would be forced to sleep in the cold of the open hangar; exposure to the elements was considered one of the many ways to traumatize the children. They were guarded by men in all black with black face mask.
“The modern SS uniform…look(s) like modern SAS special forces” He explains that there was some kind of internal intelligence war and the children were at risk of being kidnapped. They would be taken to an underground garage where they would be tested for psychic potential. (1981) As with alien abductees like Bill Sparks, and the super soldiers like Duncan and Alara Blackwell, this was through the use of puzzle like games in a classroom setting.
Another type of training includes the use of a “Skinner Box” where a child would be put in a box with multiple televisions in the room that would instruct it on how to emulate animal behavior ( for reasons of all terrain based military applications), to kill, or be killed by the animal. This also links to the claim made by Aaron McCollum, which is identical to the major mythology of the animated Spider Man Unlimited and Street Sharks series.
(Don’t judge, the resemblances are disturbing!)
(He goes on to mention many odd secret programs, alien-tech 9mm pistols, and other fantastic Warren Ellis-esque concepts, none of which this author has found proof of at the time of writing this…)
Tigress Program- injecting animal DNA into remote viewers
Oak Tree Program-looking for “blue bloods” or psychics
Tomorrow People Project-unknown-TV show with the same name
Proteus- sleeper cell super soldier program
IBIS-life extension
Project Osiris (metal bone fusion?)
Janus Programming- riots paramilitary sleeper cells
During Project Mannequin (1994, under Westminster at the CLC1 base) Casbolt learned to see radio/mental waves like those used in remote viewing; explaining that the third eye or pineal gland is capable of transmitting data like a radio receiver. He was being trained in advanced yoga and tai chi while a little box on his waist would measure his brain waves.
“I’m seeing a lot of the sub-projects of Mannequin in film and in X-Men comics”...
“It’s a mix of black magic and military hardware.”-James Casbolt
for more on the relation between the X-men and Casbolt's experiences
A not so far-fetched leap, he says that the NSA has “a major Nazi presence”, that “Nazis run the NSA and MI6”, and that in 1947 (Roswell, NSA Act, NSC,CIA) Everybody handed their power and underground bases over to the NSA. He also says that MILABS in Britain are carried out by a six seated craft with one front window called a Firefly. (also known as a TL-3 or TS-3 craft)
Casbolt who has revealed his name since as Michael Prince, believes that he is the key player in a plot involving the Fourth Reich taking over the world and depopulating it so that the white Aryan race can rule supreme in a “Garden of Eden” like setting, where men will have 5 wives and people will have orgies and walk around naked but “not everywhere”. (This was obtained from a phone conversation I had with him, but he clearly reiterates it on Miles Johnston's interviews.-Frank Zero)
Casbolt Notes
- James Casbolt: Q552 Base Nelson, BC Canada
- Michael Prince
- Project Ibis- Giza Intelligence Nazi Organization in WW2
- Ibis-Thoth Connection life extension tech found in Egypt Project Ibis is about extending life-emerald chambers (Emerald Tablets of Thoth?) life extension technology
(extension of human consciousness/alchemy/life extension)
- Endless Warfare-Germanic Belief, periods of rest, the 1000 year reich 1000 years of peace. Indoctrination of endless warfare for assassination.
- Project Ibis -NSA MI6
- NSA database is used to designate who would be proper genetically appropriate for super soldier programs out of alien hybrid bloodlines, like Annunaki blood
- Prince claims he is cloned like Rink.
- Prince claims the use of animals including boars
- 30 ft wide pen babies and wild animals, very similar to a skinner box.
- (Alara also likes compartmentalization, claims past with Sknner Box method when she was a kid.) Casbolt was slowly “cybernated” through surgery, when he was a kid in different surguries
- Project Mannequin-ascended machine technology- a cyborg with a soul.
- Claims his bone is like adamantium (mix of gold and diamond, off the periodic chart)
- Proteus Program?
Life Extension - The Chronicles of Michael Prince by James Michael Casbolt
January 17, 2014 at 7:34pm
1992 Sirius Sector
I am not fully conscious at this time when I’m physically on this planet. Part of my consciousness is trapped within a quantum computer system on board my space vessel named the USS CALOPIA. This vessel orbits whatever planet I’m on at the time. This vessel is a UN/US Space Command vessel. The technology on board actually causes the vessel to physically follow me around the galaxy using stargates to travel vast distances. During the compartmentalizing torture sessions at the Hive in South Africa and the London underground facility, my consciousness has been leaving my body and entering a physical cloned body in vat stasis on board the USS Calopia.
The computer system on board this vessel monitors the vital signs of these cloned copies of my body. When life signs are detected within the cloning vat, the computer system sends mechanical servitors to take me to a an emergency medical bay until I am physically recovered and can walk around the ship in a stable condition. My physical body down on the planet during these times is always inhabited by my MIRROR ENTITY. At the breaking point of maximum pain levels… when I ‘pass-out’ my consciousness leaves my physical body in the underground base or wherever and wakes up in the cloned body on board the USS Calopia. When I recover and leave the medical bay on the Calopia, I always enter a specific room where I can monitor my physical body down on the planet. I can also monitor the vital life signs of the body on the planet. This process involves looking through physical cybernetic implants within the eyes. I am also able to operate the computer system on board the ship and bounce the signal off walls to look at the body from a remote location as well viewing through the eyes.
There is always a time limit that the Mirror Entity can take possession of my body down on the planet. The computer system on board the USS Calopia will always give me a warning five minutes before the Mirror Entity departs my body. This physical body will then shape shift back into a human form when my consciousness enters back into it. The computer system flashes symbols on one of the screens at this time and a digital voice will say- “Five minutes to genetic molecule alignment.”
At this point I will walk out of this particular room on board the ship and enter a room down the corridor to the right hand side. In this room a vertical body pod called a ‘Ventricle Duct’ is positioned at the far end of the room. I will step into the pod with my back facing the wall. A plastic screen will close in front of me and the pod will tip back slightly. The pod will then fill up with liquid that I can breath and I will slowly and gently fall asleep and wake up again in my body down on the planet. This technology assists me in dealing with intense/prolonged pain and terror.
However at this time in 1992 I do not have conscious control over all the technology on board the USS Calopia. I also have a slightly schizophrenic relationship with the computer on board the vessel. At times of acute distress the computer and I talk back and forth. I.E- at the time I was ‘drowned’ in the ‘well’ at the Sirius prison facility, at the moment of greatest terror for me, I heard the computer system on board the USS Calopia inside my head, saying something like-”Regulation 301- Assist in binary xxxx ( numbers I can’t remember ) teleportation? Assist in binary xxxx teleportation?”
The ‘Assist in binary teleportation’ would be repeated with an increased sense of urgency tone of urgency until I felt like my lungs were going to explode. Just at the point of lung rupture taking place, I saw the Kabbalah formation in my mind’s eye. I had a split second to choose between two of circles lit up. One green in color, the other red in color.
Green = I leave my body ( less risk )
Red = I stay in my body ( more risk )
I choose red at this time, stay in my body and I actually start to breath underwater through some kind of cybernetic breathing mechanism inside my body initiating at this time. The ultimate goal is to stay in the body and gain fully conscious control over all the technology on board the USS Calopia. Some of the hardware and software on board is ancient. Basically I need to switch the AI section of the computer on board off. At this time my brain will become ‘quiet’ and the internal dialogue that takes place inside my head between myself and the computer, will stop.-The scepter artifact I was handed by the ‘Jesuit/Reptilian’ priests after the drowning was a missing piece from the computer on board my ship. I was able to stay in my body during the drowning and therefore realize my physically indestructible nature. However the artifact was ultimately placed within a container inside the Emerald Room at this time, with the female and male reptilians inside. Because of this the female and male reptilians in the Emerald Room own a piece of my mind at this time in 1992.
Now because I was able to resist teleporting my consciousness onto the USS Calopia during a time of intense stress, I have moved one step closer to mastering this technology. Now at times of intense stress when the internal communication between myself and the computer system on the Calopia starts, I can instruct the whole vessel to physically teleport near to my location and send mechanical servitors into the place where I am distressed and physically rescue me. This way I end up physically on board the USS Calopia without having to leave my body. The trick to mastering all this technology is to stay in one physical body and not ‘body hop’ from one physical container to another.
Eventually the objective was to liberate this artifact from the Emerald Room and return it back to my ship. When events such as this happen, in times of danger, there will be no internal dialogue between myself and the computer on the Calopia. The artifact will be physically teleported to me from the ship and I will have complete mastery of my environment enabling me to come out of any dangerous situation safely. I can say at this time, I have claimed the artifact from the two reptilians and I have complete control over the Emerald Room they occupied in the past. I am approaching a state where I will actually be able to incorporate the artifact into my cybernetic body. At that time I will not have to wait for the time delay while the device is teleported from the USS Calopia to me. I will not have to rely on the USS Calopia at all and will have full conscious control over the technology. It is not a matter of if this happens but a matter of when.
1992- D4 facility- Sirius Sector
A door opens at the back of the Emerald Room. I exit the Emerald Room with the male and female reptilians in it and walk into a corridor. I am met by two human guards and I instinctively walk down the corridor behind them. Doors are located on either side of the corridor and some are open as I walk past them. I glance into a room on the left and see tall grey types working on some kind of crystal based computers. I glance to the right as I’m walking and see larger rooms with short grey types working on larger computers with conveyer belt type apparatus at the back of the rooms. I see box shaped objects on the conveyer belts and parts of exoskeleton robotics such as mechanical arms and such.
A pair of tall grey overseers exits one of the rooms on the right and follow behind me. One of the greys creates a telepathic link between itself to the back of my head and a data exchange starts to take place as we walk. I see the layout and design on the whole facility.
The place is designed exactly like the Pentagon building in Virginia. This Sirius facility has five ring corridors within each other ( pentagons within pentagons ). Each of the five sections houses a separate extra-terrestrial race. Prisoners considered most dangerous by the ruling elite of each race work with scientists of the same race during their incarceration periods. This facility rests on a flat terraformed seabed under the ocean of this planet to prevent escape. The facility is considered impossible to escape from as previously mentioned. The whole facility is able to detach itself from the seabed in times of emergency, emerge from the water and become airborne/spaceborne.
The five types of lifeforms in each section of this facility are as follows:
5th Outer Ring- ‘Cat-People’ Bipedal cat type creatures based all over the galaxy but high numbers of these beings located in Sirius Star Sector.
4th Inner Ring- ‘Bird-People’ Bipedal bird type creatures based all over the galaxy but high numbers located in Orion and Draco Star Sectors.
3rd Inner Ring – ‘Wolf-People’ Bipedal canine type creatures based all over the galaxy but high numbers in Sirius Star Sector.
2nd Inner Ring- Humans.
1st Inner Ring- ‘Reptile-People’ Bipedal reptile type creatures based all over the galaxy but high numbers in Draco and Sirius Star Sector ( classic reptilian and grey types ).
A large space exists within the center of the facility similar to the Pentagon building in Virginia but in the center of this building is a huge five sided pyramid structure that protrudes out the top. Some type of antenna/teleportation device is located in the direct center of the five sided pyramid. The data download continues to happen as we walk further down the corridor and I see that this reptilian section of the facility operates in a type of factory setting and the beings within operate in a very collective fashion. The entire facility operates in this way but it is most extreme here. I also see that ultimately the entire facility is run by AI at this time, which oversees most of the activity within the facility.
I see that the AI has been extensively involved in cognitive behavior tests here. This has been to determine which of the five base races has the highest survival dynamic. These ‘survival of the fittest’ AI tests has been carried out separately on each race. The AI computer system has then mixed the races together in general population on several occasions. The strongest of each race have then been housed together for a continuation of these tests. Where I am being led now is part of the final series of testing in this area.
We continue to walk down and corridor and enter a lift at the end. All five of us get in and descend. The elevator doors open into an absolutely massive room with five walkways converging in the center. The room is quite dark and very silent. I look up and see the huge five-sided pyramid structure above me built with a type of dark glass. We walk along our walkway towards the center of the structure. It takes a long time and with every step I feel an awesome power building in my body. After walking for awhile I see on object in the distance. As we get closer I see a familiar trip seat type device. We get to the device and I get in the seat while the two human guards strap me into the chair.
Once this is complete, the two human guards and two greys walk away back in the direction of the lift. I sit in the dark silent massive room for a awhile and wait. I feel completely calm. I hear loud mechanical rumblings around me and five massive square mirrors extend out of the ground to form a pentagon shaped prism around me. My form sitting in the seat is reflected around me in many strange ways. My reflection seems to go on forever. I then see five faces appear on each mirror. They seem to be reflected backwards to how the facility is set-up I.E- A massive reptile face appears in this gigantic mirror to my left, the seat then rotates to the right and I see a huge wolf face, rotate to the right again and I see a huge bird-face, rotate right again I see a huge cat-face. The chair rotates slowly again and I see a huge human face. The face is Commander Sarion who may be my father. The chair then rotates to its original position and sinks into the floor where mechanical locks clamp the chair into a more secure position.
The chair starts to spin in a clockwise motion and gets faster and faster with each rotation. The faces appear to start laughing and as the rotation speed quickens, they all start to blend into one in my vision. I hear a crackling electrical sound and bright white light is coming from the center of the pyramid down into my body. I start to convulse and I feel myself being filled with massive power and my muscles and joints tearing, stretching and ripping. This is massive pleasure and pain combined and feels like a huge orgasm. I feel my body expanding and when I feel myself reaching a climatic power point, the dark room around me disappears and I find myself standing in some desert canyon. My whole body is tingling with energy and feels very different.
Sirius 1992 continued
As the crackling energy envelops me in the chair, a time delay occurs just before I am teleported off planet into the canyon. I arrive in a tube on board the Calopia and look out through the clear partition as servitor droids come to collect me. The door in the tube opens and I fall forward in a weakened state into the mechanical arms of two servitors.
They lift me onto a hovering gurney and follow by my side on their wheeled legs as I am moved through the corridor on the right side of the vessel leading towards the recovery bay. Large viewing windows are positioned on the right side and I look down at the blue planet below. Most of the mass is covered by a huge ocean and I see a small land mass off to the left lit up by the huge sun behind the planet.
I am taken into the medical bay through a door on the left and moved into a corner where medical and laser equipment scan my body. I am given an injection by a mechanical arm that comes out of the top of the wall in front of me. A head visor also comes out of the wall and is positioned across my eyes. My strength is returning to me as I receive a digital debriefing from the AI computer on board the USS Calopia.
I learn the AI system on board my vessel has been in conflict with the AI system running the underwater prison down below on the planet. My very survival was at stake. Data regarding stem cells and genetics is scrolled onto the display screen. The AI system down on the planet has developed a complete science based the ancient art of terror, studying the deepest fears of an individual and sequence mapping of pain thresholds and physical torture breaking points.
It has learned that as the mind controls the body, physical pain is only effective up to a certain point. It’s goal is to physically remove an individual’s bone marrow by the quickest means possible while keeping the body alive. The bone marrow and stem cells within the marrow contain the individual’s identity and memory. Once the original marrow is removed the AI replaces it by teleporting stem cells from one of the animal type races located in a lab at the prison facility.
The AI system controlling the prison facility has probed into the deepest fears of men. It has found a way to literally and physically scare the life out of a man. To scare the life right out of one’s very bones!
On the other hand the AI system on board the Calopia is designed to enable me to survive under all circumstances. Back up exoskeletal cybernetic chassis are located on board. These cyborg copies contain hollow tubes for the transportation of bone marrow stem cells if the Calopia AI registers that my DNA has left my body. This is accomplished with the use of atomic energy.
The debriefing continues on the digital visor and I learn that because I was able to stay in my body during my drowning experience at the facility, the Calopia AI has learnt that it can teleport my whole physical body directly onto the vessel, bypassing the need to vector locate and transport just my bone marrow.
A game of chess is being played out between the two AI’s and the Calopia AI now has the upper hand. In a covert maneuver of trickery, the Calopia AI has double crossed the planetary AI and teleported down a cyborg copy of my body into the chair as I am simultaneously being teleported to safety on board. Using massive amounts of oppositional extreme temperatures of heat and cold, the Calopia AI has managed to very rapidly swap each cell one at a time.
The cyborg copy has the standard hollow tubes within the bones of the alloy exoskeleton. Therefore the facility AI teleports the stem cells of the animal into the bones without noticing a swap has occurred. Using this incredible energy source of heat and cold, the superior Calopia AI physically teleports genetic material two ways, while the inferior AI rides on the back of this process at the exact same time and teleports it’s sample without realizing the true process which is occurring. It is a three way process. Two parts living and one part dead.
On board the safety of the Calopia I am spared the damaging effects of the shape shift to my body for the first time in years. A throw away cloned body sustains this instead and a snarling eight foot tall bipedal, hairy beast is teleported into the canyon back on earth.
I am viewing the Bigfoot type beast in the canyon on a small screen above my head. A plastic tube shaped partition comes out the side of the gurney and I feel myself being pushed backwards through a small dark tunnel. I start to feel myself being pushed into sticky liquid and I realize I am back inside a tube.
I feel heat being scanned over my body and also realize I am being teleported. It is a quick triple realization as I also know I am being teleported into the canyon on earth to do battle with the hairy beast.
Grand Canyon, Arizona
The next thing I am aware of is a cool breeze blowing on my skin. It is almost dark, late evening and I see the Bigfoot like creature standing in front of me about twenty feet away. It’s thick legs are slightly bent ready to spring. It is over seven feet tall and looks like a cross between a huge gorilla and a bear with dark brown fur with long handed claws at the end of it’s massively powerful arms. It is growling with saliva dripping off rows of sharp teeth. I can smell it’s stinking rancid breath and foul pungent body odor from this distance.
Time seems to slow down for me as I notice a blue glowing light reflecting off the high walls of the canyon we stand in. I notice this blue light is coming from my body and look down for a split second to realize I am sitting cross legged and levitating over four feet off the ground.
I feel completely calm and in control.
I wait for the beast to spring and as he leaps the entire distance with a roar, I bounce some kind of magnetic energy off the ground beneath me and float gracefully higher into the air. The beast misses me and I manipulate this magnetic energy again this time using it to smash my weight downwards in the split second he passes underneath me. Just as my right hand is about to strike the top if his stinking head, I project a magnetic shock wave out the palm of my hand. The impact on top of his head smashes him face first down into the ground with a huge thud. The beast screams in agony and rage.
The beast returns to it’s feet again in no time and is facing me again. It leaps and I sidestep to my right and parry it’s weight with my right arm. Once I have a slight grip on the animal I throw it hard into the canyon wall behind me using it’s own weight and momentum.
It smashes head first into the wall and screams once again in rage and pain and again it rushes me. I can’t keep moving out of its way as it is getting wise to this tactic and rotates it’s body and moves to my left as it comes at me, slightly shifting it’s weight so I cannot parry it away from me. I cannot move backwards either as I will not be able to muster enough force into my blows to neutralize the beast.
My only option is to meet it head on and we end up in a stand up grapple face to face. The beast is stronger and much heavier than me. I have hold of it’s left arm with my right hand but is pushes me back a couple of steps. It’s right arm is now free and it swings a huge clawed overhand blow at my face. I block the blow with my left forearm but the force of it cuts my arm deeply and knocks my arm down. It follows up with the same blow quickly as I attempt to bring my arm up again and it knocks my injured arm down further exposing my face and chest.
A third time it throws the same blow. I see the claws sailing through the air towards my face but my left arm is too weak and injured to block this again. At the last moment I manage to pull my head back and the claws miss my face but rake down the left side of my neck near the collarbone instead. The blow is thrown with such force the claws continue cutting vertically through my flesh, gouging deeply into my chest exposing metal bones, circuitry and pumping flesh organs underneath this.
The animals right hand is down by my left rib now and I grab it with my left hand and pin it against it’s body. I still have the beasts left hand tied up with my right hand and I use the opportunity to head butt the creature in the mouth. I feel some it’s teeth crack off and it screams as blood starts to pour from it’s mouth. It counters with a ferocious bite to the top of my left shoulder.
It opens it huge gaping snout wide and sinks it’s teeth deeply into my flesh.
Something snaps inside me. Some deep bestial trigger deep within is activated by being bitten by a large animal such as this. I roar as I feel my hands starting to break and explode. I look at my hands as the beast is still sunk deep into my shoulder ripping from side to side, tearing at my flesh.
Knife like blades have protruded from my hands. At once I realize the reptilian hand bones retrieved from the bodies back in France all those years ago have been incorporated into my physiology ( see France deprogramming sessions 1812 ).
I ram the blades of my left hand into the stomach of the animal with a left uppercut. It let’s go of my shoulder and steps back looking confused when it sees the blades. I follow up with a overhand right blow with my right foot forward that cuts deeply into the left side of it’s neck. It steps back again and I have pinned it closer to the wall. I kick the creature with my right leg. A front kick to position it against the wall for the final death blow then I thrust a left punch as straight as an arrow into it’s throat.
The punch is forceful enough to go all the way through it’s throat and pin it to the wall behind. In a murder frenzy I stab into it’s stomach over and over again with my right hand until its head falls limply down in death.
I pull the blades out of it’s throat and the body falls onto the floor. At first it appears as if the body is dissolving in black mist. Then I realize the planetary AI system is teleporting the body back to Sirius.
I realize this has been a survival dynamic test by the AI system. One of the last in a long long series of survival of the fittest tests to discover which race has the highest survival dynamics. I notice movement above me out the corner of my eye and look up to see some kind of metal observation platform high above near the top of the canyon wall. I focus my vision on the platform and see men in green military uniforms looking down with binoculars and camera recording equipment.
They know I see them and start to scramble around as two of the men rush to the back of the platform and quickly wheel some kind of cannon forward.
Crunching the Super-Narrative – the Strange Case of James Casbolt, aka Michael Prince (of Lies)
by Colin Reid
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“You can trust me: I kinda look like that dude from ‘Lost.’”
Combining bits of every conspiracy theory ever told into one “true story” of which you are the star? BAD IDEA.
Let me tell you a story. A really big, complicated story.
There’s this guy called James Casbolt. Originally from London but now living in San Antonio, Texas, Casbolt – who nowadays prefers to be known by his birth name, Michael Prince – is a seemingly mild-mannered, softly-spoken fellow who first emerged onto the online conspiracy scene back in 2005, when he began posting chapters of what later became his ‘autobiography’ on his now-defunct website and in a variety of other places. This text, either titled ‘Michael Casbolt MI6 Buried Alive’ or, to give it its catchier moniker, ‘Agent Buried Alive’ was a short but lurid volume which is still available online in certain corners of the internet, or as a free downloadable PDF book. In his 2006 account, Casbolt details the circumstances of his younger years spent as a mind-controlled and brainwashed agent of various sinister worldwide intelligence agencies.
The central thread of Casbolt’s claim is that he was trained and eventually used by these aforementioned agencies as a genetically, cybernetically, and psychically enhanced sleeper assassin – essentially, some real-life fusion of Wolverine and James Bond – who was tasked with taking out security threats to his masters’ enemies and killing drug dealers and terrorists while he was at it.
Although I had read Casbolt’s accounts in detail myself a good few years ago, upon revisiting ‘Agent Buried Alive’ – in light of watching a recent series of video interviews with Casbolt – I was initially surprised to realize that I had failed to notice this was the same guy who had come out with the same dense, multilayered conspiracy narrative I had read about several years before. For me, the original roots of these narratives had blurred in my remembering of them to form part of a vast, over-arcing super-narrative the ufological world seems to have gotten itself into of late.
And it seems this blurring of narratives isn’t just going on in the my head as a follower of these stories. It seems the oracles have gotten their facts mixed up in the fiction too. Before you judge me for making what sounds like a potentially brain-bending story even more brain-bending than it needs to be… well, ultimately we have James Casbolt to blame for that. As you’ll come to understand, fact-checking any element of the Casbolt/Prince accounts – or indeed keeping track of his distinctly loopy timeline – is a tricky and slippery business to pursue.
But then: let’s skip straight to the facts of this tricky and slippery business. James Casbolt has been conducting this series of extensive video interviews with Miles Johnston who is a UK-based investigator into a variety of fringe topics and one of the founders of the organization AMMACH (an acronym for ‘Anomalous Mind Management and Contactee Helpline’). One of Casbolt’s most remarkable claims sees him casually confessing on camera that, while he was under the control of his personality-altering mental programming, he believes he killed roughly 200 people. If we can set aside the deeply problematic issue of this man calmly admitting to murder for a second… we’ll discover that his Bondian hijinks are only the tip of the iceberg.
Because of his all-important familial and racial lineage, Casbolt was selected prior to his birth to become part of the semi-mythical ‘Project Mannequin’ under the directions of factions of MI6 and the CIA. This project, supposedly run by the NSA, is to quote Casbolt, a “mind control and genetic manipulation program,” which is centered around the AL/499 facility, an alleged secret underground base located somewhere roughly beneath the village of Peasemore in Berkshire, England. According to Casbolt (and some other corroborating accounts which we’ll come to in due course) the Peasemore base is a dark haven of MK-ULTRA brainwashing where “programmable generated life forms” – essentially, the Greys – are created in genetic labs. This base is also where abducted children and adults are tortured, programmed, conditioned, and killed.
Essentially then, Peasemore base is the British equivalent of the notorious Dulce base in New Mexico – and shares many of the same horror show accounts of child sacrifice, alien experiments, and attendant Reptilian overlords. That is… if we are to believe these accounts, or indeed, if we are to believe that such bases even exist.
And here begins the epic crossover. Casbolt’s accounts of occult Nazi-derived, CIA-patented mind-control programs specifically echo the accounts of Fritz Springmeier, Arizona Wilder and Cathy O’Brien among others. Stories of fringe figures who have alleged dark deeds done to them by Illuminati agents in order to slowly bring about the evil agenda of the New World Order.
This isn’t just a story about an underground base, though. The dizzying width and breadth of Casbolt’s first written account takes in references to all of the following: the Illuminati and childhood sexual abuse; teenage drug trafficking; the Kabbala, occult freemasonry, and the Nephilim; hypnotic triggers, mind-wipes and his ability to see radio waves; getting buried in a coffin filled with snakes as an 8-year old, later teenage violence, juvenile delinquency and his time in a young offenders’ institution… all of this leading up to Casbolt carrying out his first assassination, at a mere 16 years of age.
But beyond this confounding grab bag of paranoiac scenarios, what immediately becomes suspicious about Casbolt’s account? Possibly it’s the fact that his story has changed and mutated from that of an account told by an innocent brainwashed victim of these nefarious mind control programs, as laid out in his 2006 book (which he concludes by speaking of his benevolent relationship with the ‘good’ Pleadian aliens), to that of an elistist controller of information and a disseminator of confused but clearly racist propaganda, where Casbolt shows his true colors by repeatedly using a number of public forums to blame “The Jew” and all nonwhite people for most of humanity’s ills.
Miles Johnston, Casbolt’s interviewer during the so-called ‘Bases’ videos – who presents his interviewees’ often shockingly dark and/or insane-sounding tales not as pure fact but more as fragmented pieces of a wider puzzle – has suggested in at least one other online presentation that he believes Casbolt may have plagiarized his tales of the Peasemore base directly from Johnston’s own first Bases interview, originally recorded way back in 1995 and re-released online in 2010. In the first Bases interview, Barry King – who claims to have worked as a security officer at the base for several years during the 70s and early 80s – recounts information almost identical to Casbolt’s initial testimony. King and Casbolt both seem to concur that Peasemore – and similar other installations – are controlled by a hidden Nazi presence.
National Socialism figures heavily into and forms one of the central threads of Casbolt’s endlessly baffling saga. And a saga it is – going all the way back to King David, Norse Gods, and Jesus.
Already I can sense you prickling with suspicion and intrigue at all this thrilling and disturbing information. I’m sure you’re thinking, Hang on… What do you mean… and similar frantic, unfinished questions… Well, hang on a little longer – the rabbit hole has hardly even been fully dived down yet. Plus we haven’t even got to the bit where Casbolt fights giant spiders on one of Saturn’s moons. Or the part with the time-travelling cyborg Nazi Reptilians. Or the werewolves. Believe me, it gets very complicated.
Casbolt’s first video interview was recorded on the fly at a UFO conference held at a college in Truro, Cornwall in 2005. In the interview – which appears to have been largely unplanned and is recorded in a hallway with some amount of background chatter going on nearby – Casbolt further elaborates on his accounts – calmly explaining the grim bleakness of his dark life in a measured and fairly emotionless tone. Here, we might observe Casbolt’s demeanor a little, as it will turn out to contain several clues. He wears a Star of David around his neck. With one hand he incessantly clutches a bottle of water; with the other, he gestures as he speaks – seemingly performing subliminal Nazi salutes. Miles Johnston made this observation with regards to the salutes elsewhere online – and unbelievably, both of these seemingly random and perhaps preposterous elements do factor into the wider story.
That reminds me: before we non sequitur our way to the diamond spiders from Saturn (David Bowie would be proud), here’s a potentially interesting linguistic thread to derail the saga….
Upon slogging through the hellish punishment of this and later video interviews with Casbolt, I began to notice that he makes repeated use of a particular lexical filler. Put simply, this is a word, sound, or generic phrase most of us will use in conversation as a mechanically-rattled-off placeholder, which unconsciously slips out when we’re temporarily lost for words. We frequently use such an expression as an emphatic utterance to reemphasize our point of view. It is spat out to try and keep the audience hooked onto our voice so those we are communicating with don’t lose connection to our communication, as we battle like animals to re-stake our claim to agency onto the world.
The word Casbolt frequently repeats is ‘Basically.’
So, indeed, you might feel inclined to inquire at this point… ‘basically…’ what’s so significant about that generally meaningless spoken word used here by Casbolt? What on Earth could the word ‘BASE-ically’ have to do with secret underground… BASEs?
Okay. So Casbolt repeats the word ‘base’ all the time. Even when he’s not actually talking about bases… in a series of video interviews called… Bases.
But, now. That’s really not that interesting, right? Surely we’re clutching at straws here, by hinting at some NLP-style subliminal programming? Am I just guilty of noticing some accidental pareidolia here? The recognition of seeming patterns and hitherto-unexplored possible connections between things that might not actually exist? Is this synchronicity, or mere pattern recognition? More on this in a moment.
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“It’s not mental illness if they believe it.”
Stepping sideways for a moment away from Casbolt and his self-reflecting meta-saga – which has barely got going at this point yet has far-reaching consequences – let’s take a look at another interviewee of the Bases series of videos who first appeared online at the beginning of 2012. Sarah Stanga is a youngish British citizen who, like Casbolt, makes wild claims of being taken to secret underground bases at various locations around the world as a child and tortured as part of Illuminati mind-control programs to create potential super soldiers. Her accounts also bring in a heavy dose of Satanic and ritual black magic, as well as the use of ancient alien stargates to summon dark, demonic beings into this human realm.
Retelling both Stanga’s and Casbolt’s accounts at length – as well as attempting to take into account all of the other base visitors who have gone on record in recent years – would take all year and far too much of your no-doubt valuable time. Suffice it to say that both of their accounts – and those of several other AMMACH interviewees, not all of whom are based in the UK – cross over and share a notable number of synchronous details.
In her AMMACH interview Bases 10 – The Sarah Stanga Blogs, Stanga tells her extraordinary story of how her life was all-but destroyed by gangstalking and gaslighting – these being specific terms for organized stalking and coordinated harassment – carried out by Illuminati witches, negative astral entities, Draco reptilians, and a seemingly endless parade of elements related to alien interference, Monarch mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Watching Stanga’s interview and any portion of her blogs, one can’t help but be struck by a number of things. Firstly – and by her own admission – Stanga clearly has certain mental health issues and has in the past had issues with drug and alcohol abuse. Indeed, unlike the reserved yet coolly confident Casbolt. everything about Stanga’s mannerisms, speech patterns, and body language scream out the pain of someone who is still desperately mentally unwell – or at the very least, still deeply troubled by a number of psychological problems. As Stanga records her thoughts in the blogs, she frequently mentions or alludes to unseen entities around her in the room, which we are told are attempting to psychically attack her.
Oh – and the other tellingly weird thing about Stanga, which brings us back around to Casbolt, who she name-checks as a victim of the same clandestine military programs she suffered under?
Drumroll please…
She says ‘basically.’ A hell of a lot.
So much so that, after a fashion, it starts to sound like a sort of Tourette’s on her part. And yes – she does talk about bases. But not as much as she repeats that word. Basically.
So what’s my ‘basic’ point here? Are these ‘baseless’ allegations? Watching a number of the interviews carried out by the AMMACH folks in the last few years (and yes, there is a great number of them, done at great length – but don’t worry, dear reader, I watched them so you don’t have to…) several things become apparent which I feel I should draw attention to.
More than a few of the interviewees constantly repeat the word ‘basically’ (though none with as much frequency as Stanga). This may mean absolutely nothing, but I find it strangely suggestive of some weird trickster element sneaking into the mix: the playful messing of some buried intelligence, attempting to rise to the surface to pass comment on the bleak supernatural weirdnesses these troubled characters allude to.
Disregard these ‘baseless’ observations for a moment. Let’s vector in on the personally subjective psychology of these individuals. And for the time being, I’m going to go absolutely crazy and extend this once-in-a-lifetime offer to ALL UFO/alien/spirit/channeled intelligence contactees and experiencers. That’s it… dontcha feel special right now? I’ve singled you all out!
IF we assume SOME of these people are not ALL completely crazy (an issue I’ll touch on properly in a second) then what does this odd subliminal affirmation of the ‘basic’ ‘existence’ of bases mean? Have some of these individuals truly been through psyops-related experiments into perception management? Is this why they appear – to those who choose to notice anyway – to have been seemingly conditioned to constantly reaffirm their personal truth to themselves and others… ‘Basically?’ Might Casbolt and Stanga be confused, troubled individuals who have genuinely seen strange goings-on in relation to classified military experiments, but have then had their memories altered, causing them to recount partially or entirely untrue fairy tales, built out of the fantastically assembled fragments of culturally available scripts?
Here, we can easily flash back to any number of classic contact cases to examine the context of those who have possibly been compromised by the powers-that-be….
See: Whitley Strieber – with his history of military connections… his professional life as a horror fantasist; and then, his communion with the alien unknown.
See, also: Barney and Betty Hill. As with Casbolt, there is a buried secret military Nazi-psyops undercurrent to their seemingly random, yet weirdly famous encounter.
See, also: The Rendle-SHAM Forest incident of December 1980. (nb. – accidental capitalization may be intentional.) Observe. Time-travel? Psyops? MIB interrogation? Creepy US government goings-on on foreign soil? Check, check and check again.
But these are just some ‘Devil’s Advocate’ examples. I’ve designed them to support a vague and largely implacable consistency in contact accounts – that of unforgivable interference in the ‘pure’ ‘alien’ encounter by government agencies – these agencies being agencies unknown and not fully understood by the good ordinary peoples of the world.
Let’s swing back to that guy Casbolt for a second….
Here’s a further theory as we continue to plummet into the rabbit hole. This might seem evident when taking into account Casbolt’s strangely calm and subdued manner when recounting such disturbing and plain bizarre tales. Might he, in actuality, be a hired gun of some implacable higher intelligence agency? An actor of sorts, tasked with disseminating targeted disinformation, designed to discredit or smear those investigating parties who attempt to report or retell his accounts?
Some of the individuals involved might very possibly be schizotypal or suffering from other medically diagnosable personality or mood disorders. So many of Sarah Stanga’s symptoms, for example her hearing voices taunting her and seeing menacing, dark shadow figures all around – along with her perceiving everyone as watching her, or literally, ‘ganging up’ to plot against her – certainly suggest mild to high levels of mania coupled with a degree of delusional or paranoid thinking – maybe even a drug-induced psychotic break.
Of course one of the oldest skeptical arguments against extreme claims of alien and/or government conspiracy is the simple summing-up that anyone making such claims is automatically a confused, psychotic nut job… and should of course be immediately discounted.
But then in attempting to counter the skeptical argument – which I‘d suggest isn’t entirely warranted in looking at some of these ‘paranoid’ cases – I feel it might be pertinent to consider the words of that other troubled fellow, Kurt Cobain, who once so sagely snarled, “Just because you’re paranoid don’t mean they’re not after you.”
We all know governments lie and make shit up. Was MK-ULTRA a real thing? Was there a Project Paperclip? Are there secret underground military installations the public knows very little about the exact location and purpose of, the world over? Have individuals who are seemingly perfectly sane in every other way had encounters with apparently nonhuman entities and suffered confused mental states and altered perceptions as a consequence of such perceived encounters?
I’ll assume we concur in the answer to all of the questions posed above. But before you run away screaming, trying to escape the encroaching associated madness before it consumes you… no: I’m not about to conclude that just because all this corresponding talk of alien lairs and satanic shenanigans seems to add up and hang together as a coherent narrative, then that makes it all true. Personally, I find both Casbolt and Stanga’s accounts highly suspect for a number of reasons.
What this in fact does lead up is the key problem of this developing super-narrative: a huge, ever-pulsating and semi-fictionalized amalgamation of nigh-on every conspiracy theory known to humankind (and beyond) that nowadays works like a gigantic snowball rolling down a very big hill, picking up all the little pieces of worrisome weirdness that fall into its inexorable path. This is the super-narrative that has been emerging in these accounts of Casbolt, Stanga and so many UFO conspiracy ‘whistleblowers’ who have emerged in recent years.
To the best of my knowledge – and in the gap of 5-or-so years between his first two interviews with Miles Johnston – James Casbolt, who at some point along the way had started to do some more radio interviews and was becoming known by his other name Michael Prince, became ‘discredited’ in certain online conspiracy circles. Given that he had never provided any genuine concrete proof or evidence of anything in the first place, one can only wonder exactly how such a thing could happen.
