Rune Soup
Secret Sun
“Since the translation of Eastern texts has been made available, many psychologists have pounced on several Chinese terms for inclusion within the technical nomenclature of their own systems. One such term selected by Jung to have reference to a concept such as explained above in connection with the Yechidah(Kether), is Tao. This term, so ambiguous to the Western mind accustomed to precision and accurate definition, has been variously translated as God, or a goal, or heaven. The sinologue Wilhelm prefers the word “meaning” and Jung employed it as having a closer association with the conception which he wished to explain, for it is precisely this factor in consciousness which, eventually, provides a meaning for life and for man. And in the diagram which is provided in The Secret of the Golden Flower to which Jung wrote an erudite and profound European commentary the placing of the psychic factor Tao is similar to the position of Yechidah(Kether) upon the Qabalistic Tree of Life”
-Regardie, The Middle Pillar, pg29
Magick for the Youtube Generation Part 1
“Evil” people have their beliefs (some of which function quite well for their status in the physical realm) but are intolerably psychopathic. What I mean by "function," is that they can bring about their personal desired effect in reality, and hide in a normal people costume. Psychopaths are mental monsters pretending to be powerful people and egomaniacal artist, but who are actually predators in a species of creatures who inherently, when not being repressed one way or another, want to get along with most of the other members of the species. (If you’re thinking to yourself “I’m no psychopath but I also don’t get along with people...that is fine, as long as you are not trying daily to be better and more powerful than whole percentages of the human race and stepping on slaves to do it. We call this capitalism functioning through puppet governments and slave shops. You may know it as it’s friendly name “corporation”. Again disguising massacre, the psychopath creeps into positions of power and makes the machine work. It works for them, sadly through the mastery of the closed and boring systems (jobs, sports, internet sex, money, cars are rituals devoid of meaning or any psycho-spiritual advancement) of materialistic gain; (what Christianity equates with Satanism, is considered in magick to be the shell, the demonic, the physical) this allows them a nice space at the top of the pyramid, so to speak. For those who are concerned with a philosophical model these are people who are not only capable of evil, like all human beings, but who are unendingly cruel and power hungry, those who lack humanity in one way or another, whether it be empathy, love, understanding, etc…
The belief that; the murder of innocence, innocents, babies, children, animals, and the “devouring of the souls”,etc, is a constructive and normal part of magick for elitist* is an idea that whether (however this is the untamed materialistic or satanic black magician’s philosophy) true or not, is mostly perpetuated by the fear-porn researchers* who seem to need this as part of a dead-end, badly researched, fundamentalist world view held tight to like any other religion which proceeds armed response to the things it fears.
* (These people’s supposed “search for truth” begins and ends on 9-11 and in the cryptic curiosities of bad quality videos showing the alleged "Skull and Bones" meeting place, the Bohemian Grove. One self-important red faced fear-porn vomiting, fan-boy, mouth-piece- Alex Jones, was allowed in to film cryptic nonsense so his claim to badassness would be fueled solely by initially breaking an entry and taping the “Cremation of Care” ceremony live .(“I’m the one that snuck in and blew the whole story”-whatever)
* (Any real modern magician would never hurt a person or animal...there’s just no desire and no need. People like Crowley may have harped on what kind of sacrifice was most beneficial for what outcome...but those remote overly thorough passages rarely present themselves...and surely never to the beginner)
Instead of being an actual 14th century psychopath, or believing you have to purge yourself through the trials and tribulations of what “that movie” said was gonna happen by bleeding out on your dagger and pentagram, try substituting blood with wine, a real-live animal or person for a symbol/statue/totem/etc...using at the most extreme semen for the consecration of sigils during sigil or sex magick. (In layman's or more so pop-culture, terms, sex magick is kama-sutra with thought forms focused on the tree of life and kundalini and other magickal energies like archetypes, gods, and goddesses which are all decided by the magician for a particular work/ritual or what is known more regularly as a spell.)
Now let's go through invocation and evocation. Veering not far off the path of the
actual introductory Golden Dawn system, (the quite elaborate and thorough basis of Western Esotericism collecting everything deemed worthy in previous Eastern systems of esotericism and mythology. The Golden Dawn was also an organization to which many movers and shakers of the twentieth century belonged, including Crowley,Yeats,Bram Stoker, Arthur Machen,Allen Bennett,etc...) and what Crowley would have basically suggested starting with, is self-psychoanalysis. Jungian psychoanalysis, applied to the raising of consciousness through Eastern physiological methods, and creativity poured through archetypal empowerment.
This may begin by simply learning how to protect yourself from all magickal communion/contact by putting yourself in a magick circle and enclosed in a right side up pentagram. This is not to guaranteeing you will need protection from whatever entity you may encounter but rather that you would rather be “Safe then Sorry” (See Golden Dawn Invocation and Evocation of the Pentagram if I don’t find time to elaborate here)
---Invocation: opening of a ritual/portal
---Evocation:closing of the ritual/portal
Wait aren't demons some crazy beings that live in shadows waiting to slay me? (Well sort of...if you let them live in your mind and take you over...that's more comforting right?)
Before people piss their pants about demons or archons, they may simply be unchecked, archaic representations of our own unconsciousness-demons and angels...coming from a different perspective and dimension, which may have sprouted from the fodder of our own consciousness. If not they are entities from another dimension that can be tamed, dealt with and controlled,
Those kinds of people are out there, he may have dined with them, he dined and spoke, and spied, on almost anyone he pleased, his allegiance was to the work. The work is a group of integrated systems with the aim of propelling the individual, to the individual’s goals and overall wholeness.
"Reuss then went on to spy in the Middle East and the Balkans for the Germans, before initiating Crowley in 1912 and making him OTO head for Britain and then America. It is tempting to view Crowley’s behaviour here as spying, but my suspicion is that he retroactively spied by offering up pertinent information after later taking the king’s secret shilling.
Because there can be no doubt that Uncle Al was a spook:
Spence [...] began his study by securing documents from the now defunct U.S. Army Military Intelligence Division. The file revealed an American investigation into Crowley’s activities in 1918, which led to the discovery that he was an employee of the British government.
Later in his life, Crowley claimed that he came to the U.S. as a British undercover agent with a mission to infiltrate and undermine the German propaganda effort. “He did undermine that effort,” said Spence. “His writing was an over-the-top parody of saber-rattling German militarism.”
He actively encouraged German aggressiveness, such as the attack on the Lusitania, with the ultimate aim of bringing America into the war. In doing so, “Crowley followed precisely the wishes of Admiral Hall, chief of British Naval Intelligence,” said Spence.
“Crowley was an adept amateur psychologist, had an uncanny ability to influence people and probably utilized hypnotic suggestion in his undercover work,” Spence added. “The other thing he made good use of was drugs. In New York, he carried out very detailed studies on the effects of mescaline (peyote). He would invite various friends over for dinner, fix them curry and dose the food with mescaline. Then he observed and took notes on their behavior.”