Back in early 2007 (I am basing my dates here according to comments on an old Above Top Secretforum discussing this matter) Casbolt posted a number of images on his now-defunct website, which he offered as evidence of his claims with regards to alien contact and cover-ups. Some of these images started to circulate around the usual fringe ends of the internet. I don’t personally recall seeing all of these images, but according to Miles Johnston and other online commenters (who are often the anonymous experts on these occasions), most of them were very quickly debunked as either pre-existing UFO pics – some of these, I believe being from the super-credible Meier/Adamski canon – or screen grabs from episodes of The X-Files and other sci-fi shows. According to a commenter on the ATS forum, Casbolt’s supposedly real photos of the interior of Dulce Base – which had apparently been passed on to him by high-up secret government sources – were swiftly identified as being from a perfectly innocuous underground subway in Stockholm, Sweden. Casbolt had either been very gullible in trusting his sources – as he later claims in the video interviews – or extremely disingenuous in posting the pictures in the first instance.
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“First The Project For The New American Century gets out and now this.”
Another image attributed to Casbolt – of an allegedly Annunaki being named ‘Lord Enlil’ – was soon identified as being a slightly altered image of Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former United States National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter. What was so terrifyingly alien about the image? Brzezinski’s eyes had been digitally slanted and shrunk down, to make them look weird and creepy. One has to wonder how this image fooled the keen assassin’s eye of Casbolt himself.
A far more interesting – though similarly debunked – image shows a profile shot of a peculiarly-hued woman who has either green or bright white skin color depending on the image you happen to have stumbled across. For some reason (no, I know the reason – it’s a reason called ‘the internet’) the image seems frequently to be tagged as being that of an Annunaki-reptilian hybrid – despite the text box attached to the image describing the species as a ‘Nordic’ or ‘Tall White’ – in other words, the typical humanoid-looking and vaguely Scandinavian-in-appearance contactee-loving space people of yore. Looking beyond the flattened catlike nose, Hitler hairdo and eerily menacing glare of this alien woman, one is struck by a strange impression: she looks like one of those blank-eyed, bony-featured supermodels you can see images of online, wearing peculiar outfits seemingly not designed for humans. Indeed, an ATS forum on this image quickly ID’d this extraterrestrial visitor as a likely Photoshopping of a Polish model named Anja Rubik. There’s every possibility a great many catwalk models are actually Nordic Tall Whites… but I suspect that’s a heated discussion to be left for another day.
![external image bed5d0f1a5cf.png external image bed5d0f1a5cf.png](
When super models go vegan.
Both of these images came with textual references to an organization going by the acronym SAALM. This, we are led to believe, stands for ‘Supreme Annunaki Alliance of Lord Marduk.’ despite some nonsensical detail about it online – which Casbolt was also unsurprisingly associated with – needless to say, no such organization exists. (Unless it actually does. In which case, I will obviously wind up looking like a right proper fool one day.)
So. At some point after his general debunking at the cynical hands of the internet – or at least in the eyes of anyone who was paying his story any cursory attention – Casbolt appeared to disappear from the conspiracy sphere of the online world. As someone who had found his wild tales mildly diverting, I assumed he was done with whatever wool he was pulling and had retired from his parapolitical prankery for good.
But then, in 2011, Casbolt made his return. His story remained largely intact, but had now taken on a number of new dimensions. Let’s look at some more aspects of how this epic has developed, as laid out by Casbolt in his Bases 9 interview – which was released in mid-2011 – and the far lengthier and more in-depth Bases 23, conducted between England and America via Skype, which hit the intrawebs a few weeks ago. The 2011 interview sees some of Casbolt’s more racially-fixated ideas begin to leak out which would be fully laid out in the recent session: as he refers to ‘The Odinist Fellowship,’ whose plan for the human race is to perpetuate endless warfare via Nazi brainwashing and assassination. More on this in a moment. But first, another brain-boggling claim from the Casbolt interviews….
![external image suprieminisrael040809.jpg?w=300&h=225&h=225 external image suprieminisrael040809.jpg?w=300&h=225&h=225](
It’s Lawrence of Arabia–I mean Supriem Rockefeller.
Apparently, there’s another guy out there who looks exactly like James Casbolt. Or, more precisely, someone who is an actual clone of him. This Casbolt doppelganger is Supriem Rockefeller – the alleged son of banker David Rockefeller. A man who, like Casbolt, has supposedly made some elaborate claims about being the antichrist who is set to soon usher in the End Times. Some cursory internet investigation suggests that this younger Rockefeller-cum-Lucifer Casbolt refers to is not related to that well-known family in any way and is actually a conman and smalltime crook from Louisiana called Kris Raynes. A number of photographs online that are purportedly of ‘Supriem’ appear to show one of either two things: that Raynes/Rockefeller bears a quite uncanny resemblance to Casbolt/Prince – or that these pictures of Raynes/Rockefeller are simply staged photos of Casbolt/Prince purporting to be Supriem – a further two aliases for Casbolt to add to his list.
Is one a creation of the other? And if so, which of these four identities is real, and which are fake? Believe it or not, two book-length texts exist online about this Supriem character alone – neither of which appear to make any reference to his resemblance to Casbolt or their corresponding talk of occult bloodlines and antichrist claims. This whole twist in Casbolt’s tale seems designed to create further cognitive dissonance – and throw up more unanswerable questions in the mind of anyone (such as myself) foolish enough to attempt to delve into it.
I really can‘t go into everything that’s in these videos. You could always watch them yourself. Bases 23 itself comprises four parts, and is nearly four hours in length. Watching the most recent 4-hour session, it appears Casbolt’s relocation to the United States and time in the army has brought about some changes for him. Once slight in figure, he has bulked up considerably and now has the look of a bodybuilder, or nightclub bouncer. He also has a frequent and pronounced smirk as he speaks, which marks a noticeable change from his previous interviews, where he was almost completely emotionless in his delivery.
Six minutes into this interview you find out he’s actually the chosen vessel for Lucifer. Or at least, some people think he is, if they’re not thinking it’s Supriem Rockefeller. Jesus, Lucifer, and Thor are all one and the same person – the Illuminati messiah – and Casbolt is one of the elite 42 individuals selected by the evil powers-that-be to become the antichrist spoken of in ancient religious texts.
Fourth Reich Nazis are attacking the ‘racial melting pot’ of the United States, and there is a forthcoming nuclear strike planned for the American Midwest. Casbolt has chased an alien wolf in Malaysia, rogue werewolves in South America and hunted an ‘octoform’ in England. He has an ET-tech gun which he calls ’Drago’ and uses this to assassinate cyborgs. It fires bullets which ‘are blessed by something to do with the Vatican.’
While training with the US Army (of which he claims to have been a member throughout 2012, although there appears to be no actual evidence of this) he used the Spear of Destiny to levitate. He also clarifies that the Forth Reich are ancient Reptilian cyborgs with cloned human skin. Oh – and there are several time-traveling cyborg clones of him. And he has a photograph taken recently of his military buddies standing with a man who might be Albert Einstein. There’s psychics opening jump gates to travel through time and space. He has cybernetic enhancements which relate to his Odinist bloodline, which are made out of a cold fusion alloy mined on Iapetus, one of Saturn’s moons. Casbolt was sent there to find this alloy, which is where he came into direct conflict with giant diamond spiders, which are what you might expect them to be from that description. Cybernetic reptilian limbs are sent through time by Knights Templar in 1812, to be grafted onto human super soldiers in either the present day, or the future of 2212. All of this adds up to the overall Nazi plot to depopulate the Earth, ship all the non-Aryan people off-world to some other place, and create a paradise planet where everyone walks around naked having orgies all the time. Yep, that’s actually what’s going to happen. Hitler surely would have approved. Oh – but then, he will probably drop by to see this glorious new Reich for himself once it‘s been fully implemented. Seeing as how he’s still alive and living somewhere near Aldebaran in the Taurus constellation. (That is probably one of the least mad factoids Casbolt comes out with.)
Casbolt’s bloodline is massively important to this whole saga. He explains that he can trace his ancestry back to the Spartans, the earliest Freemasons, the tribes of Dan, the Merovingians and Atlantis. The Illuminati, as Casbolt delineates it, is comprised of two warring bloodlines: the Jewish Zionists descended from King David and Jesus, and the Fourth Reich Aryans who are white Aryans descended from Odin.
As to what side of the fence he’s on with regards to the two sides of ‘the war’… well, that seems a mite tricky to pin down. In his first interview from 2006, he alludes to Jewish ancestry and wears the Star of David. Only now, explicitly discussing the agenda of the Fourth Reich Aryan Odinist Nazis (to give them their full title) Casbolt seems now to be aligned with whoever these modern far-right occultists are. Here’s a brief quote from him – or, at least, someone alleging to be him – from his participation on a forum discussing his claims on David Icke’s website: ”But the Jew always thrives off the back of another person’s work like a parasite.”
Yup. This poster professing to be Casbolt was recently suspended from the forum due to his persistent and offensive racist diatribes. I guess you know you’re making a mark on the conspiracy scene if even David Icke’s people think you’re a bit extreme.
Casbolt goes on to better explain the Jewish Zionist agenda on film – and I quote him now, from Bases 23, part one: ”The Jew wanted to give the Black in America prestige, like in the areas of sports and entertainment and that was purposefully socially engineered so the Black could get prestige and interbreed with White women and the plan was to submerge White blood by mixing the races.”
He then goes on to refer to ‘Vril power in the blood’ and claims the Jewish plot to bring about apocalyptic race war is laid out in the protocols of the elders of Zion – not stopping for a second to acknowledge the fact that this notorious anti-Semitic document was proven to be a racist hoax which was picked up on and used as propaganda by the Nazi party during World War II.
A lot of Casbolt’s ideas at this point seem to be very heavily derived from the writings of Helena Blavatsky, particularly with regards to her ideas about ‘root races.’ A word of warning – theosophy is probably not the best place to go if you want to learn about racial politics.
A month or so ago, I was alerted to the fact that Casbolt had an account on Facebook. Taking a look at his wall and postings, there didn’t seem to be anything unusual to note – there was very little reference made to his video claims and most of the posting seemed more to do with his recently completed tour of duty in the US army. Checking back a few days later though, I noticed post after post presumably written by Casbolt himself (or, perhaps, one of his mind-controlled ‘alter’ personalities) containing screeds of absolutely blatant, inflammatory, extremist-Neo-Nazi-type commentary. For all Casbolt usually seems to remain more or less impartial with regards to his take on ‘the race issue,’ there was little ambiguity to be worked through in these Facebook comments. Perhaps fortuitously to my cause – and as I was already compiling notes for this article – I cropped some of his declarations for posterity. According to these statements on his Facebook wall, any person who wasn’t White should bow down and serve him. Women were inferior to men and should only exist ‘to pleasure their husbands in the bedroom.’ He also went on to call all Black people ‘jungle bunnies’ and ‘a genetic accident due to interbreeding with monkeys.’
A few days after these postings, Casbolt’s Facebook account had been shut down. I have no knowledge of why.
The issue of culturally available scripts needs to be addressed again. Casbolt’s whole story reads like a cobbled-together collage of any number of fictional sci-fi narratives. If some talented writers were to reassemble the super soldier material and the drama of the Illuminati bloodline war, then they’d be on to a smash hit in whatever medium the narrative was disseminated. But then – isn’t that exactly what’s happening here?
Given his professed Norse heritage, mightn’t Loki the trickster-god perhaps be working through Casbolt, helping to accelerate the novelty? Are we witnessing the birthing of a new mythology here? One that will swallow up occult Nazism, global lizard takeover, grey alien abduction and every other twist and turn of conspiracy lore?
Or has Casbolt been fed contradicting timelines and philosophies, with no one taking the time to explain to him that they when crashed together, these narratives wouldn’t all pan out and gel coherently together, like real stuff in real life? Is he a patsy, now compromised by the conspiracy, another Bill Cooper, Paul Bennewitz, or Bob Lazar figure? Are anonymous parties taking advantage of Casbolt’s possible mental illness, and providing him with ‘exclusive’ information that props up, justifies, and reinforces his warped worldview? Maybe he was loony before he started releasing his ‘life story’ – but now he’s even loonier in a different fashion.
Casbolt appears now to draw every little snippet of his script from UFO and alien conspiracy hyperbole, far-right extremist rhetoric, religious, mystical and occult lore, pop culture undercurrents and multifarious fringe ideologies all stemming from the last few hundred years of human history and just ties it all up… and puts a big bow on top.
So. Where’s the root truth? Maybe some of what Casbolt, Stanga, and others say is true, I hear you wonder. But how can we separate fact from fiction, truth from lies? I think that’s the key problem. You can’t. There’s simply too much of this to parse. Any actual potential nuggets of truth get lost in the layers of mental illness, thinly-veiled bigotry, made-up stuff and sucked-up cultural disinfo.
Indeed, the immense epic Casbolt presents sees him suggesting at one point in the most recent interview that the Marvel superhero movies of the last few years were in fact based on the government programs that were designed years before to turn him into a cyborg super spy. Alas, Casbolt may perhaps be genuinely unaware of the fact that the super-powered likes of the X-Men and their ilk have been around in comics since the 60’s. Similarly, when Miles Johnston raises the perhaps obvious synchronicity of the number 42 figuring in the elite’s plans being a number that is used for great comic effect in Douglas Adams’s Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy – Casbolt claims to have never heard of the joke that ‘42’ is the answer to life, the universe and everything. Which came first, the chicken or… the story about the chicken?
But – to Devil’s Advocate this up again – assuming every word is true – what can any of us do about it all? Casbolt offers no solutions to this saga of terror, other than warning that we’ve got roughly 20 years left till the full plan comes to fruition. Prince of Clowns or Prince of Lies, Prince Casbolt shrugs his way out of it, consistently using phrases like ‘I think,’ ‘I believe so,’ and ‘I believe’ (although given that there’s less discussion of bases here, he seems no longer to be so ‘basically’ minded) – as if even he’s not really sure of how all the puzzle pieces in this lumbering timeline of Draconian deeds and ubermensch Sturm un Drang fit together. We merely follow him, plunging ever further into this primal, Jungian Shadow-side of the alien phenomenon, awaiting apocalypse or worse.
You can take into account certain factors relating to the solidification of this super-narrative. It seems likely that it has in some way been squashed into a more coherent shape in recent years by the ever-advancing algorithms of the internet and the proliferation of such extensive testimony of unverified – and unverifiable – eyewitnesses to high strangeness – both credible and incredible. Eventually, the online linking and clicking of the worried and dispossessed draw the conflicting and contradictory threads and tangents of the stories closer together; until the point when they begin to knit, intersect and become almost indistinguishable from one another, like a beautiful but mad patchwork quilt threaded together from a million different types of material.
And this is where we stand now with the problem of ufology: right in the middle of a world where Nordic space sisters, baby-eating Reptiloids, time-traveling space Nazis, cyborg super soldiers, cloned Grey MILABs, 9/11, JFK and religious cover-ups are all part of the same epic, Ragnarokian, comic book End Times crossover.
We must protect ourselves from the assimilating evil of the super-narrative. It would be wise to find our own answers and try to keep them simple and true.
But if you ever find yourself battling giant spiders on one of Saturn’s moons, don’t worry. That is just a dream.
by Colin Reid
“You can trust me: I kinda look like that dude from ‘Lost.’”
Combining bits of every conspiracy theory ever told into one “true story” of which you are the star? BAD IDEA.
Let me tell you a story. A really big, complicated story.
There’s this guy called James Casbolt. Originally from London but now living in San Antonio, Texas, Casbolt – who nowadays prefers to be known by his birth name, Michael Prince – is a seemingly mild-mannered, softly-spoken fellow who first emerged onto the online conspiracy scene back in 2005, when he began posting chapters of what later became his ‘autobiography’ on his now-defunct website and in a variety of other places. This text, either titled ‘Michael Casbolt MI6 Buried Alive’ or, to give it its catchier moniker, ‘Agent Buried Alive’ was a short but lurid volume which is still available online in certain corners of the internet, or as a free downloadable PDF book. In his 2006 account, Casbolt details the circumstances of his younger years spent as a mind-controlled and brainwashed agent of various sinister worldwide intelligence agencies.
The central thread of Casbolt’s claim is that he was trained and eventually used by these aforementioned agencies as a genetically, cybernetically, and psychically enhanced sleeper assassin – essentially, some real-life fusion of Wolverine and James Bond – who was tasked with taking out security threats to his masters’ enemies and killing drug dealers and terrorists while he was at it.
Although I had read Casbolt’s accounts in detail myself a good few years ago, upon revisiting ‘Agent Buried Alive’ – in light of watching a recent series of video interviews with Casbolt – I was initially surprised to realize that I had failed to notice this was the same guy who had come out with the same dense, multilayered conspiracy narrative I had read about several years before. For me, the original roots of these narratives had blurred in my remembering of them to form part of a vast, over-arcing super-narrative the ufological world seems to have gotten itself into of late.
And it seems this blurring of narratives isn’t just going on in the my head as a follower of these stories. It seems the oracles have gotten their facts mixed up in the fiction too. Before you judge me for making what sounds like a potentially brain-bending story even more brain-bending than it needs to be… well, ultimately we have James Casbolt to blame for that. As you’ll come to understand, fact-checking any element of the Casbolt/Prince accounts – or indeed keeping track of his distinctly loopy timeline – is a tricky and slippery business to pursue.
But then: let’s skip straight to the facts of this tricky and slippery business. James Casbolt has been conducting this series of extensive video interviews with Miles Johnston who is a UK-based investigator into a variety of fringe topics and one of the founders of the organization AMMACH (an acronym for ‘Anomalous Mind Management and Contactee Helpline’). One of Casbolt’s most remarkable claims sees him casually confessing on camera that, while he was under the control of his personality-altering mental programming, he believes he killed roughly 200 people. If we can set aside the deeply problematic issue of this man calmly admitting to murder for a second… we’ll discover that his Bondian hijinks are only the tip of the iceberg.
Because of his all-important familial and racial lineage, Casbolt was selected prior to his birth to become part of the semi-mythical ‘Project Mannequin’ under the directions of factions of MI6 and the CIA. This project, supposedly run by the NSA, is to quote Casbolt, a “mind control and genetic manipulation program,” which is centered around the AL/499 facility, an alleged secret underground base located somewhere roughly beneath the village of Peasemore in Berkshire, England. According to Casbolt (and some other corroborating accounts which we’ll come to in due course) the Peasemore base is a dark haven of MK-ULTRA brainwashing where “programmable generated life forms” – essentially, the Greys – are created in genetic labs. This base is also where abducted children and adults are tortured, programmed, conditioned, and killed.
Essentially then, Peasemore base is the British equivalent of the notorious Dulce base in New Mexico – and shares many of the same horror show accounts of child sacrifice, alien experiments, and attendant Reptilian overlords. That is… if we are to believe these accounts, or indeed, if we are to believe that such bases even exist.
And here begins the epic crossover. Casbolt’s accounts of occult Nazi-derived, CIA-patented mind-control programs specifically echo the accounts of Fritz Springmeier, Arizona Wilder and Cathy O’Brien among others. Stories of fringe figures who have alleged dark deeds done to them by Illuminati agents in order to slowly bring about the evil agenda of the New World Order.
This isn’t just a story about an underground base, though. The dizzying width and breadth of Casbolt’s first written account takes in references to all of the following: the Illuminati and childhood sexual abuse; teenage drug trafficking; the Kabbala, occult freemasonry, and the Nephilim; hypnotic triggers, mind-wipes and his ability to see radio waves; getting buried in a coffin filled with snakes as an 8-year old, later teenage violence, juvenile delinquency and his time in a young offenders’ institution… all of this leading up to Casbolt carrying out his first assassination, at a mere 16 years of age.
But beyond this confounding grab bag of paranoiac scenarios, what immediately becomes suspicious about Casbolt’s account? Possibly it’s the fact that his story has changed and mutated from that of an account told by an innocent brainwashed victim of these nefarious mind control programs, as laid out in his 2006 book (which he concludes by speaking of his benevolent relationship with the ‘good’ Pleadian aliens), to that of an elistist controller of information and a disseminator of confused but clearly racist propaganda, where Casbolt shows his true colors by repeatedly using a number of public forums to blame “The Jew” and all nonwhite people for most of humanity’s ills.
Miles Johnston, Casbolt’s interviewer during the so-called ‘Bases’ videos – who presents his interviewees’ often shockingly dark and/or insane-sounding tales not as pure fact but more as fragmented pieces of a wider puzzle – has suggested in at least one other online presentation that he believes Casbolt may have plagiarized his tales of the Peasemore base directly from Johnston’s own first Bases interview, originally recorded way back in 1995 and re-released online in 2010. In the first Bases interview, Barry King – who claims to have worked as a security officer at the base for several years during the 70s and early 80s – recounts information almost identical to Casbolt’s initial testimony. King and Casbolt both seem to concur that Peasemore – and similar other installations – are controlled by a hidden Nazi presence.
National Socialism figures heavily into and forms one of the central threads of Casbolt’s endlessly baffling saga. And a saga it is – going all the way back to King David, Norse Gods, and Jesus.
Already I can sense you prickling with suspicion and intrigue at all this thrilling and disturbing information. I’m sure you’re thinking, Hang on… What do you mean… and similar frantic, unfinished questions… Well, hang on a little longer – the rabbit hole has hardly even been fully dived down yet. Plus we haven’t even got to the bit where Casbolt fights giant spiders on one of Saturn’s moons. Or the part with the time-travelling cyborg Nazi Reptilians. Or the werewolves. Believe me, it gets very complicated.
Casbolt’s first video interview was recorded on the fly at a UFO conference held at a college in Truro, Cornwall in 2005. In the interview – which appears to have been largely unplanned and is recorded in a hallway with some amount of background chatter going on nearby – Casbolt further elaborates on his accounts – calmly explaining the grim bleakness of his dark life in a measured and fairly emotionless tone. Here, we might observe Casbolt’s demeanor a little, as it will turn out to contain several clues. He wears a Star of David around his neck. With one hand he incessantly clutches a bottle of water; with the other, he gestures as he speaks – seemingly performing subliminal Nazi salutes. Miles Johnston made this observation with regards to the salutes elsewhere online – and unbelievably, both of these seemingly random and perhaps preposterous elements do factor into the wider story.
That reminds me: before we non sequitur our way to the diamond spiders from Saturn (David Bowie would be proud), here’s a potentially interesting linguistic thread to derail the saga….
Upon slogging through the hellish punishment of this and later video interviews with Casbolt, I began to notice that he makes repeated use of a particular lexical filler. Put simply, this is a word, sound, or generic phrase most of us will use in conversation as a mechanically-rattled-off placeholder, which unconsciously slips out when we’re temporarily lost for words. We frequently use such an expression as an emphatic utterance to reemphasize our point of view. It is spat out to try and keep the audience hooked onto our voice so those we are communicating with don’t lose connection to our communication, as we battle like animals to re-stake our claim to agency onto the world.
The word Casbolt frequently repeats is ‘Basically.’
So, indeed, you might feel inclined to inquire at this point… ‘basically…’ what’s so significant about that generally meaningless spoken word used here by Casbolt? What on Earth could the word ‘BASE-ically’ have to do with secret underground… BASEs?
Okay. So Casbolt repeats the word ‘base’ all the time. Even when he’s not actually talking about bases… in a series of video interviews called… Bases.
But, now. That’s really not that interesting, right? Surely we’re clutching at straws here, by hinting at some NLP-style subliminal programming? Am I just guilty of noticing some accidental pareidolia here? The recognition of seeming patterns and hitherto-unexplored possible connections between things that might not actually exist? Is this synchronicity, or mere pattern recognition? More on this in a moment.
“It’s not mental illness if they believe it.”
Stepping sideways for a moment away from Casbolt and his self-reflecting meta-saga – which has barely got going at this point yet has far-reaching consequences – let’s take a look at another interviewee of the Bases series of videos who first appeared online at the beginning of 2012. Sarah Stanga is a youngish British citizen who, like Casbolt, makes wild claims of being taken to secret underground bases at various locations around the world as a child and tortured as part of Illuminati mind-control programs to create potential super soldiers. Her accounts also bring in a heavy dose of Satanic and ritual black magic, as well as the use of ancient alien stargates to summon dark, demonic beings into this human realm.
Retelling both Stanga’s and Casbolt’s accounts at length – as well as attempting to take into account all of the other base visitors who have gone on record in recent years – would take all year and far too much of your no-doubt valuable time. Suffice it to say that both of their accounts – and those of several other AMMACH interviewees, not all of whom are based in the UK – cross over and share a notable number of synchronous details.
In her AMMACH interview Bases 10 – The Sarah Stanga Blogs, Stanga tells her extraordinary story of how her life was all-but destroyed by gangstalking and gaslighting – these being specific terms for organized stalking and coordinated harassment – carried out by Illuminati witches, negative astral entities, Draco reptilians, and a seemingly endless parade of elements related to alien interference, Monarch mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Watching Stanga’s interview and any portion of her blogs, one can’t help but be struck by a number of things. Firstly – and by her own admission – Stanga clearly has certain mental health issues and has in the past had issues with drug and alcohol abuse. Indeed, unlike the reserved yet coolly confident Casbolt. everything about Stanga’s mannerisms, speech patterns, and body language scream out the pain of someone who is still desperately mentally unwell – or at the very least, still deeply troubled by a number of psychological problems. As Stanga records her thoughts in the blogs, she frequently mentions or alludes to unseen entities around her in the room, which we are told are attempting to psychically attack her.
Oh – and the other tellingly weird thing about Stanga, which brings us back around to Casbolt, who she name-checks as a victim of the same clandestine military programs she suffered under?
Drumroll please…
She says ‘basically.’ A hell of a lot.
So much so that, after a fashion, it starts to sound like a sort of Tourette’s on her part. And yes – she does talk about bases. But not as much as she repeats that word. Basically.
So what’s my ‘basic’ point here? Are these ‘baseless’ allegations? Watching a number of the interviews carried out by the AMMACH folks in the last few years (and yes, there is a great number of them, done at great length – but don’t worry, dear reader, I watched them so you don’t have to…) several things become apparent which I feel I should draw attention to.
More than a few of the interviewees constantly repeat the word ‘basically’ (though none with as much frequency as Stanga). This may mean absolutely nothing, but I find it strangely suggestive of some weird trickster element sneaking into the mix: the playful messing of some buried intelligence, attempting to rise to the surface to pass comment on the bleak supernatural weirdnesses these troubled characters allude to.
Disregard these ‘baseless’ observations for a moment. Let’s vector in on the personally subjective psychology of these individuals. And for the time being, I’m going to go absolutely crazy and extend this once-in-a-lifetime offer to ALL UFO/alien/spirit/channeled intelligence contactees and experiencers. That’s it… dontcha feel special right now? I’ve singled you all out!
IF we assume SOME of these people are not ALL completely crazy (an issue I’ll touch on properly in a second) then what does this odd subliminal affirmation of the ‘basic’ ‘existence’ of bases mean? Have some of these individuals truly been through psyops-related experiments into perception management? Is this why they appear – to those who choose to notice anyway – to have been seemingly conditioned to constantly reaffirm their personal truth to themselves and others… ‘Basically?’ Might Casbolt and Stanga be confused, troubled individuals who have genuinely seen strange goings-on in relation to classified military experiments, but have then had their memories altered, causing them to recount partially or entirely untrue fairy tales, built out of the fantastically assembled fragments of culturally available scripts?
Here, we can easily flash back to any number of classic contact cases to examine the context of those who have possibly been compromised by the powers-that-be….
See: Whitley Strieber – with his history of military connections… his professional life as a horror fantasist; and then, his communion with the alien unknown.
See, also: Barney and Betty Hill. As with Casbolt, there is a buried secret military Nazi-psyops undercurrent to their seemingly random, yet weirdly famous encounter.
See, also: The Rendle-SHAM Forest incident of December 1980. (nb. – accidental capitalization may be intentional.) Observe. Time-travel? Psyops? MIB interrogation? Creepy US government goings-on on foreign soil? Check, check and check again.
But these are just some ‘Devil’s Advocate’ examples. I’ve designed them to support a vague and largely implacable consistency in contact accounts – that of unforgivable interference in the ‘pure’ ‘alien’ encounter by government agencies – these agencies being agencies unknown and not fully understood by the good ordinary peoples of the world.
Let’s swing back to that guy Casbolt for a second….
Here’s a further theory as we continue to plummet into the rabbit hole. This might seem evident when taking into account Casbolt’s strangely calm and subdued manner when recounting such disturbing and plain bizarre tales. Might he, in actuality, be a hired gun of some implacable higher intelligence agency? An actor of sorts, tasked with disseminating targeted disinformation, designed to discredit or smear those investigating parties who attempt to report or retell his accounts?
Some of the individuals involved might very possibly be schizotypal or suffering from other medically diagnosable personality or mood disorders. So many of Sarah Stanga’s symptoms, for example her hearing voices taunting her and seeing menacing, dark shadow figures all around – along with her perceiving everyone as watching her, or literally, ‘ganging up’ to plot against her – certainly suggest mild to high levels of mania coupled with a degree of delusional or paranoid thinking – maybe even a drug-induced psychotic break.
Of course one of the oldest skeptical arguments against extreme claims of alien and/or government conspiracy is the simple summing-up that anyone making such claims is automatically a confused, psychotic nut job… and should of course be immediately discounted.
But then in attempting to counter the skeptical argument – which I‘d suggest isn’t entirely warranted in looking at some of these ‘paranoid’ cases – I feel it might be pertinent to consider the words of that other troubled fellow, Kurt Cobain, who once so sagely snarled, “Just because you’re paranoid don’t mean they’re not after you.”
We all know governments lie and make shit up. Was MK-ULTRA a real thing? Was there a Project Paperclip? Are there secret underground military installations the public knows very little about the exact location and purpose of, the world over? Have individuals who are seemingly perfectly sane in every other way had encounters with apparently nonhuman entities and suffered confused mental states and altered perceptions as a consequence of such perceived encounters?
I’ll assume we concur in the answer to all of the questions posed above. But before you run away screaming, trying to escape the encroaching associated madness before it consumes you… no: I’m not about to conclude that just because all this corresponding talk of alien lairs and satanic shenanigans seems to add up and hang together as a coherent narrative, then that makes it all true. Personally, I find both Casbolt and Stanga’s accounts highly suspect for a number of reasons.
What this in fact does lead up is the key problem of this developing super-narrative: a huge, ever-pulsating and semi-fictionalized amalgamation of nigh-on every conspiracy theory known to humankind (and beyond) that nowadays works like a gigantic snowball rolling down a very big hill, picking up all the little pieces of worrisome weirdness that fall into its inexorable path. This is the super-narrative that has been emerging in these accounts of Casbolt, Stanga and so many UFO conspiracy ‘whistleblowers’ who have emerged in recent years.
To the best of my knowledge – and in the gap of 5-or-so years between his first two interviews with Miles Johnston – James Casbolt, who at some point along the way had started to do some more radio interviews and was becoming known by his other name Michael Prince, became ‘discredited’ in certain online conspiracy circles. Given that he had never provided any genuine concrete proof or evidence of anything in the first place, one can only wonder exactly how such a thing could happen.
Back in early 2007 (I am basing my dates here according to comments on an old Above Top Secretforum discussing this matter) Casbolt posted a number of images on his now-defunct website, which he offered as evidence of his claims with regards to alien contact and cover-ups. Some of these images started to circulate around the usual fringe ends of the internet. I don’t personally recall seeing all of these images, but according to Miles Johnston and other online commenters (who are often the anonymous experts on these occasions), most of them were very quickly debunked as either pre-existing UFO pics – some of these, I believe being from the super-credible Meier/Adamski canon – or screen grabs from episodes of The X-Files and other sci-fi shows. According to a commenter on the ATS forum, Casbolt’s supposedly real photos of the interior of Dulce Base – which had apparently been passed on to him by high-up secret government sources – were swiftly identified as being from a perfectly innocuous underground subway in Stockholm, Sweden. Casbolt had either been very gullible in trusting his sources – as he later claims in the video interviews – or extremely disingenuous in posting the pictures in the first instance.
“First The Project For The New American Century gets out and now this.”
Another image attributed to Casbolt – of an allegedly Annunaki being named ‘Lord Enlil’ – was soon identified as being a slightly altered image of Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former United States National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter. What was so terrifyingly alien about the image? Brzezinski’s eyes had been digitally slanted and shrunk down, to make them look weird and creepy. One has to wonder how this image fooled the keen assassin’s eye of Casbolt himself.
A far more interesting – though similarly debunked – image shows a profile shot of a peculiarly-hued woman who has either green or bright white skin color depending on the image you happen to have stumbled across. For some reason (no, I know the reason – it’s a reason called ‘the internet’) the image seems frequently to be tagged as being that of an Annunaki-reptilian hybrid – despite the text box attached to the image describing the species as a ‘Nordic’ or ‘Tall White’ – in other words, the typical humanoid-looking and vaguely Scandinavian-in-appearance contactee-loving space people of yore. Looking beyond the flattened catlike nose, Hitler hairdo and eerily menacing glare of this alien woman, one is struck by a strange impression: she looks like one of those blank-eyed, bony-featured supermodels you can see images of online, wearing peculiar outfits seemingly not designed for humans. Indeed, an ATS forum on this image quickly ID’d this extraterrestrial visitor as a likely Photoshopping of a Polish model named Anja Rubik. There’s every possibility a great many catwalk models are actually Nordic Tall Whites… but I suspect that’s a heated discussion to be left for another day.
When super models go vegan.
Both of these images came with textual references to an organization going by the acronym SAALM. This, we are led to believe, stands for ‘Supreme Annunaki Alliance of Lord Marduk.’ despite some nonsensical detail about it online – which Casbolt was also unsurprisingly associated with – needless to say, no such organization exists. (Unless it actually does. In which case, I will obviously wind up looking like a right proper fool one day.)
So. At some point after his general debunking at the cynical hands of the internet – or at least in the eyes of anyone who was paying his story any cursory attention – Casbolt appeared to disappear from the conspiracy sphere of the online world. As someone who had found his wild tales mildly diverting, I assumed he was done with whatever wool he was pulling and had retired from his parapolitical prankery for good.
But then, in 2011, Casbolt made his return. His story remained largely intact, but had now taken on a number of new dimensions. Let’s look at some more aspects of how this epic has developed, as laid out by Casbolt in his Bases 9 interview – which was released in mid-2011 – and the far lengthier and more in-depth Bases 23, conducted between England and America via Skype, which hit the intrawebs a few weeks ago. The 2011 interview sees some of Casbolt’s more racially-fixated ideas begin to leak out which would be fully laid out in the recent session: as he refers to ‘The Odinist Fellowship,’ whose plan for the human race is to perpetuate endless warfare via Nazi brainwashing and assassination. More on this in a moment. But first, another brain-boggling claim from the Casbolt interviews….
It’s Lawrence of Arabia–I mean Supriem Rockefeller.
Apparently, there’s another guy out there who looks exactly like James Casbolt. Or, more precisely, someone who is an actual clone of him. This Casbolt doppelganger is Supriem Rockefeller – the alleged son of banker David Rockefeller. A man who, like Casbolt, has supposedly made some elaborate claims about being the antichrist who is set to soon usher in the End Times. Some cursory internet investigation suggests that this younger Rockefeller-cum-Lucifer Casbolt refers to is not related to that well-known family in any way and is actually a conman and smalltime crook from Louisiana called Kris Raynes. A number of photographs online that are purportedly of ‘Supriem’ appear to show one of either two things: that Raynes/Rockefeller bears a quite uncanny resemblance to Casbolt/Prince – or that these pictures of Raynes/Rockefeller are simply staged photos of Casbolt/Prince purporting to be Supriem – a further two aliases for Casbolt to add to his list.
Is one a creation of the other? And if so, which of these four identities is real, and which are fake? Believe it or not, two book-length texts exist online about this Supriem character alone – neither of which appear to make any reference to his resemblance to Casbolt or their corresponding talk of occult bloodlines and antichrist claims. This whole twist in Casbolt’s tale seems designed to create further cognitive dissonance – and throw up more unanswerable questions in the mind of anyone (such as myself) foolish enough to attempt to delve into it.
I really can‘t go into everything that’s in these videos. You could always watch them yourself. Bases 23 itself comprises four parts, and is nearly four hours in length. Watching the most recent 4-hour session, it appears Casbolt’s relocation to the United States and time in the army has brought about some changes for him. Once slight in figure, he has bulked up considerably and now has the look of a bodybuilder, or nightclub bouncer. He also has a frequent and pronounced smirk as he speaks, which marks a noticeable change from his previous interviews, where he was almost completely emotionless in his delivery.
Six minutes into this interview you find out he’s actually the chosen vessel for Lucifer. Or at least, some people think he is, if they’re not thinking it’s Supriem Rockefeller. Jesus, Lucifer, and Thor are all one and the same person – the Illuminati messiah – and Casbolt is one of the elite 42 individuals selected by the evil powers-that-be to become the antichrist spoken of in ancient religious texts.
Fourth Reich Nazis are attacking the ‘racial melting pot’ of the United States, and there is a forthcoming nuclear strike planned for the American Midwest. Casbolt has chased an alien wolf in Malaysia, rogue werewolves in South America and hunted an ‘octoform’ in England. He has an ET-tech gun which he calls ’Drago’ and uses this to assassinate cyborgs. It fires bullets which ‘are blessed by something to do with the Vatican.’
While training with the US Army (of which he claims to have been a member throughout 2012, although there appears to be no actual evidence of this) he used the Spear of Destiny to levitate. He also clarifies that the Forth Reich are ancient Reptilian cyborgs with cloned human skin. Oh – and there are several time-traveling cyborg clones of him. And he has a photograph taken recently of his military buddies standing with a man who might be Albert Einstein. There’s psychics opening jump gates to travel through time and space. He has cybernetic enhancements which relate to his Odinist bloodline, which are made out of a cold fusion alloy mined on Iapetus, one of Saturn’s moons. Casbolt was sent there to find this alloy, which is where he came into direct conflict with giant diamond spiders, which are what you might expect them to be from that description. Cybernetic reptilian limbs are sent through time by Knights Templar in 1812, to be grafted onto human super soldiers in either the present day, or the future of 2212. All of this adds up to the overall Nazi plot to depopulate the Earth, ship all the non-Aryan people off-world to some other place, and create a paradise planet where everyone walks around naked having orgies all the time. Yep, that’s actually what’s going to happen. Hitler surely would have approved. Oh – but then, he will probably drop by to see this glorious new Reich for himself once it‘s been fully implemented. Seeing as how he’s still alive and living somewhere near Aldebaran in the Taurus constellation. (That is probably one of the least mad factoids Casbolt comes out with.)
Casbolt’s bloodline is massively important to this whole saga. He explains that he can trace his ancestry back to the Spartans, the earliest Freemasons, the tribes of Dan, the Merovingians and Atlantis. The Illuminati, as Casbolt delineates it, is comprised of two warring bloodlines: the Jewish Zionists descended from King David and Jesus, and the Fourth Reich Aryans who are white Aryans descended from Odin.
As to what side of the fence he’s on with regards to the two sides of ‘the war’… well, that seems a mite tricky to pin down. In his first interview from 2006, he alludes to Jewish ancestry and wears the Star of David. Only now, explicitly discussing the agenda of the Fourth Reich Aryan Odinist Nazis (to give them their full title) Casbolt seems now to be aligned with whoever these modern far-right occultists are. Here’s a brief quote from him – or, at least, someone alleging to be him – from his participation on a forum discussing his claims on David Icke’s website: ”But the Jew always thrives off the back of another person’s work like a parasite.”
Yup. This poster professing to be Casbolt was recently suspended from the forum due to his persistent and offensive racist diatribes. I guess you know you’re making a mark on the conspiracy scene if even David Icke’s people think you’re a bit extreme.
Casbolt goes on to better explain the Jewish Zionist agenda on film – and I quote him now, from Bases 23, part one: ”The Jew wanted to give the Black in America prestige, like in the areas of sports and entertainment and that was purposefully socially engineered so the Black could get prestige and interbreed with White women and the plan was to submerge White blood by mixing the races.”
He then goes on to refer to ‘Vril power in the blood’ and claims the Jewish plot to bring about apocalyptic race war is laid out in the protocols of the elders of Zion – not stopping for a second to acknowledge the fact that this notorious anti-Semitic document was proven to be a racist hoax which was picked up on and used as propaganda by the Nazi party during World War II.
A lot of Casbolt’s ideas at this point seem to be very heavily derived from the writings of Helena Blavatsky, particularly with regards to her ideas about ‘root races.’ A word of warning – theosophy is probably not the best place to go if you want to learn about racial politics.
A month or so ago, I was alerted to the fact that Casbolt had an account on Facebook. Taking a look at his wall and postings, there didn’t seem to be anything unusual to note – there was very little reference made to his video claims and most of the posting seemed more to do with his recently completed tour of duty in the US army. Checking back a few days later though, I noticed post after post presumably written by Casbolt himself (or, perhaps, one of his mind-controlled ‘alter’ personalities) containing screeds of absolutely blatant, inflammatory, extremist-Neo-Nazi-type commentary. For all Casbolt usually seems to remain more or less impartial with regards to his take on ‘the race issue,’ there was little ambiguity to be worked through in these Facebook comments. Perhaps fortuitously to my cause – and as I was already compiling notes for this article – I cropped some of his declarations for posterity. According to these statements on his Facebook wall, any person who wasn’t White should bow down and serve him. Women were inferior to men and should only exist ‘to pleasure their husbands in the bedroom.’ He also went on to call all Black people ‘jungle bunnies’ and ‘a genetic accident due to interbreeding with monkeys.’
A few days after these postings, Casbolt’s Facebook account had been shut down. I have no knowledge of why.
The issue of culturally available scripts needs to be addressed again. Casbolt’s whole story reads like a cobbled-together collage of any number of fictional sci-fi narratives. If some talented writers were to reassemble the super soldier material and the drama of the Illuminati bloodline war, then they’d be on to a smash hit in whatever medium the narrative was disseminated. But then – isn’t that exactly what’s happening here?
Given his professed Norse heritage, mightn’t Loki the trickster-god perhaps be working through Casbolt, helping to accelerate the novelty? Are we witnessing the birthing of a new mythology here? One that will swallow up occult Nazism, global lizard takeover, grey alien abduction and every other twist and turn of conspiracy lore?
Or has Casbolt been fed contradicting timelines and philosophies, with no one taking the time to explain to him that they when crashed together, these narratives wouldn’t all pan out and gel coherently together, like real stuff in real life? Is he a patsy, now compromised by the conspiracy, another Bill Cooper, Paul Bennewitz, or Bob Lazar figure? Are anonymous parties taking advantage of Casbolt’s possible mental illness, and providing him with ‘exclusive’ information that props up, justifies, and reinforces his warped worldview? Maybe he was loony before he started releasing his ‘life story’ – but now he’s even loonier in a different fashion.
Casbolt appears now to draw every little snippet of his script from UFO and alien conspiracy hyperbole, far-right extremist rhetoric, religious, mystical and occult lore, pop culture undercurrents and multifarious fringe ideologies all stemming from the last few hundred years of human history and just ties it all up… and puts a big bow on top.
So. Where’s the root truth? Maybe some of what Casbolt, Stanga, and others say is true, I hear you wonder. But how can we separate fact from fiction, truth from lies? I think that’s the key problem. You can’t. There’s simply too much of this to parse. Any actual potential nuggets of truth get lost in the layers of mental illness, thinly-veiled bigotry, made-up stuff and sucked-up cultural disinfo.
Indeed, the immense epic Casbolt presents sees him suggesting at one point in the most recent interview that the Marvel superhero movies of the last few years were in fact based on the government programs that were designed years before to turn him into a cyborg super spy. Alas, Casbolt may perhaps be genuinely unaware of the fact that the super-powered likes of the X-Men and their ilk have been around in comics since the 60’s. Similarly, when Miles Johnston raises the perhaps obvious synchronicity of the number 42 figuring in the elite’s plans being a number that is used for great comic effect in Douglas Adams’s Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy – Casbolt claims to have never heard of the joke that ‘42’ is the answer to life, the universe and everything. Which came first, the chicken or… the story about the chicken?
But – to Devil’s Advocate this up again – assuming every word is true – what can any of us do about it all? Casbolt offers no solutions to this saga of terror, other than warning that we’ve got roughly 20 years left till the full plan comes to fruition. Prince of Clowns or Prince of Lies, Prince Casbolt shrugs his way out of it, consistently using phrases like ‘I think,’ ‘I believe so,’ and ‘I believe’ (although given that there’s less discussion of bases here, he seems no longer to be so ‘basically’ minded) – as if even he’s not really sure of how all the puzzle pieces in this lumbering timeline of Draconian deeds and ubermensch Sturm un Drang fit together. We merely follow him, plunging ever further into this primal, Jungian Shadow-side of the alien phenomenon, awaiting apocalypse or worse.
You can take into account certain factors relating to the solidification of this super-narrative. It seems likely that it has in some way been squashed into a more coherent shape in recent years by the ever-advancing algorithms of the internet and the proliferation of such extensive testimony of unverified – and unverifiable – eyewitnesses to high strangeness – both credible and incredible. Eventually, the online linking and clicking of the worried and dispossessed draw the conflicting and contradictory threads and tangents of the stories closer together; until the point when they begin to knit, intersect and become almost indistinguishable from one another, like a beautiful but mad patchwork quilt threaded together from a million different types of material.
And this is where we stand now with the problem of ufology: right in the middle of a world where Nordic space sisters, baby-eating Reptiloids, time-traveling space Nazis, cyborg super soldiers, cloned Grey MILABs, 9/11, JFK and religious cover-ups are all part of the same epic, Ragnarokian, comic book End Times crossover.
We must protect ourselves from the assimilating evil of the super-narrative. It would be wise to find our own answers and try to keep them simple and true.
But if you ever find yourself battling giant spiders on one of Saturn’s moons, don’t worry. That is just a dream.
Colin Reid is a writer with a long-held interest in paranormal, fringe and ufological topics. He does various things in the world and he might have a novel coming out this year. He will also soon be video-blogging his own actual thoughts out into the wider world of the internet. He can be contacted via Facebook where he uses his mind-controlled alter-personality name of Colin Spiderboris Reid.
(Credit is due to Project Psycube and the members of the Altered-Soldier Facebook group for invaluable research assistance and support during the writing of this article.)
These two articles were used by the website and author with their permission. Extra respect for Colin's tedious work here. -Frank Zero
Trip Chairs / Microchips / and Robotic Futurescapes
( Call of Duty: Black Ops C.I.A. brainwashing )
(Universal Soldier 2: cryo sleep type chambers)
A chair used in MK Projects referred to and varying in purpose from a simple chair one is tied to and abused in some way all the way to a chair that aides in traveling time and space. They have been deemed electroshock chairs, trip chairs, Montauk chairs, etc...
( Universal Soldier 3: Jean Claude Van Damme, torture chair)
(Total Recall: Colin Farrel, trip chair involved in memory manipulation and fabrication)
( Walt Disney World's Spaceship Earth: People Mover )
A central theme in mind control, mental driving, astral traveling, torture, electroshock, electrocution, psychedelic awareness (according to Leary pal Ram Dass) and the Montauk Project is a room with a chair where, more often than not, altered states of consciousness are induced, and memories are often manipulated. These chairs vary and seem to be confused in name. The following seem to refer to different versions of these chairs: trip chair, jump chair, jump room, mind control chair, machine, etc...
"There are four types of Trip Chairs; consciousness chairs, teleportation chairs, remote viewing chairs, and total recall chairs, all of which use alien technology to interface a person’s thoughts and feelings for manifestation purposes. The consciousness chair is found onboard alien spacecraft. If a person has the right DNA, they can navigate these crafts using a mind interface. The teleportation chair is the Montauk Chair. Basically users can open up wormholes into time or different places.
The remote viewing chair is used for intelligence gathering and assassinations. A vector is given, which is an encrypted code for a targeted location; the chair would then decode brainwave signals so what was being seen by the remote viewer could be viewed on monitors by technicians. If the technician wanted to assassinate someone remotely, they would locate the weakest chakra on the targeted individual and attack it psychically, resulting in a heart attack or death.
And this brings us to the total recall chair, located within the Neo-Lab, where MILAB and Super Soldiers are programmed and brainwashed. According to the Peasemore DUMB security officer, Barry King, this device is more simply referred to as the “Trip Seat.” Just like in the movie Total Recall, memories would be uploaded and downloaded from a computer terminal."-James Rink: Super Soldier Talk post on trip chairs
Call of Duty, Mental Driving and Notes on Wolverine
( censored for reasons of Project Security ) Themes in the game include mind control, mental driving, Kennedy, Cuba, and the Cold War, basically an interesting mix of real world black operations history.( CLASSIFIED ) I originally wrote " to mirror Mk-Ultra experiments while playing the game may bring about some helpful memories " although now in retrospect I am not so positive about the approach since, it led to a kind of complete mental breakdown which led to days of actual sickness...
Day 1 the substances have formed new and interesting habits in my physiology, like a sudden need for Apple Jacks. In-game performance however is unaffected. As I have found many super soldier and mind control themes in cartoons, I wanted to delve into the game with the same investigative mind set. Before I even begin I would like to note that your " CIA Handler " in the game has the same name as the man, who takes in Wolverine when he is feral after Weapon X...a Jason Hudson. Wolverine also works for the CIA prior to the events of Weapon X.
The game begins with your character Alex Mason being strapped to a chair. Out the corner of the screen one can note nine TV screens. They play random footage of Kennedy, Russia, China, Castro, repeat, until they all align to an image of one giant eye across all nine TVs. Horny youtubers may want to consider this with all the eyes on pyramids on other TVs in the game as proof of something...
The Call of Duty wiki informs us about the first level
" Mason is asked questions by an unknown interrogator about a numbers broadcast which is being used to contact Soviet sleeper cells in the United States. "
Interrogator: " How can you be sure you really know what happened ? "
" Focus Mason...try to remember "
" Why did you do it Mason, why ? "
" The numbers Mason what do they mean ? "
" You know why your here "
Blueish bright light coming from above...
" You can stop all this now "
" Why did you trust him "
" We're running out of time "
" It's up to you Mason, it's all up to you "
" You killed him Mason. You did it.
No one else. Just you. "
On the right below the TVs, is a smoking cigarette in an ashtray and surgery tools.There are five and six digit codes on many small instruments and machines.
The lights start beating with Mason's heartbeat. There is a whispering voice repeating " I am " without stop and a woman and a man can be heard discussing something but it is not entirely audible.
" Who are you ? " - Mason
" That's not important, what is, is who you are. The numbers Mason what do they mean?
Where are the transmissions coming from ?
Meanwhile electroshock is administered which causes Mason to see strings of seemingly random digits, like the ones found in the room. He also begins receiving memory of the 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion related to a Project 40.
David Ferrie of course trained pilots for that CIA sponsored fiasco, in Guatamala, but not before supplying Castro with weapons to war against Batista.After the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy promptly began clearing house in the intelligence community.
" You will break American "
It is made apparent that Mason was a "gift" to the Russian Castro alliance. On April 19th 1961 two American CIA agents were taken hostage but executed. ( Angus K McNair and Howard F Anderson )
Oct 6, 1963
Reznov fights Mason to distract the guards in a labor camp in Vorkuda, U.S.S.R.
Here it is relayed for the first time in an unrelated context, some of the steps of Mason's programming. These steps are also repeated during the almost assassination of the President. ( Kennedy's debriefing on Castro )
" Secure the keys "
" Ascend from Darkness "
" Reign Fire "
" Unleash the Horde "
" Scold the Wicked beast "
" Wield the Fist of Iron "
" Raise Hell "
Mason in Vorkuda- " I was on my own ...almost a year. They used tear gas. It never left me.
Then the interrogator explains that he was handed over to Jason Hudson.
" Jason Hudson was my new handler "
As Mason is walked through a memory of the the Pentagon, an attractive blonde stares him down.
" We were watching you the whole time "
" You were getting close to your objective "
" This inner sanctum was built in 1943, we rarely use it. Jack Ruby and Oswald flash on two of the eight TVs in the background.
" I can't get these fucking numbers out of my head "
Operation 40 August 12, 1969
The documents ( 3 pages ) inside the game under intel show us that the objective of operation 40 was to " bring about the replacement of the Castro regime with a regime more devoted to the true interests of the Cuban people. This is very similar to the debriefing Eisenhower and Kennedy were actually given on the Bay of Pigs before it went entirely sour.
This file also inform us that mason was born Sept 6, 1960
A file on Vorkuda reveals about Reznov
" his fate was irrevocably changed following a post war mission to the Artic Circle" ( details of the mission are unclear )
" Gulag system, where he endured years of harsh punishment and attempted " reprogramming "
The Rebirth Document is very interesting as well, showing placesin the US with military facilities, charred bodily remains, and what appears to be an alien skull. This document is also marked CIA.
The Revelations document refers to Mason as a preverbial " Manchurian Canidate "
" The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2
Weapon X
There seem to be some unignorable similarities between the accounts of "real super soldiers " and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics Universe.
When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele's, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious " Professor " who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron. The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren't enough, with all the the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finaon's interviews. or Fritz Springmeir's Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that Gijoe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s...
" Under the name Logan, Wolverine had already been working for the CIA alongside fellow agents like Victor Creed, the future Sabertooth. The CIA established Project X in order to convert men into "supersoldiers" with unusual abilities. The project facilities were set up in Windsor, Canada, through a secret agreement with the Canadian government. "
-X-Men: The Ultimate Guide
Season 3 Episode 19 Weapon X, Lies and Videotape
Wolverine travels back to Canada to investigate his past. This is similar to the factual tale of Doctor Ewan Cameron and his furthering of Mengele's mind control sciences in Canada. In this episode the Canadian Professor seems to list the steps of his work as if they are simply chapters in a Fritz Springmeier book. The professor would later have his hand cut off by Wolverine who would track him down and find him hiding in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pest Control Division. He was killed by Silver Fox in Ontario years after.
So Wolverine has dreams about Sabertooth demasculating him by threatening his woman ( Silver Fox ),
" after all we've been through "
This seems to be a reference to what Monarch researchers would consider bonding
Xavier tries to probe his mind and screams in agony
" Strange tortuous memories pouring out as if a damn had burst "
Then Wolverine has a super soldier freak out on his own friends.
" Hank, I found this, inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago, there was no return address. I've seen this image in his mind, this must be a clue to his delusions. Perhaps it triggered him "
"Super Soldier" Duncan Finoan explains these same paranoid delusions and triggers that cause him to board himself up in his house with all the lights off and his guns out.
" You just went in a dream state again what did you see ? "
" Me Being trained to take people out " - Wolvie
" I assume you've been having headaches and nightmares, like Maverick and I, they did something to our minds when we worked here, something code named Project Talos "
" Take a closer look Logan, you remember these places don't you " Silver Fox
" Created Memories, but to what purpose ? " - Beast
Wolverine has memories contradicting the movie sets of his memories he is standing in.
Sabertooth falls to the ground weeping remembering his dad abusing him for being different.
" Why does somebody want us to remember this, like its all bad "
According to the literature on mind control. It has been found most effective to traumatize ( abuse ) a person physically at ages three and five, later these people would be bonded with other children and giving moments of life that seemed perfect/supportive
As Wolverine approaches Silver Fox lovingly, she wards him off
" The cabin, was that a lie too ? " - Wolverine
" Despite initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When they're covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events. " -Doctor
" Aldo Ferro was a crime lord...who once owned half the land /biz in Cuba. During the Weapon X experiment, Ferro used his telepathic powers to implant false memories in Wolverine and other victims. Ferro linked the false memories to the pain receptors of his victims not only because it was more effective, but because he enjoyed inflicting pain on others. " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Vol.2
They show the four subjects back to back as if to hint at twinning.
It is made obvious that this set is a movie studio with different rooms to fabricate different childhood memories...
Talos is responsible for their reprogramming, an evil borg looking archon type
"Talosians are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly unemotional, so they gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of living on their planet's surface and needed to use other species to reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and capture Captain Pike. They reappear in "The Menagerie".
all that blabber from wikipedia just means that the Talosians were the Watchers and here we have a Watcher that is trying to reprogram Monarch/Military mind control victims...very odd
Sabertooth uses the creative visualization against the shape shifting watcher and pretends he is fighting his father.
Maverick shape shifts as well.
"Don't you get it Logan, it was all made up "
Weapon Plus
Captain America- 1st generation super soldier
Red Skull
Omega Red
WEAPON X Projects
Wolverine-10th generation super soldier, actual character created 1974
Silver Fox
Lady Deathstrike
Weapon XV
Department H - Alpha Flight
Note: Maverick, Sabertooth, and Wolvie were all in the C.I.A. in the 60s
Note: As if all that wasn't odd enough, the Shi'ar ( from what I understand at the time of writing this ) wanted to preserve Wolverine's genetics to produce clones in other dimensions.
Alien to Archon (Black Oil, Artificial Intelligence as a Threat,Black Magick,Entities Capable of Possesing Human Beings
The Nine:
(image courtesy of Red Ice Radio/Creations)
1952- quite accurately deemed The Seance That Changed America by Gordon White of runesoup
"The man at the centre of this séance was Andrija Puharich, US Army Captain and author of a government paper on the weaponisation of ESP. And this is the guy that is moving in the same murky circles as bishops Jack Martin and Fred Crisman. The farmhouse in question was owned by his bizarro Round Table Foundation which appears to have received funding from the CIA.Puharich first gathered together these nine people on a warm night in early June. But the most interesting results were actually achieved in New Year’s Eve of the same year.
And it’s a line-up that positively defines “could not make this up”. The group included:
- Arthur Young, who invented the Bell helicopter. However at the end of WWII he abandoned military aviation to concentrate full-time on the paranormal.
- Arthur’s wife, Ruth… previously of the Forbes dynasty. Her son, Michael, would get a job at Bell Aerospace through her and Arthur’s influence. (Michael’s wife got Lee Harvey Oswald his job at the book depository. She was learning Russian from Oswald’s wife who was living with her in Irving, Texas. Oh, and her father worked for a CIA front called the Agency for International Development. Lee Harvey Oswald left the coffee company in New Orleans, saying to his co-workers he was “going to work for NASA.” After the assassination, two other coffee company employees get jobs at NASA. Just saying.)
- Mary Bancroft; of the Bancroft dynasty who would much later sell the Dow Jones and Wall Street Journal to Murdoch. She also happened to be the mistress of the then-CIA chief. (The one JFK fired after the Bay Of Pigs after saying he was also going to break up the CIA… who conveniently went on to investigate JFK’s death. Just saying.)
- Marcella Du Pont of the Du Pont family.
- Alice Bouverie who was born into the Astor dynasty. (Her father died on the Titanic and her first husband was a Czarist prince who would work for the OSS during WWII.)
These gods, who were nine in number as well, were part of one great, creator god known as Atum. The other gods consisted of Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys, and sometimes Horus.
Communication with these entities was handled by the medium, an Indian gentleman referred to as Dr. D.G. Vinod, who slipped into a trance state at 12:15 AM and began speaking as ‘the Nine’ by 12:30. Afterwards Dr. Vinod would claim to have no memory of the conversation that preceded between the Ennead Nine and their human counterparts.
During the course of the seance the mystical Nine informed the human nine that they would be in charge of bringing about a mystical renaissance on Earth. From there the Nine ventured into quasi-scientific, philosophical constructs that eventually led to the acknowledgement that they, the Grand Ennead, were in fact extraterrestrial beings living in an immense spaceship hovering invisibly over the planet and that the assembled congregation had been selected to promote their agenda on Earth.
Not a bad collection of people to pull together if you wanted to promote a specific agenda over the second half of the twentieth century. Untold riches and connective power in one farmhouse. In fact, you have to wonder what percentage of American wealth was controlled by people related to the attendees. Writing about the face on Mars and its relation to a descendant group sprung from this very séance, Chris Knowles points out:
And the other conundrum here is if the Council of Nine’s psychics saw this thing before it was photographed in 1976, did NASA go looking for it solely based on their advice? What does that say about the influence of a group that most people could be excused for dismissing as a bunch of gullible New Agers?
The Nine would go on to surface in weird places for decades including near Uri Geller (the AP is Puharich, who first brought Geller to the US), President Ford, Gene Roddenberry (Deep Space Nine anyone?), Al Gore as well as Soviets surrounding Gorbachev who were instrumental in the collapse of communism as mentioned in this old Fortean Times piece. It’s not unreasonable to assume there were many more such places."
Now we can only assume that deadly plans to create epidemics and energy weapons in New Orleans by the C.I.A., and others surrounding Oswald, mysterious UFO investigating fake bishops (including J.Edgar Hoover of all people) and certain hospitals; may have been part of this larger plan involving the assassination of Kennedy and the Nine. There may be no way to ever know, but what we can be sure of is a staggering web of synchronicity, possibly even lending weight to Nick Redfern's recent theory about dimensional rifts allowing for entirely different accounts of the same phenomenon, at the same time...such a paradox would surround events such as the Kennedy Assassination, channeling alien beings, and secret space goings ons.
Andrija Puharich and the Nine article from Fortean Times
Links and Notes on the Nine:
In Egyptology and Star Wars:
" He ( Osiris ) assembled a host or company of nine gods, called the TETI, Djedi or Jedi or " the stable ones", with which he set fourth to conquer the Earth, not with weapons, but with music and poetry. His " power bread " fed his followers. " - William Henry -Use the Force
Stygian explains "The Nine principles of god are the Egyptian Grand Ennead of Heliopolis. Nine also represents the 7 heavens and 2 earthly realms, or "two lands" of Egypt. The neteru (~gods) came from the pre-creation state of the universe, the watery chaos of Nun. Nun (male) and Naunet (female) are basically one in the same, and father and mother of Ra, most commonly depicted as a solar deity; tho Ra had around 75 different aspects. All neteru that took part in creation are aspects of Ra. And Horus is "...the offspring of the nine-times-unity of neteru." (- Leiden Paypyrus, stanza 50.)"
The Nine Muses:
In Egyptology and Star Wars:
" He ( Osiris ) assembled a host or company of nine gods, called the TETI, Djedi or Jedi or " the stable ones", with which he set fourth to conquer the Earth, not with weapons, but with music and poetry. His " power bread " fed his followers. " - William Henry[1] -Use the Force
Stygian explains "The Nine principles of god are the Egyptian Grand Ennead of Heliopolis. Nine also represents the 7 heavens and 2 earthly realms, or "two lands" of Egypt. The neteru (~gods) came from the pre-creation state of the universe, the watery chaos of Nun. Nun (male) and Naunet (female) are basically one in the same, and father and mother of Ra, most commonly depicted as a solar deity; tho Ra had around 75 different aspects. All neteru that took part in creation are aspects of Ra. And Horus is "...the offspring of the nine-times-unity of neteru." (- Leiden Paypyrus, stanza 50.)"
The Nine Muses:
"The Nine Muses, Or, Poems Written by Nine severall Ladies Upon the death of the late Famous John Dryden, Esq. (London: Richard Basset, 1700) was an elegiac volume of poetry published pseudonymously. The contributors were English women writers, each of whom signed their poems with the names of Muses. The collection was edited by Delarivier Manley (who wrote as "Melpomene" and "Thalia") and includes pieces by Susanna Centlivre ("perhaps," according to Blain et al.), Sarah Fyge Egerton ("Erato", "Euterpe", and "Terpsichore"), Mary Pix ("Clio"), Catherine Trotter ("Calliope"), and Sarah Piers ("Urania"). The poet writing as "Polimnia" (Of Rhetorick) has not been identified; her initials are "Mrs. D. E."-wikipedia ( although the idea was suggested to my by Stygian Port )
Nine Unknown Men:
"The nine books entrusted to the Nine Unknown contain information on
Propaganda and Psychological warfare,
Physiology, including secrets concerning the "touch of death",
Communication, including communication with extraterrestrials,
Gravity, and anti-gravity devices (Vimanas, the "ancient UFOs of India"),
Cosmology, including hyperspace and time-travel,
Light, and a technology capable of modifying the speed of light and
Sociology, including rules predicting the rise and fall of empires-from wikipedia
Star Trek and the Nine, Gene Roddenberry's Contact
" In the original pitch that Gene Roddenberry had sent to NBC, there was a lot about disembodied alien intelligences that were using people as human channeling " - Christopher Knowles
The Nines: wikipedia the nines
Andrija Puharich and the Nine article from Fortean Times
Puharich's Perspective
Worldly Comprison: 9 ( the number )
"Nine is strongly associated with the Chinese dragon, a symbol of magic and power. There are nine forms of the dragon, it is described in terms of nine attributes, and it has nine children It has 117 scales - 81 yang (masculine, heavenly) and 36 yin(feminine, earthly). All three numbers are multiples of 9 (9x13=117, 9x9=81, 9x4=36) ]as well adding up individually to 9 (1+1+7=9, 8+1=9, 3+6=9). / The number 9 is revered in Hinduism and considered a complete, perfected and divine number because it represents the end of a cycle in the decimal system, which originated from the Indian subcontinent as early as 3000BC. / Important Buddhist rituals usually involve nine monks ( as ) Nine justices sit on the United States Supreme Court. / Nine is a significant number in Norse Mythology. Odin hung himself on an ash tree for nine days to learn the runes.
"The Nine Worthies are nine historical, or semi-legendary figures who, in the Middle Ages,( who ) were believed to personify the ideals of chivalry / In Middle-earth, there are nine rings of power given to men, and consequently, nine ringwraiths."
K-9 is out term for dog. K-9= Dog-God, Dogstar, the Sirius influence.
The Nine in Popular Media:
Nine Unknown Men**:**
"The nine books entrusted to the Nine Unknown contain information on
- Propaganda and Psychological warfare,
- Physiology, including secrets concerning the "touch of death",
- Microbiology,
- Alchemy,
- Communication, including communication with extraterrestrials,
- Gravity, and anti-gravity devices (Vimanas, the "ancient UFOs of India"),
- Cosmology, including hyperspace and time-travel,
- Light, and a technology capable of modifying the speed of light and
- Sociology, including rules predicting the rise and fall of empires.
Star Trek and the Nine, Gene Roddenberry's Contact: The Secret Sun: The Council of Nine and the Star Trek Pantheon
" In the original pitch that Gene Roddenberry had sent to NBC, there was a lot about disembodied alien intelligences that were using people as human channeling " - Christopher Knowles
Obama, Hanuman and the Unknown Nine
Sisk O Bama and the Council of Nine
Magic the Gathering-Magic: the Gathering
"The term Power Nine refers to a set of nine specific cards in the game of Magic: The Gathering. These cards were only printed early in the game's history and consist of Black Lotus, Ancestral Recall, Time Walk, Mox Sapphire, Mox Jet, Mox Ruby, Mox Emerald, Mox Pearl, and Timetwister.
Revolution 9- the Beatles
The 9 - videogame company responsible for World of Warcraft, Hellgate: London, and Huxely
The Nine Last Resort Video Game Robert Deniro produced based off the 9 muses.
Worldly Comprison: 9 ( the number )
- "Nine is strongly associated with the Chinese dragon, a symbol of magic and power. There are nine forms of the dragon, it is described in terms of nine attributes, and it has nine children It has 117 scales - 81 yang (masculine, heavenly) and 36 yin(feminine, earthly). All three numbers are multiples of 9 (9x13=117, 9x9=81, 9x4=36) ]as well adding up individually to 9 (1+1+7=9, 8+1=9, 3+6=9).
- The number 9 is revered in Hinduism and considered a complete, perfected and divine number because it represents the end of a cycle in the decimal system, which originated from the Indian subcontinent as early as 3000BC.
- Important Buddhist rituals usually involve nine monks ( as ) Nine justices sit on the United States Supreme Court.
- Nine is a significant number in Norse Mythology. Odin hung himself on an ash tree for nine days to learn the runes.
- "The Nine Worthies are nine historical, or semi-legendary figures who, in the Middle Ages,( who ) were believed to personify the ideals of chivalry
- In Middle-earth, there are nine rings of power given to men, and consequently, nine ringwraiths."
- K-9 is out term for dog. K-9= Dog-God, Dogstar, the Sirius influence.
"Gary becomes convinced that he is being haunted by the number nine, including finding a note saying "Look for the nines" in his handwriting. He also sees different versions of himself around the house, which unsettles him, causing him to break out of his house arrest barrier, which in turn causes a blip in reality. He encounters many occurrences of the number nine, while playing backgammon he rolls nines, while reading newspaper advertisements he becomes obsessed with finding nines. Asking Sarah about 9, he worries her and she cryptically tells him "I can get you out of here".
"Part Two: Reality Television" tells of a television writer, Gavin, trying to get his pilot made. He leaves his house to go away and work on his TV show, Knowing, about a mother and daughter who are lost, which stars his friend Melissa (Melissa McCarthy playing a version of herself) as the lead actress. In a conversation about reviews and critics Susan, a television executive, tells Gavin to look for the nines which he then writes on a piece of paper, the same piece which Gary found in Part One. He also tells Melissa he thinks he is haunted by himself. During the process of post production, Susan pushes for Gavin to ditch his friend Melissa as the unconventional lead actress of his project, in favor of a more attractive, well-known actress. This causes an argument between him and Melissa. He then finds out that the well-known actress was actually cast in another show which Susan knew of before suggesting her. Since she is now unavailable and Melissa won't answer Gavin's phone-calls. Gavin confronts Susan about her knowing his show would never get picked up and about him only being a subject on a Reality-TV show. After a heated exchange, he snaps and slaps her in the mouth. She scoffs "Do you think you are a man"? She walks away, which leads to him telling the reality TV cameraman to leave him alone. A pedestrian then asks him who he is talking to, and it is shown that the reality television cameraman does not exist. He looks around and notices that everyone has a 7 floating above their heads and also that he has the number nine floating above his head. A flashback from Part One shows Gary's P.R. handler, Margaret, telling him he is a God-like being and that God is a 10, humans are a 7 and that he is a 9, therefore he can destroy the world with a single thought, and that he exists in many different forms and that none of them are real. Gary does not believe this and flips out, which is revealed to be the real reason for his breaking his house arrest barrier in Part One.
"Part Three: Knowing" tells of an acclaimed video game designer, Gabriel, whose car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Gabriel leaves his wife, Mary, and young daughter, Noelle, to try to get a better signal on his phone. He meets a woman, Sierra, who leads him off into the woods to her car, so she can give him a lift to the gas station. Meanwhile back at the car Noelle watches a video on a digital camera showing Gavin talking to Melissa from Part Two and Margaret talking to Gary in Part One. She is confused and shows her mom, who appears confused as well.
Meanwhile, Gabriel shows signs of intoxication, as Sierra had drugged water she was giving him with gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid. She has been trying all this long as Sarah, Sierra, Susan to separate the other three incarnations of "G" from Mary. That poisoning him with GHB was the only way to get him to stop long enough to reason with him. She calms Gabriel by telling him that this is an intervention and they (the Prostitute from part 1, and parole officer/agitated man), were trying to help him come home. She likens Gabriel's addiction to the game EverQuest or video game addiction. That Gabriel has been playing for 4,000 years reincarnating into different roles to play with the humans. The 3 nines plea with him to come back home.
Back at the car Noelle has gone missing. Gabriel then returns to the car with Noelle in his arms and the family goes home. Mary, who realizes that he is not who he seems, tells Gabriel he needs to go and that the world is not real. Gabriel tells her that there were ninety different variations of the universe and this is the last one. Gabriel then realizes he must go and removes the green bracelet from his wrist, at which point the universe peels away into nothing. The film ends with the woman from all three parts married to Ben, whom she is married to in Part Two, and Noelle as their daughter. Noelle tells her mother that "he's not coming back" and that "all the pieces have been put together" and her mother finishes her sentence that this is "the best of all possible worlds."
The Nines: wikipedia the nines
The Archons:
The Black Oil:
Are we really in the East for Oil? Did elements of a shadow government start the war before 9-11?
Why does the double-tap method of drone strikes not do anybody any good? If they are so precise and get our troops out of harm's way, why are there more civilian casualties? Is it really just about getting the "bad guys"
Some time in November 1991, a new artist was furiously scribbling his detailed clutter style into the mainstream, and into my adolescent life. Obsessed with cyborgs,energy blast, and gun play; Todd Mcfarlane was just the guy to have mixed massive castle moving characters into a duel of endless destruction, the likes of which, Manhattan may have some trouble processing now as the strange sync of the destruction of the WTC towers, jumps right out of one of the first pages.
While the towers burn and my curiosity is perked, nothing seems more plausible than a simple coincidence. However when one tracks Mcfarlane to the black oil; the alien virus that can possess people and comes seeping onto a spacecraft during a mission to the Moon (in the Marvel Universe and the film Species). Multi contextual clue seeking leads us in all kinds of unsure and exciting new places. For instance does Spider Man represent a grey alien? Is the world wide web an idea that suggest that one black and possesed entity waking in it's previously artificial intelligence is speaking through our very media!!!??? Probably not, but don't stop thinking...
Notice the nifty newer Spidey suit has the same naively positive perspective on trans-humanism that Spider Man Unlimited exhibits.
So just like in Spider Man Unlimited, we see him jumping through time and space gates, and having clone and genetic problems that lost him a ton of 90's readers.
Before we get into programs and the meat of the super soldier data I would like to wrap up those human potential or occult related ideas, so habitually misunderstood by those who study this kind of stuff and attempt to get all readers, regardless of possible lingering belief systems, to a new, more all inclusive system.
The black oil seems to be as old a curse or demonic entity as the beginning of time, it's attributes can be seen intertwined with ancient spiritual invocations. In some ways linking up with Eastern systems that deal in jinn and western systems possibly employed by even low ranks of the U.S. military*
(Douglas Dietrich's interviews detailing the future of the Temple of Set on the west coast as a necessity for new recruits, and the furthering of Satanism and abuse in the military.)
- Oil in occult and etymological terms roughly equals black gold or oil as money. Oil=black gold and so of course is related to Saturn- limitations and physical things. Oil allows the rich to keep getting richer, and oil destroys the earth when turned surface currency . Those who care not for this, care not if millions die in war, or of starvation. It is apparently too far from their concern whatsoever.
- So the oil, as is demonstrated in real life provokes war, in South Park the BP oil company accidentally drills Lovecraftian deities out from the ocean floor and then threaten to drill the moon (Moon=memory or feminine)
In the X-files, the black oil possesses people and controls them by entering through the eyes. The idea that they come from underground and or Antarctica mirrors many Tony Jay (animated) films and shows where he repeatedly plays a false flag alien invader willing to make deals with the government, not keeping his word and like Cobra from GI Joe drain the Federal Reserve... (See Ninja Turtles Season 9, Invasion America ,Joe, etc (Note similarities between Dregg, Invasion America Lord Dredd, Captain Power Dredd, and Doctor Who: Pirate Planet)
The black oil mythology in the X-Files weaves in and out of the super soldier story, sometimes appearing as a mercurial looking metallic substance that is identical to the same one that Doggett (Robert Patrick) finds himself in, in Terminator.
David Marrow and many other members of the altered soldier community have claimed operations on, alterations to, and organic beings added to their spinal cords. Sometimes these entities relate to the black oil.
Footnotes: James Cameron = Abyss Avatar and Terminator which all link into the super soldier program in one way or another. Abyss is close to some of Aaron Mccollum's experiences, Avatar is always referenced by the group, and Terminator has many aspects of the phobias and dangers alike related to the emergence of artificial intelligence.
Some notes before moving on to Aaron McCulloum:
In the Media:
Directly by name in the Media:
"The Return of the Archons" is a mind boggling episode of the first season of the original Star Trek series. As episode 21, in the series, it aired on February 9, 1967.
"Kirk sends another party down to investigate. They find the culture on Beta III is quiescent, with no creative tendencies. The entire culture is controlled by a group of 'lawgivers' known as "The Body" which is, in turn, controlled by the omniscient Landru. The inhabitants change from normal, peaceful people to a violent mob at the coming of the Red Hour. This 'Festival' is the society's only outlet for the tyrannical hold that Landru has over them at all other times.