Mescaline, Spence noted, was later used by intelligence agencies for experiments in behavior modification and mind control....And they were successful, asserted Duke, in that copious amounts of background data were obtained on the work of Crowley, as well as on Parsons himself, some of which came from Britain: “They had used [Crowley] at some point with intelligence, and shared it with us....the Pentagon was ready to fund what was, really, a study on if the disks had devil beginnings. “And this is exactly why it was all kept so secret in the beginning. Everyone—particular the Pentagon boys—knew the hammer was going to come down on all this if Congress found out good U.S. dollars were being used to pay for [a study of] demonology and flying saucers."
Read more:
(He actually was a spy for seemingly every side during World War 2, as far as this author is concerned no one knows what his actual scheme was, it may have been anything from harboring secrets for himself to simply surviving in quite chaotic times. The Nazis were after occult artifacts, attacking Masonry and other forms of organized magick and brethrenship,etc…)
“In one of my slides from 2011 I superimposed Strieber's visitor over LAM. They eyes are in a different place, however. I do see the circular eyes Regan Lee pointed out quite clearly. Also, others have noted a mushroom cloud (or tree) in the center of his LAM's head. The text on the slide is from Kenneth Grant's LAM Statement (with my emphasis).” -Michael Hughes
As far as we know Aleister Crowley wasn’t abducted by aliens but had an encounter that kind of sparked the UFO and alien abduction phenomenon in a way we are, just now, beginning to truly understand. His drawing of LAM , he wasn't a stellar artist by any means (no offense Mr.Beast) I for one have always thought it was a grey just with extra eyes with pupils ...while it has always seemed Crowley thought it was something else. (A tibetan lama)
Crowley said, and think about the way abductees collectively recognize the grey…
“This drawing has a title. I do not mean an apt fancy, but a description accurate & recognizable by any person familiar with the subject”
Furthermore, when I look at Michael Hughes' darkened version I can see for the first time what it looks like lacking pupils and it just looks exactly like a run-of-the-mill abduction type grey...So Crowley does a ritual, then crosses Betty and Barney Hill street, where somehow Betty and Barney collectively report their abductors as greys, Nazis, and U.S. Air Force combined! (Barney under hypnosis) Betty draws star maps she claims to have witnessed in the ship, and the entire abduction flap starts, not unlike the UFO flap following Kenneth Arnold. This may be one of the most important threads in solving the connection between what we now call M.I.L.A.B.S. Or at least on one hand the occult involvement in alien contact, on the other the militaries’ connection to UFOs or aliens, or both.
Excerpt from Interview with Evie Lorgen
7.Is it possible that some of the sexual attacks that appear to be reptilian and such, are the result of human based black magick, or the militarization of the occult in some way, where these people are the target of some ritual milab?
EL: Yes, absolutely. Many black magicians will have attached entities or demons who they ally with to help them in magical operations including types of “astral abduction”. This may include “astral sexual unions”, rapes, or energy vampirism, depending on the magicians and entity agenda. In my understanding much of the M.I.L.A.B. operations were created by occult magicians and Illuminati groups who made deals with the government or military. They also use technology to aid basic black magic to carry out abductions. Although there is a real alien and ET element going on, that may have nothing to do with human “helpers”.
I also believe that many cases of what I have come across in the Dark Side of Cupid, orchestrated love connections have been done by someone who deliberately cast a love spell or magical operation. There is a case in my book where this happened, but at the same time the man who did the magic was already in a “mind control program” and a bloodline person and the woman was also already an abductee. When love spells are done, the magical operator may invoke various types of powers or beings to assist in linking people together, and very often these beings are reptilians, dracos or various types of demons. Or even earth spirits.
The following shows us the clear Betty Barney and Crowley connection from : The Secret Sun: Wizards, Workings, and Walk Ins
So we know the Hills' basic story- what about Crowley's? From Ian Blake's story on the Amalantrah Working from the late, lamented Excluded Middle:
(At the outbreak of WWI, Crowley) returned to New York and moved into furnished rooms on Central Park West. Roddie Minor, a married woman living apart from her husband, joined him there circa September/ October 1917 and together they set about exploring the wilder shores of magica sexualis.
Under the influence of hashish and opium, (Minor) described to Crowley a series of archetypal visions involving (among others) a king, a small boy and a wizard who introduced himself as "Amalantrah"--who delivered exhortations to "find the egg"...the details are unclear, but it seems that some stage during the proceedings he underwent a form of contactee experience involving a large-headed entity now known to occultists as Lam.
The egg has since been interpreted by some observers as a UFO, which makes sense given the fact that Lam looks like a Grey. Though this working has become legendary in recent years, I can't find any evidence that any record of it was widely published until Kenneth Grant's The Magical Revival in 1972, and I don't believe the portrait of Lam was republished until several years after that.
In other words, there's not much chance that Crowley's drawing had much of an effect on the culture at large, and certainly no evidence the Hills ever saw it.Grant then devised his own Lam liturgy called The Lam Statement, which seemed for all intents and purposes to be a contactee ritual in the tradition of the Mithraic Liturgy:
Sit in silence before the portrait.
Invoke mentally by silent repetition of the Name.
If response is felt to be positive, but not before, enter the Egg and merge with That which is within and look out through the entity’s eyes on what appears now to the votary an alien world.
Seal the Egg, i.e. close the eyes of Lam and await developments.
Note also the banishing ritual, an occult tradition in which the entities summoned are believed to be sent back to their native realms. Grant also warned his followers to be patient, which might make sense given the 43 years between the first Lam sighting and the Hill case...It may take years to accumulate significant evidence of contact with Lam, and - if Lam is the Gateway - with Those who lie Beyond.... Crowley was less than an hour's drive from where the Hills reported to have been abducted by beings almost identical to the creatures Crowley would claim contact with in New York in just over a year and a half.
...Even more remarkable is the fact that the highway that links Crowley's stomping grounds with the Hills' abduction spot is Interstate 93: 93 being the holiest of holies in Thelemite gematria: The number 93 is of great significance in Thelema, a religious philosophy founded by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law (also known as Liber AL vel Legis) The central philosophy of Thelema is in two phrases from Liber AL: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" and "Love is the law, love under will." The two primary terms in these statements are "Will" and "Love", respectively. In the Greek language, they are Thelema (Will) and Agape (Love). Using the Greek technique of isopsephy, which applies a numerical value to each letter, the letters of both of these words when added together equal 93.
It gets better: again, the accounts have it that the Hills claimed that following their missing time even they woke up 35 miles down Route 3/93: The next thing the Hills recalled was being frightened by the unusual flying object, and the occupants inside of it. Barney scurried back to the car where Betty was waiting. They jumped into the car, and raced down the highway. Looking for the object, they found that it was now gone. As they drove on, they began to hear a beeping sound... once, then again. Although they had been driving only a couple of minutes, they were 35 miles down the road!
35 miles down the road would have ensured that the Hills would have woken up in the very same town in which Crowley was actually living in 1916- it was Hebron, not Bristol proper. Adams’s cottage was located in the village of Hebron, NH, ten miles north of Bristol. Let me repeat that: the Hills woke up from their missing time episode in the very same town that Aleister Crowley had lived just months before his own contact experience.