For centuries the computer, 'Landru,' has been interpreting his suggestions to the point that no one is allowed independent thought. Kirk tells the computer that instead of helping to nurture the culture of Beta III, it has harmed"
Part 1 as the Black Oil
X-Files-contained in literal oil, Doggett and Mulder discuss the plausability of implanting an alien virus in oil.
South Park-
Oil Industry ( BP ) drills straight into another dimension and lets out Lovecraftian alien demons. BP jokes about drilling in the moon.
Spider Man-
Who was Todd Mcfarlane before he put Spidey in the black oil...would he have remained an unknown artist? Although Todd didn't invent the oil, does the image below not strike you, in it's popularity? Were the Archons possessing him? Is this, more directly the chracter Spawn? Is this why Spidey is so wrapped up in the gray alien / WTC mythos?
Wikipedia's definition of symbiote and the origin of the costume itself becomes more confusing.
"A symbiote capable of mind-controlling subjects by touch...In an attempt to create "super-cops" to police their new Utopia, the Life Foundation probed the Venom symbiote and extracted the last five of its "seeds" - the materials used to create SPAWN...The ability to shape-shift, from mimicking clothing up to and including complete change of appearance, regardless to the host's actual stature and bodily dimensions as the symbiotes are living tesseracts...The Venom symbiote also has empathic abilities, and is able to project desires and needs into the thoughts of its host or potential hosts, This ability can also aid Venom in detecting the truth from those he interrogates....Genetic memory, recalling information from previous hosts. "
So why is it in the Spider cartoons that they always feel like speaking freely about ruining the shuttle program?
Spider Man ( 90s )
The Alien Costume part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Note the resemblance to the popular imagery of the Gray alien...
Spider Man and his Amazing Friends
Realm of Darkness Part 1
Realm of Darkness Part 2
Spider Woman
Shuttle to Disaster![](
Spider Man Unlimited ( featuring a John Carter )
Spider Man Unlimited: World's Apart Part 2
Part 2 as Machine
In Marvel
Jack Kirby's OMAC, Machine Man, both looks at cyborg men, technocratic futures and the like. ( Machine Man, seems to have imagined this future while talking to aliens in a mental hospital! )
Star Trek:
Gene and the Borg; just like with the Decepticons from Transformers, and Agent Smith; in that they are examples of assimilation by an alien or robotic race that can shape shift in one way or another. In the latter's case, possession becomes relevant. Agent Smith and the T-1000 shape shift in very similar ways. As do the X-files aliens ( the " rebels " led by the actor who plays Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat (another Dimension ruler... )
Seven of Nine is one of the more popular characters in Deep Space 9. Oddly enough, she became a sex symbol for sci fi in general, and a soft spot for most modern Star Trek fans.
2001 A Space Odyssey :
Hal 9ooo-functions much like the T-1ooo or Skynet
Agent Smith
Above is the All Spark cube from Transformers. As if assimilation wasn't already a theme with Agent Smith actor; Hugo Weaving, he goes on to play the main villain of mechanical space assimilation again in Transformers, as Megatron (yes even up to the dark side of the moon). Then he returns as Red Skull who taps the power of the " Cosmic Cube " which he receives at the base of Yggdrasil in the film Captain America. This " cube of space " with its cubicle/corporate limitations of space are imposed on the mind, becoming evident when one refuses to think outside the box, so to speak. In three dimensions, this becomes the cube, a six sided shape relative to the seemingly Archonic, Saturn worshipping Draconian rule of organized world religions, military, and politics, or the Global Bully League. Of course Hugo Weaving is now going to play a super evil Sith lord in the up-coming Star Wars. Though he opposes the ideas of fascism in the Alan Moore adaptation, V for Vendetta.
"Most Cosmic Cubes are cube-shaped matrices. However, similar objects with different shapes are known as Cosmic Containment Units.Sentient beings wanting to create a Cosmic Cube must generate a force field to open a rift to another dimension inhabited by the Beyonders, allowing the extra-dimensional energy to filter through the rift. When entering the Earth's dimension, the energies can be held in a matrix, and the force itself would shape the matrix into a perfect cube. It would also provide the Cube with its almost-unlimited power. A Cube would eventually develop its own intelligence, commonly influenced by the beings who had manipulated it. Mephisto has postulated that the Cubes are hosts to a semi-sentient will and that, even in Cube form, they can choose how they want to be used, and deny certain wishes. Mephisto also has proposed that a billion-sentient universally-linked will could overcame this problem, and that the Cubes could be as powerful as the Infinity Gems" - Marvel wiki
Aside from an endless host of Ufo lore surrounding rectangular craft, the shape seems to be a well known transformative element in 2001 A Space Odyssey, and the Ancient Alien evolution of consciousness, Archonic or not.
In Animorphs, the series of books written by K. A. Applegate, the alien race the Andalites, who had the ability to absorb a creatures DNA by touching them and concentrating, had a cube that would eventually give such a power to the recurring human characters of the series.-EBZ
The T-1000 in Terminator is also resonant of the shape shifting assimilative powers of the Archons explained in the Gnostic gospels. Oddly enough actor also plays Agent Dogget in X-Files a sure resonator of the Dog Star Sirius.
Aaron's story echoes ideas of human/dolphin hybrids, a Gulf of Aden Stargate and is one of the soldiers who participates in taking people in military abductions or M.I.L.A.B.S.Some notes before moving on to Aaron McCulloum:
In the Media:
Directly by name in the Media:
"The Return of the Archons" is a mind boggling episode of the first season of the original Star Trek series. As episode 21, in the series, it aired on February 9, 1967.
"Kirk sends another party down to investigate. They find the culture on Beta III is quiescent, with no creative tendencies. The entire culture is controlled by a group of 'lawgivers' known as "The Body" which is, in turn, controlled by the omniscient Landru. The inhabitants change from normal, peaceful people to a violent mob at the coming of the Red Hour. This 'Festival' is the society's only outlet for the tyrannical hold that Landru has over them at all other times.
For centuries the computer, 'Landru,' has been interpreting his suggestions to the point that no one is allowed independent thought. Kirk tells the computer that instead of helping to nurture the culture of Beta III, it has harmed"
Part 1 as the Black Oil
X-Files-contained in literal oil, Doggett and Mulder discuss the plausability of implanting an alien virus in oil.
South Park-
Oil Industry ( BP ) drills straight into another dimension and lets out Lovecraftian alien demons. BP jokes about drilling in the moon.
Spider Man-
Who was Todd Mcfarlane before he put Spidey in the black oil...would he have remained an unknown artist? Although Todd didn't invent the oil, does the image below not strike you, in it's popularity? Were the Archons possessing him? Is this, more directly the chracter Spawn? Is this why Spidey is so wrapped up in the gray alien / WTC mythos?
Wikipedia's definition of symbiote and the origin of the costume itself becomes more confusing.
"A symbiote capable of mind-controlling subjects by touch...In an attempt to create "super-cops" to police their new Utopia, the Life Foundation probed the Venom symbiote and extracted the last five of its "seeds" - the materials used to create SPAWN...The ability to shape-shift, from mimicking clothing up to and including complete change of appearance, regardless to the host's actual stature and bodily dimensions as the symbiotes are living tesseracts...The Venom symbiote also has empathic abilities, and is able to project desires and needs into the thoughts of its host or potential hosts, This ability can also aid Venom in detecting the truth from those he interrogates....Genetic memory, recalling information from previous hosts. "
So why is it in the Spider cartoons that they always feel like speaking freely about ruining the shuttle program?
Spider Man ( 90s )
The Alien Costume part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Note the resemblance to the popular imagery of the Gray alien...
Spider Man and his Amazing Friends
Realm of Darkness Part 1
Realm of Darkness Part 2
Spider Woman
Shuttle to Disaster
Spider Man Unlimited ( featuring a John Carter )
Part 2 as Machine
In Marvel
Jack Kirby's OMAC, Machine Man, both looks at cyborg men, technocratic futures and the like. ( Machine Man, seems to have imagined this future while talking to aliens in a mental hospital! )
Star Trek:
Gene and the Borg; just like with the Decepticons from Transformers, and Agent Smith; in that they are examples of assimilation by an alien or robotic race that can shape shift in one way or another. In the latter's case, possession becomes relevant. Agent Smith and the T-1000 shape shift in very similar ways. As do the X-files aliens ( the " rebels " led by the actor who plays Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat (another Dimension ruler... )
Seven of Nine is one of the more popular characters in Deep Space 9. Oddly enough, she became a sex symbol for sci fi in general, and a soft spot for most modern Star Trek fans.
2001 A Space Odyssey :
Hal 9ooo-functions much like the T-1ooo or Skynet
Agent Smith
Above is the All Spark cube from Transformers. As if assimilation wasn't already a theme with Agent Smith actor; Hugo Weaving, he goes on to play the main villain of mechanical space assimilation again in Transformers, as Megatron (yes even up to the dark side of the moon). Then he returns as Red Skull who taps the power of the " Cosmic Cube " which he receives at the base of Yggdrasil in the film Captain America. This " cube of space " with its cubicle/corporate limitations of space are imposed on the mind, becoming evident when one refuses to think outside the box, so to speak. In three dimensions, this becomes the cube, a six sided shape relative to the seemingly Archonic, Saturn worshipping Draconian rule of organized world religions, military, and politics, or the Global Bully League. Of course Hugo Weaving is now going to play a super evil Sith lord in the up-coming Star Wars. Though he opposes the ideas of fascism in the Alan Moore adaptation, V for Vendetta.
"Most Cosmic Cubes are cube-shaped matrices. However, similar objects with different shapes are known as Cosmic Containment Units.Sentient beings wanting to create a Cosmic Cube must generate a force field to open a rift to another dimension inhabited by the Beyonders, allowing the extra-dimensional energy to filter through the rift. When entering the Earth's dimension, the energies can be held in a matrix, and the force itself would shape the matrix into a perfect cube. It would also provide the Cube with its almost-unlimited power. A Cube would eventually develop its own intelligence, commonly influenced by the beings who had manipulated it. Mephisto has postulated that the Cubes are hosts to a semi-sentient will and that, even in Cube form, they can choose how they want to be used, and deny certain wishes. Mephisto also has proposed that a billion-sentient universally-linked will could overcame this problem, and that the Cubes could be as powerful as the Infinity Gems" - Marvel wiki
Aside from an endless host of Ufo lore surrounding rectangular craft, the shape seems to be a well known transformative element in 2001 A Space Odyssey, and the Ancient Alien evolution of consciousness, Archonic or not.
In Animorphs, the series of books written by K. A. Applegate, the alien race the Andalites, who had the ability to absorb a creatures DNA by touching them and concentrating, had a cube that would eventually give such a power to the recurring human characters of the series.-EBZ
The T-1000 in Terminator is also resonant of the shape shifting assimilative powers of the Archons explained in the Gnostic gospels. Oddly enough actor also plays Agent Dogget in X-Files a sure resonator of the Dog Star Sirius.
Diving into Fiction, Blurring the Lines, Technology and Video Game Handlers
” Despite initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When they’re covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events. ” -Doctor (X-Men cartoon Episode Weapon X, Lies, and Videotape)
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” The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine “-Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2
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There seem to be some unflinching similarities between the accounts of “real super soldiers ” and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics Universe. When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele’s, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious ” Professor ” who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron.The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren’t enough, with all the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finiaon’s interviews. or Fritz Springmeir’s Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that GI Joe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s…
” Under the name Logan, Wolverine had already been working for the CIA alongside fellow agents like Victor Creed, the future Sabertooth. The CIA established Project X in order to convert men into “super soldiers” with unusual abilities. The project facilities were set up in Windsor, Canada, through a secret agreement with the Canadian government. “-X-Men: The Ultimate Guide
" The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2
There seem to be some unignorable similarities between the accounts of "real super soldiers " and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics Universe. When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele's, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious " Professor " who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron. The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren't enough, with all the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finiaon's interviews. or Fritz Springmeir's Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that GI Joe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s...
X-Men 90's cartoon series Season 3 Episode 19 Weapon X, Lies and Videotape
Wolverine travels back to Canada to investigate his past. In this episode the Canadian Professor seems to list the steps of his work as if they are simply chapters in a Fritz Springmeier book.
(In the comics the professor would later have his hand cut off by Wolverine who would track him down and find him hiding in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pest Control Division. He was killed by Silver Fox in Ontario years after.)
So Wolverine has dreams about Sabertooth emasculating him by threatening his woman ( Silver Fox ),
" after all we've been through "
This seems to be a reference to what Monarch researchers would consider trauma-bonding.
Xavier tries to probe his mind and screams in agony
" Strange tortuous memories pouring out as if a damn had burst "
Then Wolverine has a super soldier freak out on his own friends.
" Hank, I found this, inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago, there was no return address. I've seen this image in his mind, this must be a clue to his delusions. Perhaps it triggered him "
"Super Soldier" Duncan Finioan explains these same paranoid PTSD related delusions and triggers that cause him to board himself up in his house with all the lights off and his guns out.
" You just went in a dream state again what did you see ? "
" Me Being trained to take people out " - Wolvie
" I assume you've been having headaches and nightmares, like Maverick and I, they did something to our minds when we worked here, something code named Project Talos "
" Take a closer look Logan, you remember these places don't you " Silver Fox
" Created Memories, but to what purpose ? " - Beast -memory implants from Wolverine Files: A Detailed Chronology
Wolverine has memories contradicting the movie sets of his memories he is standing in.
Sabertooth falls to the ground weeping remembering his dad abusing him for being different.
" Why does somebody want us to remember this, like it’s all bad "
According to the literature on mind control. It has been found most effective to traumatize ( abuse ) a person physically at ages three and five, later these people would be bonded with other children and giving moments of life that seemed perfect/supportive
As Wolverine approaches Silver Fox lovingly, she wards him off
" The cabin, was that a lie too ? " - Wolverine
" Despite initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When they're covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events. " -Doctor
" Aldo Ferro was a crime lord...who once owned half the land /biz in Cuba. During the Weapon X experiment, Ferro used his telepathic powers to implant false memories in Wolverine and other victims. Ferro linked the false memories to the pain receptors of his victims not only because it was more effective, but because he enjoyed inflicting pain on others. " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Vol.2
They show the four subjects back to back as if to hint at twinning. It is made obvious that this set is a movie studio with different rooms to fabricate different childhood memories...
Talos is responsible for their reprogramming, he is an evil borg looking archon type
"Talosians are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly unemotional, so they gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of living on their planet's surface and needed to use other species to reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and capture Captain Pike. They reappear in "The Menagerie". All that blabber from Wikipedia just means that the Talosians were the Watchers and here we have a Watcher that is trying to reprogram Monarch/Military mind control victims...very odd indeed. Sabertooth uses the creative visualization against the shape shifting watcher and pretends he is fighting his father. Maverick shape shifts as well.
"Don't you get it Logan, it was all made up "
Weapon Plus
Captain America- 1st generation super soldier
Red Skull- first successfull German super soldier
Omega Red-first Russian super soldier
Silver Fox
Lady Deathstrike
Weapon XV
Grillflame at the Secret Sun
Stalin’s Monkey Men
One of the first points on the timeline is World War 2. Instead of immediately diving into Nazi occultism and the darker suggestions of human potential; a good starting point is the X-Men mythology specifically, Magneto’s childhood. World War Two was the beginning of the Weapon Plus super soldier program. The likes of which were almost entirely destroyed in the creation of Captain America. Captain America and Wolverine worked together on top secret OSS missions against the Nazis and or Hydra. (The events of Wildcats/X-Men comic books also put Wolverine with Wildcats character Zealot in a fight against high ranking Nazis who are actually reptilian shape –shifters, also known in the Wildcats mythology as Daemonites.)
“(It) belongs to a race of aliens who have sought dominion over the earth for centuries. “
“ Great. Next thing I know, yer gonna tell me there are a bunch of mutatin’ humans tryin’ to start a genetic civil war. “ “I have heard that prediction as well—but it’s not supposed to occur for another few decades. “
-Wildcats and X-Men issue #1
These types of tales are not far from the pseudo-historical landscape of Mignola’s Hellboy graphic novels. All around, the theme is the carrying on of Nazi-esque eugenics and super soldier programs, which haven’t even been slightly noticed by the public, let alone, been well documented at all. A good percent of these stories have an alien link in them, as do the conspiracy tales that surrounded the Reich during the war. In the X-Men however, the alien mythology started covering other ancient alien and modern conspiracy theories, and it became quite complicated in understanding…
Were the writers more “well read” and knowledgeable about this data than most of the researchers of these topics in the real world, and before the information was released to the public for research? Were the creative forces behind the X-Men like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, or Chris Claremont receiving their script ideas from what can be considered a “ higher “ source, in the intelligence department…perhaps, an otherworldly intelligence all together?
” Only in the last few thousand years did mankind begin to make clothes for himself, build shelters, use heat and grow food in large quantities. With this man-made environment remaining relatively stable, the X-factor became dormant. For reasons still not known to us, we are seeing what some are calling the beginnings of another stage of evolution. ” – Jean from the X-Men Movie
On one hand, worldly mystical traditions, secret societies, and benign cults would insist the furthering of human potential is quite late, in our growth as a species; that methods which grant access to psychic abilities have been around as long as recorded history. On the other hand; are those victims or authors familiar with mind control methods who insist these “powers ” were trained in over time, to them as individuals ( in alternate personalities or altars ) for use when they’re controllers saw fit. Either way the hope that little Uri Gellar’s and Bruce Lees will begin to pop up everywhere, surely resides in many fans of the super hero genre.
Vocalist/wine master/ritual magician Maynard James Keenan makes a great point in the essay that appears in the liner notes of the album Aenima, stating that every time a human jumps higher or runs faster, evolution is taking place. One only has to watch Shaolin Monks, Nasa scientist, Spetsnaz soldiers, or basketball players excel at what they do, to notice they are taking giant steps for all of mankind, actually evolving furthering the full waking extent human potential.
Ewan Cameron Documentary :
In the case of the fictional world of the X-Men, socio-politically speaking, they came at a perfect time in 1963, when society needed heroes who embraced the diversity of the group, and diversity in general, to rally against so many oppressors. America was changing rapidly as Civil Rights cases were popping up all over, and many people wound up in jail, some for their bravery, others for their hate crimes. Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream “speech days before the release of the first issue of the X-Men. In a way Xavier’s philosophy seems to be a median between Martin Luther King and Kennedy’s wisdom. This is the same year Kennedy was killed and Malcolm X was giving talks on defending oneself if provoked by violence. A stance that is not at all unlike that of X-Villain Magneto. Both real and fictional men have their early lives scarred by hatred and violence toward their families for simply being; who they naturally were…Both men, taking a lifelong vigilant stand against that kind of evil. Both perhaps, winding up in the trappings of the agencies who seek to control larger societal tides, whose agendas were masked to both Eric Magnus and X. Also of note, in that year different countries were protesting their government’s choice to further nuclear programs, something often considered synonymous in and out of fiction, with mutation and alien contact. The TV show Alphas also reflects many of these ideas, and Kerry Cassidy mentioned the X-Men (let's say...kind of) at the Second Super Soldier Summit.
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The following is a critical psychoanalysis of the characters in the X-Men, based off of worldly mythological comparisons.
In some ways these comparisons can be articulated further to the mythology of the X-Files as, well as other worldly magickal traditions and black projects. In order to be brief this is an abbreviated version of those correspondences, which should be expanded upon.
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The Rand Corporation: what good is a conspiracy theory without an underground base built by a secret government working on Super Soldiers?
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“1972 , Land Corporation in an interview with George Getz is a science writer for the LA Times, Robert M.Salter said, said For more information on this tunnel construction, the use of existing technologies and projects can.
In addition, he said, also that there is a reason to be built environmental, economic in the transportation system of this underground.
What … again, What is the ultra-high-speed 10,000 miles per hour? ” -(LA article of 1972)
” Land Corporation and is one of the agencies that there is a number that made in the United States mankind brainwashing conspiracy think tank in the United Kingdom “ta Vittorio Stock relationship Institute” -fabiofeminofanti(...)
RAND the Air Force and Underground Tunnels
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In the film X-Men First Class, the film begins with a flipping Nazi coin that is blurred into the X for the X-Men intro. We see Magneto being traumatized by first the suggestion, then the murder of his mother before his eyes. In a Project Talent-esque way this seems like trauma forced on the young Magneto to test the extent to which his emotions can affect his powers. Duncan Finiaon explains that the occult persona is another altar. Could this be like Wolverine being given false memories of traumatic events during Weapon X? Is this why the mutation hits often at puberty, with the onset of extreme emotional re-activity?
Nazi Gold:
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billions in Nazi gold
Article on Nazis in South America
So it seem Magneto spent some time in Israel and then in South America…(he occupies a fictional part of South America we will pretend isn’t Argentina where he steals a military craft. All this and the missile crisis and “Blue-Beam” army, courtesy of Mastermind.
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”Magneto’s experiences surviving Nazi Germany, Auschwitz, and Vinnytsia would shape his outlook on the situation that mutants face in the Marvel Universe. Determined to keep such atrocities from ever being committed against mutantkind, he is willing to use deadly force to protect mutants. He would believe that mutants (“Homo superior”) will become the dominant life form on the planet and would set about either creating a homeland on Earth where mutants could live peacefully, or conquering and enslaving humanity in the name of mutantkind."
Magneto’s first villainous act was attacking a United States military base called Cape Citadel after bringing down missiles. He was defeated by Charles Xavier’s mutant students, the X-Men, in their first mission. He creates Asteroid M, an orbital base of operations in a hollowed out asteroid that he wanted to be a homeland for all mutantkind. He then gathered a group of angry and disillusioned mutants including his own, albeit at the time, (children whom he didn’t know were his) Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch and formed the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to further his goals.”
“Magneto briefly conquers the fictional South American nation of San Marco in the hopes of establishing a mutant homeland there after stealing a military ship and getting Mastermind to cast an illusion of an army, but is once again foiled by the X-Men. He tried to make the Toad infiltrate the X-Men, but when that failed he captured the Angel and tried to force him to tell the secrets of the X-Men. However the other X-Men were able to rescue their member and destroy Asteroid M.”
“In reality asteroids, even in the main belt, are spaced extremely far apart. Proto-planets in the process of formation and planetary rings may look like that, but the Sun’s asteroid belt does not. (The asteroid belt in the HD 69830 system may, however.) The asteroids are spread over such a high volume that it would be highly improbable even to pass close to a random asteroid. For example, the numerous space probes sent to the outer solar system, just across the main asteroid belt, have never had any problems, and asteroid rendezvous missions have elaborate targeting procedures. The movie 2001: A Space Odyssey is unusual in that it does portray realistically the ship’s “encounter” with a lone asteroid pair.”
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the following is from the Asteroid Mining Company:
“Why can we do this now, instead of, say 50 years ago when the idea was first floated by the likes of von Braun?
Improvements in rocketry (especially ion engines) have only occurred in the last 10-15 years. This technology enables exhaust velocities that allow large delta-V’s (very energetic maneuvers) with small fractions of spacecraft mass devoted to fuel. Improvements in asteroid detection infrastructure (Catalina Sky Survey and such) have only occurred in the last 10-15 years. This could potentially have been pursued before, but the political backing has only materialized recently, as we realized just how common these bodies really are. As industry moves towards ever-larger spacecraft (40 kW range), the size of asteroid that we retrieve has only recently started to match the size of asteroid that we can detect from the ground. Improvements in astrodynamics in just the last 10 years include the discovery of the Interplanetary Transport Network or if you’re comfortable with a bit of calculus, see (this PDF document) If you’re patient, these approaches can let you travel from place to place in our solar system with very little energy.”
Spider Man comic books
A SpiderMan/X-Force comic from 1991 shows and uses language that is very clear regarding the destruction of the WTC towers, similar imagery from the previews of the Spider Man film trailer resulted in the preview being taken out of theaters. Todd Mcfarlane wrote and illustrated both that comic and the first issue of the black alien symbiote (black oil) saga. Spider Man resembles a grey alien and the 90s also put him through a Clone War similar to Star Wars and some super soldier testimony
Spider Man tie in #2
Spider Man Unlimited-
In the first episode, NASA scientist explain there is a counter earth on the other side of the Sun. They use circular stargates to teleport a shuttle to Counter Earth, very similar to the technology proposed in Michio Kaku's stargate talks in 2011. Before the first episode is allowed to end, we meet the black oily versions of both Venom and Carnage, as well as the characters of Counter Earth and their religious devotion to the High Evolutionary. Spider Man also gets really psyched over his nano-armor, adding to the trans-humanism porn feel of many of the cartoons of the 90s. The episode concludes with Spidey about to be sawed open by a bunch of genetic experiments that refer to themselves as Beastials and make it sound cool like bestiality and furries in one warrior class.
The high evolutionary explains in episode two that he was looking for a Utopia, so he built a society out of his genetic experiments. He considers his technology and creations the ultimate achievement. . The high evolutionary is referred to as the Wizard of Oz.
"I thought I came through a space warp to get here... feels more like a looking glass "
Well that's a pretty direct reference to Project Looking Glass and Timeline 2.
Carnage and Venom become obsessed with the Synaptic, which in Jack Kirby's world would be the Eternals Uni Mind or perhaps the Borg from Star Trek
" Your probably the only untagged human in the city,...Every human is tagged with a subdural chip. " What a strange RFID tangent. I don't remember Spidey in the funny books having such a super soldier sense.
X-Men tie in #2
One of the first points on the timeline is World War 2. Instead of immediately diving into Nazi occultism and the darker suggestions of __human potential__; a good starting point is the X-Men mythology specifically, Magneto’s childhood. World War Two was the beginning of the Weapon Plus super soldier program. The likes of which were almost entirely destroyed in the creation of Captain America. Captain America and Wolverine worked together on top secret OSS missions against the Nazis and or Hydra.
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(The events of Wildcats/X-Men comic books also put Wolverine with Wildcats character Zealot in a fight against high ranking Nazis who are actually reptilian shape –shifters, also known in the Wildcats mythology as Daemonites.)
“(It) belongs to a race of aliens who have sought dominion over the earth for centuries. “
“ Great. Next thing I know, yer gonna tell me there are a bunch of mutatin’ humans tryin’ to start a genetic civil war. “ “I have heard that prediction as well—but it’s not supposed to occur for another few decades. “
-Wildcats and X-Men issue #1
These types of tales are not far from the pseudo-historical landscape of Mignola’s Hellboy graphic novels. All around, the theme is the carrying on of Nazi-esque eugenics and super soldier programs, which haven’t even been slightly noticed by the public, let alone, been well documented at all. A good percent of these stories have an alien link in them, as do the conspiracy tales that surrounded the Reich during the war. In the X-Men however, the alien mythology started covering other ancient alien and modern conspiracy theories, and it became quite complicated in understanding…
Were the writers more “well read” and knowledgeable about this data than most of the researchers of these topics in the real world, and before the information was released to the public for research? Were the creative forces behind the X-Men like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, or Chris Claremont receiving their script ideas from what can be considered a “ higher “ source, in the intelligence department…perhaps, an otherworldly intelligence all together?
” Only in the last few thousand years did mankind begin to make clothes for himself, build shelters, use heat and grow food in large quantities. With this man-made environment remaining relatively stable, the X-factor became dormant. For reasons still not known to us, we are seeing what some are calling the beginnings of another stage of evolution. ” – Jean from the X-Men Movie
On one hand, worldly mystical traditions, secret societies, and benign cults would insist the furthering of human potential is quite late, in our growth as a species; that methods which grant access to psychic abilities have been around as long as recorded history. On the other hand; are those victims or authors familiar with mind control methods who insist these “powers ” were trained in over time, to them as individuals ( in alternate personalities or altars ) for use when they’re controllers saw fit. Either way the hope that little Uri Gellar’s and Bruce Lees will begin to pop up everywhere, surely resides in many fans of the super hero genre.
Vocalist/wine master/ritual magician Maynard James Keenan makes a great point in the essay that appears in the liner notes of the album Aenima, stating that every time a human jumps higher or runs faster, evolution is taking place. One only has to watch Shaolin Monks, Nasa scientist, Spetsnaz soldiers, or basketball players excel at what they do, to notice they are taking giant steps for all of mankind, actually evolving furthering the full waking extent human potential.
“The future came to me in that craft I have embraced it and merged with its technology so that I may lead the evolution of the human race…since when has mankind ever known what it needs ?”
-__Apocalypse__, X:Men Evolution Ascension
There is some debate over whether Apocalypse was the first mutant in Marvel history. (Namor, being the first popular mutant to appear in the comics, though he is considered by some to be a hybrid...) The character certainly dates back to the origin of human events in the Marvel universe. Most of the events of his early public life took place in Ancient Egypt. Obviously the idea of his Four Horseman may detail his part in the biblical Book of Revelation, as he seems to be an entity rooted in nearly lost ancient text. ( The Nag Hammadi Text ?)
“As long as mankind has existed, I AM. War and strife have been mankind’s proving ground. I have encouraged these things…to ensure that the denizens of the world below grow strong. “
–Apocalypse, X-Factor Annual #3
Apocalypse, whose real name is En Sabah Nur, was created in June of 1986 by Louise and Walter Simonson and Jackson Guice. Though the character is only as old as issue five in the X-Factor comics, Apocalypse was later revealed to be the first mutant ever, being spawned some five thousand years ago. In the " Beyond Good and Evil" mini-series of the animated__X-Men__ show of the 90s he gathers psychics to generate a "Lazarus Chamber " in the hidden chamber under the Great Pyramid, not unlike the use of psychics in SRI experiments and in Crowley's writing of the " Book of the Law " ( also in the Great Pyramid ).
“Time is motion and motion and thought are a unity. Two aspects of a single power that is beyond comprehension to all but myself that is why certain psychics can see into the future. The mind can transcend time”
The first mutant may have thought himself to exist longer than the totality of human life, he also only lived a life, seemingly to annihilate human progress and then to change the world into mutants. A step he saw as necessary to evolution, already a very Nazi-sounding eugenics agenda. His shape shifting ability and eventual fusion with alien technology would lead him to control the events of man’s past and shape the agendas of his future. Born En Sabur Nur, he was abandoned as a baby (his tribe fearing him to be a demon) and later picked up by a roaming group of marauders, and looked after by the character Baal. The demon connotation, especially the regional one in Apocalypse’s case, makes him seem in some ways like Jack Kirby’s idea of the Deviants in the comic book Eternals.
Those who subscribe to the ancient alien theory will note that all the ancient sacred sites are the coordinates of ancient aliens landing spots, or at least the cultures who had direct alien influence in their art, architecture, technology, astronomy, mythology etc… In Marvel comics these places are the landing places of the ancient alien races as well (The Eternals and Celestials for example). Apocalypse utilizes the ancient Celestial technology in those places (He has a secret base under the Sphinx and Stonehenge) and they eventually bonded with his physiology… Anyone familiar with WW2 history or even 90s action cartoons will know he is no pioneer in this geomancy based ley line take-over of the Earth, Himmler and Cobra have both attempted the same thing. In Cobra and Apocalypse’s case they marked their territory with bizarre energy pyramids that wind up rising into a low orbital "morphogenetic grid".
The theme of controlling ancient alien technology beneath the surface of the planet that can be entered through trans-dimensional doorways comes up in every fictional/mythical work from the Tuatha De Danann in Irish Mythology to the film Dark City to the new Batman: Brave and Bold cartoon (see episode Equinox). In all of these examples especially with Apocalypse, there seems to be an attempt at direct representation of the archons that seek to control our reality. The term__archon__ has roots in words like lord or ruler, interpretations of the Nag Hammadi text, according to John Lamb Lash and Jay Weidner, have led to an understanding of the archons as being “ shape shifters, deceivers, tricksters,” hive-minded, technological or organically assimilative. These are all also ways of describing Apocalypse and nodes of his never ending agenda. This also lends explanation to other technological take overs in fiction. Terminator, __the black oil from X-Files__, the Daemonites from Wildcats, and the Deceptions or more popularly, Decepticons from Transformers all seem to be technological manifestations of an archon-based agenda.
“Since the dawn of time, humans have recorded encounters with strange beings with weird powers and even stranger means of transportation. They've been identified in various cultural trappings. Our tech-minded age chooses to see them as extraterrestrial technocrats, coming to Earth to conduct their experiments.”
-__Christopher Knowles at the Secret Sun__
__The Archons at the Deconstruction Zone__
Also of note: In the early 90s there were a couple of shows with psychotic fundamentalist trying to end the world based off their own literal interpretation of prophecy, Mighty Max featured the villain Rage, obsessed with his own Book of Rage trying to high-jack the space program and crazy talk ramble people to death like Apocalypse.
Oddly enough by Season Two of the X-Men cartoon, they show Cable fighting exact likenesses of the T-1000 robots from Terminator. As Cable ducks off from fire in one episode they show him consulting his cosmic computer cube on a " time stream reallignment ". A by-product of agencies with different plans for the future altering the past so that the future keeps changing to fit their desired outcome. Even stranger, in this future time, currency simply says "Cube" on it.
In the future timelines of the X:Men including the assassination of the Professor and the Age of Apocalypse; Bishop travels back in time from the future to stop the Professor’s murder. This parallels Cable traveling through time to fight Apocalypse and stop his perversion of the Celestial Technology. This is very much like Arnold time-traveling in Terminator to protect John Conner and stop the birth of A.I. collective brain Sky net. Something that is apparently already underway in the real world according to the work of Anthony Sanchez.
What Apocalypse and fundamentalist refer to as a “New Order“, is mostly brought about by the black magic politics of the Hellfire Club, Apocalypse, and black government agencies. They employ many tools to do this but the one that really forced the end times; perhaps prematurely was the sentinels. In the initial pull for Mutant Registration, they were responsible for using government information on mutants and then capturing them and placing them in internment camps, if not killing them. Another World War Two reference comes in the form of the mark on Bishop's face. Bishop has an “ M “ mark on his eye signifying that he is a mutant, much like the star Jewish people had to wear in concentration camps.
The Archons in the real world seem to have manifested through technology in so many ways. Movies like Terminator, Thirteenth Floor, and the Matrix playing out the worst of "what if?" scenarios regarding technology, but what if those scenarios aren’t as far-fetched as previously thought?
Top Five Reasons ( it may appear ) Technology Could “Take Over” ( in the real world )
1.__Self-Replicating Technology__
2.__Psychotronic Advertisement and other Applications the Beam Directly into the Brain__
3.__Robot Armies__
4.__Hologram Programs__
5.__Unmanned Sky-Net type System__
Once I began to realize how “real “ many of the plots and programs were in the X-Men mythology, I was prompted to check in with the Secret Sun’s science and technology experts to see how far-fetched some of this stuff was; or, if some of it was applicable to our current situation as a species. One cannot escape ideas like Scott and Jean being monitored throughout their ancestry for possible genetic traits that could play into the eugenics agendas of characters like Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse. In conspiracy circles it is thought that certain bloodlines are picked for their supernatural powers, usually psychic in nature as discussed in past articles. One of the more popular supposed projects discussed here is Talent.
“For an amount of time spanning throughout several decades Sinister would observe developing mutant children that resided in the State Home for Foundlings which was located in Omaha, Nebraska. Yet it was in his laboratory under the orphanage where most of his horrific acts took pace. He proceeded to cruelly manipulate the young lives of the mutant orphans eventually attempting to make them his minions while manipulating their adult lives, one of these many victims was Scott Summers.”-__comicvine Sinister__
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had his childhood handled in many ways by Sinister, in the animated episode No Mutant is and Island of the original 90’s X-Men TV show, it is revealed that Scott grew up in an orphanage which specializes in brain washing children to be future world leaders.
Cyclops breaks up childhood mind control program
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lead a team/class/cult/ that teaches children how to control and militarize their powers. This leads almost immediately to going on missions that the Professor deems fit for the continuation of his dream. The X-Men along with X-Force, -Factor, -Caliber, Generation X and Alpha Flight are all privatized guerilla military factions with individuals trained in special skill sets. ( This may not often occur to the reader of the colorful comic books but it must be noted for this analysis, especially as X-Force and X-Force have now merged and dress like a Black Ops team. An invention of prior mentioned comic writer Warren Ellis. It should also be noted that X-Force has always looked like a team of augmented super soldiers, much like the Ravagers ) The beginning missions for Department H and its ex-C.I.A. victims ( pre Alpha Flight Canadian mutant special forces ) seem much like the real Delta Force but with mutant abilities calibrated into urban fighting tactics., while on the other hand, Generation X seemed like a high school with missions for field trips.
Seem to represent Mary Magdalene turned Whore of Babylon which would be the extreme but necessary psychoanalytic counterpart of Jean’s usual motherly composed nature
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Professor Xavier-
Inner turmoil and opposition in Xavier can be noticed when he becomes Onslaught, where by the leadership position was really repressing anger and building up Xavier’s shadow into a separate entity. This shadow can be seen as the manipulative experimental doctor not very different from the one who programs and tortures Wolverine. ( The identity of which is still unknown. ) This is similar to the tales of a biblical Father God who is angry and vengeful and seems to have human emotional “hang-ups”. Of course the interface for us is this kind imagery of Jesus as savior, the way that Xavier is usually portrayed. These extreme opposites are also exhibited by Jean as she makes her biblical transformation from (Isis, or Magdalene) Mary to the Dark Phoenix or the Whore of Babylon. However Xavier and Magneto’s relationship can be seen as mirroring that of MLK and Malcolm X. One can be used by the elite to orchestrate false flag peace and the other false flag war. Of course this is where Bishop’s mission and morality come into place. Bishop is akin to a Time Lord with militant leanings. The M on his eye standing for Magneto, he alone seems to tie these themes together as he is the one who attempts to assassinate Xavier in one of the timelines…
The actor who plays Professor Xavier in the first two films is the captain on the bridge of Star Trek Next Generation and the actor who voices him in the 90’s cartoon plays a similar role of taking in a super person in XII.
Mr. Sinister is known for his never ending genetic experiments and use of strange techno-organic mind control technology not far from the X-Files or Wildcats. Sinister’s name was Nathaniel Essex. He got his start as a brilliant biologist in Victorian England. Though he became obsessed with the theories of Darwin and his contemporaries, he believed their work to be hampered by fundamentalist moral concerns.
After losing a son to multiple genetic disorders, and getting no help in funding for his brilliant ideas ( not even from the Hellfire Club ) he began abducting people off the street for his experiments with the help of a group of thugs known as the “ Marauders “. After having finally lost his wife over the attempted resurrection of their son, he aligned himself with another being obsessed with genetics and mutation, Apocalypse. Sinister would continue his work on unwitting hospital patients in America.
“ During the 30’s he moved to California where he gathered individuals who were subjected to his experiments. While in Los Angeles he fell in love with Faye Livingstone, though he did not admit his feelings. Yet one night when she discovered his secret laboratory she was confronted with the truth. Her genes contained the X-Factor which would allow her children to be more than human. She was horrified by this news and tried to escape but instead she was kept as Sinister’s prisoner. For months she was subjected to degrading experiments, breaking her in both mind and spirit. Sinister forced her to see beyond the illusion that was Nathan Essex. Yet one night, during a storm he opened the doors, releasing her without a word or gesture. Eventually she was brought to the Carlysle Nursing Home in San Diego, as she was being overtaken by cancer. She was never married or child-bearing because of her love for Essex, this also meaning that the children Essex had wished for never came to exist. However, during her time in the Nursing Home she received an annual visit from Mr. Essex, who never admitted to anyone, not even himself, why he did this.”-__comicvine Sinister__
He would work with the Nazis continuing that same work, scaring even the Nazis, he would acquire the nickname “ Nosferatau “ because he had the habit of taking blood samples from everyone. He would give people candy in exchange for their blood, all very Mengele sounding. Later he was involved in the monitoring of thousands of children in holding tanks in a secret base New Mexico.
“After World War II, Sinister’s labs were raided by the army of the United States. The journals that detailed his experiments were found by the Weapon Plus scientists Dr. Cornelius, Hines, and (the) Professor. 1946…Project: Black Womb, a government-funded project that performed experimented on babies (most of them mutants) had several important figures working amongst its staff, one of these was Brian Xavier, another was Nathan Milbury (whom most believe to be Mr. Sinister)”-comicvine Sinister
In Vietnam, Sinister abducted soldiers and Vietnamese and experimented on them. He also continued studying mutant children and manipulating their lives from behind the scenes, essentially ensuring his role as controller. These mutants included Gambit, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, the Morlocks, Sabertooth, Morph,etc…There is no evidence that Sinister didn’t orchestrate aspects of the X-Men; the team itself, believing them to be a super race capable of one day defeating the seemingly unstoppable Apocalypse.
Mr.Sinister has pale skin and obsesses over genetic and memory based experiments making him a direct tie to the Dark City Men In Black.
A team that started as a group of super soldiers, genetically altered soldiers, technologically altered soldiers, and mutants lead by a time traveling combination of all of the above, the team went from being led by Cable to being the new X-Men. A team that would come to resemble modern black ops teams in uniform.
The Hellfire Club- in real life
In the X-Men the Hellfire Club is an evil magickal sect with 9 members. (most of the time). They are quite powerful and cunning and exert their influence on some aspects of the military and government. In the film X-Men Origins they try to hasten the Cold War. They are involved with the creation of the of the sentinels, clone armies, and seem to be interested in random mutants genetics, the Phoenix power, mind control, etc… They also use Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic motto “Do What Thou Whilt”.
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Illustrated Version at:
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” Despite initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When they’re covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events. ” -Doctor (X-Men cartoon Episode Weapon X, Lies, and Videotape)
” The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine “-Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2
Weapon X
There seem to be some unflinching similarities between the accounts of “real super soldiers ” and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics Universe. When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele’s, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious ” Professor ” who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron.The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren’t enough, with all the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finiaon’s interviews. or Fritz Springmeir’s Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that GI Joe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s…
” Under the name Logan, Wolverine had already been working for the CIA alongside fellow agents like Victor Creed, the future Sabertooth. The CIA established Project X in order to convert men into “super soldiers” with unusual abilities. The project facilities were set up in Windsor, Canada, through a secret agreement with the Canadian government. “-X-Men: The Ultimate Guide
" The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2
There seem to be some unignorable similarities between the accounts of "real super soldiers " and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics Universe. When data came forward about Canadian Doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele's, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious " Professor " who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron. The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren't enough, with all the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind and what not; The symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan Finiaon's interviews. or Fritz Springmeir's Books. Who was reading whom in the 90s ? and how did they know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that GI Joe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s...
X-Men 90's cartoon series Season 3 Episode 19 Weapon X, Lies and Videotape
Wolverine travels back to Canada to investigate his past. In this episode the Canadian Professor seems to list the steps of his work as if they are simply chapters in a Fritz Springmeier book.
(In the comics the professor would later have his hand cut off by Wolverine who would track him down and find him hiding in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pest Control Division. He was killed by Silver Fox in Ontario years after.)
So Wolverine has dreams about Sabertooth emasculating him by threatening his woman ( Silver Fox ),
" after all we've been through "
This seems to be a reference to what Monarch researchers would consider trauma-bonding.
Xavier tries to probe his mind and screams in agony
" Strange tortuous memories pouring out as if a damn had burst "
Then Wolverine has a super soldier freak out on his own friends.
" Hank, I found this, inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago, there was no return address. I've seen this image in his mind, this must be a clue to his delusions. Perhaps it triggered him "
"Super Soldier" Duncan Finioan explains these same paranoid PTSD related delusions and triggers that cause him to board himself up in his house with all the lights off and his guns out.
" You just went in a dream state again what did you see ? "
" Me Being trained to take people out " - Wolvie
" I assume you've been having headaches and nightmares, like Maverick and I, they did something to our minds when we worked here, something code named Project Talos "
" Take a closer look Logan, you remember these places don't you " Silver Fox
" Created Memories, but to what purpose ? " - Beast -memory implants from Wolverine Files: A Detailed Chronology
Wolverine has memories contradicting the movie sets of his memories he is standing in.
Sabertooth falls to the ground weeping remembering his dad abusing him for being different.
" Why does somebody want us to remember this, like it’s all bad "
According to the literature on mind control. It has been found most effective to traumatize ( abuse ) a person physically at ages three and five, later these people would be bonded with other children and giving moments of life that seemed perfect/supportive
As Wolverine approaches Silver Fox lovingly, she wards him off
" The cabin, was that a lie too ? " - Wolverine
" Despite initial setbacks all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning, we will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When they're covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing ,the key is to reach the subconscious mind, The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories. Overwhelming them, breaking them down making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events. " -Doctor
" Aldo Ferro was a crime lord...who once owned half the land /biz in Cuba. During the Weapon X experiment, Ferro used his telepathic powers to implant false memories in Wolverine and other victims. Ferro linked the false memories to the pain receptors of his victims not only because it was more effective, but because he enjoyed inflicting pain on others. " -Wolverine Encyclopedia Vol.2
They show the four subjects back to back as if to hint at twinning. It is made obvious that this set is a movie studio with different rooms to fabricate different childhood memories...
Talos is responsible for their reprogramming, he is an evil borg looking archon type
"Talosians are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly unemotional, so they gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of living on their planet's surface and needed to use other species to reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", and capture Captain Pike. They reappear in "The Menagerie". All that blabber from Wikipedia just means that the Talosians were the Watchers and here we have a Watcher that is trying to reprogram Monarch/Military mind control victims...very odd indeed. Sabertooth uses the creative visualization against the shape shifting watcher and pretends he is fighting his father. Maverick shape shifts as well.
"Don't you get it Logan, it was all made up "
Weapon Plus
Captain America- 1st generation super soldier
Red Skull- first successfull German super soldier
Omega Red-first Russian super soldier
WEAPON X Projects
Wolverine-10th generation super soldier, actual character created 1974Maverick
Silver Fox
Lady Deathstrike
Weapon XV
Department H -
Alpha Flight, but sounds like Detachment G in real life- Note: Maverick, Sabertooth, and Wolverine were all in the C.I.A. in the 60s.
- Note: The Shi'ar also wanted to preserve Wolverine's genetics to produce clones in other dimensions…
Grillflame at the Secret Sun
Stalin’s Monkey Men
One of the first points on the timeline is World War 2. Instead of immediately diving into Nazi occultism and the darker suggestions of human potential; a good starting point is the X-Men mythology specifically, Magneto’s childhood. World War Two was the beginning of the Weapon Plus super soldier program. The likes of which were almost entirely destroyed in the creation of Captain America. Captain America and Wolverine worked together on top secret OSS missions against the Nazis and or Hydra. (The events of Wildcats/X-Men comic books also put Wolverine with Wildcats character Zealot in a fight against high ranking Nazis who are actually reptilian shape –shifters, also known in the Wildcats mythology as Daemonites.)
“(It) belongs to a race of aliens who have sought dominion over the earth for centuries. “
“ Great. Next thing I know, yer gonna tell me there are a bunch of mutatin’ humans tryin’ to start a genetic civil war. “ “I have heard that prediction as well—but it’s not supposed to occur for another few decades. “
-Wildcats and X-Men issue #1
These types of tales are not far from the pseudo-historical landscape of Mignola’s Hellboy graphic novels. All around, the theme is the carrying on of Nazi-esque eugenics and super soldier programs, which haven’t even been slightly noticed by the public, let alone, been well documented at all. A good percent of these stories have an alien link in them, as do the conspiracy tales that surrounded the Reich during the war. In the X-Men however, the alien mythology started covering other ancient alien and modern conspiracy theories, and it became quite complicated in understanding…
Were the writers more “well read” and knowledgeable about this data than most of the researchers of these topics in the real world, and before the information was released to the public for research? Were the creative forces behind the X-Men like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, or Chris Claremont receiving their script ideas from what can be considered a “ higher “ source, in the intelligence department…perhaps, an otherworldly intelligence all together?
” Only in the last few thousand years did mankind begin to make clothes for himself, build shelters, use heat and grow food in large quantities. With this man-made environment remaining relatively stable, the X-factor became dormant. For reasons still not known to us, we are seeing what some are calling the beginnings of another stage of evolution. ” – Jean from the X-Men Movie
On one hand, worldly mystical traditions, secret societies, and benign cults would insist the furthering of human potential is quite late, in our growth as a species; that methods which grant access to psychic abilities have been around as long as recorded history. On the other hand; are those victims or authors familiar with mind control methods who insist these “powers ” were trained in over time, to them as individuals ( in alternate personalities or altars ) for use when they’re controllers saw fit. Either way the hope that little Uri Gellar’s and Bruce Lees will begin to pop up everywhere, surely resides in many fans of the super hero genre.
Vocalist/wine master/ritual magician Maynard James Keenan makes a great point in the essay that appears in the liner notes of the album Aenima, stating that every time a human jumps higher or runs faster, evolution is taking place. One only has to watch Shaolin Monks, Nasa scientist, Spetsnaz soldiers, or basketball players excel at what they do, to notice they are taking giant steps for all of mankind, actually evolving furthering the full waking extent human potential.
Ewan Cameron Documentary :
In the case of the fictional world of the X-Men, socio-politically speaking, they came at a perfect time in 1963, when society needed heroes who embraced the diversity of the group, and diversity in general, to rally against so many oppressors. America was changing rapidly as Civil Rights cases were popping up all over, and many people wound up in jail, some for their bravery, others for their hate crimes. Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream “speech days before the release of the first issue of the X-Men. In a way Xavier’s philosophy seems to be a median between Martin Luther King and Kennedy’s wisdom. This is the same year Kennedy was killed and Malcolm X was giving talks on defending oneself if provoked by violence. A stance that is not at all unlike that of X-Villain Magneto. Both real and fictional men have their early lives scarred by hatred and violence toward their families for simply being; who they naturally were…Both men, taking a lifelong vigilant stand against that kind of evil. Both perhaps, winding up in the trappings of the agencies who seek to control larger societal tides, whose agendas were masked to both Eric Magnus and X. Also of note, in that year different countries were protesting their government’s choice to further nuclear programs, something often considered synonymous in and out of fiction, with mutation and alien contact. The TV show Alphas also reflects many of these ideas, and Kerry Cassidy mentioned the X-Men (let's say...kind of) at the Second Super Soldier Summit.
The following is a critical psychoanalysis of the characters in the X-Men, based off of worldly mythological comparisons.
In some ways these comparisons can be articulated further to the mythology of the X-Files as, well as other worldly magickal traditions and black projects. In order to be brief this is an abbreviated version of those correspondences, which should be expanded upon.
The Rand Corporation: what good is a conspiracy theory without an underground base built by a secret government working on Super Soldiers?
“1972 , Land Corporation in an interview with George Getz is a science writer for the LA Times, Robert M.Salter said, said For more information on this tunnel construction, the use of existing technologies and projects can.
In addition, he said, also that there is a reason to be built environmental, economic in the transportation system of this underground.
What … again, What is the ultra-high-speed 10,000 miles per hour? ” -(LA article of 1972)
” Land Corporation and is one of the agencies that there is a number that made in the United States mankind brainwashing conspiracy think tank in the United Kingdom “ta Vittorio Stock relationship Institute” -fabiofeminofanti(...)
RAND the Air Force and Underground Tunnels
In the film X-Men First Class, the film begins with a flipping Nazi coin that is blurred into the X for the X-Men intro. We see Magneto being traumatized by first the suggestion, then the murder of his mother before his eyes. In a Project Talent-esque way this seems like trauma forced on the young Magneto to test the extent to which his emotions can affect his powers. Duncan Finiaon explains that the occult persona is another altar. Could this be like Wolverine being given false memories of traumatic events during Weapon X? Is this why the mutation hits often at puberty, with the onset of extreme emotional re-activity?
Nazi Gold:
billions in Nazi gold
Article on Nazis in South America
So it seem Magneto spent some time in Israel and then in South America…(he occupies a fictional part of South America we will pretend isn’t Argentina where he steals a military craft. All this and the missile crisis and “Blue-Beam” army, courtesy of Mastermind.
”Magneto’s experiences surviving Nazi Germany, Auschwitz, and Vinnytsia would shape his outlook on the situation that mutants face in the Marvel Universe. Determined to keep such atrocities from ever being committed against mutantkind, he is willing to use deadly force to protect mutants. He would believe that mutants (“Homo superior”) will become the dominant life form on the planet and would set about either creating a homeland on Earth where mutants could live peacefully, or conquering and enslaving humanity in the name of mutantkind."
Magneto’s first villainous act was attacking a United States military base called Cape Citadel after bringing down missiles. He was defeated by Charles Xavier’s mutant students, the X-Men, in their first mission. He creates Asteroid M, an orbital base of operations in a hollowed out asteroid that he wanted to be a homeland for all mutantkind. He then gathered a group of angry and disillusioned mutants including his own, albeit at the time, (children whom he didn’t know were his) Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch and formed the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to further his goals.”
“Magneto briefly conquers the fictional South American nation of San Marco in the hopes of establishing a mutant homeland there after stealing a military ship and getting Mastermind to cast an illusion of an army, but is once again foiled by the X-Men. He tried to make the Toad infiltrate the X-Men, but when that failed he captured the Angel and tried to force him to tell the secrets of the X-Men. However the other X-Men were able to rescue their member and destroy Asteroid M.”
- Note: Magneto is traumatized/mutated by Sebastian Shaw. ( S.S. for short ) who is a black magician who manipulates the powers in the military industrial complex to further his centuries old agenda. He is also responsible for the ideas behind the sentinels.
- The beginning of the film oddly confuses the swastika and X symbol on Kevin Bacon’s quarter, suggesting super human mutation and SS projects are closely tied.)
- John Murdoch in the film Dark City is not able to actually change the Saturn Machine until he gets angry enough. Then with the use of his third eye and lots of rage he adjust the physical reality around him to his liking.
Asteroid M
“In reality asteroids, even in the main belt, are spaced extremely far apart. Proto-planets in the process of formation and planetary rings may look like that, but the Sun’s asteroid belt does not. (The asteroid belt in the HD 69830 system may, however.) The asteroids are spread over such a high volume that it would be highly improbable even to pass close to a random asteroid. For example, the numerous space probes sent to the outer solar system, just across the main asteroid belt, have never had any problems, and asteroid rendezvous missions have elaborate targeting procedures. The movie 2001: A Space Odyssey is unusual in that it does portray realistically the ship’s “encounter” with a lone asteroid pair.”
the following is from the Asteroid Mining Company:
“Why can we do this now, instead of, say 50 years ago when the idea was first floated by the likes of von Braun?
Improvements in rocketry (especially ion engines) have only occurred in the last 10-15 years. This technology enables exhaust velocities that allow large delta-V’s (very energetic maneuvers) with small fractions of spacecraft mass devoted to fuel. Improvements in asteroid detection infrastructure (Catalina Sky Survey and such) have only occurred in the last 10-15 years. This could potentially have been pursued before, but the political backing has only materialized recently, as we realized just how common these bodies really are. As industry moves towards ever-larger spacecraft (40 kW range), the size of asteroid that we retrieve has only recently started to match the size of asteroid that we can detect from the ground. Improvements in astrodynamics in just the last 10 years include the discovery of the Interplanetary Transport Network or if you’re comfortable with a bit of calculus, see (this PDF document) If you’re patient, these approaches can let you travel from place to place in our solar system with very little energy.”
- Note: Magneto is traumatized/mutated by Sebastian Shaw. ( S.S. for short ) who is a black magician who manipulates the powers in the military industrial complex to further his centuries old agenda. He is also responsible for the ideas behind the sentinels.
- Note: the beginning of the film oddly confuses the swastika and X symbol on Kevin Bacon's quarter, suggesting super human mutation and SS projects are closely tied.)
- Note: John Murdoch in the film Dark City is not able to actually change the Saturn Machine until he gets angry enough. Then with the use of his third eye and lots of rage he adjust the physical reality around him to his liking.
Spider Man
Spider Man comic books
A SpiderMan/X-Force comic from 1991 shows and uses language that is very clear regarding the destruction of the WTC towers, similar imagery from the previews of the Spider Man film trailer resulted in the preview being taken out of theaters. Todd Mcfarlane wrote and illustrated both that comic and the first issue of the black alien symbiote (black oil) saga. Spider Man resembles a grey alien and the 90s also put him through a Clone War similar to Star Wars and some super soldier testimony
Spider Man tie in #2
Spider Man Unlimited-
In the first episode, NASA scientist explain there is a counter earth on the other side of the Sun. They use circular stargates to teleport a shuttle to Counter Earth, very similar to the technology proposed in Michio Kaku's stargate talks in 2011. Before the first episode is allowed to end, we meet the black oily versions of both Venom and Carnage, as well as the characters of Counter Earth and their religious devotion to the High Evolutionary. Spider Man also gets really psyched over his nano-armor, adding to the trans-humanism porn feel of many of the cartoons of the 90s. The episode concludes with Spidey about to be sawed open by a bunch of genetic experiments that refer to themselves as Beastials and make it sound cool like bestiality and furries in one warrior class.
The high evolutionary explains in episode two that he was looking for a Utopia, so he built a society out of his genetic experiments. He considers his technology and creations the ultimate achievement. . The high evolutionary is referred to as the Wizard of Oz.
"I thought I came through a space warp to get here... feels more like a looking glass "
Well that's a pretty direct reference to Project Looking Glass and Timeline 2.
Carnage and Venom become obsessed with the Synaptic, which in Jack Kirby's world would be the Eternals Uni Mind or perhaps the Borg from Star Trek
" Your probably the only untagged human in the city,...Every human is tagged with a subdural chip. " What a strange RFID tangent. I don't remember Spidey in the funny books having such a super soldier sense.
X-Men tie in #2
One of the first points on the timeline is World War 2. Instead of immediately diving into Nazi occultism and the darker suggestions of __human potential__; a good starting point is the X-Men mythology specifically, Magneto’s childhood. World War Two was the beginning of the Weapon Plus super soldier program. The likes of which were almost entirely destroyed in the creation of Captain America. Captain America and Wolverine worked together on top secret OSS missions against the Nazis and or Hydra.
(The events of Wildcats/X-Men comic books also put Wolverine with Wildcats character Zealot in a fight against high ranking Nazis who are actually reptilian shape –shifters, also known in the Wildcats mythology as Daemonites.)
“(It) belongs to a race of aliens who have sought dominion over the earth for centuries. “
“ Great. Next thing I know, yer gonna tell me there are a bunch of mutatin’ humans tryin’ to start a genetic civil war. “ “I have heard that prediction as well—but it’s not supposed to occur for another few decades. “
-Wildcats and X-Men issue #1
These types of tales are not far from the pseudo-historical landscape of Mignola’s Hellboy graphic novels. All around, the theme is the carrying on of Nazi-esque eugenics and super soldier programs, which haven’t even been slightly noticed by the public, let alone, been well documented at all. A good percent of these stories have an alien link in them, as do the conspiracy tales that surrounded the Reich during the war. In the X-Men however, the alien mythology started covering other ancient alien and modern conspiracy theories, and it became quite complicated in understanding…
Were the writers more “well read” and knowledgeable about this data than most of the researchers of these topics in the real world, and before the information was released to the public for research? Were the creative forces behind the X-Men like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, or Chris Claremont receiving their script ideas from what can be considered a “ higher “ source, in the intelligence department…perhaps, an otherworldly intelligence all together?
” Only in the last few thousand years did mankind begin to make clothes for himself, build shelters, use heat and grow food in large quantities. With this man-made environment remaining relatively stable, the X-factor became dormant. For reasons still not known to us, we are seeing what some are calling the beginnings of another stage of evolution. ” – Jean from the X-Men Movie
On one hand, worldly mystical traditions, secret societies, and benign cults would insist the furthering of human potential is quite late, in our growth as a species; that methods which grant access to psychic abilities have been around as long as recorded history. On the other hand; are those victims or authors familiar with mind control methods who insist these “powers ” were trained in over time, to them as individuals ( in alternate personalities or altars ) for use when they’re controllers saw fit. Either way the hope that little Uri Gellar’s and Bruce Lees will begin to pop up everywhere, surely resides in many fans of the super hero genre.
Vocalist/wine master/ritual magician Maynard James Keenan makes a great point in the essay that appears in the liner notes of the album Aenima, stating that every time a human jumps higher or runs faster, evolution is taking place. One only has to watch Shaolin Monks, Nasa scientist, Spetsnaz soldiers, or basketball players excel at what they do, to notice they are taking giant steps for all of mankind, actually evolving furthering the full waking extent human potential.
“The future came to me in that craft I have embraced it and merged with its technology so that I may lead the evolution of the human race…since when has mankind ever known what it needs ?”
-__Apocalypse__, X:Men Evolution Ascension
There is some debate over whether Apocalypse was the first mutant in Marvel history. (Namor, being the first popular mutant to appear in the comics, though he is considered by some to be a hybrid...) The character certainly dates back to the origin of human events in the Marvel universe. Most of the events of his early public life took place in Ancient Egypt. Obviously the idea of his Four Horseman may detail his part in the biblical Book of Revelation, as he seems to be an entity rooted in nearly lost ancient text. ( The Nag Hammadi Text ?)
“As long as mankind has existed, I AM. War and strife have been mankind’s proving ground. I have encouraged these things…to ensure that the denizens of the world below grow strong. “
–Apocalypse, X-Factor Annual #3
Apocalypse, whose real name is En Sabah Nur, was created in June of 1986 by Louise and Walter Simonson and Jackson Guice. Though the character is only as old as issue five in the X-Factor comics, Apocalypse was later revealed to be the first mutant ever, being spawned some five thousand years ago. In the " Beyond Good and Evil" mini-series of the animated__X-Men__ show of the 90s he gathers psychics to generate a "Lazarus Chamber " in the hidden chamber under the Great Pyramid, not unlike the use of psychics in SRI experiments and in Crowley's writing of the " Book of the Law " ( also in the Great Pyramid ).
“Time is motion and motion and thought are a unity. Two aspects of a single power that is beyond comprehension to all but myself that is why certain psychics can see into the future. The mind can transcend time”
The first mutant may have thought himself to exist longer than the totality of human life, he also only lived a life, seemingly to annihilate human progress and then to change the world into mutants. A step he saw as necessary to evolution, already a very Nazi-sounding eugenics agenda. His shape shifting ability and eventual fusion with alien technology would lead him to control the events of man’s past and shape the agendas of his future. Born En Sabur Nur, he was abandoned as a baby (his tribe fearing him to be a demon) and later picked up by a roaming group of marauders, and looked after by the character Baal. The demon connotation, especially the regional one in Apocalypse’s case, makes him seem in some ways like Jack Kirby’s idea of the Deviants in the comic book Eternals.
Those who subscribe to the ancient alien theory will note that all the ancient sacred sites are the coordinates of ancient aliens landing spots, or at least the cultures who had direct alien influence in their art, architecture, technology, astronomy, mythology etc… In Marvel comics these places are the landing places of the ancient alien races as well (The Eternals and Celestials for example). Apocalypse utilizes the ancient Celestial technology in those places (He has a secret base under the Sphinx and Stonehenge) and they eventually bonded with his physiology… Anyone familiar with WW2 history or even 90s action cartoons will know he is no pioneer in this geomancy based ley line take-over of the Earth, Himmler and Cobra have both attempted the same thing. In Cobra and Apocalypse’s case they marked their territory with bizarre energy pyramids that wind up rising into a low orbital "morphogenetic grid".
The theme of controlling ancient alien technology beneath the surface of the planet that can be entered through trans-dimensional doorways comes up in every fictional/mythical work from the Tuatha De Danann in Irish Mythology to the film Dark City to the new Batman: Brave and Bold cartoon (see episode Equinox). In all of these examples especially with Apocalypse, there seems to be an attempt at direct representation of the archons that seek to control our reality. The term__archon__ has roots in words like lord or ruler, interpretations of the Nag Hammadi text, according to John Lamb Lash and Jay Weidner, have led to an understanding of the archons as being “ shape shifters, deceivers, tricksters,” hive-minded, technological or organically assimilative. These are all also ways of describing Apocalypse and nodes of his never ending agenda. This also lends explanation to other technological take overs in fiction. Terminator, __the black oil from X-Files__, the Daemonites from Wildcats, and the Deceptions or more popularly, Decepticons from Transformers all seem to be technological manifestations of an archon-based agenda.
“Since the dawn of time, humans have recorded encounters with strange beings with weird powers and even stranger means of transportation. They've been identified in various cultural trappings. Our tech-minded age chooses to see them as extraterrestrial technocrats, coming to Earth to conduct their experiments.”
-__Christopher Knowles at the Secret Sun__
__The Archons at the Deconstruction Zone__
Also of note: In the early 90s there were a couple of shows with psychotic fundamentalist trying to end the world based off their own literal interpretation of prophecy, Mighty Max featured the villain Rage, obsessed with his own Book of Rage trying to high-jack the space program and crazy talk ramble people to death like Apocalypse.
Oddly enough by Season Two of the X-Men cartoon, they show Cable fighting exact likenesses of the T-1000 robots from Terminator. As Cable ducks off from fire in one episode they show him consulting his cosmic computer cube on a " time stream reallignment ". A by-product of agencies with different plans for the future altering the past so that the future keeps changing to fit their desired outcome. Even stranger, in this future time, currency simply says "Cube" on it.
In the future timelines of the X:Men including the assassination of the Professor and the Age of Apocalypse; Bishop travels back in time from the future to stop the Professor’s murder. This parallels Cable traveling through time to fight Apocalypse and stop his perversion of the Celestial Technology. This is very much like Arnold time-traveling in Terminator to protect John Conner and stop the birth of A.I. collective brain Sky net. Something that is apparently already underway in the real world according to the work of Anthony Sanchez.
What Apocalypse and fundamentalist refer to as a “New Order“, is mostly brought about by the black magic politics of the Hellfire Club, Apocalypse, and black government agencies. They employ many tools to do this but the one that really forced the end times; perhaps prematurely was the sentinels. In the initial pull for Mutant Registration, they were responsible for using government information on mutants and then capturing them and placing them in internment camps, if not killing them. Another World War Two reference comes in the form of the mark on Bishop's face. Bishop has an “ M “ mark on his eye signifying that he is a mutant, much like the star Jewish people had to wear in concentration camps.
The Archons in the real world seem to have manifested through technology in so many ways. Movies like Terminator, Thirteenth Floor, and the Matrix playing out the worst of "what if?" scenarios regarding technology, but what if those scenarios aren’t as far-fetched as previously thought?
Top Five Reasons ( it may appear ) Technology Could “Take Over” ( in the real world )
1.__Self-Replicating Technology__
2.__Psychotronic Advertisement and other Applications the Beam Directly into the Brain__
3.__Robot Armies__
4.__Hologram Programs__
5.__Unmanned Sky-Net type System__
Once I began to realize how “real “ many of the plots and programs were in the X-Men mythology, I was prompted to check in with the Secret Sun’s science and technology experts to see how far-fetched some of this stuff was; or, if some of it was applicable to our current situation as a species. One cannot escape ideas like Scott and Jean being monitored throughout their ancestry for possible genetic traits that could play into the eugenics agendas of characters like Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse. In conspiracy circles it is thought that certain bloodlines are picked for their supernatural powers, usually psychic in nature as discussed in past articles. One of the more popular supposed projects discussed here is Talent.
“For an amount of time spanning throughout several decades Sinister would observe developing mutant children that resided in the State Home for Foundlings which was located in Omaha, Nebraska. Yet it was in his laboratory under the orphanage where most of his horrific acts took pace. He proceeded to cruelly manipulate the young lives of the mutant orphans eventually attempting to make them his minions while manipulating their adult lives, one of these many victims was Scott Summers.”-__comicvine Sinister__
esonates with Ain Sophia, Gaia, Earth, Natural Origins and Feelings. Storm controls the weather and was considered a goddess in Africa only after being raised under the mind control and ninjitsu like tutelage of the Shadow King- A being that has also been around since the dawn of humanity and feeds off of hatred and psychic host. Just like Hellfire Club member Sebastian Shaw, Shadow King is also a Nazi during WW2.Jean Grey-
Who may represent Isis has power over her third eye, a powerful psychic woman, notably at the side of Cyclops. The first of Xavier’s X-Men, she was seemingly picked first for her level of power/skill/concentration.Cyclops-
had his childhood handled in many ways by Sinister, in the animated episode No Mutant is and Island of the original 90’s X-Men TV show, it is revealed that Scott grew up in an orphanage which specializes in brain washing children to be future world leaders.
Cyclops breaks up childhood mind control program
Jean and Cyclops
lead a team/class/cult/ that teaches children how to control and militarize their powers. This leads almost immediately to going on missions that the Professor deems fit for the continuation of his dream. The X-Men along with X-Force, -Factor, -Caliber, Generation X and Alpha Flight are all privatized guerilla military factions with individuals trained in special skill sets. ( This may not often occur to the reader of the colorful comic books but it must be noted for this analysis, especially as X-Force and X-Force have now merged and dress like a Black Ops team. An invention of prior mentioned comic writer Warren Ellis. It should also be noted that X-Force has always looked like a team of augmented super soldiers, much like the Ravagers ) The beginning missions for Department H and its ex-C.I.A. victims ( pre Alpha Flight Canadian mutant special forces ) seem much like the real Delta Force but with mutant abilities calibrated into urban fighting tactics., while on the other hand, Generation X seemed like a high school with missions for field trips.
Seem to represent Mary Magdalene turned Whore of Babylon which would be the extreme but necessary psychoanalytic counterpart of Jean’s usual motherly composed nature
Professor Xavier-
Inner turmoil and opposition in Xavier can be noticed when he becomes Onslaught, where by the leadership position was really repressing anger and building up Xavier’s shadow into a separate entity. This shadow can be seen as the manipulative experimental doctor not very different from the one who programs and tortures Wolverine. ( The identity of which is still unknown. ) This is similar to the tales of a biblical Father God who is angry and vengeful and seems to have human emotional “hang-ups”. Of course the interface for us is this kind imagery of Jesus as savior, the way that Xavier is usually portrayed. These extreme opposites are also exhibited by Jean as she makes her biblical transformation from (Isis, or Magdalene) Mary to the Dark Phoenix or the Whore of Babylon. However Xavier and Magneto’s relationship can be seen as mirroring that of MLK and Malcolm X. One can be used by the elite to orchestrate false flag peace and the other false flag war. Of course this is where Bishop’s mission and morality come into place. Bishop is akin to a Time Lord with militant leanings. The M on his eye standing for Magneto, he alone seems to tie these themes together as he is the one who attempts to assassinate Xavier in one of the timelines…
The actor who plays Professor Xavier in the first two films is the captain on the bridge of Star Trek Next Generation and the actor who voices him in the 90’s cartoon plays a similar role of taking in a super person in XII.
Mr. Sinister is known for his never ending genetic experiments and use of strange techno-organic mind control technology not far from the X-Files or Wildcats. Sinister’s name was Nathaniel Essex. He got his start as a brilliant biologist in Victorian England. Though he became obsessed with the theories of Darwin and his contemporaries, he believed their work to be hampered by fundamentalist moral concerns.
After losing a son to multiple genetic disorders, and getting no help in funding for his brilliant ideas ( not even from the Hellfire Club ) he began abducting people off the street for his experiments with the help of a group of thugs known as the “ Marauders “. After having finally lost his wife over the attempted resurrection of their son, he aligned himself with another being obsessed with genetics and mutation, Apocalypse. Sinister would continue his work on unwitting hospital patients in America.
“ During the 30’s he moved to California where he gathered individuals who were subjected to his experiments. While in Los Angeles he fell in love with Faye Livingstone, though he did not admit his feelings. Yet one night when she discovered his secret laboratory she was confronted with the truth. Her genes contained the X-Factor which would allow her children to be more than human. She was horrified by this news and tried to escape but instead she was kept as Sinister’s prisoner. For months she was subjected to degrading experiments, breaking her in both mind and spirit. Sinister forced her to see beyond the illusion that was Nathan Essex. Yet one night, during a storm he opened the doors, releasing her without a word or gesture. Eventually she was brought to the Carlysle Nursing Home in San Diego, as she was being overtaken by cancer. She was never married or child-bearing because of her love for Essex, this also meaning that the children Essex had wished for never came to exist. However, during her time in the Nursing Home she received an annual visit from Mr. Essex, who never admitted to anyone, not even himself, why he did this.”-__comicvine Sinister__
He would work with the Nazis continuing that same work, scaring even the Nazis, he would acquire the nickname “ Nosferatau “ because he had the habit of taking blood samples from everyone. He would give people candy in exchange for their blood, all very Mengele sounding. Later he was involved in the monitoring of thousands of children in holding tanks in a secret base New Mexico.
“After World War II, Sinister’s labs were raided by the army of the United States. The journals that detailed his experiments were found by the Weapon Plus scientists Dr. Cornelius, Hines, and (the) Professor. 1946…Project: Black Womb, a government-funded project that performed experimented on babies (most of them mutants) had several important figures working amongst its staff, one of these was Brian Xavier, another was Nathan Milbury (whom most believe to be Mr. Sinister)”-comicvine Sinister
In Vietnam, Sinister abducted soldiers and Vietnamese and experimented on them. He also continued studying mutant children and manipulating their lives from behind the scenes, essentially ensuring his role as controller. These mutants included Gambit, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, the Morlocks, Sabertooth, Morph,etc…There is no evidence that Sinister didn’t orchestrate aspects of the X-Men; the team itself, believing them to be a super race capable of one day defeating the seemingly unstoppable Apocalypse.
Mr.Sinister has pale skin and obsesses over genetic and memory based experiments making him a direct tie to the Dark City Men In Black.
A team that started as a group of super soldiers, genetically altered soldiers, technologically altered soldiers, and mutants lead by a time traveling combination of all of the above, the team went from being led by Cable to being the new X-Men. A team that would come to resemble modern black ops teams in uniform.
Hellfire Club-
The Hellfire Club- in real life
In the X-Men the Hellfire Club is an evil magickal sect with 9 members. (most of the time). They are quite powerful and cunning and exert their influence on some aspects of the military and government. In the film X-Men Origins they try to hasten the Cold War. They are involved with the creation of the of the sentinels, clone armies, and seem to be interested in random mutants genetics, the Phoenix power, mind control, etc… They also use Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic motto “Do What Thou Whilt”.
Illustrated Version at:
Super Soldier Serum at Marvel Glossary
Profile: Tyler Clark a.k.a. PSI TRACKER
Some of my earlier work. take note of dates and numerical use in my work. PSI Tracker with Tyler Clark - Mt Lilian DUMB . Area 54 Charlie Hall and myself are the only one's who have truly released any substantial information on this area which is part of Dreamland. . PSI Tracker with Tyler Clark - Tall White Base Area 51 . . Now the nellis gunnery range is much more than what is publicly known its not only command space port its also a research and storage area for advanced tech above tier-2. Here I disclose the 100ft Egg shaped craft which has been described by sailors in several sighting's where the craft was half submerged in the same way a common ship would travel. Its can be seen here docked the craft has a mirror finish so it reflects anything around it making hard to see especially far away. PSI Tracker with Tyler Clark - Dreamland 11-11-2012 . . Here is some more of my earlier work, As you can see I was still learning how to put photo's together. . PSI Tracker – Mount Washington – March 11, 2013 . . This is a regression I did with James Rink, I still don't understand everything in this regression. In time I feel more information will become available. .
(Tyler on the right)
Super Soldier Talk - Hypnosis with James Rink and Tyler Clark - June 24, 2012 . Bases 25 I did with Miles Johnston and AMMACH Project. Which turned out good and Miles is an excellent Interviewer in my opinion. . The Bases Project 25 Part Four Super Soldiers . . This is an Interview I did with Kerry Casidy and Project CAMELOT. During this time I was under Massive (Phsyco-tronic) and Phsycic defence. Also at one point I have a Phsycic conversation with Kerry and answer a question that was asked telepathicly. I have nothing against Kerry and used to be a huge fan. But their was something negative going on. gave me goose bumps, Also in the comment section you can see a sloppy smear campaign several agencies put together which is just a weak attempt to steer people's opinion. most will hear or read something and assume its truth with out physically investigating it. .