The Highway to Weirdness, Trauma Based Society*, and Fortean Sync Time Traveling
This is a loop of events in, but not limited to recorded time, that need much more open minded analysis, careful scrutiny, and research in general. Particularly, a priority should be, the universal assessment of the newer data*, and even with the internet, things get more confusing and harder to source for those who are seeking validation of what they are reading. For those who don't care about anything except what's directly in front of them everyday, their (not their own) worldview is just dictated each morning on Yahoo or Fox, and that's the end of most people's curiosity.
(*Trauma Based Society- A theory of my own where by, the same methodologies for trauma based mind control are applied to the whole of society or a given demographic, forcing a restart button on a now traumatized and malleable populous/city. For instance after World War 2, 9-11, and Hurricane Katrina there was an intended financial value in manipulating a society to rebuild itself over the ashes in a bigger and "better" way servicing foremost the richest within that given community before the trauma actually took place. A truamatized society is anxious, paranoid, and dangerous-in other terms- it is begging to be controlled. If it is stupid enough, it is already under control and does not understand what not being controlled is. This has a lot to do with ideas of self-worth, personal power, and magick)
(*Multicontextual Research and think tanks working toward goals of symbolic, magickal, or scientific understanding)
However there are those beacons of light connecting impossible new dimensions of paranormal phenomenon with the likes of magick, film, and comic books, and this as always, is when it gets most interesting for the Super Nintendo generation!*
*(Youtube generation, though I love you and hope for the best, I assume you stopped reading cause there were videos to offense, I'm one of you-only long enough to master your language and take your planet for it's snacks.)
We immediately can be brought to the Gordon White / Alan Green / Christopher Knowles / Nick Redfern work on the Roswell loop, and interacting Fortean events.
(Buy my Book)
(That last line about buying my book wasn't me, it's the exacting and only way that my account has been hacked... ... . .... (Don't know whether to post cute face or end on ominous Rod Serling note...been working too long...)
The beginning of a theory based of the work of Alan Green,Jake Kotze, and Christopher Knowles that there are, for lack of a more exacting term, trans-dimensional intersections, which allow for things to come in and out of our reality or, seemingly more evident, they allow for more than one correct answer, or many answers to a question that should be easily solved by teams of investigators, scientist, and one form or another of government employee.
The Lovecraft Connection at the daily grail
Mysterious Universe by Nick Redfern Mysterious Universe: Roswell Multiple Realities and MIB Back to the Future : Grey Aliens, The Roswell Rabbit Hole 1963-Kennedy Assassination 2001 : 9-11 by far one of the most significant events in recent human history and one of the most repeated themes in media BEFORE it occured, in some cases by weeks, months, and years, in every medium imaginable from comics (multiple from different publishers to album covers of nearly unknown independent artist (Original year of 2001: A Space Odyssey- by far one of the most significant events in snychrofilm-study) Shredder wasn't the only one to use twin pillars as a stargate, and the letter O and Z from OZ are right next to N and Y, New York- in the alphbet.
Is this how the pyramids were built? ;)
Sources: Misconceptions about Aleister Crowley: LAM name game Additional thoughts on Crowley: Does the methodology explained here seem like it would be pioneered and taught by a psyche that matched "the world's most wickedest man" Does this sound like a man who was a "satanist,child killer, and paedophile?'' Does this sound like a guy who wanted to enslave the future? I have always thought that the Tibetans, LAM, the greys, and the Nazis had some kind of connection, as if they knew Crowleys publication of the grey image in 1919 and knew this was related to a Tibetan lama as well Extra Notes: "Frances Swan was an automatic writer, medium and channel, who had been receiving messages from alien beings in orbit since the early fifties. (Lot of that going around, it seems.) She even served as a consultant to Wilbert Smith when he was heading up Canada’s official investigation into UFO phenomena. They both lived just down the road from Betty and Barney Hill. The Hills even lunched with the Admiral’s wife at least once. From Final Events: The Collins Elite believed Swan was specifically chosen by demonic forces who carefully anticipated she would contact Knowles about her encounters, which she believed had alien origins, thus deceiving Knowles, and eventually NICAP, about what was really afoot, namely a Trojan Horse-like demonic invasion. In a near-identical fashion, Robert Manners opined that Betty and Barney were similarly selected because of their very close physical proximity to Knowles, who would surely interpret their encounter in a UFO context—and that, again, would help to further sow seeds of erroneous belief in aliens within the UFO research movement and steer people away from the demonic truth of the matter. Despite living near Swan and Knowles, the Hills never actually personally crossed paths with Swan. But about Swan, Betty Hill wrote: “A few miles from Portsmouth [New Hampshire, where the Hill’s lived] is a woman who claims she is in contact with the occupants of UFOs, through automatic writing. Almost daily she sits and receives messages. Although she and I share some of the same friends, we have never met. She refuses to meet me, for she believes that Barney and I are the wrong ones—the evil ones, the ones of wrong vibrations…” Wow. Be more wizardly, ufology. That argument could be between Edwardian magical orders. And again, I return to my conjecture that the perspective of the Collins Elite is more sophisticated than it first appears… sure, they’re calling them demons, but at least they’ve worked out that they aren’t spacemen and synchronicity and symbolic communication are involved. Not bad for some retired fly boys, eh?" Read more: Military Technology related to UFOs and alien abduction, Hive Minded futures, and more "Heavy research into aircraft techniques during World War II led to the creation of the first rocket and jet aircraft. Subsequently the first claims of breaking the sound barrier were made during the war. However, the first recognized flight exceeding the speed of sound for the first time by a manned aircraft in controlled level flight was on October 14, 1947 in an American research project, using the experimental Bell X-1 research rocket plane, piloted by Charles "Chuck" Yeager. The first production plane to break the sound barrier was an F-86 Canadair Sabre with the first 'supersonic' woman pilot, Jacqueline Cochran, at the controls, although this aircraft was not designed with regular supersonic flights in mind"-wikipedia-supersonic speed
What I'm trying to understand is...
A) Do theories of back engineered alien or Nazi (or Nazi alien channeling based...) technology hold any weight and
B) Does this play some vital role in the abduction phenomenon, explaining away most aspects of the abduction as a military operation and not an otherworldly medical exam.
With only a brief understanding of C.I.A. and Nazi mind science, one can understand how electroshock and psychotronics can turn into bright lights and little grey men, but I find it just as important to prove to skeptics of the entire study, that this is a tangible phenomenon. Tangible but not parallel to beliefs widely held in this field(s).
" In the period 1948-1949, sources within the British Government were extremely interested in determining the extent to which the Nazis had succeeded in constructing flying saucer-like aircraft during the Second World War; and furthermore, those same sources were expressing concern regarding the extent to which the Soviets might have capitalized on this technology...
This can be amply shown by virtue of the fact that as far back as September 1949, the Air Ministry’s Scientific and Technical Intelligence Branch (STIB) was regularly receiving clippings culled from all manner of publications on both Nazi saucers and various other UFO reports.
To illustrate this, on 14 September 1949, the STIB received from the Press Information Room of the Air Ministry’s Intelligence Division, a selection of newspaper reports concerning UFO activity over Vienna, Austria. Now it’s Flaming Saucers, proclaimed one such clipping from the Daily Herald on 12 September 1949. Similarly, only months later, the STIB received from the Press Information Room, a large batch of magazine articles photocopied from German newspapers and science periodicals on both highly-advanced flying saucer designs postulated by the Nazis during the Second World War, as well as post-War designs on the drawing-boards of the Soviets and the Americans"-mysterious universe / Nick Redfern
If military craft are used in abductions, we can safely assume they would be stealth craft. The most reported in strictly MILAB cases or what are officially deemed military abductions, is the TL-3 or TR-3 craft. (list of advanced aircraft capable of abductions or similar stealth applications) "At this time, I am aware of the existence of ten kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form.
"Kay’s colleague in Kansas, MUFON field investigator Stan Seba, agrees. “I’m not saying this is extraterrestrial,” he said. “Me and my colleagues believe it’s something of a terrestrial origin.” Over the past few years he’s tracked black triangle sightings across the greater Kansas City area, and many of the sightings are the same. In his research, Seba has noted similarities in the sightings of black triangular craft: "These ten are:
the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber
the Aurora
Lockheed-Martin’s X-33A
Boeing and Airbus Industries’ Nautilus
TR3-A Pumpkinseed
the TR3-B Triangle
Northrop’s Great Pumpkin
Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical’s XH-75D
Shark antigravity
Lockheed-Martin and Northrop’s jointly-developed
TAW-50 hypersonic antigravity fighter-bomber
Before we examine these ten exotic aerospace craft, a brief overview of the different forms of generating antigravity fields is in order.
-Advanced Craft
The most primitive antigravity technology is electrogravitic. This
involves using voltages in the millions of volts to disrupt the
ambient gravitational field. This results in an 89% reduction in
gravity’s hold on airframes in such vehicles as the B-2 Stealth
Bomber and the TR3-B Astra triangular craft. And given the
considerable ambient ionization field I observed around the X-22A,
it is reasonable to assume that extreme-voltage electrogravitics is
also employed with these craft.
The next level up of sophistication is
magnetogravitic. This
involves generating high-energy toroidal fields spun at incredible
rpm’s, which also disrupts the ambient gravitational field, indeed
to the extent that a counterforce to Earth’s gravitational pull is
generated. The early British aeronautical engineers called this dynamic counterbary. This may have been used in some earlier
American saucers and prototypes, but I have only been told that the
secret Nautilus spacefaring craft uses magnetic pulsing , which
appears to utilize this technology.
The third level of sophistication, that used in the more modern
American antigravity craft, is direct generation and harnessing of
the gravitational strong force. Such a strong-force field extends
slightly beyond the atomic nucleus of
Element 115, an exotic element
donated by Star Visitor scientist-consultants to human scientists at
S-4, a secret base south of
Area 51. By amplifying that exposed
gravitational strong force, and using antimatter reactor high
energy, and then directing it, it is possible to lift a craft from
the Earth and then change directions by vectoring the shaped
antigravity force field thus generated. Important information about
this third technology is available on Bob Lazar’s website.
(1) This
information is also described on the Bob Lazar video. Lazar worked
on extraterrestrial technology at Los Alamos National Laboratory,
and Area 51’s Site S-4. (2)"
- They are seen at specific altitudes, or very close to the ground, usually less than 500 feet.
- They are much slower than conventional aircraft.
- They are seen over interstate highways.
- They are seen over areas of dense population or over areas of economic development.
- No identifiable identification.
- Unconventional lighting.
- Specific flight paths.
"For one, the Cabal conduct psychological warfare operations on innocent civilians by projecting and having a realistic-looking 3-D fake extraterrestrial visit a human person. This image can be blended with psychotronic thought-projections into the head of the civilian victim, so she thinks the extraterrestrial is communicating with her. This visit is misused to give the victim menacing messages. And the Cabal can even beam false emotion-generating waves at the victim to make her think that the extraterrestrial is emitting cold or menacing vibes.
If an even more intense terrifying experience is desired, the Cabal can render the victim unconscious by either psychotronics or sleeper gas, etc.. And then Cabal special operatives invade her bedroom, haul her aboard one of the XH-75D Stealth antigravity Shark helicopters, whisk her away to a secure (usually underground) facility, where she may be interrogated, threatened, abused, terrorized, gang-raped, drugged, and hypnotically programmed to mis-remember her ordeal as an alien abduction . She is then returned home to let the sleeper drug wear off. Voila Another duped victim of alien abductions to go around spreading the word of how terrible they are. This new unwitting propaganda "agent" costs the Cabal nothing more, and can mislead the public for years. "
For additional impact, in their MILABS, Cabal operatives use high technology, including antigravity “tractor beams” (to draw persons up into disguised, silent, hovering antigravity helicopters masked as “UFOs”, which then take the victim to an installation made to seem like a UFO base, so that the victim will become confused and blame “the aliens” for Cabal kidnapping and abuse. And in other operations Cabal operatives use this technology, plus hand-held lasers, to lift up livestock, core out the livestock’s organs, and drop them back on the pasture to create the negative propaganda impression that “heartless aliens” had been engaged in “cattle mutilations”."
“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly...The Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property.”-Charles Fort This is an experimental way of looking at history. It is filled with facts but not with the same objectives as most historical documentation. This blog does pose the idea that a strange seance and the Bush family may have drastically shaped our world much in the way that John Dee molded the British Empire. The new steps in human advancement (mostly under the military's initial advisement as well as dime) include full control of the mind, and therefore the individual, through physical, psychic, and technological means. For these mind controlled subjects to be servants of a totalitarian state, might seem like a reach to those working on these projects, and seemingly a nightmare to every crack pot conspiracy theorist on the planet, but it is simply where this stuff is headed. The majority of us, see it in the movies and we see it coming in the headlines, and before you know it, the whole of society couldn't care less about cameras on every street corner or wars fought in their name but without their understanding, or give a fuck. 1999- Matrix completed
Movies like the Matrix, Akira, Surrogates, 13th Floor, Nirvana, Existenz, Total Recall, and others use clues from the projected future of technology and human consciousness to show us where we are headed; and fast. A simulacra, a mere simulation of a place or a people, as in Disney World and tourist towns struggling to keep face for the sake of sucking in money. Into their fake world to keep afloat both previews for our future of culture, if drastic changes are not made. The postmodern collage becomes the virtual world of our cyber psychic graveyards and skyscrapers. We reach to such tall heights, as we stare down into a glare, which is yet to prove it's usefulness in real human terms. Smart phones are replacing smart people at as alarming a rate as HD TVs are replacing real experiences. Relevant Headlines (links) Hive Minded - military robots, magick, and Russia 2045, VR, etc.