PROJECT CAMELOT: TYLER CLARK - PSITRACKER . An Interview I did with james Rink In Los Vegas Navada at the SS-Summit In Henderson. I briefly go over a few details of Mt Lilian and a few expierence's. .
Super Soldier Talk - Tyler Clark - Alien and Remote Viewing Journeys - May 19, 2013 . This is the first public release of any offworld Space Port on Mars. Here I disclose details of the Cerulli Crater Base and Space Port Installations which run Mining and other activites in the area..This was also a kick in the groin to Nasa. . PSI TRACKER - MARS CAMPAIGN CERULLI CRATER . .
Here is this Interview with James Rink I disclose 5-6 Bases. No one has ever talked about. Also some UFO footage we took at my place. I go int some details on this one. . Super Soldier Talk with Tyler Clark - Psi Tracking - October 20, 2013 .
Here is where things start going into truly dark area's Vampires,Warewolves,Ets,Mythalogical beings,Ect. . PSI TRACKER-MALAGA-APERI OCULOS TUOS SERIEI . This was from the Video Interview a closer look and a few pictures not shown in the video. . PSI TRACKER-ENNEDI-APERI OCULOS TUOS SERIEI . Here again for the first time I start going into the Old Erupean theatre and remind others of their place. I also was Rved by a viewer working for CNES at the time of the release, How I know is it happened, Was when I went on their web site. .
PSI TRACKER-ROCHE PAILLON-APERI OCULOS TUOS SERIEI . Here is a close look at possible video evidence of the secret shuttle program used to ferry ingets og metals and polymers into space. Also I have reason to suspect multiple shuttles had the same name. As in 2-3-4 Atlantise's?? . PSI TRACKER-STS107 . Here is another one deep in the Caucus Mountians, Many secrets date back to these mountians. . PSI TRACKER-Гора Эльбрус-ОТКРОЙТЕ СЕРИЯ ГЛАЗА .
Here is an updated smugglers notch the previous one was when I was still learning. Good material here, Look for the ancient faces of the elders. . PSI TRACKER-SMUGGLERS NOTCH-APERI OCULOS TUOS SERIEI . . Here is another older one I did, Its really hard to find all the material I have out unless you can spell it correctly, Google cyber team has already done a basic suppression run down on me. Which is fine even need Google Earth. . PSI Tracker with Tyler Clark - Mt Zeil 2-1-2012 . I have almost forgotton how much I have released its building up. This is in a restricted zone in between China And India. If you can read between the lines you may see whats really going here. . PSI TRACKER-SUMNA-APERI OCULOS TUOS SERIEI . . Radio Interview I did this last summer with Michael Hemmingson, I answered some important questions to the worlds problems and some other very important information regarding Annunaki and Fourth Reich. allot of good Intel on this now I listin back on here. . The Art of Dreaming Mike Hemmingson and Tyler Clark
Links: Interviews with Tyler Clark
Profile: John Stormm
Name: John Stormm
Unofficial or code name: Call Sign: "Thumper"
Age: 60
Place of birth: Cleveland, Ohio
Official occupation (predominant): martial arts master instructor, systems manager
Unofficial capacity: Assassin/spy/trainer
Programs involved in: MK Ultra, MK Monarch(briefly 1957-59), Project Talent, Project Search (these last two were mostly about ESP and Remote Viewing for me in the mid to late 1960s, and early 70s), Duke University, and the National Reading Institute were involved in aspects of these programs back then.
Dates, names, places, and details related to the program: Most processing done at University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) at Bldg 400, across the street from Strong Hosptial, Rochester, NY. Inducted shortly after I was born, July 31, 1953. Checked over for MK Monarch, Anaheim, CA between 1957-1959. Last mission as an active Ultra: Mexico,Spring 1978
Special Abilities, powers, evolved mind/body technique: Musculo-skeletal strength enhanced, speed enhanced, eidetic memory, I.Q.= 160+, remote viewer, dominant mind characteristics, enhanced healing ability
Involvement in occult groups, practices: Born into hereditary Irish Danaan witch clan (not MK Ultra affiliated), Master witch,
Martial arts or official military training: Nidan- Mas Oyamas karate, Shidoshi- Togakure Ninjutsu, Master- Chinese kenpo, also Trainer for MK Ultra assassins 1972-1977 mostly.
Evidence or testimony related to E.B.E. or similar alien beings: I've seen "greys" in two incidences in 1958. Met and been mistaken for a "Nord". But I can't say that I learned much at the time, and waqs immediately "de-briefed" in "the chair" afterwards. It was curious, but I can't recall much more than that, nor did it seem all that pertinent to the missions I was being used on.
other information:
suggested reading: "Laura's Story" by John Stormm at Related information concerning Ultras and such.
Where do you do most of your research on these topics? Other Ultras and Internet, via related programs or studies.
Where can people find more about you or your work? WitchMan53 and Stormm53 YouTube channels, My personal Facebook page. My books at and elsewhere as a published author.
Bio, photos, sync, fiction related to your actual real experience, suggested watching and reading, suggested cases to look into.
YouTube Videos:
"Declassified Human Experimentation"- YouTube 45 minutes, shows CIA program at Bldg 400 at U.R.M.C. where I was processed into MK Ultra.
"Motorway M6, UK Madness - Swedish Twins"- YouTube, shows Two Swedish "Ultras" struck twice by cars (and a truck) and getting up to fight, without injuries. Illustrates Ultra enhanced musculo-skeletal strength and aberrant MK mindset of rampaging twin.
"MK-ULTRA Mind Control Clinton Apology, Victim Testimony and More"- YouTube
Other things you may want to share: examples
"National Geographic's Fight Science" Portion on Wolf's Law shows how bones are hardened and strengthened through trauma.
"MKUltraX" - YouTube video with some of my personal testimony.
"Reflections of an MK Ultra Survivor" - YouTube, more of my testimony
"Men Staring At Goats" - YouTube, more personal testimony of MK Ultra conditioning practices.
A story about training: Off Planet Radio, with Randy Maugans, Duncan O'Finioan, Mirand Kelly and myself. Episode called "John Stormm- Return of the Mage"
A explanation of a given exotic technology the public doesn't quite fully grasp yet: I've listed most of these in my videos, and written articles.
"My name is John Stormm, and I am an MK Ultra survivor. It's ironic, because survivability is what we are conditioned for, and for many of us, it makes us into the kinds of monsters that even we cannot tolerate living with or as. I can leap from a third or fourth floor window and hit the ground running from a tuck-and-roll. Knives and less than optimal gunshots will glance off my hardened skeleton. I can catch a car at thirty miles an hour and rip its doors off. Or if it's stationary, I can flip it onto its roof or keep its tires off the ground to prevent traction. I can take a 30-40 mph collision with that car without suffering any broken bones. In my heyday, I could punch 4-5 times a second and each punch capable of breaking bones, boards or bricks. I've dropped kicked ten feet off the ground and punched through security glass. In short, if I hit it, it breaks. These are things I've done consistently since before my teens. I have an IQ in excess of 160, and graduated all of my courses in the top 1% of my schools. I've had concrete broken over my chest with sledge hammers, while laying on a bed of nails. I'm a highly trained ninja and a master martial artist and very, very hard to kill.”
"My name is John Stormm, and I am an MK Ultra survivor. It's ironic, because survivability is what we are conditioned for, and for many of us, it makes us into the kinds of monsters that even we cannot tolerate living with or as. I can leap from a third or fourth floor window and hit the ground running from a tuck-and-roll. Knives and less than optimal gunshots will glance off my hardened skeleton. I can catch a car at thirty miles an hour and rip its doors off. Or if it's stationary, I can flip it onto its roof or keep its tires off the ground to prevent traction. I can take a 30-40 mph collision with that car without suffering any broken bones. In my heyday, I could punch 4-5 times a second and each punch capable of breaking bones, boards or bricks. I've dropped kicked ten feet off the ground and punched through security glass. In short, if I hit it, it breaks. These are things I've done consistently since before my teens. I have an IQ in excess of 160, and graduated all of my courses in the top 1% of my schools. I've had concrete broken over my chest with sledge hammers, while laying on a bed of nails. I'm a highly trained ninja and a master martial artist and very, very hard to kill.”
In the summer of 1953, I was one of the first batches of infants to be inducted into the MK Ultra program. I was subjected to many, many torturous physical, mental, genetic, psychological and chemical conditionings, designed to make me into an unstoppable hunter/seeker/assassin. A master of what the CIA used to refer to as "the happy accident". An untraceable stealth weapon capable fracturing skulls, necks, spines, ribs or whatever and in a split second, leaving a corpse that can be easily set up to appear as a car wreck or household accident that leaves no embarrassing fingers pointed or homicide investigations.
In the late 1960s, I was trained and used as a remote viewer in an MK Talent portion of the program, and by 1970, I had taken on some of my first combat roles taking and terrorizing my victims from the Cambodian side of the Ho Chi Minh trail, making them disappear and die silently in the jungle shadows as they crossed over to avoid US troops. I trained Khmer freedom fighters in stealth tactics to facilitate them equipping themselves from the weapons and stockpiles of the Khmer Rouge, just prior to the US bombings of Battambong. I became "problematic" as an MK unit as my cooperation as a killer was dependent upon me believing it was always for the greater good. I was pulled and given the option to join up as a "contractor" with the DEA and other alphabet agencies in hunting down drug lords and other such monsters in Central America. My unit was designated as "Disney Toons" and my call sign was: "Thumper", probably for my machinegun punching style.
Usually, there was a "clean up squad", "janitors", "cleaning ladies", among our favorite tags, that came into our missions afterwards to remove or set up evidence, pay bribes or whatever to make our work look like the actions of rival gangs or such to give our government its plausible deniability. After all: Our President claimed we never used "assassins", and that we also had no people in Laos or Cambodia before that. I am the man that never was. It was nearly 15 years later when I learned that those spooks weren't burning the drugs that were left after our incursions. But they were packaging them up and flying them into the US in CIA planes to sell in American ghettos. By then, I had completely broken with my programming. I had learned by my experience: That it all wasn't a matter of "good guys vs. bad guys", but that of "bad guys vs. worse guys", and I was working for the worst guys. I had no conflict with taking out the world's monsters, until I woke up to that fact that I was a product of the world's worst monster makers. I'm still fully inclined to kill "monsters", but for some time now, that makes my handlers pause and stay out of sight and out of reach to keep vertical.
With well over 140 different programs under the MK Ultra umbrella, there are many aspects we have in common.
First: Is the ritual abuse, abusive families and constant terrorizing us as children. This tends to make us very nervous and hyperactive. Many times, observers would describe me as very quick, birdlike movements. As if my adrenalin glands were stuck at full throttle, all of the time. This increased our speed, strength and reflex actions by multiple factors.
Secondly was dislocating and micro fracturing our bones (Google: "Wolf's Law"), making them harder, denser and stronger to further protect our organs, making us more survivable to knives and bullets. Also preparing our skeletons to handle the increased strength without breaking. The pain and terror of this also facilitated the first item in this list.
Thirdly was the shock treatments. There were less of these to the head, when we proved to be "talented". But if we were to be made physically stronger, we'd be hooked up with pads and electrodes to each of our muscle groups and subjected to high voltage pulses, much the same as many of the "electric workout machines" on the market today (which were developed and marketed from these same experiments) but at a much higher dosage over time. This also contributed to our terror and conditioning to separate ourselves from the pains. Also making us nearly unstoppable by any normal means.
Drugs, hypnosis, sounds, flashing pictures to forcibly opened eyes also were used to condition and program us. I still feel that hypnosis cannot make someone do things they are naturally set against. But I was highly talented and they wouldn't shock my brain. Instead, it was easier to deceive me into believing I was killing somebody who was very, very bad and I had no problems with my conscience and considered that I was indeed making the world a slightly better place and sparing more "victims" grief. To their thinking, this limited my usefulness in certain scenarios.
Next were advanced martial arts training and tactics from various experts and masters. It involved nearly every weapon you can think of and a few that you can't, including some of the most unbelievably devastating "kiai's" (shouts) that have been the last sounds to violate a man's ears. In between missions, or during times when I was not amenable to some of the missions as given, I was used to share these techniques with other Ultras, Deltas, Rangers, Recons, Berets and whoever needed the extra edge. Everything in our conditioning and training was designed to take our "edge" to yet another level, to make us more efficient and survivable soldiers. We were literally driven to keep honing our edge to ultra-sharp. Failure was never an acceptable option in any mission.
There was "the chair". This was used to either implant false memories like spending your summer on a farm with your favorite uncles, while training and/or serving in a mission. And/or remove any memories in a debriefing and replace them with something a bit more innocuous. These generally fall apart with contradictory livid dreams where the imagery gets overlaid and you wake up wondering what the hell is the link between these things. Over time, the real memories seem to return... mostly.
All sorts of variations in training, drugs used, genetics, ultra-steroids, bionics, implants and more are used in many programs. But almost all of them will include much of what I've listed here" - John Stormm
Bio from John's website:
"I was born in 1953 in a family of hereditary witches that count their ancestry all too many centuries ago in ancient Tara. I was raised and trained in the craft, as the only male witch in my family by my grandmother. I now have grandchildren of my own. I began serious martial arts training in 1963. My sensei became my father figure and I strove for perfection, holding a Second Degree Black Belt in Mas Oyamas Karate, and a master’s ranking in Chinese Kenpo. By the early 1970’s, between training for tournaments and running my own small chain of studios, I took Radio & TV Broadcasting at El Paso Community College in Colorado Springs, CO. This gave me my first good taste of journalism. Thirty plus years later, and dying to write some of these experiences in a book, I wrote an entire series in the Witch Clan theme. These are character driven stories with true to life characters, and experiences melded into an entertaining fantasy. My first full length novel in this series is “Matriarch of the Witch Clan.” Readers are encouraged to visit our website at http:/// to correspond with the author or get information on the next release. I and my family sponsor and are also registered as "Witches of the World" at The Witches Voice ( can be found in their archives." -from DDP bio
The Long View of Witchery
By John Stormm
I've been wanting to write this for sometime now about the most ancient origins of witchery. I understand that it only seems relevant in the contexts of all of the ancient wyrding families and there’s not many among the general populace that are even allowed much knowledge of these things, or have enough interest to pursue them as a study. The excerpt below, from the Book of Enoch, among others of this type is a great starting point to trace a number of common facts about these ancient elite clans today and even to school the paranormally talented among the general masses as to how they came by such “humanly impossible” genetic traits. I intend to show you that this ancient dusty tome of knowledge is indeed very relevant to many of you and why the powers-that-be in this present darkness fear you finding out all this and what they have done for ages to keep you all disconnected from your own true powers. As I am of such a lineage myself and trained in the craft from a child: I say none of this lightly.
Book of Enoch Chapter 7
1 It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful.
2 And when the angels, (3) the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamoured of them, saying to each other, Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children.
(3) An Aramaic text reads "Watchers" here (J.T. Milik, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976], p. 167).
3 Then their leader Samyaza said to them; I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise;
4 And that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime.
5 But they answered him and said; We all swear;
6 And bind ourselves by mutual execrations, that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking.
7 Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their whole number was two hundred, who descended upon Ardis, (4) which is the top of mount Armon.
(4) Upon Ardis. Or, "in the days of Jared" (R.H. Charles, ed. and trans., The Book of Enoch [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893], p. 63).
8 That mountain therefore was called Armon, because they had sworn upon it, (5) and bound themselves by mutual execrations.
(5) Mt. Armon, or Mt. Hermon, derives its name from the Hebrew word herem, a curse (Charles, p. 63).
9 These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Samsaveel, Ertael, Turel, Yomyael, Arazyal. These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them. (6)
(6) The Aramaic texts preserve an earlier list of names of these Watchers: Semihazah; Artqoph; Ramtel; Kokabel; Ramel; Danieal; Zeqiel; Baraqel; Asael; Hermoni; Matarel; Ananel; Stawel; Samsiel; Sahriel; Tummiel; Turiel; Yomiel; Yhaddiel (Milik, p. 151).
10 Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.
11 And the women conceiving brought forth giants, (7)
(7) The Greek texts vary considerably from the Ethiopic text here. One Greek manuscript adds to this section, "And they [the women] bore to them [the Watchers] three races–first, the great giants. The giants brought forth [some say "slew"] the Naphelim, and the Naphelim brought forth [or "slew"] the Elioud. And they existed, increasing in power according to their greatness." See the account in the Book of Jubilees.
*End of excerpt here*
There’s a great deal more pertinent information in this book and others, concerning the impact of this upon human history. Even the book of Genesis, chapter six has something to say about this. You don’t even have to be of judeo-christian ethnicity to understand that the writings do indeed have some merit to them. For when one speaks of angels, watchers, gods, demi-gods, fae folk and the likes; they speak of powerful, intelligent creatures that are not necessarily “of this earth” as you may understand it.
Every culture on the planet has its ancient tales of someone coming down and interacting and even breeding with humans to produce extraordinarily talented offspring. In fact, nearly every royal line anywhere on the planet, believes themselves to be the descendants of these gods and not fully human in themselves and that this bloodline gives them their “mandate from the heavens” to rule the masses under them. The mundane tend to believe it is merely a privilege that comes from being born into a wealthy royal family, but the truth of this matter goes deeper than just in name alone. It is in their blood and DNA!
To better allow you to relate to what this truly means; I need to diverge from these ancient royal lines for a moment and set this in your laps, a lot closer to home than you may have ever suspected. It’s not just a coincidence as you’ll learn later in this essay.
Simply by the fact that you’re interest is piqued enough that you are taking the time to read this treatise; it is apparent to someone like myself that there are certain mysteries you’ve encountered in your own experience, that have cued you to the idea that there may indeed be more to learn on that subject. Being a witch of some sixty years at this point, I’ve known witches of all types and backgrounds and whether they are brought up and trained in some ancient wyrding clans or find their ways on their own: they all have some things in common. They all possess talents and perceptions beyond the simple dogmatic five senses that humans are only supposed to have. There is something beyond sight, sound, taste, smell and touch that gives them information that others never seem to be aware of, and they are correct often enough to know that whether or not they can understand how this is so: it is still very true. Hence they explore all the hidden highways and byways they can in search of more information to bring it all together for themselves and try to become more fully what they were always intended to be. It is my hope this essay will bring you a whole lot closer to the truth and dispel the illusions for you. You’ll still be learning more and more for the rest of your lives, but at least you’ll understand where it comes from and who has kept so much from you, why they do it and how to circumvent them. Now back to our ancient royal pains in our hindnesses.
Through many means these days; more and more is coming to light about the thirteen ancient Illuminati families. They are easy to pick out. You simply need only look to the wealthiest and most powerful families on the planet today, who have been the ruling classes for most of your recorded histories. As corrupt as those writings are, there is still much truth in them. These are but a remnant of a great deal more ancient wyrding folk than you are being led to believe. Remember in our Enochian transcript, there were at least 200 rebel watchers/angels/ extra-terrestrials starting hybrid families here. So 13 clans are a meager number to represent the whole of that truth. Remember also that many kings were known to sire bastards among the common folk on a very regular basis and many families boast royal ties to this very day. Those royal bloodlines brought a great many more things than just wealth and privilege. These are gifted people, and one of the mainline gifts is "domination".
At this point, it occurs to me that you might not be familiar with the word “wyrd” (pronounced: weerd). Perhaps you’ve guessed that our modern “weird” may be a derivative of it. You’d be right! For all those things that happen, that defy the imposed logic of the church and narrow minded academics: we call them weird, because they are mysterious and an unknown quantity. Wyrding families are those ancient lines possessing talents for things that normal humans have found to be impossible to them. Just understanding this simple fact alone will make a good many things begin to make more sense to you than they have before now. Someone else in your family may have gifts like precognition, telepathy, telekinesis, domination, dreams, visions, healing gifts and so on. Further research into your family tree may show that others before them were so gifted as well. You may even find you are distantly related to some king or queen of some renown or the Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds, Merovingians, pharaohs or such. Genetic traits may skip entire generations, but never entirely disappear. Yes, I’m more than suggesting that if you have any of these talents that your bloodline is not entirely human either. Many of the most prominent Celtic clans boast tales of nonhuman intermarriages in their deep dark past. The McCleods and Monroes come to mind right off the start. If you ever wondered exactly why so many of today’s royal lines inbreed so much, even knowing that some of the children will be impaired: it is because it is worth it to them to produce the single child who will come out with the most “watcher traits” fully intact to rule society with.
Have you ever met a person who could sell anyone anything? This trait is called “domination”. It is one of the most coveted of royal traits, but many royal bastards have spread that gene throughout the general populace and while they’ll never be allowed as heir to the thrones of the world, they will be superior used car salesmen or such. These people, when they believe in something strongly, effect everyone nearby to feel likewise. Whether they are afraid, infatuated, happy, sorrowful, angry or such can move a crowd to feel likewise simply by being present. It is a leadership quality, that does not necessarily require any good values or common sense to control crowds. This is what makes royals believe it is THEIR mandate to rule over you: Because they CAN! Have you ever studied certain politicians and world leaders with scandalous records of lies and misdeeds, but every time they stand up and open their mouths and utter nonsense: there are no lack of suckers who will obey every word as if they could do no wrong? Domination! The alpha male or female who leads the pack; some may be because they are the wisest and strongest and best choice for a leader for the rest to thrive with. But you’ll find many of those who weirdly (wyrdly) enough, do no such thing but to benefit themselves at everyone else’s’ expense. This is where I need to give you another general history lesson, in order to understand where some of our present day madness has originated.
It might surprise you to know that libraries existed all over the earth many thousands of years before Ben Franklin invented the type you use commonly today. They operated a bit differently, but they were the repositories for all of the world’s knowledge and science. If a city had a library, it also had a university, because it now had “curriculum”. A scholar, sage or mage could study the writings within, or if they wished to have a copy they could pay a scribe to copy it for them. As for many of the higher degrees in our universities today: the adage of “publish or perish” was a very important part of preserving the knowledge to benefit the world as a whole for years to come. Just as today we have post graduate studies and doctorates, the ancient universities had “mystery schools” and various factions of sages and magi who studied and earned their degrees in these. It is important for you to understand that in order to partake of these temples of higher learning, one had to swear an oath, much like the doctors swear the Hippocratic oaths in the field of medicine to this day. No dark, occult and mysterious oaths like you hear about from Freemasons and Illuminists these days. Essentially they had to swear to use everything they learned in these higher learning centers to benefit their communities and not to just themselves at the expense of others. Witches, druids, wizards, magi and scholars of all sorts came to these centers of knowledge to round out their training to better help their people. Celtic witches and druids, in a society that distinguished its separate clans by colored tartans and such, no longer wore their own clan’s tartans, but the neutral black or white as they were sworn to serve ALL of the clans and not merely the ones they favored. They could confirm chieftains and kings, but could not become such themselves. This kept power in a healthy balance. It is in these times that another kind of term was coined in the native Gaelic for the unscrupulous magi who took the same oaths, but used their knowledge to rule others for their own greedy ends. They named such magi “warlocks”, literally “oath breakers”.
It should also be noted, in ancient times and even more so in the feudal system that came long afterwards; the chieftains and kings were the chief patrons or defenders of their faiths or religions, whatever deities or beliefs they chose. I need you to understand that fact, so that you can better understand what happened to a very new religion that blossomed in the First Century. Many, many gentiles/pagans had heard the teachings and deeds of one called Jesus of Nazareth. This is not to argue pro or con about the man, but to better illustrate what had happened to make things turn out quite like they did. In the days immediately following, these “Christians” shared all things in common. They still celebrated the Jewish feast of Passover together. They represented their faith with the sign of a fish, and the idea of a priesthood over the laity was an anathema called “the doctrine of the Nicolaitans”
KJV Revelation 2:15-16
15. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.
16. Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
It is not important that you subscribe to these scriptures as just to note that it was enough a concern in the early church to be recorded as such. Around the Third Century, a pagan king, Constantine; wanting to revive his declining empire: gathered together his favored counselors in the Council of Nicea (where they get their Nicean creed) and decided what of the many, many books would be the canon for all the religious belief today, what would be acceptable faith and what would be heresy. Again, I must remind you that this was a pagan king of the ancient Babylonian mystery schools and would not even allow himself to be baptized as a “Christian” until on his death bed. Being of such a mystery school and using his knowledge of controlling the masses and doing so for his own grandification at the expense of the lives of others defines him as a “warlock” in the Gaelic tongue. But who would survive calling him that to his face?
Now many zealots for the faith will point at me and declare me the heretic and witch that I truly am. I would not deny it for I know a witch’s true power in our society has always been our unbroken will and word. But I will simply point out the changes this warlock made to the religion he hijacked to boost his own power over the masses: Now, Seramis was portrayed as Mary and worshipped. Tammuz who’s sign was the “T” now crossed the breasts of the petitioners as the sign of the cross of Jesus. The Easter eggs that symbolized fertility in the ancient pagan religion now became the Christian rite and Passover was abolished as a cursed thing of the Jews “who killed our Lord”, forgetting it was Romans too. In fact a good many pagan holidays were renamed and altered to benefit a magical priesthood who could perform much magic on these celebrations and bring in the wealth and power of the masses. They took a simple faith and doctrine of love and acceptance and turned it into a massive, powerful force to be wielded by a single man from Rome. Warlocks were indoctrinated as feudal lords over their own diocese and made wealthy on the fat of the land and the common folk were made subject to them under pain of excommunication and painful death. This is quite the accomplishment using all of the craft. But it didn’t just end there. Greed and lust for power never does!
Unlike the myth that humble priests and missionaries brought this new faith to the barbaric pagans of our homelands; it actually came to us “top down” by them visiting the seats of power that they truly lusted after. The nobility of the lands and much as Constantine proclaimed his Roman Legions as “Christians”, no matter what they really believed, so did the nobles and kings who were thus swayed to build churches and name their serfs as “Christians” as well. Interestingly enough in this history lesson, the word they used for Celts were “barbarians” in the translations, but the words used in their histories as written was “indomitus” or “someone not dominated”. But I digress.
But there still existed many of the Old Ways, witches, druids and other breeds of magi (the root for “magi-strate”) who still understood what a “warlock” truly is and still had much wisdom and power where they lived and worked. Now through the ranks of this new religion a propaganda began to be circulated among the congregants; that we had so much power over our people because we had made pacts with the devil and kissed his backside in foul ceremonies to grant our evil desires. It became the foulest of death sentences to be found not as a faithful member of the local diocese and our numbers dwindled more and more over the following centuries as more and more succumbed to the warlocks’ illusions of godhood. Many families like my own, escaped to the wildernesses where the superstitious feared to go and lived off the land or hid in plain sight by adapting Christian terminology for our talents and craft.
These warlock elites were not so all-powerful as to contend outright with other genuinely talented magi of any sort, and neither were those of the wyrding royal blood, so the lies and propaganda had to be built to enormous proportions against us and those poor bastards fathered by the “blue bloods” of their day. You’ll find these edicts easy to spot in their doctrines and dogmas to this very day. When someone exercised any talents beyond the five doctrinally accepted human senses, it now became a sign that they had either made their own pact with Lucifer to receive such power or had done some foul deed that brought on demonic possession. As it was, this could be very embarrassing for such faithful members of the church and royal families, so another explanation of “sainthood” and the gifts of the Holy Spirit were also rendered to secure their lives and positions. Interestingly enough, the Scriptural interpretation of a ‘saint’ was simply a “believer”, as First Century believers did not call themselves “Christians” but ‘saints’. Just as the term “witch” no longer means “wise one” as our language dictates, but the warlock definition of a “devil worshipper”, and “warlock” is no longer and “oath breaker” but a male witch (devil worshipper) and now a “saint” was a higher form of Christian, much as an archangel is higher than an angel. The lies and deceit were building to greater and greater proportions, but no matter as these talented warlocks could dominate any thought out of their heads every Sunday or make a special visit to reinforce the lies as gospel truth.
You must also understand that the hierarchies of priest, bishops, cardinals and popes, even as they serve themselves; serve higher or greater powers than themselves with a plan that works in increments over the centuries until full world domination is achieved. In subjecting the people to all these false beliefs and chaining them to material world illusions, they prevent any and all of you from further exploring what you really are and limiting your power to make you easier dominated by them. Many of you fear the word witch or witchcraft for the condemnation to a burning hell that you’ve been conditioned over many, many generations to believe would be the end of you for even considering this. I must confess that I was always worried over my obvious Nephilim ancestry as a damning factor in my existence for the larger portion of my lifetime. Even the Book of Enoch says we were totally cursed and without any chance of redemption for the next 70 generations after the fact.
Book of Enoch Chapter 10
15 To Michael likewise the Lord said, Go and announce his crime to Samyaza, and to the others who are with him, who have been associated with women, that they might be polluted with all their impurity. And when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved, bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment, and of consummation, until the judgment, the effect of which will last for ever, be completed.
16 Then shall they be taken away into the lowest depths of the fire in torments; and in confinement shall they be shut up for ever.
17 Immediately after this shall he, (14) together with them, burn and perish; they shall be bound until the consummation of many generations.
(14) He. I.e., Samyaza.
18 Destroy all the souls addicted to dalliance, (15) and the offspring of the Watchers, for they have tyrannized over mankind.
The latest estimation of that 70th generation of cursed hybrids ended over 3000 years ago. The only condemnation you could have today as a descendant of such is the same as any full blooded human as what you earn for yourself by the choices you make and not an accident of your birth. But did you notice verse 18 in the above excerpt? It would appear that the present evil paradigm that holds the world you know in thrall through paper talismans with occult symbology, otherwise known as “paper currency” that has no other value at all, are still indeed quite damned and for the most righteous of reasons. Note also how men and women today have been separated and disconnected from anything natural in this world:
Instead of the beauty of a healthy body and a generous soul, women are subjected to tortures of unnatural footwear that destroy their feet over the span of years. Constricting corsets, brassieres, waxings, paintings, meaningless social niceties. And the men are taught from youth that to be strong they must measure their strength in what they can destroy or what they can buy. Everything in this evil paradigm that has any value, has a warlock value in dollars and cents or it is considered worthless. If you don’t believe it, the next time someone asks you in a social setting what you do for a living: tell them you flip hamburgers at McDonald’s, or Walmart, or mop floors and watch how fast they gather around someone else. Even the so called justice system hinges on those same talismans for power. Every crime or infraction has a listed dollar value. And as poor as they treat people of color, even a black man can quite literally get away with murder if he has the money to pay. If not… he’s a dead man! No question. The system is designed so that ONLY the elite can become wealthy and succeed in this material plane. But even so, they are losing out on their power too, and can ONLY maintain it as such as long as you believe those talismans will give you power and keep your focus on the lowest plane of existence: the material plane.
I am a Danaan “witch of the blood“. I am not a religious man, but I am a spiritual man. I do not seek to proselytize you all into witches like me. I seek to help you break their chains and shake them off for yourselves. I can’t do it for you. You must evolve and grow on your own steam and find your own power. I can only point out the fence that has been holding you inside the box. Any physicist will tell you that an atom is 99.9999% empty space. Since you and everything else in the universe is comprised of atoms, with like charged particles that by rights should fly apart rather than hold together: it is apparent that the TRUE substance of the universe is not matter or material things, but consciousness. God is not a cranky old white man sitting on a throne somewhere.
KJV Colossians 1:16-17
16. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
17. And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
Take away the mystical, religious double talk and see that consciousness for exactly what it is. Having a consciousness of your own, step up to the universe and take your rightful places as sons and daughters of the omnipresent Creator in spite of anyone’s paltry religious views and find your power. Because the powers-that-be in this present evil paradigm can only bully you as long as you believe they are better and more powerful than you. All those paper talismans or signed edicts put together add up to nothing but your own slavery to the falsest of gods. The Lakota Sioux have a saying: Mitakuye Oyasin! We are all of us related! The substance of this world is only an illusion that you are destined to rise above or be crushed beneath. You start choosing your own path and destiny for yourself and let no man rob you of your own divine power to do so. Quit thinking of truth in terms of religious doctrine and dogma. I have shown you where it came from and no good can come of it. Reach out of the box and out of yourself and touch that consciousness that holds the atoms together within you and cry out: DADDY! Or MOM! As you will, but know you belong to something and someone far greater than a tyrant! I am your brother, John Stormm.
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MK Reflections on PTSD
by John Stormm
I’ve been having my own PTSD bad time. I get overcome with all the feelings of the evil things that happened to me in all of the darkness and pain of MK Ultra conditioning since infancy. All of the times when nobody could see me, or hear me cry out until I sounded more animal than human. Nobody ever came to rescue ANY of us. No authorities would hear or even listen to our complaints. Congressional hearings brought only token apologies and sometimes cash awards to the survivors' families. But the programs never really stopped and they continued breaking down human beings to make monsters for themselves. They wanted to make me the perfect predator.
What kind of predator can take out an 800 pound tiger to near extinction: an under 200 pound human. They're natural born predators, but these doctors were trying to make me into a predator's predator. Someone who could hunt down and destroy a heavily armed and protected predator anywhere in the world with "extreme prejudice". That means to judge them as worthy of death upon seeing them. I developed very well for them, but not as they expected me to.
"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche
I was remembering trying to cloak myself in this very darkness from the monster makers. You see; for some children, the closet monster or the monster under the bed is a seriously real issue. Mine spoke German among themselves as they poked, prodded, dislocated my bones and took samples of my blood and tissue. When I was 17 year old and in the Navy, because of my ludicrous delusion that it would keep the monster makers off of me; I could swear there was more of me in Petri dishes and test tubes than there was in my shoes. I wasn't far off the mark with that. I wanted to serve my country... correctly. But that really wasn't what was happening with me. I went into battle believing it was "Good Guys vs. Bad Guys" and I learned it was really ""Bad Guys vs. Worse Guys". I was working for the "Worst Guys". The monster makers. When they studied me in the darkness of my own abyss, I was gazing into theirs. I felt like a "damned thing" for a very long part of my life with them. I learned to hate with an unholy passion and a cold, cold focus. But I was growing to hate my handlers: the evilest people I knew of in the whole world. If I was going to make the world any better of a place to live because of the monster I've killed... I should take out the proper monsters first! This is the point where all their programming had started canceling out itself.
I was programmed and trained to wage my war in a way that no one can properly prepare for. Direct and to the point and as long as I know who and what my mark is: I can view them from any place in the world as a trained remote viewer and take them out with hardcore martial skills. I can shoot them behind walls without a funny scope because I can feel them there. Once someone like me is sent in, it is nearly a 100% chance, no matter who you are that you will be found, your vulnerabilities found and exploited and left for dead. In martial arts expos and demos, I would use my Chinese boxing skills to punch through four separate inch and a half hardwood planks in one second. Four black belts would stand around me and hold out their planks and the audience would shout in unison: "One thousand one" to time me as each board was destroyed by my fists before the shout finished. Of the idiots in the crowd, I'd hear two kinds of remarks: "That's pretty good if I ever get attacked by a gang of boards in a dark alley some night." Or: "Boards don't hit back." As if this were a trifling thing. But those who have fought or sparred me understood what it really meant in the art of making war: The human skull is far thinner than those planks and/or bricks and contains far more delicate organs. In that single, split second: four men would be irrevocably dead before they could do anything to me and another minute would be more than I need to kill any of their compatriots that would be so unfortunate as to be present. Bone fragments blasted into one's cerebrum are as fatal as a point blank .45 to the brain. Just as fast. Just as deadly and not a fraction of a second wasted on having to locate or reload a gun. That's the kind of monster I was made to be and I helped train others like me. Some of us were hyped up on chemicals, steroids, bionics and eugenics. As well as some healthy American males dedicated to being their best as a warrior for their country. But all of us capable of great carnage in a very short space in time. Where ever our punches land: bones are blasted into fragments and driven deep in their tissue. There's no fighting back from one of those. We rarely needed to hit more than once to destroy our marks, and when you can do that four times in a second and multiple targets: you truly ARE the weapon! Everything I need to take out a well protected drug lord or such will pass a strip search with no problem. Except if it offends me too much. That can be fatal for somebody. We're trained to use any and all weapons and how to make explosives out of nearly anything as well. We are all about killing very well protected men, quickly and efficiently with whatever we find handy.
It's a strange feeling to walk into a hostile environment and feel Death enter the fray at your side. Time stretches out and everything around you moves in a hypnotic slow motion. Your vision goes funny and telemetric. Your hearing becomes acute even through the roar of gunfire you can hear hearts beating like drumming under feather pillows. You can smell the sweat and even the fear and the sweet, coppery taste of adrenalin in their blood. You are arm in arm with Death, and never in your life have you ever been so much ALIVE! I've seen men turn into adrenalin junkies for this sensation. Myself included, for a while. But they never "fractured" me like they did the others. They could detach from their own humanity and become cold blooded killing machines and even enjoy it, and completely forget about it later. I had an IQ of 160 and a very strong will. It runs in the family, no less. I "compartmentalized" my thinking and my psyche. I could shut a part of myself in a "compartment" and use that as needed. But it was always a part of me as a whole and I was never disconnected from it. It mattered to me what I did and why. The irony of it astounds me to this day. Near the end of my active career, they sent out their monster and a human being started busting out. In fact, that's when I started breaking with programming and why my career ended. I wouldn't be directed by my handlers. They became my marks. When the spooks moved in to get me into line: I left a trail of bodies in self defense.
I guess someone had seen that coming, because my last couple missions all went south as though they knew I was coming and from where. There was one really bad time that I always wondered just how messed up I was: I had got captured in Central America. Exactly where that was; I don't know. How I got caught there; I don't know. How long they tortured me, chained naked to a metal box springs and shocked with electric probes; I don't know. What I do remember was withdrawing into that same old timeless, dark place. Every spasm would help me bend and fatigue the metal at the edge of the box springs until it broke in my grip and I could slip my cuff loose from it. I remember getting loose and I remember instantly killing the first two men I met as I left the room. I do not remember how everyone else in that compound got killed. But I was the only one left alive after that. I remember wandering through the desert on like I was on autopilot: one foot in front of the other until I got somewhere where I could be helped. My next mission was some months after that and had several points where we were under attack and nobody should have even had a clue that we would be coming or how we would get there. The truth of that matter became very apparent: we were "assets" to be sold and traded for "favors" with those same murdering drug lords. I cut loose and got out. It was almost 15 years before I heard the news of how after we killed those bastards, the clean-up squads would come in and instead of burning all the drugs: They packed it up and shipped it in their own customs free aircraft in American airports and sell that poison on our own city streets at a great profit for themselves. It was and is distressing to know how much I didn't know about our own government and CIA. It gets worse for me with every nasty little deal that I learn about.