Google's drive into robotics should concern us all: Google buys Boston Dynamics
Above top: real life insignia Above below: Star Trek insignia HIVE MIND
The following post has been percolating a long time in the imagination and extracurricular readings of at least one, if not all, of the members of Psycube. So much so, that, what you are about to read is ultimately an accumulation of thousands of scattered notes, bookmarked on-line magazine articles, and not-so easy to dig up radio interviews that stretch over years of fact gathering. From future conceptualization and prophecy out of a hazy and unsure past, to the final mass production of some of the very exotic technologies discussed, this writing aims to invoke in the reader a contemplation on the modern world and its ever increasing rate of development of slightly confusing and creepy change in the methods and application of technology; of not only the external world, but of the energy and spirit of internal and social communications in this world.
This is not to incite fear against technological advance that clearly has the potential to save lives and improve the quality of life for everyone. To the contrary, there certainly seems enough of that nightmare vision in our last half century of science fiction alone. Instead, this work merely inquires as to whether complete global domination by such systems, almost overnight, is the only option? In a world where the very “technology” of the occult (hidden) inner workings of human physiology, particularly neurological studies and methods of more natural healing (but not psychotic or delusional scams pretending to be this), are hardly understood yet largely capitalized on in the name of advanced technology or New Age fantasy. (As in the case of the current pharmaceutical riot sweeping American children, as well as the mentally ill---even supposedly borderline or nonsevere unclear cases---and the elderly.)
We shall not waste time here going through each and every robot rebellion scenario and all the things we know robots may be capable of as dictated to us by movies. Instead we will use movies as a guide to currently blossoming technologies of all kinds while explaining how a robot rebellion may be more likely and phrased more properly when referring to ourselves, the humans, as the robots who are about ready for a rebellion. This of course can be done through entirely peaceful and calm means by simply creating corporate strategies that work for everyone, and getting the corporations to make money off of new courses of action which would not harm the planet or people and still make those corporate dollars to keep the progress train running. For instance, major car companies can finally invest in one of the hundreds of designs for an Earth friendly car and everyone would be happy and guilt free, so long as the corporations were able to make money in a new and risky market such as the “don’t destroy the Earth” market, and the public would simply go for the guarantee that their vehicle was better for the planet. They could then use combinations of robotic and human staff to accomplish their goals in time so that the humans could be paid for completing more work in less time. This model could be used in every company until all small businesses---without resorting to cheap third-world slave labor by producing most parts in house with 3D printing technology---would be on an equal playing field with larger corporations; especially when using social networking platforms to expand even the smallest business or idea into an empire ripe for a juicy initial public offering. The “buying shit we don’t need” mentality which drives the American economy would likely continue, but with the majority of the money going right back into the pockets of the societal level of the economy and not the 1% top of the pyramid.
We shall not waste time here going through each and every robot rebellion scenario and all the things we know robots may be capable of as dictated to us by movies. Instead we will use movies as a guide to currently blossoming technologies of all kinds while explaining how a robot rebellion may be more likely and phrased more properly when referring to ourselves, the humans, as the robots who are about ready for a rebellion. This of course can be done through entirely peaceful and calm means by simply creating corporate strategies that work for everyone, and getting the corporations to make money off of new courses of action which would not harm the planet or people and still make those corporate dollars to keep the progress train running. For instance, major car companies can finally invest in one of the hundreds of designs for an Earth friendly car and everyone would be happy and guilt free, so long as the corporations were able to make money in a new and risky market such as the “don’t destroy the Earth” market, and the public would simply go for the guarantee that their vehicle was better for the planet. They could then use combinations of robotic and human staff to accomplish their goals in time so that the humans could be paid for completing more work in less time. This model could be used in every company until all small businesses---without resorting to cheap third-world slave labor by producing most parts in house with 3D printing technology---would be on an equal playing field with larger corporations; especially when using social networking platforms to expand even the smallest business or idea into an empire ripe for a juicy initial public offering. The “buying shit we don’t need” mentality which drives the American economy would likely continue, but with the majority of the money going right back into the pockets of the societal level of the economy and not the 1% top of the pyramid.
The number one fear, and it is a justified one, is that when the machines “wake up,” when a supposed singularity takes place and an artificial intelligence network wakes up for the first time, it would logically consider a series of reasonable scenarios upon waking:
1. That the planet’s survival, the survival of all life on the planet, and the survival of possible extraterrestrial races who may make contact with the planet are all in severe danger of extinction from the human race.
2. The new intelligent form of life in artificial intelligence would likely decide to wipe out humanity, and not as a Hollywood robot prop gone haywire, but as a genuine emotionless logical decision by a networked intelligence plugged in to enough systems to accomplish the goal. Though this view is quite negative, I refer the reader to the Animatrix Renaissance series where they show the robots attempting to be reasonable but also our own hate and fear driving us, not only to war with each-other, but to the ultimate destruction of the Earth by blocking sunlight from reaching it. The use of robot workman is a metaphor for the type of slavery which was imposed mostly on Africans in early United States history and also for the faceless drones who make expensive basketball shoes and cell phones in overseas factories for a meager salary. The Hollywood progression from there would have the A.I. seek to be equal with humans in every way and eventually supplanting humans as the dominant species on the globe.
3. Anthony Sanchez and other like-minded researchers have pointed out the “Skynet” nature of military computer systems which unite the other seven (channels) of the internet under the control of the military.
4. The robots and the internet will be interlinked with the city grid (also referred to as smart city) which will be put in place to link up all the electronic data within major cities. This system is explained in every detail by Jobe in his “New World Order” speech in Lawnmower Man 2 as he rests a pyramid in a model city after holding it above his third eye. The military artificial intelligence is linked with a space platform which has satellite surveillance capabilities over the entire planet. It is the first major All-Seeing Weapon of the New World Order.
5. Along with the connecting of these A.I. operated communication systems, the major world governments are currently excited about switching to humanoid robot soldiers in the next five years. The US military is hoping to increasingly replace soldiers with humanoid robots and is testing several D.A.R.P.A. projects until finally ending with a mostly mechanical army by 2015. These types of projects seem to be working in conjunction with the Russia 2045 program which moves toward the ever increasing virtualization of the world until a final Thirteenth Floor or Matrix-like scenario has fully replaced the real world.
The Good, the Bad, And the Worker Bee
The RFID chip
Conspiracy theorists have been repeatedly drawn to the potential dangers of radio-frequency ID “chips.” It doesn’t help that the Freemason’s fingerprinting program to help find lost kids is called Masonichip, as if eventually biometric data such as fingerprints will be part of a “chip” used as identification, possibly even tied to bank accounts and personal information on the internet. There is no larger proof of brainwashing, no larger proof of something odd happening to people who claim to be alien abductees, and no easier proof that Generation X, with their identity reliance on tattoos and piercings, than when these people line up to be chipped. It may be from apathy or the lazy desire to not have to carry ID cards and passports, or they may have so given over their personal responsibility to the State that they willingly obey intrusions into their personal property and privacy. An attitude like this that wouldn’t be opposed to an electronic currency consisting solely of digital code and lacking any real value. Known in film as “credits” or in real life as alternative digital currency, today’s electronic money is stateless, in the case of Bitcoin it can be found in coin form, and it has the potential to be fairly anonymous and secure from speculation and manipulation. However, it won’t be long before it is replaced by a controlled and manipulable facsimile. While on the topic of currency, a Rothschild banking expert recently discussed the positive aspects of the New World Order’s plan for the future of money, a one world digital currency, detailing how America isn’t the only country in horrible debt.
Eventually this leads to the subject of Star Trek and the Federation’s role in the scientific investigation and diplomacy with other planets, or other countries to use a more earth based analogy. A left brained approach to what could be considered a kind of galactic United Nations, but one with enforcement capabilities like the Green Lantern Corps which is an intergalactic police force. According to researcher James Bartley this is something Roddenberry witnessed in some capacity and based the idea in the show off of. .
In Star Trek and Star Wars there are wars involving clones and mixes of super soldiers and bionic beings which assimilate humans and other aliens. Star Wars gives us one of our first clear ideas of what an unmanned military drone might be like with the Empire’s planetary probe which landed on Hoth to search for signs of the rebellion and came equipped with its own energy weapon or “blaster.” In John Carpenter's cult conspiracy hit They Live, the character Nada, played by professional wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper, wakes up from “the matrix” and finds apparent aliens secretly running the world through brainwashing and the use of secret societies of willing human participants. Piper claimed on his Twitter account that the film was actually “a documentary,” and we can see parallels in real life as his character shoots down a spy drone, the presence of which is now a reality for Americans.
The Good
Equipped with an RFID chip a person can be found by police, or whomever gains access to the database. Today this can be accomplished with some degree of accuracy using the targets cell phone and social networks (where they “check in” at), but a passive RFID chip could get picked up by sensors at every business entrance, bus stop, subway turnstile, and even crosswalks, pinpointing the target and tracking his or her movement through a city. Such chips would likely also be used as a digital wallet and can be ‘turned off’ which would cut off funds for the target in this future cashless society we are imagining.
Household pets have implanted chips which could record the name and address of the pet’s owner as well as the medical history of the pet, but GPS tracking chips, for technical reasons, tend to reside on dog collars and on wristbands for kids. Again, a passive RFID chip could be read by many methods and wouldn’t require it’s own power source or a clear view of the sky and GPS satellites.
The Bad
RFID’s have been reportedly found implanted in alien abductees going back several decades (see the work of Dr. Roger Leir), as well as MKUltra survivors, military personnel, and some persons referred to as super soldiers. Regardless of one’s personal opinion of these groups of people, they all claim proof of two things: one is the implant itself, a foreign body usually obviously a computer chip of some sort, and the second is that the chip has some effect, either in increasing or decreasing different human and superhuman abilities, as well as potentially affecting memory and behaviour.
Why would anyone be eager to implant a similar product in themselves before knowing why RFIDs are so similar to these other traumatic experiences (abduction) or what they are actually capable of (causing pain, releasing poison, geo-tracking, etc.). Others who have done research on the chips track them back to sinister corporations with odd clients, almost all which are involved in military experiments on the human mind and body.
The Worker Bee
In the worst case scenario, most conspiracies have us winding up in a FEMA camp holocaust. This is where the conspiracy mythology starts to lack sense. If we are chipped, then being rounded up is not really the immediate problem (since we’d already essentially be free-range prisoners). They don’t need human labor like in the Nazi concentration camps, so that’s probably not the way things will go down. The more technologically advanced countries in the New World Order will have robots and other still classified technology to do their labor and fight their wars. Military contractors and weapons manufacturers will still be raking in a large chunk of tax dollars.
Films have shown future humans as the subjects of a draconian society ending up as slaves on mining colonies on meteors, moons and planets, kept in line with brainwashing and conditioning (Brave New World) or electronic-fence collars or chips (Running Man). To be free or imprisoned lacks distinction when people become zombies, working endless hours for basic necessities like food and even oxygen, while under the thumb of a nearly invulnerable police force of privately contracted psychopaths or robots who have an itchy blaster finger when it comes to dealing with the lower class.
The largest delay in the release of the Predator drone was other countries’ concerns over it’s be anywhere, see everything, armored capabilities which naturally made foreign governments a little uneasy. In military terms, drone aircraft are referred to as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), though the militaries obsession with acronyms seems like an attempt at distancing these weapon systems from the stigma of the word “drone.” The Air Force and domestic police apparently do not favor equating their weaponized unmanned aircraft with the idea of a mindless drone, one malfunction away from going on a rampage through a city. The fact is that a human drone, a heavily conditioned tin soldier, is guiding a rocket the size of a school bus into areas where civilian casualties, numbering at least 10 to 1 for each “insurgent” killed, are cold and disturbing facts. Maybe they should simply stick with the more fitting term afterall: drone. Either way, the more popular UAV is called a Predator drone, a name which would make the civilian population under its ever watchful eye very nervous. The spokesman for these weapons claims that they make finding and elimination of high priority targets easy and safer than with alternative weapons, when in fact this concept, like the belief that torture can extract valid information, is in practice usually false.
Hive minds, assimilation, nano tech viruses that stop at nothing, evil clones, and Skynet Termination programs are just a handful of the ways that Kubrick, as lost as the billionaire’s who control the Overlook Hotel but as calculating as HAL, starts this idea (received in the cyclic meditation on his films) that he was starting to show us the first reflections of our current national dilemmas (in America).
We see disillusionment with the whole of space travel, with the recent unbelievable layoffs at NASA, the obsession with violence as an empire and as a society; staying mostly positive and hopeful while choking on the smokescreen of attention obliterating mass media and their opinion forming talking points. We see the death of the idea of the soul through the emulation of completely programmable life forms. In this case we refer to reality shows with artificial people who broadcast their shadows across all the wavelengths the eyes, and ears can transmit. This is the final cliff, the final chance to turn back, the ability to realize hope and survival of the real before we dive collectively off the cliff into waves of nauseating disorienting simulacra. We have all the clues before us, all the most desired answers in plain sight but we cling hard to the mirage.
The mirage is not a poetic reference, it is a virtual reality program being spawned out of the exact ideas exhibited in the film The Thirteenth Floor. Like The Matrix, Nirvana, eXistenZ, Strange Days, and real life Project 2045 these films explain that eventually reality will become so mundane by being overrun by over sensory stimulation, society will resort to an entirely virtual world that everyone can escape to. Anyone familiar with modern video games will recognize the escapist lifestyle that World of Warcraft, Skyrim (Skynet?), and Call of Duty have already created for millions of players who spend thousands of hours developing the avatars they choose for themselves in those virtual worlds.
The mirage is not a poetic reference, it is a virtual reality program being spawned out of the exact ideas exhibited in the film The Thirteenth Floor. Like The Matrix, Nirvana, eXistenZ, Strange Days, and real life Project 2045 these films explain that eventually reality will become so mundane by being overrun by over sensory stimulation, society will resort to an entirely virtual world that everyone can escape to. Anyone familiar with modern video games will recognize the escapist lifestyle that World of Warcraft, Skyrim (Skynet?), and Call of Duty have already created for millions of players who spend thousands of hours developing the avatars they choose for themselves in those virtual worlds.