In PTSD, also known by many other names over the centuries: Shell Shock, Soldier's Heart and more: What happens to the soldier's brain is that the adrenalin has kicked in and amped up every thing they are experiencing, much as I described earlier in this essay. It's as if the voltage is raised to such a degree that EVERYTHING of the horrors of war or tortures survived is indelibly imprinted upon their brains and every time they try to close their eyes or find rest in their sleep: those images and sensations return every bit as intense as if they were happening all over again and they NEVER go away. Veterans will drink or drug themselves senseless just for a few hours of reprieve from reliving these horrors. For smaller traumas, you can talk it out with somebody. Revisit the events and make enough sense out of them to ease the hurting and move on. But it's NEVER true of PTSD. Whether you try to talk it out or not, you continue to relive these in your mind over and over and with the same intensity as when they were new. Most soldiers won't want to talk about these things. Ever. I'm trying to deal with my own ghosts here, and to be honest with you: Mine won't go away or lessen their impact on my raw nerves either. My conscience isn't too badly scarred because I understand that I was doing my conscientious best to serve my country and the lies and deceit are the sole property of our most evil, hidden government. I also figure that if I try to get this out of my craw here, that *maybe*, just maybe my diatribe here might help someone else understand what is going on with their returning soldier or help the soldier help themselves sort out all the wreckage for some truth. It won't "cure" me of it and neither will it cure them. But it may help them understand and help each other better.
As a hereditary witch of an ancient wyrding family, it has been my love of studying our own cultural anthropology. Sometimes I give lengthy lectures on these topics as I get invited to do so. With the preceding paragraph; I noted that since it cannot be cured that it can be lessened, at least a little. A little bit of relief can go a long, long ways to just get a decent night's rest and make it easier to cope with a new day afterwards. In this twisted age we live in where these horrors are far more common and increased than ever before: I have some old, old advice about a "balm for soldier's heart" that no government and very few doctors will ever share with you. It *should* be common knowledge as this has been in Celtic history and discovered in the tombs of our kings and chieftains and documented for well over the last 5000 years (or longer!): Marijuana. Pot. That's correct! When our ancient ancestors came home from their campaigns; everyone gathered in the chieftain's longhouse for divvying up the spoils as pay among the participants and publicly recognizing them for their valor in combat. They feasted and drank ale, mead and a had good long smoke or even a tea, or food made of this very familiar herb of the field. It has been found to lessen the rawness and edginess of the battle on its returning heroes. It lightened the turmoil. The battles being over or won, the soldiers needed to slow back down and re-acclimate to village life in their respective clans. There has NEVER been found recorded ANYWHERE of anyone suffering from debilitating side effects, sickness or death from the use of this plant. As much as this present evil paradigm has exploited us all in their lies and deceptions and unscrupulous money making schemes against their own poorly educated populace; I need to share with you that you, yourselves are the descendants of those same people and it has been a part of our culture long, long before all this lying trash got incubated into existence and started ruling rather than representing you. When you see a soldier toking a joint or a bong or however they partake of this: DON"T treat them as criminal trash or dopers because of it. They *thought* they were doing all they did for YOU. If you wanted to help even a little bit, you might find and share some with them and show them how much you really and truly appreciate their sacrifice. There doesn't have to be a single visible wound or scar to know they've been wounded and scarred for life. I'm not saying to smoke one's life away in a stupor: professional soldiers use moderation in all things as a rule of thumb. I'm just trying to help you understand why these things are so. -John Stormm, MK Ultra survivor
"A remake of my first MK testimony, with a few more substantiative clips mixed in.
Here are the links to the full length, YouTube clips that YouTube *refuses* to let me add to my testimony, as it makes what I'm saying look a great deal LESS like lunatic fringe, conspiracy theory, when the corroborating evidence is included, side-by-side. The main reason I had originally put them in, was to SHOW you that I was not just spouting off, but am intensely familiar with these documentations of the same. So, I'll include them here:
Here's an example of some malfunctioning, MK Ultra swedish twins to give you an idea of the strength and powerful bone structure (not massive girls here): What kind of strength and punishment we have and can withstand. Note: The gal in the red, got hit TWICE by speeding traffic and it took 5 or 6 police to even hold onto her.
This mainline video was not in my testimony, but it documents a lot of facts about these programs. It mentions doctors, CIA and others. Many of whom NEVER ever answered anything for their crimes against us, and many of these names and institutions are STILL in business TODAY!
This is one I used: At about 2:20 minutes into this video, you will see the *exact* clinics, CIA building and medical center where *I* had been worked over since early childhood:
This is the clip on bone strengthening..."
-taken from this site including Mr.Stormm
Mind Kontrolled Populace
By John Stormm, MK Ultra SurvivorThis treatise is my personal endorsement for the “State Of Mind” video as promoted by I have not, and will not receive ANY kind of renumeration for my endorsement from them in ANY way. They probably only barely know I exist, if at all. But I have a personal testimony of MK Ultra abuse and experience, and as I’ve been actively trying to show people how bad things REALLY get with this program, I felt it my duty to tell you that I fully understand what this video is trying to show you here and I’ve known it to be true from the first day of my life on this earth to the present day. For me, this documentary confirms and validates information I’ve been wrestling with my entire life. You’ll understand what I mean as this progresses. Many of these techniques it documents were developed right here in Rochester, New York and used on people like myself.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. -Friedrich Nietzsche
This is me, in my dark place. A place of darkness and pain that began the day I left the womb and was put up for adoption by my birth mother. It was also my first day in the MK Ultra program in the Summer of 1953. They kept us always fearful and anxious so that we became acclimated to the constant, heavy flow of adrenalin in our systems. Quick, jerky, nervous movements that were developed into a faster, stronger agent of that darkened place. This will sound like the height of arrogance, but you must understand that candidates with the highest potentials were chosen and developed to become their masters’ most irresistible and unstoppable forces. Besides a well developed brain for a multicity of talents, I also had great intellect, or a genius IQ. I know, most people love to make that claim to fame. Many are merely bright, clever or brilliant. I’d grown up with those criticisms around me. I did not view myself as a “super soldier” but a gifted “secret agent”. In many ways, this was my handler’s undoing. As they were looking into all the darkest places of the human psyche to create someone like me, I was gazing into them and studying them and exploiting their weaknesses to gain my freedom from that awful place.
There comes a time in a captive’s life that they realize that no outside help is ever coming to save them. Many become spiritually, emotionally or physically broken individuals. My body constantly craved calcium to keep building itself upon my skeletal frame, hardened and strengthened by micro-fracturing to invoke a medical phenomena called Wolf’s Law. I learned to speak German with a Bavarian accent from my many former Nazi doctors, overseeing my development as an Ultra. I took mental notes of the most learned men I was exposed to. The abyss they gazed into, gazed back and calculated them like so much mathematics. Heavy electro-shock directed to pads placed over separate muscle groups would contract my muscles to pulses and make them denser and stronger than normal. Normal was not a term that applied to anything I was, or was to become. That was never their intention. A sensory deprivation tank enclosed me in luke warm, saline darkness and instead of “containing” me, it forced me to leave my corporeal body and leave the tank into places I would much rather be, and getting more input and information to feed my constantly working, growing mind. I was no stranger to all the latest methods of sleep teaching or indoctrination. Much of the indoctrination did have it’s affect on me. I could not be forced or coerced into something I did not want or like, but I could be indoctrinated or deceived into believing it was exactly what I wanted. I was never permitted to see, or even know that I had a living father somewhere. I was told he went to Korea and was promptly shot down by a Chinese missile and was never aware that he had ever fathered a child by the time he died. I was made to hate my estate as a bastard, and this drove me into a blood feud with the Chinese over the loss of my father. This worked fine for them as a manipulative tool to get me to work acts of extreme prejudice against anything the Communist Chinese were involved in. The more I could kill, the better I was told that I would feel about it. I learned and mastered more than a few Chinese martial disciplines to best understand and defeat my enemies. I was not just a fast, powerful “grunt” of a soldier. I was a wizard and a tactician in all aspects of making war against America’s enemies.
Deep inside all of that programming, a mind still lived and plotted its own freedom and satisfaction with life. When I got to “walls” or obstacles in my life, I used the tools of my masters, to master myself and solve my own fears and inadequacies. I bought 5-15 minute looped cassette tapes, turned up the volume and put the headphones under my pillow on many nights and re-programmed myself to my own priorities and needs. Martial arts training was learning tactics like tools for a tool chest, and manifold repetition turned those techniques into body memory and “second nature”. A master was required to be able to execute perfect, focused technique without having to take the time to think about doing it. As Bruce Lee would later be known to say: “It hits all by itself.”
In field work, as a working “ninja” or Ultra operative. I learned that many of the techniques I learned were useless in actual practice under severe conditions. A wheel kick that was merely a “popper” had little effect except to piss off an already dangerous opponent. I had to train myself to throw that out as useless to me and automatically use only the most deadly and debilitating techniques I knew, and keep them to the fore front of my brain. Every move I’d make in my sped up version of time would be lethal and effective against any number of skilled opponents. My re-programming of my martial skills impressed my masters, and I was sent about to train this skill set to others in this field. They did not like me thinking for myself like this, except where it benefited themselves. When I could go out, time after time and inerrantly pull off a nearly impossible mission, I had to be given more leeway to grow into my capabilities. Those capabilities were beyond their own and for all their efforts to indoctrinate me into an Aryan ideology, this fact told me they were not only not superior to anyone, but they were afraid of and worshipped those they believed had actually made it to that state. I never felt that I reached my best limits, so that wasn’t me. And it certainly wasn’t them.
I say NONE of this to impress you with my formidability. I say this as an MK Ultra survivor. My experience was one of pain, darkness, shame and constantly overcoming the paralysis of my own fears. I was not a “superman” in my own eyes. I was Frankenstein’s Monster. A damned THING. A slave to men whom I could break like twigs for their pleasure and profiting and never my own. If I didn’t KNOW that for myself, I would never have gotten even this much of my dubious freedom. I say all of this to make YOU understand the programming and enslavement CAN be beaten. Like me, NOBODY is going to come and rescue you from their clutches. I’d be still doing their will if I believed that. I know that once you are aware of what the truth REALLY is, there is little or no way to bring you back under the power of their lies. Once you know their tools for getting you to do what THEY want, you can use those same tools to help yourself grow into your own capabilities to do what YOU want, and what YOU want to become or grow into. They broke hundreds and THOUSANDS of innocent, unknowing people into corpses or worse, gibbering idiots, and with no remorse what so ever! But SOME of us cannot be contained or broken so easily, and I’ve rubbed elbows with a good many of you non-Ultras out there. I know them when I see them. This is my message of help and hope to other slaves, lying in chains, pain and darkness. How strongly do you yearn to be FREE? REALLY FREE! Not just imaginarily. Take a gander at this video and remember that I came out through the worst of this, and I’m not any better than any of you. I grew into the environment I was made to endure. Most of the sharpest black people I count as my friends, have much the same kind of testimony. It’s NOT a “racial” thing. It’s a SPIRIT thing! And if anything, I came through all this just to show someone like you where YOUR power really is and to take it back and lock up your slave masters with it. Take my cue, PLEASE!
Men Staring At Goats
by John Stormm, MK Ultra SurvivorIf you've ever seen the movie/comedy, "Men Who Stare At Goats", with a host of bright stars like George Clooney and such in it. You probably remember that it was a comedy, based upon a true account of the American military's dabbling into the paranormal, to look for real world weapons applications. The movie parodies this program to ridiculousness, and for many in this paradigm we live in, it is the stuff of crazy people. It is not a subject that I am even comfortable speaking about as I will here, because there's a much deeper reality to it than most perceive, and in places, I only barely touch that. Things have happened in the course of my MK Ultra experience that I cannot fully account for, and I have the damnedest times even getting people to listen or understand the parts that are concrete solid and easily explained about this program. It's a VERY documented and known program, even though the government, in the personage of CIA Director, Richard Helms, had destroyed the bulk of the files and records of the people they used and experimented on back in 1973, just prior to being investigated in a Congressional Hearing. This hearing was instigated by the many victims of this program and their doctors, after it become known via the Freedom of Information Act, that they were NOT delusional about the things they claimed disabled them in one form or another. For an Ultra like me, it represented validation and acceptance into the "normal" world. When people would understand something of how I got this way, and not just think I was nuts.
No matter how many times I showed off, doing the things that most people thought were "crazy", or "just one of those things" and performed them time after time after time and again, it couldn't possibly have been because I was worked over in a secret government black project at a well known, local hospital. That was "a delusion", and though I was talented and nearly indestructible, I was merely a lucky fool and that was that. Crazy people can be abnormally strong and appear to be rational in their insanity. Being a known martial arts master of over 50 years experience and exposure as a teacher to very many people, in countless exhibitions, a lot of what I do is relegated to those weird, unexplainable things that Shaolin monks are capable of doing in chop socky flicks, and this is an acceptable explanation for my abnormalities. I could tell people, potential students that I can teach and condition them to be able to do many of the things they've seen me do. But most back away from that offer with no little fear in their eyes. They can't imagine that I might be right. Though I *have* taught and helped condition *some* exceptional students to do just that. It is NOT a grandiose or delusional promise made by a mad man. I am not merely a Black Belt karate instructor, I am a master teacher of my skill sets. I am widely known by many other master teachers of various martial disciplines by name, face or reputation. No matter what Richard Helms destroyed of my past records: I exist and am a fully capable "super soldier" and around the city I've spent the larger portion of my life in, and around the globe where I've visited, there are many witnesses to deeds which you will no doubt describe as "larger than life". Those are my "normal" as an MK Ultra survivor.
Until a number of years ago, especially after the fiasco of the Congressional Hearing on this program that I had such high hopes for; this was not a topic that I cared to discuss much. I'm sensitive on levels that most cannot begin to comprehend and the stories draw that same reaction of "this poor fool is delusional". I would say: If you ever harbored the idea that yourself and a gang of twenty of your toughest friends could survive longer than five minutes in a locked room with me, at my worst... it is not I that is delusional. What I have done in full out combat fighting, under worse circumstances is NOT imaginary. No soldier can EVER forget such experiences and it leaves a mark on them FOREVER! That's not 'delusional'. That is called PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. You may be saying even now: That it is just not possible for anyone to do the things we give personal testimony about in these interviews and such. It is not possible for YOU to do these things! Nobody ever trained and traumatized you to fight for your life or die trying and let you watch your peers wind up dead or worse for trying and failing. But for many of us, life has never allowed us the comforts and securities that you can take for granted. There's a life and death reason why the government destroyed the records of the atrocities they committed upon American children. They fear being put to death for the sheer magnitude of their crimes!
From around 2005, some long time friends kept telling me about the testimonies of a man named Duncan O'Finioan that they perused on the Internet speaking of the MK Ultra program. "DUDE! This guy looks and sounds so much like YOU that it CAN'T be a coincidence!" The name really never rang a bell at the time. I was working on my Witch Clan fantasy series and very busy writing, and too busy to get my hopes up that anyone will ever be able to see and understand what had happened to my life here. But they never relented, and eventually I took the time to view one of his Project Camelot interviews. The name didn't ring a bell, but he talked about things that nobody but a survivor of that program could know, and I knew that face and build from an early age. When he spoke of spending summers with a favorite uncle, and coming back home with skill sets that he couldn't explain, I understood how that happened in great detail. When I saw videos of him working techniques he had no knowledge of learning, I knew EXACTLY where and how he learned them, and I knew from whom he learned them, and SOME (not all) he learned from me. Who was also reportedly spending a summer with a favorite uncle. Except that I knew where I was and what I was doing for the lion's share of that time span.
For me, my skill sets came from a number of master teachers as well, and I've had some of the best in the world. And when I objected to certain types of missions, I had to "earn my keep" to prevent me being relegated to the types of institutions and cruel experimentations that the "throw aways" in this program wound up in. I would constantly be reminded of how much money was invested in me and that they expected a full return on their investment. I was NEVER referred to as a "person", but an "asset", "a piece of government property". So I shared my training with others in the Ultra programs, Deltas, Rangers, Recons, Green Berets and etc. who were also used in deadly clandestine missions. Duncan was about seven years my junior, and he had an exceptional focus when he took in his lessons, as if his life depended upon every last detail. It DID! And like me, if he failed, it would not be pleasant at all and death would probably be a better end than what we could anticipate in this monstrous life we were forced into. In so many ways, he was more a brother than my little brother was, because I could relate on the deepest levels what motivated him and understand him like I understood my own soul.
Now, if I wanted a "hook" to draw my audience into this lengthy diatribe, I probably should have put this part in the first paragraph to help hold your attention. But I really have long lost any cares about getting the average, herd mentality, MK Sheeple to understand this part of my life. You can't MAKE somebody understand or relate. If you're that interested and going this far into my essay here, then you'll probably have more than just an idea. I've managed to make a few people see and look into some of these things and they are beginning to see that I've more than a small clue of what I've been talking about all this time about "super soldiers" from these programs. There's a lot of really bizarre testimonies from other Ultras and such from these programs, that just go beyond weird. What troubles me most is, that I can't really tell you for a fact that they are "delusional" in what they are claiming. The fact is, there's some really weird shit going on in these programs that I can't give as easy an explanation for as some of the other things I've claimed and shown in some of my YouTube clips or demonstrated in martial arts exhibitions, and I want to touch upon some of that. It's not really for YOUR benefits that I do, but for MINE. I've learned that when I take the time to put vague thoughts and notions into structured language, that they begin to be clearer for me and better understood. I can't trust myself to the machinations of any old head shrinker, as my lifetime has been one of abuse from some of the brightest monsters of modern psychiatry in our lifetime. I am speaking of Dr. Sydney Gottlieb, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. George Estabrooks, Dr. Michael Orn, Dr. Louis Jolyan West and many others through the Rockefeller Eugenics Group and CIA black programs in Building 400 on the University of Rochester Medical Center campus. You probably have no idea, how much danger I brought upon myself naming those names and places. I've been in life threatening situations most of my life as a matter of course. But I know if you check through other credible sources that you will find that this is not some mental aberration, but solid historical fact, no matter how many records Helms destroyed, there are many other records that place these men and projects in this area at these times. I was there, and I was an exceptional prodigy of a test subject.
I will be getting into the Men Staring At Goats part of this story. But I don't want to leave you with the ridiculous comedic pictures the movie was designed to make you imagine when such things get brought up by whistle blowers and such. What I want you to have a real understanding of how such things really came about in the course of these black project experiments on REAL children in this country and others. It was a funny movie, and I enjoyed laughing at it too. But it is NOT the reality of what these experiments entailed upon those of us they were imposed upon. I did NOT volunteer. I had only two choices of "very, very bad" or "much, MUCH worse" if I didn't allow these things to be done to me. That was not the least bit funny. It scarred us in ways that most will never understand. Sometimes even literally. I've explained in some of my testimonies about how they strengthened and hardened our skeletal structures to incredible degrees through a known physical process known as Wolf's Law. I've described how the trauma made us accelerate faster via adrenalin overloads, and how they made our musculature much denser and stronger through strong electric shocks spread through various muscle groups. I've mentioned the increased intelligence and genius IQs found in the most successful of us, but not so much of how that was accomplished in us. I've briefly mentioned being used in "remote viewing" and even some techniques as to how that may be done by many of you. And maybe a little bit about forcing us out of our bodies to gain input by immersing us into sensory deprivation tanks. If you do your own research into these things, you will find many of your own links leading back to the MK Ultra and related projects and universities that participated in them as well. But I didn't say much on how they'd scar our brain stems, to increase the likelihood of such phenomena in us.
I was inducted into this program, almost immediately after I was born, on July 31st, 1953. On the back of my neck is something my mother always described as my "strawberries" or a "birth mark". They change color with the seasons, I'm told. But I've got three or four "birth marks" on a few parts of my body, that are different in appearance and nature than these. These are from doctors (those saintly men you worship as paragons of humanity) purposely scarring this infant's brain stem, to increase their capacity for having a 'photographic' or eidetic memory. Most people can only remember back to about eight or nine years old in their lives, if that. I remember back ALL of my life. I remember nearly everything I've ever seen or read at any age. My personal concept of time is NOT linear or sequential. I remember everything as if they only happened a week ago. It doesn't imply that I understood every last thing, but it is a permanent part of my memory of my lifetime and my own awareness. But for little islands of all too brief happiness, love and security; it is a virtual sea of darkness, fear, anxiety, stress and deadly violence. That is the life I adapted to, to survive and try to grow into my own man through. I cannot begin to describe the bone shivering dread that overwhelms me when I see those places and relive those times in my memories, but like before: I struggle to overcome them because I must, or there is no hope for me at all. Failure is not an option that anyone wants to contemplate in an environment such as MK Ultra has forced us to endure. And as rough as my life has been and is now, I feel most fortunate to command my own soul to this day and time. It is my hope that many of you will find your own for yourselves, by considering what some of the things I am speaking freely about here, relate to you and yours.
I want to come back to the most bizarre experiments alluded to in "Staring At Goats", and for that I need to come back to my brother in arms, Duncan O'Finioan... "my little brother from another mother" as I like to say. This is NOT to be condescending towards him in any way. In very profound ways, he is like a hero to me, for his speaking out and reliving every time he shares his experiences, to what amounts to a crowd of bored fools, looking for an enthralling tale to tickle their ears. All in hopes of reaching that one or two souls in that crowd, for whom the "little light comes on" when he touches upon the proper sequence for them. His speaking had goaded me to re-examine some things I had put "on the back burner" ages ago and didn't want to revisit unless I could get something productive out of the anxiety it causes just to look at it again. I'm sure there are a myriad of veterans out there, who can relate to NEVER EVER talking about the things they see and relive again and again in their nightmares. People say: "Talk about them. Get them out again. It's good for you!" NO! It's not good at all, and those things that burn themselves that intensely into your brain, NEVER lessen or decrease in their impact no matter how often you speak or relive them, or how much time has passed. That is the difference between something that gives you PTSD, and just another bad day at the office.
Duncan, and Dave Corso (another Ultra from the early days of this program) have shared a story about an incursion into Cambodia, at a time when Nixon was telling the world that we had no people in Cambodia or Laos. In that testimony, they speak of a group of little more than Ultra children had joined hands and created a "killing field" that extended quite a ways out from their pick-up point via helicopter. I know how absolutely delusional that may sound to nearly all of you. It is far too fantastic or incredible to believe. I would say these men should be wearing monogrammed straight jackets in a high rent rubber room, except I know something about this that I've hardly ever shared and barely understood for myself. I too, had been on missions in Cambodia back in those days.
My mission was two fold: It was known that the Vietcong were crossing the border from their Ho Chi Minh trail to avoid the American troops trying to break their supply lines. A number of highly trained Ultras and similar Ops were hidden in the jungles and creating our own terror upon their troops by quietly and covertly decimating their numbers in highly unconventional ways. My particular forte was in Ninja tactics. This is not an extravagant fantasy claim. This is a skill set I have been known to possess and teach for many decades. When a Cong would fall too far behind the group, they would be yanked into the jungle shadows only to be found much later with their necks broken and their heads facing the wrong directions on their corpses. As grisly as this seems, it assured that they were truly dead and not just paralyzed by the broken neck to speak about it later as it constricted their windpipes shut in the twisting of the neck. It served to help make them fearful of crossing into Cambodian or Laotian territory to continue carrying their war to us in South Vietnam. There was also the well funded and armed Khmer Rouge to consider, and Cambodian nationals needed my specific training in being able to combat and arm themselves from Khmer Rouge weapons and stockpiles since we couldn't just outright fund and supply them to fight their end of their own war. But after the idiotic multiple US bombings of Batambang, I became problematic about having anything to do with the monstrous killings of civilians as "collateral damage", and that we especially had no such rights to carry out on a people we were not legitimately at war with. For my portion of mind control to fight and kill as I did in good conscience, I had to believe in what I was doing was to help people in some way. I can kill murdering bastards all day long and not lose a moment's sleep over it. My strikes are as "surgical" as they get. This was atrocious. So, to keep their investments paying off in deadly premiums, I was offered the option of joining forces with a few Alphabet Agencies, in tracking down and killing some of the more notorious drug cartels in Central America. This had the added benefit of being able to spend more time at home with my karate studios after only a couple weeks at a time out in the field.
This was in the 1976-77 term of CIA Director Geo. H.W. Bush, and I was attached to a professional mercenary (contractors) group known as the Disney Toons. My call sign was: Thumper. Well, that COULD have been worse. Towards the end of my actions there, I had the distinct feeling that I was being set up and sold out, as sometimes our marks would know we were coming and from what directions. In one such campaign, my luck ran out and I was captured near the Mexican border, where Belize and Guatemala touch it. I do not have a recollection of how much time had passed, but I was chained naked to a metal box springs and shocked with electrical probes and worked over with a gold club, a putter. In my mind, I simply went to another place as I had been conditioned to do since I was a baby, when awful things were happening to me. I'm sure there are some of you who understand how this happens. You did not come to this unpleasant an understand through an easy means. I'd come back when they were finished or tired of whipping on a dead horse, as it were, and I'd grip the edges of the bed springs and work the metal until it fatigued enough to break and slip my bindings loose enough to get myself free. I was in very bad shape from my trials there and hadn't eaten or drank in I don't know how long. But I remember fully sneaking up and killing two men in the hacienda that I was held in. I made it quick and lethal especially because I was weak and depleted and hadn't much hope that I could sustain much of a good fight out rightly upon the professional killers who had held me captive. I only remember killing the two. I was being held in a populated, remote compound. I do not recall how I got out of it. I remember walking through a lot of wilderness like I was on auto-pilot, one foot in front of the other, endlessly until I came to a place where I could be picked up and get help. It was sometime, before my unit told me that the "cleaning ladies" went to clean out the nest I was held in, only to find that every last person in that place was already deader than disco when they got there. Somehow, some part of me took over and finished the job that I, in no way had the physical strength left to do alone at the time. I had wondered about that for many years with no idea, until I heard Duncan and Dave relate their story of the Cambodian incursion.
Even then, I did not want to accept or believe it, but this is not the kind of thing that any man would forget. Except I DID forget certain key parts of it. I examine many aspects of my training and conditioning in the parts I fully remember of MK Ultra, and I'm looking for things that some how correspond to this kind of killing. Now that goofy movie, Men Who Stare At Goats comes to mind. But that is hardly the light hearted, goofy memories I have of this kind of conditioning. Most of our training and such was trauma based. We were made to be terrified of the results if we failed to accomplish the things we were commanded to do. There ARE fates worse than death, and we knew ALL of them intimately! To get me to leave my body to remote view or astral project, if you will, I was locked in a sensory deprivation tank until the only way to escape the blackness of non-existence, I had to reach out of myself to the realms of light and input, and be able to describe things that could be proven by my master's research or target areas. To remote view, or psychically track down a criminal and take him out, I had to see a file, photos and information peculiar to that one person and obsess over them day and night. To think as they would think and see what they would see, and know intimately those motives they had to do the things they were known to do. I would know where they were at moment by moment and track them down and my life would not be free of them until they were dead. This is not your typical New Age blissful way to learn these skills. It is ALL dark and traumatic and indelibly printed upon all of us who survived them.
So, it stands to reason that we did not simply sit in a room and stare at goats until they died. We had to have some kind of urgent, life threatening connections in order to generate that kind of responses. Everything in nature is "cause and effect". Not just mere whim and a command given. But darker and deeper!
Now this is the part of my essay, that is my version of "therapy", to help me make either explain or at least make some sense of the more bizarre aspects of my experiences. This is where I search all those painful memories for something that sheds some light in all of those deep, dark places in my life experience in this present paradigm. What parts of those strange and evil experiences would be needed to condition a person such as I to be able to do such incredible things? It may help you, to figure out what parts of these "super soldier" testimonies are credible for yourselves or not. But actually, this is for my own benefit to get a few more things out of those dark places and into the light where I can better understand them for myself. It is not an easy life, living with so much pain and darkness in it. I have to reconcile myself with all that I can uncover of it. As I said earlier in this: Just because I remember nearly everything, it doesn't mean that I understand all of it. I just store it away until I have more information to weigh with it at a later date. This is one of those times for me. As you are looking into these things too, I'll share what I can. Try not to tell me what you *think* really happened. You have no clue how far this has gone and what I, or the others have lived through. This is me trying to heal myself of yet another grievous personal injury. I have lived a large portion of my life, alone in the dark, and I've learned to rely on the one person who always has my best interests and survival at heart....ME!
I focus on the things that made remote viewing a mark to their death, The intensity and obsessive focus and trauma that pushed me beyond myself to do these things as if it were "natural" for me. Staring an animal or a person to death, without touching them, by merely focusing on it is far too trivial a thing to make that kind of connection work to any appreciable degree. I know that because it almost never has before for me. I remember the things and images of my early childhood, where fear or trauma based connections were begun and made. I remember being locked in a dark, nasty old, rat and spider infested basement as a punishment for some slight on my part as a boy. Alone in the dark, but this was unlike the tank, because I could sense the "lights" of nearly every living creature in the house. I knew the moment when Grandma would get home and let me out. I knew where others were in the house, and I knew, whether I could see them or not, where all the rats and spiders were crawling. I had found a wounded mallard duck in my Grandma's backyard one autumn and it came to me and I befriended it and called him "Ducky Boy". Of course, I wanted to keep him. My step father wanted to eat him. But I was determined to be his protector until he could heal. So, as the weather got quite cold, we kept him in my Grandma's basement. It was one of those old, converted from coal-to-oil furnaces and still had the rough hewn wooden bin and chute where the coal used to be delivered. A very dark place with a single weak electric bulb to light it and of course, nobody wanted to pay the electric bill to keep it lit all the time. And when the house was quiet and nobody there to protect the duck, the rats tried their best to get him. Big city, sewer rats. When I was aware of his distress, I would come down and sit with him in the dark and keep them at bay. I learned to despise them, and I didn't like the spiders much either. They all served to make both his and my life more difficult to protect or be nice enough to consider ourselves as "living well", and not just more hell in the dark. I had learned early in my craft lessons, that anything I could feel, I could transmit to others. Fear, infatuation, pain and all of these came most naturally for me. I couldn't let the cats into the basement to get the rats, because they would also be interested in the duck. I could keep them away with fear or threat of pain, but I had to leave him alone down there sometime, and they'd be back at him again and again until they had him worn down enough to eat him. The ONLY way to save the duck was to kill the rats. Setting traps or poison would only make it more dangerous for him too. And I learned something else to make the rats dead. I remember how badly it made the basement stink after they died down there. Eventually my step father, under the guise of setting Ducky Boy free, sold him to a Puerto Rican man to cook and eat. Not that I could fault that over much. But I digress.
The next step in the conditioning came in hating reptiles and such. Looking back, I find this unreasonable and unacceptable. But such is not what I was taught and conditioned for at the time. I was tormented in many nightmares with a seven foot tall "frogman" (not the scuba type) who would grab me and try to drag me back down into my grandmother's basement. It made a good night's sleep hard to come by, and I always had these dark circles under my eyes from so much of this sort of thing back then. It was hard to live and be sociable around people who could not understand these things, so I sought out the wilderness areas, by the Genesee River, the swamps and woods around Durand Eastman and Seneca Parks. And seeing the frogs looking at me, as if they knew what the monster frogman wanted to do to me. There were a lot of amphibian carcasses for the snapping turtles and herons to eat back then. I think from these and experiences like these is where I learned to reach deep within and find the inspiration to kill to preserve myself or those I loved. There are a good deal more "dreams" and instances where my fears and phobias were preyed upon until I found it within me to conquer them. But it would simply make this essay all the more tedious and verbose to endure. It was also at this time when my doctors and handlers began treating me more with "kid gloves" as if I were some kind of venomous serpent that they had to be careful about getting past a certain point of fear or dread. For me, if I knew I could kill it, I had no good reason to fear it. I hated fear. Where as certain creatures like themselves, seemed to feed on all that fear, I hated the taste and smell of it and even less so in myself. Duncan had mentioned that this sort of killing field was stored in some aspect of our "alters", and programmed to be initiated only in specific instances and be virtually unreachable to us any other way.
How is it, that we can speak about these things, and not be murdered by the spooks for it? It is obviously not fantasy, because if you're REALLY paying attention to this, and not some shill trying to find any lame excuse to allegedly debunk it, you'll know there's plenty enough evidence to suggest that we at least know or understand intimately the things we are telling you. Back when I was trying to disassociate myself from my murderous masters, they sent a few spooks to "lean on me". I defended myself and left their easily identifiable bodies laying about where certain officials would be asking very pointed, and diplomatically sensitive and embarrassing questions. For me, that wasn't more than a training exercise. But what kind of threat would trigger an even more difficult to explain "killing field"? I'll bet they've plenty to fear on those counts and tread very lightly. We could leave more bodies laying about than the Jonestown Massacre and not even be aware that we were triggered to it. And that field was very selective in who was effected in Duncan and Dave's experience in Cambodia. The people piloting the chopper, and the people they were trying to extract were not effected by it, but the surrounding hostiles WERE! For myself, at the very least, the entire compound where I was held and tortured was decimated to the last man. I hadn't heard anyone else locally was effected by this or not. But my tormentors never survived. Though I often wonder why it didn't trigger while or before they all got too busy torturing me. But I'm sure that I have much more to re-examine and explore to find and claim my own control over that piece of programming as I have with all the rest of it. Who knows how much more I'll discover hidden away inside? For yourselves, this will be an interesting story anyway.
BookRix Publishing
Double Dragon Publishing
WitchMan53: John Stormm's official Youtube channel
John Stormm Youtube presentations collected by Connie Miles
Military Technology of Interest to the research of UFOs, alien abduction, future military technology + HIVE MIND : An article on technology in general
"Heavy research into aircraft technics during World War II led to the creation of the first rocket and jet aircraft. Subsequently the first claims of breaking the sound barrier were made during the war. However, the first recognized flight exceeding the speed of sound for the first time by a manned aircraft in controlled level flight was on October 14, 1947 in an American research project, using the experimental Bell X-1 research rocket plane, piloted by Charles "Chuck" Yeager. The first production plane to break the sound barrier was an F-86 Canadair Sabre with the first 'supersonic' woman pilot, Jacqueline Cochran, at the controls, although this aircraft was not designed with regular supersonic flights in mind"-wikipedia-supersonic speed
What I'm trying to understand is...
A) Do theories of back engineered alien or Nazi (or Nazi alien channeling based...) technology hold any weight and
B) Does this play some vital role in the abduction phenomenon, explaining away most aspects of the abduction as a military operation and not an otherworldly medical exam.
With only a brief understanding of C.I.A. and Nazi mind science, one can understand how electroshock and psychotronics can turn into bright lights and little grey men, but I find it just as important to prove to skeptics of the entire study, that this is a tangible phenomenon. Tangible but not parallel to beliefs widely held in this field(s).
" In the period 1948-1949, sources within the British Government were extremely interested in determining the extent to which the Nazis had succeeded in constructing flying saucer-like aircraft during the Second World War; and furthermore, those same sources were expressing concern regarding the extent to which the Soviets might have capitalized on this technology...
This can be amply shown by virtue of the fact that as far back as September 1949, the Air Ministry’s Scientific and Technical Intelligence Branch (STIB) was regularly receiving clippings culled from all manner of publications on both Nazi saucers and various other UFO reports.
To illustrate this, on 14 September 1949, the STIB received from the Press Information Room of the Air Ministry’s Intelligence Division, a selection of newspaper reports concerning UFO activity over Vienna, Austria. Now it’s Flaming Saucers, proclaimed one such clipping from the Daily Herald on 12 September 1949. Similarly, only months later, the STIB received from the Press Information Room, a large batch of magazine articles photocopied from German newspapers and science periodicals on both highly-advanced flying saucer designs postulated by the Nazis during the Second World War, as well as post-War designs on the drawing-boards of the Soviets and the Americans"-mysterious universe / Nick Redfern
If military craft are used in abductions, we can safely assume they would be stealth craft. The most reported in strictly MILAB cases or what are officially deemed military abductions, is the TL-3 or TR-3 craft. (list of advanced aircraft capable of abductions or similar stealth applications)
"At this time, I am aware of the existence of ten kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form.
"These ten are:
the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber
the Aurora
Lockheed-Martin’s X-33A
Boeing and Airbus Industries’ Nautilus
the TR3-A Pumpkinseed
the TR3-B Triangle
Northrop’s Great Pumpkin disc
Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical’s XH-75D
Shark antigravity helicopter
Lockheed-Martin and Northrop’s jointly-developed TAW-50 hypersonic antigravity fighter-bomber
Before we examine these ten exotic aerospace craft, a brief overview of the different forms of generating antigravity fields is in order.
-Advanced Craft
The most primitive antigravity technology is electrogravitic. This involves using voltages in the millions of volts to disrupt the ambient gravitational field. This results in an 89% reduction in gravity’s hold on airframes in such vehicles as the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the TR3-B Astra triangular craft. And given the considerable ambient ionization field I observed around the X-22A, it is reasonable to assume that extreme-voltage electrogravitics is also employed with these craft.
The next level up of sophistication is magnetogravitic. This involves generating high-energy toroidal fields spun at incredible rpm’s, which also disrupts the ambient gravitational field, indeed to the extent that a counterforce to Earth’s gravitational pull is generated. The early British aeronautical engineers called this dynamic counterbary. This may have been used in some earlier American saucers and prototypes, but I have only been told that the secret Nautilus spacefaring craft uses magnetic pulsing , which appears to utilize this technology.