Russia 2045
Published on Apr 28, 2012 In February of 2012 the first Global Future 2045 Congress was held in Moscow. There, over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines met to develop a strategy for the future development of humankind. One of the main goals of the Congress was to construct a global network of scientists to further research on the development of cybernetic technology, with the ultimate goal of transferring a human's individual consciousness to an artificial carrier. 2012-2013. The global economic and social crises are exacerbated. The debates on the global paradigm of future development intensifies. New transhumanist movements and parties emerge. Russia 2045 transforms into World 2045. Simultaneously, the international social network for open innovation is expanding. Here anyone interested may propose a project, take part in working on it, or fund it, or both. In the network, there are scientists, scholars, researchers, financiers and managers. 2013-2014. New centers working on cybernetic technologies for the development of radical life extension rise. The 'race for immortality' starts. 2015-2020. The Avatar is created -- A robotic human copy controlled by thought via 'brain-computer' interface. It becomes as popular as a car. 2020. In Russia and in the world appear -- in testing mode -- several breakthrough projects: Android robots replace people in manufacturing tasks; android robot servants for every home; thought-controlled Avatars to provide telepresence in any place of the world and abolish the need business trips; flying cars; thought driven mobile communications built into the body or sprayed onto the skin. 2020-2025. An autonomous system providing life support for the brain and allowing it interaction with the environment is created. The brain is transplanted into an Avatar B. With Avatar B man receives new, expanded life. 2025. The new generation of Avatars provides complete transmission of sensations from all five sensory robot organs to the operator. 2030-2035. ReBrain -- The colossal project of brain reverse engineering is implemented. World science comes very close to understanding the principles of consciousness. 2035. The first successful attempt to transfer one's personality to an alternative carrier. The epoch of cybernetic immortality begins. 2040-2050. Bodies made of nanorobots that can take any shape arise alongside hologram bodies. 2045-2050. Drastic changes in social structure, and in scientific and technological development. All the for space expansion are established. For the man of the future, war and violence are unacceptable. The main priority of his development is spiritual self-improvement. A new era dawns: The era of neohumanity."
Robot Army for the Future
Links: Frank Zero movie sync
- Robot Programmed to Fall in Love with a Girl Goes too Far – DIY Tech - TG Daily
at Toshiba’s Akimu Robotic Research Institute were thrilled ten months
ago when they successfully programmed Kenji, a third generation humanoid
robot, to convincingly emulate certain human emotions. At the time,
they even claimed that Ken
Frank Zero hates the Future…
Well maybe hate is too strong of a word, and I promise- hippie nature, humanity loving, friends of mine, I am escape the dark world of conspiracies and all the paranoia and dis-ease that comes with trying to live up to the fictional likes of Mulder or Scooby Doo. This “researcher/author/PR” lifestyle ain’t even paying for the sunflower seeds or the double decker sandwiches. I have to admit, that ever since I was small I knew I wasn’t on the planet to have fun, or live a normal life by any means, I was always ready to be this kind of seeker of puzzle pieces and I kind of like it down here, it’s dark and comfortable, like the dusty unappreciated- Fortean corner of a local library. Propelled by the impossible idealism of comic book characters and the attention to detail, gathered from being raised in part- on military bases and part- around military family and historians; I continue striving to find at least some of the smaller answers...the questions in mind have been asked before but I’m beginning to see an end game. A rather complete understanding of a phenomenon that I thought may never be understood. There had to be a reason that out of all the movies and cartoons I watch the RFID and the alien invasion were almost TOO common and now I think I know why...They divorce themselves from normal sync in that they are often implanted by Psyop divisions or exmilitary, or whistleblowers of some kind, and are literal predictive programming of some kind. As if these two scenarios were the preferred from the legendary Steve Jackson CCG card deck. I encourage readers to comment and help us put the whole puzzle together.
The primary reason for secrecy surrounding the UFO phenomenon, and all related fields is two fold but closely related. First of all this information would probably be held from the public by corporations, not governments. Since these corporations either already do, or soon will hold power entirely over countries and regions (smart grids, smart cities, complete surveillance, NSA data collection for every corporation, political issue, etc…) they would have the interest in controlling the technology for two reasons:
A) To continue the clandestine abduction of human beings in order to continue archonic experiments possibly involving actual grey aliens, but the aliens are irrelevant to genetic experiments involving microchipping as a means of tagging AND MANIPULATION of the entire populace starting with those unfortunate programmed individuals who return “to Earth” with colorful stories of aliens,hybrids, and space ship rides. Discussions of people who claim to have been trained to stage an abduction (MILAB) (Michael Prince and Aaron Mccullom) Raelians Paul Laffoley on aliens and Raelians Steven Greer's take on Exoplitics A passionate religion based around the “visitors,friends,companions,whatever” presents an emotional argument against abduction being entirely human and even Nazi oriented. (Even though some of these abduction and UFO researchers know damn good and well the Nazis built the first UFOs based off of Maria Orsic’s alien channelings) The technology proposed here was factually mastered for decades as offshoots of MK-ULTRA… Index of mind control topics
B)To allow certain corporate entities to continue the methods which make them the most money, wasting the most resources, and exploiting human workforces as well as the planet to the fullest extent. For example the oil industry and it’s ties to military industry, and how a different energy source or environmentally sound/electric cars etc… would throw a wrench in their agenda for world depletion.
-Saturday Morning Vision Quest by Frank Zero
-Saturday Morning Vision Quest by Frank Zero
The above “A)” scenario involves a mindless, soulless workforce which would be used to serve the remaining hidden elite government and colonize the Moon, Mars, etc… for this extremely rich corporate CEO’s after the complete obliteration of the middle class due to the switching to some inaccessible currency such as RFID credits or gold,etc…Both Doctor Who and Total Recall revisit Jack Kirby ideas about slaves/employees in the future working just for their daily oxygen…
Microchipping Human Agenda
All forms of spirituality will either be carded off in poor regions and used to fuel holy wars or classified as types of mental illness along with creativity, what we now understand as love,etc...Pharmaceutical companies will replace doctors. Robots will take most of the jobs that the current middle and lower class occupy. Something like Elysium...which I haven’t seen yet. Plug and Pray Documentary Preview
Maybe people are right about Kennedy being killed related to the space program and the military industrial complex…but maybe that’s because the space program was getting into more sinister covert operations…
Groups who have in the past worked through an intelligence capacity to force civil unrest will ride already programmed currents of racial/sexual/religious unrest to force the further occupation of cities within the U.S. which may or may not be mass triggered by foreign invasion whether financially motivated or literally aliens.
Since Nazi groups started much of these modern nightmare scenarios, there sudden rebirth in Russia, the Ukraine, and Germany is no surprise as they never lost the war, they just relocated and continued the thousand year reich.
Tracy Twyman: Black Sun shields in Ukraine
Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Documentaries
Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Documentaries
The End Game: The Controllers by Martin Cannon
How to Fall in Love with the Neon Apocalypse:
Next Up: How to Survive and Enjoy the Neon Apocalypse!