The third level of sophistication, that used in the more modern American antigravity craft, is direct generation and harnessing of the gravitational strong force. Such a strong-force field extends slightly beyond the atomic nucleus of Element 115, an exotic element donated by Star Visitor scientist-consultants to human scientists at S-4, a secret base south of Area 51. By amplifying that exposed gravitational strong force, and using antimatter reactor high energy, and then directing it, it is possible to lift a craft from the Earth and then change directions by vectoring the shaped antigravity force field thus generated. Important information about this third technology is available on Bob Lazar’s website. (1) This information is also described on the Bob Lazar video. Lazar worked on extraterrestrial technology at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Area 51’s Site S-4. (2)"
- They are seen at specific altitudes, or very close to the ground, usually less than 500 feet.
- They are much slower than conventional aircraft.
- They are seen over interstate highways.
- They are seen over areas of dense population or over areas of economic development.
- No identifiable identification.
- Unconventional lighting.
- Specific flight paths.
"For one, the Cabal conduct psychological warfare operations on innocent civilians by projecting and having a realistic-looking 3-D fake extraterrestrial visit a human person. This image can be blended with psychotronic thought-projections into the head of the civilian victim, so she thinks the extraterrestrial is communicating with her. This visit is misused to give the victim menacing messages. And the Cabal can even beam false emotion-generating waves at the victim to make her think that the extraterrestrial is emitting cold or menacing vibes.
If an even more intense terrifying experience is desired, the Cabal can render the victim unconscious by either psychotronics or sleeper gas, etc.. And then Cabal special operatives invade her bedroom, haul her aboard one of the XH-75D Stealth antigravity Shark helicopters, whisk her away to a secure (usually underground) facility, where she may be interrogated, threatened, abused, terrorized, gang-raped, drugged, and hypnotically programmed to mis-remember her ordeal as an alien abduction . She is then returned home to let the sleeper drug wear off. Voila Another duped victim of alien abductions to go around spreading the word of how terrible they are. This new unwitting propaganda "agent" costs the Cabal nothing more, and can mislead the public for years. "
For additional impact, in their MILABS, Cabal operatives use high technology, including antigravity “tractor beams” (to draw persons up into disguised, silent, hovering antigravity helicopters masked as “UFOs”, which then take the victim to an installation made to seem like a UFO base, so that the victim will become confused and blame “the aliens” for Cabal kidnapping and abuse.
And in other operations Cabal operatives use this technology, plus hand-held lasers, to lift up livestock, core out the livestock’s organs, and drop them back on the pasture to create the negative propaganda impression that “heartless aliens” had been engaged in “cattle mutilations”."
This is an experimental way of looking at history. It is filled with facts but not with the same objectives as most historical documentation. This blog does pose the idea that a strange seance and the Bush family may have drastically shaped our world much in the way that John Dee molded the British Empire.
The new steps in human advancement (mostly under the military's initial advisement as well as dime) include full control of the mind, and therefore the individual, through physical, psychic, and technological means. For these mind controlled subjects to be servants of a totalitarian state, might seem like a reach to those working on these projects, and seemingly a nightmare to every crack pot conspiracy theorist on the planet, but it is simply where this stuff is headed. The majority of us, see it in the movies and we see it coming in the headlines, and before you know it, the whole of society couldn't care less about cameras on every street corner or wars fought in their name but without their understanding, or give a fuck.
1999- Matrix completed
Movies like the Matrix, Akira, Surrogates, 13th Floor, Nirvana, Existenz, Total Recall, and others use clues from the projected future of technology and human consciousness to show us where we are headed; and fast.
A simulacra, a mere simulation of a place or a people, as in Disney World and tourist towns struggling to keep face for the sake of sucking in money. Into their fake world to keep afloat both previews for our future of culture, if drastic changes are not made.
The postmodern collage becomes the virtual world of our cyber psychic graveyards and skyscrapers. We reach to such tall heights, as we stare down into a glare, which is yet to prove it's usefulness in real human terms. Smart phones are replacing smart people at as alarming a rate as HD TVs are replacing real experiences.
Relevant Headlines (links)
Hive Minded - military robots, magick, and Russia 2045, VR, etc.
Google's drive into robotics should concern us all: Google buys Boston Dynamics
Above top: real life insignia Above below: Star Trek insigniaHIVE MIND
The following post has been percolating a long time in the imagination and extracurricular readings of at least one, if not all, of the members of Psycube. So much so, that, what you are about to read is ultimately an accumulation of thousands of scattered notes, bookmarked on-line magazine articles, and not-so easy to dig up radio interviews that stretch over years of fact gathering. From future conceptualization and prophecy out of a hazy and unsure past, to the final mass production of some of the very exotic technologies discussed, this writing aims to invoke in the reader a contemplation on the modern world and its ever increasing rate of development of slightly confusing and creepy change in the methods and application of technology; of not only the external world, but of the energy and spirit of internal and social communications in this world.
This is not to incite fear against technological advance that clearly has the potential to save lives and improve the quality of life for everyone. To the contrary, there certainly seems enough of that nightmare vision in our last half century of science fiction alone. Instead, this work merely inquires as to whether complete global domination by such systems, almost overnight, is the only option? In a world where the very “technology” of the occult (hidden) inner workings of human physiology, particularly neurological studies and methods of more natural healing (but not psychotic or delusional scams pretending to be this), are hardly understood yet largely capitalized on in the name of advanced technology or New Age fantasy. (As in the case of the current pharmaceutical riot sweeping American children, as well as the mentally ill---even supposedly borderline or nonsevere unclear cases---and the elderly.)
We shall not waste time here going through each and every robot rebellion scenario and all the things we know robots may be capable of as dictated to us by movies. Instead we will use movies as a guide to currently blossoming technologies of all kinds while explaining how a robot rebellion may be more likely and phrased more properly when referring to ourselves, the humans, as the robots who are about ready for a rebellion. This of course can be done through entirely peaceful and calm means by simply creating corporate strategies that work for everyone, and getting the corporations to make money off of new courses of action which would not harm the planet or people and still make those corporate dollars to keep the progress train running. For instance, major car companies can finally invest in one of the hundreds of designs for an Earth friendly car and everyone would be happy and guilt free, so long as the corporations were able to make money in a new and risky market such as the “don’t destroy the Earth” market, and the public would simply go for the guarantee that their vehicle was better for the planet. They could then use combinations of robotic and human staff to accomplish their goals in time so that the humans could be paid for completing more work in less time. This model could be used in every company until all small businesses---without resorting to cheap third-world slave labor by producing most parts in house with 3D printing technology---would be on an equal playing field with larger corporations; especially when using social networking platforms to expand even the smallest business or idea into an empire ripe for a juicy initial public offering. The “buying shit we don’t need” mentality which drives the American economy would likely continue, but with the majority of the money going right back into the pockets of the societal level of the economy and not the 1% top of the pyramid.
We shall not waste time here going through each and every robot rebellion scenario and all the things we know robots may be capable of as dictated to us by movies. Instead we will use movies as a guide to currently blossoming technologies of all kinds while explaining how a robot rebellion may be more likely and phrased more properly when referring to ourselves, the humans, as the robots who are about ready for a rebellion. This of course can be done through entirely peaceful and calm means by simply creating corporate strategies that work for everyone, and getting the corporations to make money off of new courses of action which would not harm the planet or people and still make those corporate dollars to keep the progress train running. For instance, major car companies can finally invest in one of the hundreds of designs for an Earth friendly car and everyone would be happy and guilt free, so long as the corporations were able to make money in a new and risky market such as the “don’t destroy the Earth” market, and the public would simply go for the guarantee that their vehicle was better for the planet. They could then use combinations of robotic and human staff to accomplish their goals in time so that the humans could be paid for completing more work in less time. This model could be used in every company until all small businesses---without resorting to cheap third-world slave labor by producing most parts in house with 3D printing technology---would be on an equal playing field with larger corporations; especially when using social networking platforms to expand even the smallest business or idea into an empire ripe for a juicy initial public offering. The “buying shit we don’t need” mentality which drives the American economy would likely continue, but with the majority of the money going right back into the pockets of the societal level of the economy and not the 1% top of the pyramid.
The number one fear, and it is a justified one, is that when the machines “wake up,” when a supposed singularity takes place and an artificial intelligence network wakes up for the first time, it would logically consider a series of reasonable scenarios upon waking:
1. That the planet’s survival, the survival of all life on the planet, and the survival of possible extraterrestrial races who may make contact with the planet are all in severe danger of extinction from the human race.
2. The new intelligent form of life in artificial intelligence would likely decide to wipe out humanity, and not as a Hollywood robot prop gone haywire, but as a genuine emotionless logical decision by a networked intelligence plugged in to enough systems to accomplish the goal. Though this view is quite negative, I refer the reader to the Animatrix Renaissance series where they show the robots attempting to be reasonable but also our own hate and fear driving us, not only to war with each-other, but to the ultimate destruction of the Earth by blocking sunlight from reaching it. The use of robot workman is a metaphor for the type of slavery which was imposed mostly on black Africans in early United States history and also for the faceless drones who make expensive basketball shoes and cell phones in overseas factories for a meager salary. The Hollywood progression from there would have the A.I. seek to be equal with humans in every way and eventually supplanting humans as the dominant species on the globe.
3. Anthony Sanchez and other like-minded researchers have pointed out the “Skynet” nature of military computer systems which unite the other seven (channels) of the internet under the control of the military.
4. The robots and the internet will be interlinked with the city grid (also referred to as smart city) which will be put in place to link up all the electronic data within major cities. This system is explained in every detail by Jobe in his “New World Order” speech in Lawnmower Man 2 as he rests a pyramid in a model city after holding it above his third eye. The military artificial intelligence is linked with a space platform which has satellite surveillance capabilities over the entire planet. It is the first major All-Seeing Weapon of the New World Order.
5. Along with the connecting of these A.I. operated communication systems, the major world governments are currently excited about switching to humanoid robot soldiers in the next five years. The US military is hoping to increasingly replace soldiers with humanoid robots and is testing several D.A.R.P.A. projects until finally ending with a mostly mechanical army by 2015. These types of projects seem to be working in conjunction with the Russia 2045 program which moves toward the ever increasing virtualization of the world until a final Thirteenth Floor or Matrix-like scenario has fully replaced the real world.
The Good, the Bad, And the Worker Bee
The RFID chip
Conspiracy theorists have been repeatedly drawn to the potential dangers of radio-frequency ID “chips.” It doesn’t help that the Freemason’s fingerprinting program to help find lost kids is called Masonichip, as if eventually biometric data such as fingerprints will be part of a “chip” used as identification, possibly even tied to bank accounts and personal information on the internet. There is no larger proof of brainwashing, no larger proof of something odd happening to people who claim to be alien abductees, and no easier proof that Generation X, with their identity reliance on tattoos and piercings, than when these people line up to be chipped. It may be from apathy or the lazy desire to not have to carry ID cards and passports, or they may have so given over their personal responsibility to the State that they willingly obey intrusions into their personal property and privacy. An attitude like this that wouldn’t be opposed to an electronic currency consisting solely of digital code and lacking any real value. Known in film as “credits” or in real life as alternative digital currency, today’s electronic money is stateless, in the case of Bitcoin it can be found in coin form, and it has the potential to be fairly anonymous and secure from speculation and manipulation. However, it won’t be long before it is replaced by a controlled and manipulable facsimile. While on the topic of currency, a Rothschild banking expert recently discussed the positive aspects of the New World Order’s plan for the future of money, a one world digital currency, detailing how America isn’t the only country in horrible debt.
Eventually this leads to the subject of Star Trek and the Federation’s role in the scientific investigation and diplomacy with other planets, or other countries to use a more earth based analogy. A left brained approach to what could be considered a kind of galactic United Nations, but one with enforcement capabilities like the Green Lantern Corps which is an intergalactic police force.
In Star Trek and Star Wars there are wars involving clones and mixes of super soldiers and bionic beings which assimilate humans and other aliens. Star Wars gives us one of our first clear ideas of what an unmanned military drone might be like with the Empire’s planetary probe which landed on Hoth to search for signs of the rebellion and came equipped with its own energy weapon or “blaster.” In John Carpenter's cult conspiracy hit They Live, the character Nada, played by professional wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper, wakes up from “the matrix” and finds apparent aliens secretly running the world through brainwashing and the use of secret societies of willing human participants. Piper claimed on his Twitter account that the film was actually “a documentary,” and we can see parallels in real life as his character shoots down a spy drone, the presence of which is now a reality for Americans.
The Good
Equipped with an RFID chip a person can be found by police, or whomever gains access to the database. Today this can be accomplished with some degree of accuracy using the targets cell phone and social networks (where they “check in” at), but a passive RFID chip could get picked up by sensors at every business entrance, bus stop, subway turnstile, and even crosswalks, pinpointing the target and tracking his or her movement through a city. Such chips would likely also be used as a digital wallet and can be ‘turned off’ which would cut off funds for the target in this future cashless society we are imagining.
Household pets have implanted chips which could record the name and address of the pet’s owner as well as the medical history of the pet, but GPS tracking chips, for technical reasons, tend to reside on dog collars and on wristbands for kids. Again, a passive RFID chip could be read by many methods and wouldn’t require it’s own power source or a clear view of the sky and GPS satellites.
The Bad
RFID’s have been reportedly found implanted in alien abductees going back several decades (see the work of Dr. Roger Leir), as well as MKUltra survivors, military personnel, and some persons referred to as super soldiers. Regardless of one’s personal opinion of these groups of people, they all claim proof of two things: one is the implant itself, a foreign body usually obviously a computer chip of some sort, and the second is that the chip has some effect, either in increasing or decreasing different human and superhuman abilities, as well as potentially affecting memory and behaviour.
Why would anyone be eager to implant a similar product in themselves before knowing why RFIDs are so similar to these other traumatic experiences (abduction) or what they are actually capable of (causing pain, releasing poison, geo-tracking, etc.). Others who have done research on the chips track them back to sinister corporations with odd clients, almost all which are involved in military experiments on the human mind and body.
The Worker Bee
In the worst case scenario, most conspiracies have us winding up in a FEMA camp holocaust. This is where the conspiracy mythology starts to lack sense. If we are chipped, then being rounded up is not really the immediate problem (since we’d already essentially be free-range prisoners). They don’t need human labor like in the Nazi concentration camps, so that’s probably not the way things will go down. The more technologically advanced countries in the New World Order will have robots and other still classified technology to do their labor and fight their wars. Military contractors and weapons manufacturers will still be raking in a large chunk of tax dollars.
Films have shown future humans as the subjects of a draconian society ending up as slaves on mining colonies on meteors, moons and planets, kept in line with brainwashing and conditioning (Brave New World) or electronic-fence collars or chips (Running Man). To be free or imprisoned lacks distinction when people become zombies, working endless hours for basic necessities like food and even oxygen, while under the thumb of a nearly invulnerable police force of privately contracted psychopaths or robots who have an itchy blaster finger when it comes to dealing with the lower class.
The largest delay in the release of the Predator drone was other countries’ concerns over it’s be anywhere, see everything, armored capabilities which naturally made foreign governments a little uneasy. In military terms, drone aircraft are referred to as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), though the militaries obsession with acronyms seems like an attempt at distancing these weapon systems from the stigma of the word “drone.” The Air Force and domestic police apparently do not favor equating their weaponized unmanned aircraft with the idea of a mindless drone, one malfunction away from going on a rampage through a city. The fact is that a human drone, a heavily conditioned tin soldier, is guiding a rocket the size of a school bus into areas where civilian casualties, numbering at least 10 to 1 for each “insurgent” killed, are cold and disturbing facts. Maybe they should simply stick with the more fitting term afterall: drone. Either way, the more popular UAV is called a Predator drone, a name which would make the civilian population under its ever watchful eye very nervous. The spokesman for these weapons claims that they make finding and elimination of high priority targets easy and safer than with alternative weapons, when in fact this concept, like the belief that torture can extract valid information, is in practice usually false.
Hive minds, assimilation, nano tech viruses that stop at nothing, evil clones, and Skynet Termination programs are just a handful of the ways that Kubrick, as lost as the billionaire’s who control the Overlook Hotel but as calculating as HAL, starts this idea (received in the cyclic meditation on his films) that he was starting to show us the first reflections of our current national dilemmas (in America).
We see disillusionment with the whole of space travel, with the recent unbelievable layoffs at NASA, the obsession with violence as an empire and as a society; staying mostly positive and hopeful while choking on the smokescreen of attention obliterating mass media and their opinion forming talking points. We see the death of the idea of the soul through the emulation of completely programmable life forms. In this case we refer to reality shows with artificial people who broadcast their shadows across all the wavelengths the eyes, and ears can transmit. This is the final cliff, the final chance to turn back, the ability to realize hope and survival of the real before we dive collectively off the cliff into waves of nauseating disorienting simulacra. We have all the clues before us, all the most desired answers in plain sight but we cling hard to the mirage.
The mirage is not a poetic reference, it is a virtual reality program being spawned out of the exact ideas exhibited in the film The Thirteenth Floor. Like The Matrix, Nirvana, eXistenZ, Strange Days, and real life Project 2045 these films explain that eventually reality will become so mundane by being overrun by over sensory stimulation, society will resort to an entirely virtual world that everyone can escape to. Anyone familiar with modern video games will recognize the escapist lifestyle that World of Warcraft, Skyrim (Skynet?), and Call of Duty have already created for millions of players who spend thousands of hours developing the avatars they choose for themselves in those virtual worlds.
The mirage is not a poetic reference, it is a virtual reality program being spawned out of the exact ideas exhibited in the film The Thirteenth Floor. Like The Matrix, Nirvana, eXistenZ, Strange Days, and real life Project 2045 these films explain that eventually reality will become so mundane by being overrun by over sensory stimulation, society will resort to an entirely virtual world that everyone can escape to. Anyone familiar with modern video games will recognize the escapist lifestyle that World of Warcraft, Skyrim (Skynet?), and Call of Duty have already created for millions of players who spend thousands of hours developing the avatars they choose for themselves in those virtual worlds.
Russia 2045
Published on Apr 28, 2012
In February of 2012 the first Global Future 2045 Congress was held in Moscow. There, over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines met to develop a strategy for the future development of humankind. One of the main goals of the Congress was to construct a global network of scientists to further research on the development of cybernetic technology, with the ultimate goal of transferring a human's individual consciousness to an artificial carrier.
2012-2013. The global economic and social crises are exacerbated. The debates on the global paradigm of future development intensifies.
New transhumanist movements and parties emerge. Russia 2045 transforms into World 2045.
Simultaneously, the international social network for open innovation is expanding. Here anyone interested may propose a project, take part in working on it, or fund it, or both. In the network, there are scientists, scholars, researchers, financiers and managers.
2013-2014. New centers working on cybernetic technologies for the development of radical life extension rise. The 'race for immortality' starts.
2015-2020. The Avatar is created -- A robotic human copy controlled by thought via 'brain-computer' interface. It becomes as popular as a car.
2020. In Russia and in the world appear -- in testing mode -- several breakthrough projects:
Android robots replace people in manufacturing tasks; android robot servants for every home; thought-controlled Avatars to provide telepresence in any place of the world and abolish the need business trips; flying cars; thought driven mobile communications built into the body or sprayed onto the skin.
2020-2025. An autonomous system providing life support for the brain and allowing it interaction with the environment is created. The brain is transplanted into an Avatar B. With Avatar B man receives new, expanded life.
2025. The new generation of Avatars provides complete transmission of sensations from all five sensory robot organs to the operator.
2030-2035. ReBrain -- The colossal project of brain reverse engineering is implemented. World science comes very close to understanding the principles of consciousness.
2035. The first successful attempt to transfer one's personality to an alternative carrier. The epoch of cybernetic immortality begins.
2040-2050. Bodies made of nanorobots that can take any shape arise alongside hologram bodies.
2045-2050. Drastic changes in social structure, and in scientific and technological development. All the
for space expansion are established.
For the man of the future, war and violence are unacceptable. The main priority of his development is spiritual self-improvement.
A new era dawns: The era of neohumanity."
Emerginh Technologies Hype Cycles 2012
Source: informationstrategyrsm
Robot Army for the Future
Links: Frank Zero movie sync
- Robot Programmed to Fall in Love with a Girl Goes too Far – DIY Tech - TG Daily
Researchers at Toshiba’s Akimu Robotic Research Institute were thrilled ten months ago when they successfully programmed Kenji, a third generation humanoid robot, to convincingly emulate certain human emotions. At the time, they even claimed that Ken
Super Soldiers / MK-Ultra / Project Talent / The exteWhat is referred to as Project Talent / military or secret augmentations / alien abductees remote viewers / whistle-blowers whose data directly relates to the above focus.
- Casbolt, James (a.k.a.Michael Prince, self professed high ranking super soldier deep within the Fourth Reich in America and the U.K.)
- Clark, Tyler (Psi Tracker)
- Channon,Jim (First Earth Battalion=Men Who Stare At Goats)
- Finioan,O Duncan (First generation "super soldier" though he sees the term as quite misleading, he exhibits super strength, agility, and has memory lapses symptomatic of at least TBMC)
- Johnston, Miles (Bases=AMMACH, radio host, "scuttler contactee", communications and science fiction expert)
- Marrow, David (super soldier, many themes in common with X-Files and X-Men)
- Mccollum, Aaron (military abduction abductor, National Guard, psychic, super soldier)
- Rink, James (super soldier,YouTube show host
- Targ,Russel (C.I.A. remote viewer)
- Spiers, Max (super soldier)
- Adams, Sara (spiritual soldier)
- Green Doctor (possibly synonymous with, or identical to...)
- Mengele,Josef (Angel of Death, Nazi doctor imported to the U.S. as an expert in torture, twins, weaponization of occultism,etc,)
- Cameron,Ewan- (Canadian Doctor turned psychotic criminal by adopting Mengele's no holds barred methodology to psychology, which became Nazi/American torture, emntal driving, etc...
- Delgado,Jose (pioneered electronic control of the mind)
- Bill Woodward (super soldier, whistle-blower relating personal testimony of the criminal use of predator drones as well as secret projects
- Burisch Dan (alleged contemporary ex-member of MJ-12)
- Begich Nick (scientist and whistle-blower regarding weather control and full electronic control of an individual, demographic, or entire populous)
- Cooper William (extreme conspiracy theorist who died in a shoot out with the government. Cooper wrote one of the most relied on and believed in tomes of conspiracy culture "Behold a Pale Horse" which outlines in detail and alleged documentation, every conspiracy theory ever concocted before David Icke put down the soccer ball.)
- Brien, O Cathy (figurehead of the MK-Ultra and targeted individual crowd, wrote at least two books on her experiences as an MK-Ultra survivor, or "illuminati puppet" including Tranceformation of America
- Solaris BlueRaven-electronics, technology, communications expert, with alleged synthetic telepathy abilities, which is used in some secret military capacity...though it does not protect Solaris from attacks from the band Rush, particularly their accomplished drummer Neil Peart
- Friedman Stanton- One of the most scholarly well spoken and reasonable nuts and bolts UFO researcher,
- Redfern Nick- one of the leading modern researchers of aliens, monsters, and government secrets of any strange nature
- Keel John- prolific possibly dangerously prophetic author of UFO and mind control literature, public speaker
- Wilson Robert Anton- amazing author and great spirited public speaker, also known as RAW. He like his contemporaries, Terrence Mckenna, and Timothy Leary saw a light at the end of the UFO tunnel without insisting on any one truth or cult ritual, and this is still something we can learn from in the field.
- Helms Richard-CIA Director
- (" Richard McGarrah Helms (March 30, 1913 – October 23, 2002)[1] served as the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), June 1966 to February 1973. Helms began intelligence work with the Office of Strategic Services during World War II. Following the 1947 creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) he rose in its ranks during the Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy administrations. Helms served as DCI under Johnson, then Nixon...Helms favored information gathering (whether interpersonal or technical, whether covert or overt) and its analysis, and counterintelligence, but remained a skeptic about clandestine operations. He saw it as his duty to keep official secrets. Helms understood his career role as being a person who might express strong opinions over a decision under review, yet in the end working as a team player within the agency, where the President had the final say. While DCI, Helms followed his predecessor McCone in improving the management of the agency." -wikipedia, Helms
- Levenda Peter
- Ongley Laura
- M.I.B. (seemingly non human entities pretending to be threatening military intelligence types. Because their clothes and vehicles are always in noticeably pristine shape, yet they seem alien to human customs and processes; one might theorize they either travel space or time or both
- Joseph,Farell (author topics related to Third and Fourth Reich, UFOs, anthropology)
- Himmler, Heinrich (Occult leader in the Third Reich)
- Lee Bruce
- Outpost
- Universal Soldier
- Solo
- Far Cry
- Metal Gear Solid
- Terminator
- Conspiracy Theory
- S.A.L.T.
- Star Wars: Clone Wars
- Clone (BBC)
- Le Femme Nikita (all)
- X-Men 90s animated: Weapon X, Lies, and Videotape
- Spider Man Unlimited
- Tomorrow People
- Robocop Alpha
- Sonic The Hedgehog Underground
- G.I.Joe:
- Exo Squad
- Comic Books:
- Disavowed
- O.M.A.C.
- G.I.Joe
- Weapon X
- Wolverine
- Omega Red
- The Professor
- Adamantium
- Super Soldiers
- Captain America
- Red Skull
- Deathlok
- Punisher
- Spider Man: Clone Wars
Appendix: “The record shows that Bureau of Narcotics Agent George White, who was asked by Gottlieb in 1952 to work on LSD research for the CIA, see Declaration of Sidney Gottlieb ¶¶ 4 (April 23, 1996) (“Gottlieb Declaration”), conducted LSD experiments on unsuspecting persons in New York City. White may have given LSD to unwitting friends in his New York City apartment in November 1952, and beginning in June 1953 he administered LSD to unsuspecting persons (typically drug informants and prostitutes) with whom he came into contact in his work as a narcotics agent. See Kronisch III, 1997 WL 907994, at *6 n.8… See Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Senate Committee on Human Resources on S. 1893, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 204 (Sept. 20 and 21, 1977) (“Kennedy Committee Hearings”) (testimony of Sidney Gottlieb).” “Church Committee Report at 391. MKULTRA records were destroyed in January 1973 by TSD personnel acting on the orders of Gottlieb, who in turn had obtained approval from Helms.” 1977 hearings Project MKULTRA The CIA’s Program Of Research In Behavioral Modification 1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA Cover Page 1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA Opening Remarks “Some 2 years ago, the Senate Health Subcommittee heard chilling testimony about the human experimentation activities of the CIA. The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over 30 universities and institutions were involved in an “extensive testing and experimentation” program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens “at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.” Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to “unwitting subjects in social situations.” Mind control: psychological reality or mindless rhetoric? “Mind control is the process by which individual or collective freedom of choice and action is compromised by agents or agencies that modify or distort perception, motivation, affect, cognition and/or behavioral outcomes. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles. Conformity, compliance, persuasion, dissonance, reactance, guilt and fear arousal, modeling and identification are some of the staple social influence ingredients well studied in psychological experiments and field studies. In some combinations, they create a powerful crucible of extreme mental and behavioral manipulation when synthesized with several other real-world factors, such as charismatic, authoritarian leaders, dominant ideologies, social isolation, physical debilitation, induced phobias, and extreme threats or promised rewards that are typically deceptively orchestrated, over an extended time period in settings where they are applied intensively….has also been reported that the CIA put into practice nearly 150 projects–collectively termed MKULTRA–to develop various forms of exotic mind control, including the use of LSD and hypnosis.” Covert Captive – An Investigative Report of the Inhumane Use of former U. S. Assistant Attorney, Eugene L. Stone by the CIA. Hayward B. Shepherd, 1994 The book is on a CD in PDF format, available for $20.00 incl S + H from Shepherd Media Engineering, 111 Pheasant Lane, Summerville, SC 29485. E-mail : page 123 “MKULTRA, A Codeword project started in the 1950 s to study interrogation techniques and the use of drugs as tools in the techniques. At that time MK was frequently used as a prefix if there was a military application. ULTRA was the codeword used by British Intelligence for their WWII super secret project which was able to decode German cryptographic messages. Perhaps the originator of this codeword considered that the work being done with mind control was also that super secret.” page 150 “In the fall of 1959 the CIA shuffled people around, hired an assortment of researchers in the field of mind control, and finalized a long range plan for expanding its mind control technology….office was to coordinate with Covert Operations to find a mission which would be ideal for testing a programmed Agent….idea of using Gene Stone as the first subject remained unquestioned. This was now near the end of the Eisenhower administration, and despite a number of blunders, the CIA was riding a high in prestige and funding. All involved in planning were firmly confident that by 1965 they would be ready to deliver a programmed Eugene Stone to Covert Operations.” The man who hand-carried to Leopoldville (Kinshasa) ‘lethal biological material’ cultured specifically to kill Patrice Lumumba…Sidney Gottlieb…Dr Gottlieb joined the CIA in 1951 as chief of its technical services division. Two years later he was made responsible for a literally mind-manipulating project called MKULTRA, ironically along the same lines as Nazi scientists had experimented upon Jewish and other prisoners.” Some Declassified Mk-Ultra Project Documents Committee on Human Radiation Exp. – Brief Descriptions of Doc. Collections The Coldest Warrior – 12/16/01 – “As the CIA’s sorcerer, Gottlieb had also attempted to raise assassination to an art form. Out of his labs had come a poisoned handkerchief designed to do in a Libyan colonel, a bacteriological agent for a Congolese leader and debilitating potions intended for Cuba’s Fidel Castro. (None of these toxins are known to have found their mark.) Hounded by reporters, congressional investigators and his victims, Gottlieb had virtually vanished from Washington in the mid-1970s…But Olson’s death didn’t end CIA-funded experiments with LSD… according to records made public in the mid-’70s, the funding and scope of that research expanded. Many of the details will likely never be known. Gottlieb had destroyed the MK-ULTRA files just before retiring. The records might be “misunderstood,” he had said.” Mid-century deaths all linked to CIA? New evidence in Olson case suggests similarities with other incidents 9/4/01 – “In 1998, WorldNetDaily first reported on the CIA’s secret behavior-modification program MK-ULTRA, which included experimentation with LSD on unsuspecting subjects. Authors H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly’s new book (“A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Cold War Experiments”) deals with the mysterious death of one alleged subject, Dr. Frank Olson….(in) the authors’ third for WorldNetDaily, Albarelli and Kelly reveal new evidence that suggests a possible link between Olson’s death and several other similar deaths in the same time period.” Are you one of the thousands of people used as a human guinea pig by your own government during the Cold War? A Nation Betrayed is the culmination of documentation obtained from over 18,000 pages of declassified documents and testimony from survivors of these experiments. Rutz’s book gives us a first hand view of a government in such fear of communism that it loses sight of the safety of it’s own people. To counter the threat of communism, the CIA conspires to build the perfect spy from our country’s innocent children. After being imported for their knowledge and expertise, some of the same Nazi scientists and doctors who performed grizzly experiments carried out in the death camps during World War II join forces with the U.S Government in these efforts. Her book walks us through her horrifying journey of experimentation and training by her CIA torturers beginning at the age of four as part of the government sanctioned Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA Projects. Using electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and insidious trauma, our government performs Mind Control experiments on her and other innocent children. The objective is creation of a Manchurian Candidate-a sleeper assassin-as well as instilling skills in ESP and remote viewing. A Nation Betrayed also shows how our own tax dollars paid doctors and hospitals to conduct Cold War research with chemical and biological warfare materials and radiation. Why hasn’t our government been held accountable not only for these atrocities, but for dumping chemicals at sea, testing chemicals on unsuspecting U.S. populations, administering LSD to unwitting soldiers, feeding radioactive cereal to retarded children, and other unthinkable acts in the name of national security? A Nation Betrayed is a must read to educate the Nation about these abuses, because our silence conveys a powerful message to those in power. Without the necessary changes, history is doomed to repeat itself. Table of Contents and Preface can be read at Book contains a complete Index. Email Carol Rutz at with questions. Publication Date: July 2001 – Retail Price: U.S. Dollars – $15.95 from Fidelity Publishing P.O. Box 365, Grass Lake, MI 49240-0365, Size: 5 ½ x 8 ½, 262 pages, Trade Paperback, Author: Rutz, Carol – ISBN: 0-9710102-0-X – Add $3.95 Shipping in Continental U.S. – Query for shipping to other locations. In the United States, the American public have had the knowledge of the CIA’s Top Secret Program, MKUltra, and its experimentation in Mind Control on adult volunteers and unwitting subjects. Now, we have a well-documented, verifiable account of not one, but two childrens’ long untold stories of being CHILD subjects of Project MKUltra. In the new book, “Secret Weapons: Two Sisters’ Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage,” we find the horrific, yet, informative narratives of Cheryl and Lynn Hersha, as they describe tortuous programming beginning at the tender ages of four and six years, and continuing into adulthood. Their harrowing accounts are supported by the fact-finding, breakthrough research of Dale Griffis, PhD., (a private investigator best known for his 25 yrs. of work in Ritual Abuse), and investigative journalist, Ted Schwarz, (who has authored over 100 books, countless magazine articles and other written media, including works on Dissociative Identity Disorder, True Crime Stories, and authorized biographies.) A must-read for all who believe in the inherent worth of every human being, and the triumph of the human spirit over the worst evils man can perpetuate against the very young it should be compelled to protect, be it by morality, ethical conduct, law, or common human decency. A riveting, heart-wrenching expose whose time has come. Quotes from the book: “By the time Cheryl Hersha came to the facility, knowledge of multiple personality was so complete that doctors understood how the mind separated into distinct ego states, each unaware of the other. First, the person traumatized had to be both extremely intelligent and under the age of seven, two conditions not yet understood though remaining consistent as factors. The trauma was almost always of a sexual nature…” p. 52 “The government researchers, aware of the information in the professional journals, decided to reverse the process (of healing from hysteric dissociation). They decided to use selective trauma on healthy children to create personalities capable of committing acts desired for national security and defense.” p. 53 – 54 The book also contains a variety of documents on mk-ultra and different projects as well as reports to the Presidential Committee on Radiation and Mind Control, including information on the five Canadians’ lawsuit against the U.S. Government. Government Research into ESP & Mind Control – By T. Porter – “Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined, were the tools of this quest for the ultimate truth serum on the one hand, and the capability to create an agent who could not have his or her mission tortured out of them, or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them in an altered state of consciousness. More and more sophisticated drugs were experimented with, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine.” 26 July 1963 – MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence -SUBJECT: Report of Inspection of MKULTRA – “The next phase of the MKULTRA program involves physicians, toxicologists, and other specialists in mental, narcotics, and general hospitals and in prisons, who are provided the products and findings of the basic research projects and proceed with intensive testing on human subjects.” This may be heavy for survivors to read. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, the entire book, is online at The Observer – 2/14/99 – The Observer Life Page; Pg. 32 – “…In 1952, Stanley Glickman was a promising young painter studying in Paris. Then one night he shared a drink with some fellow Americans, and his life fell apart. Did the CIA spike his drink with LSD?” by Russ Baker Brainwashing and the CIA – Washington 25, D. C. – Office of the Director – 25 Apr 1956 Memorandum For: The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover Director, FBI – Subject: Brainwashing….(signed) Allen W.Dulles Director – A Report on Communist Brainwashing “…He tends to identify by expressing thanks to his captors for helping him see the light. Brainwashing can be achieved without using illegal means. Anyone willing to use known principles of control and reactions to control and capable of demonstrating the patience needed in raising a child can probably achieve successful brainwashing….The first letter and attachment are from Declassified Documents 1984 microfilms under MKULTRA (84) 002258,published by Research Publication Woodbridge, CT 06525….The second letter and attachment are from the Warren Commission documents. United States District Court Northern District of California Wayne A. Ritchie, Plaintiff, V. United States of America, Defendant. No. C 00-03940 MHP MEMORANDUM & ORDER Motion to Dismiss/ Motion for Summary Judgment “As explained in this court’s July 12, 2001 Memorandum and Order, plaintiff, a former Deputy United States Marshal, alleges that he was unwittingly given food or drinks that were laced with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or another psychoactive drug while attending a holiday party. Following this intoxication, and after visiting several bars, plaintiff initiated an armed robbery. Plaintiff was then taken into police custody where he wrote a letter of resignation. Plaintiff alleges that he was a victim of a national federal program called “MKULTRA” for the research and development of drugs to alter human behavior. Plaintiff maintains that he “first suspected that he might have been surreptitiously drugged” when he read Dr. Stanley Gottlieb’s obituary in the newspaper on March 15, 1999. Compl. ¶ 23. He found additional support for his suspicion in April 1999 when he read a diary entry of George White, an agent of the Bureau of Narcotics and allegedly the operating head of the CIA’s “mind-altering program” in San Francisco.” “”Defendant contends that plaintiff’s claims are barred by laches. To prevail, defendant must demonstrate that plaintiff “inexcusably delayed the pursuit of [his] claim,” causing prejudice. United States v. Marolf, 173 F.3d 1213, 1218 (9th Cir. 1999). For the reasons discussed above, defendant has failed to prove that plaintiff knew or should have known that his injury was caused by LSD before he read Dr. Gottlieb’s obituary in March 1999. Absent this proof, the court cannot find plaintiff’s delay “inexcusable.” Defendant’s motion is denied.”-
aghori baba-
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Welcome to brotherhood Illuminati where you can become
ReplyDeleterich famous and popular and your life story we be change
totally my name is Dan Jerry I am here to share my
testimony on how I join the great brotherhood Illuminati
and my life story was change immediately . I was very poor
no job and I has no money to even feed and take care of my
family I was confuse in life I don’t know what to do I try all
my possible best to get money but no one work out for me
each day I share tears, I was just looking out my family no
money to take care of them until one day I decided to join
the great Illuminati , I come across them in the internet I
never believe I said let me try I email them.all what they
said we happen in my life just started it was like a dream to
me they really change my story totally . They give me the
sum of $1,200,000 and many thing. through the Illuminati I
was able to become rich, and have many industry on my
own and become famous and popular in my country , today
me and my family is living happily and I am the most
happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the
Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like
other people and you life we be change totally.If you are
interested in joining the great brotherhood Illuminati.then
contact him +2348106618681 email:illuminatibrotherpowerful@ or you need my assistance
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