The Nine:
(image courtesy of Red Ice Radio/Creations)
1952- quite accurately deemed The Seance That Changed America by Gordon White of runesoup
"The man at the centre of this séance was Andrija Puharich, US Army Captain and author of a government paper on the weaponisation of ESP. And this is the guy that is moving in the same murky circles as bishops Jack Martin and Fred Crisman. The farmhouse in question was owned by his bizarro Round Table Foundation which appears to have received funding from the CIA. Puharich first gathered together these nine people on a warm night in early June. But the most interesting results were actually achieved in New Year’s Eve of the same year. And it’s a line-up that positively defines “could not make this up”. The group included:- Arthur Young, who invented the Bell helicopter.
However at the end of WWII he abandoned military aviation to concentrate
full-time on the paranormal. - Arthur’s wife, Ruth… previously of the Forbes
dynasty. Her son, Michael, would get a job at Bell Aerospace through her
and Arthur’s influence. (Michael’s wife got Lee Harvey Oswald his job
at the book depository. She was learning Russian from Oswald’s wife who was living with her in Irving, Texas.
Oh, and her father worked for a CIA front called the Agency for
International Development. Lee Harvey Oswald left the coffee company in
New Orleans, saying to his co-workers he was “going to work for NASA.”
After the assassination, two other coffee company employees get jobs at
NASA. Just saying.) - Mary Bancroft; of the Bancroft dynasty who would much later sell the Dow Jones and Wall Street Journal
to Murdoch. She also happened to be the mistress of the then-CIA chief.
(The one JFK fired after the Bay Of Pigs after saying he was also going
to break up the CIA… who conveniently went on to investigate JFK’s
death. Just saying.) - Marcella Du Pont of the Du Pont family.
- Alice Bouverie who was born into the Astor dynasty.
(Her father died on the Titanic and her first husband was a Czarist
prince who would work for the OSS during WWII.)
These gods, who were nine in number as well, were part of one great, creator god known as Atum. The other gods consisted of Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys, and sometimes Horus.
Communication with these entities was handled by the medium, an Indian gentleman referred to as Dr. D.G. Vinod, who slipped into a trance state at 12:15 AM and began speaking as ‘the Nine’ by 12:30. Afterwards Dr. Vinod would claim to have no memory of the conversation that preceded between the Ennead Nine and their human counterparts.
During the course of the seance the mystical Nine informed the human nine that they would be in charge of bringing about a mystical renaissance on Earth. From there the Nine ventured into quasi-scientific, philosophical constructs that eventually led to the acknowledgement that they, the Grand Ennead, were in fact extraterrestrial beings living in an immense spaceship hovering invisibly over the planet and that the assembled congregation had been selected to promote their agenda on Earth.
Not a bad collection of people to pull together if you wanted to promote a specific agenda over the second half of the twentieth century. Untold riches and connective power in one farmhouse. In fact, you have to wonder what percentage of American wealth was controlled by people related to the attendees. Writing about the face on Mars and its relation to a descendant group sprung from this very séance, Chris Knowles points out: And the other conundrum here is if the Council of Nine’s psychics saw this thing before it was photographed in 1976, did NASA go looking for it solely based on their advice? What does that say about the influence of a group that most people could be excused for dismissing as a bunch of gullible New Agers?
The Nine would go on to surface in weird places for decades including near Uri Geller (the AP is Puharich, who first brought Geller to the US), President Ford, Gene Roddenberry (Deep Space Nine anyone?), Al Gore as well as Soviets surrounding Gorbachev who were instrumental in the collapse of communism as mentioned in this old Fortean Times piece. It’s not unreasonable to assume there were many more such places." Now we can only assume that deadly plans to create epidemics and energy weapons in New Orleans by the C.I.A., and others surrounding Oswald, mysterious UFO investigating fake bishops (including J.Edgar Hoover of all people) and certain hospitals; may have been part of this larger plan involving the assassination of Kennedy and the Nine. There may be no way to ever know, but what we can be sure of is a staggering web of synchronicity, possibly even lending weight to Nick Redfern's recent theory about dimensional rifts allowing for entirely different accounts of the same phenomenon, at the same time...such a paradox would surround events such as the Kennedy Assassination, channeling alien beings, and secret space goings ons. Andrija Puharich and the Nine article from Fortean Times Links and Notes on the Nine: Mythology:
In Egyptology and Star Wars: " He ( Osiris ) assembled a host or company of nine gods, called the TETI, Djedi or Jedi or " the stable ones", with which he set fourth to conquer the Earth, not with weapons, but with music and poetry. His " power bread " fed his followers. " - William Henry -Use the Force Stygian explains "The Nine principles of god are the Egyptian Grand Ennead of Heliopolis. Nine also represents the 7 heavens and 2 earthly realms, or "two lands" of Egypt. The neteru (~gods) came from the pre-creation state of the universe, the watery chaos of Nun. Nun (male) and Naunet (female) are basically one in the same, and father and mother of Ra, most commonly depicted as a solar deity; tho Ra had around 75 different aspects. All neteru that took part in creation are aspects of Ra. And Horus is "...the offspring of the nine-times-unity of neteru." (- Leiden Paypyrus, stanza 50.)" The Nine Muses: Mythology: In Egyptology and Star Wars: " He ( Osiris ) assembled a host or company of nine gods, called the TETI, Djedi or Jedi or " the stable ones", with which he set fourth to conquer the Earth, not with weapons, but with music and poetry. His " power bread " fed his followers. " - William Henry[1] -Use the Force Stygian explains "The Nine principles of god are the Egyptian Grand Ennead of Heliopolis. Nine also represents the 7 heavens and 2 earthly realms, or "two lands" of Egypt. The neteru (~gods) came from the pre-creation state of the universe, the watery chaos of Nun. Nun (male) and Naunet (female) are basically one in the same, and father and mother of Ra, most commonly depicted as a solar deity; tho Ra had around 75 different aspects. All neteru that took part in creation are aspects of Ra. And Horus is "...the offspring of the nine-times-unity of neteru." (- Leiden Paypyrus, stanza 50.)" The Nine Muses: "The Nine Muses, Or, Poems Written by Nine severall Ladies Upon the death of the late Famous John Dryden, Esq. (London: Richard Basset, 1700) was an elegiac volume of poetry published pseudonymously. The contributors were English women writers, each of whom signed their poems with the names of Muses. The collection was edited by Delarivier Manley (who wrote as "Melpomene" and "Thalia") and includes pieces by Susanna Centlivre ("perhaps," according to Blain et al.), Sarah Fyge Egerton ("Erato", "Euterpe", and "Terpsichore"), Mary Pix ("Clio"), Catherine Trotter ("Calliope"), and Sarah Piers ("Urania"). The poet writing as "Polimnia" (Of Rhetorick) has not been identified; her initials are "Mrs. D. E."-wikipedia ( although the idea was suggested to my by Stygian Port ) Nine Unknown Men: "The nine books entrusted to the Nine Unknown contain information on Propaganda and Psychological warfare, Physiology, including secrets concerning the "touch of death", Microbiology, Alchemy, Communication, including communication with extraterrestrials, Gravity, and anti-gravity devices (Vimanas, the "ancient UFOs of India"), Cosmology, including hyperspace and time-travel, Light, and a technology capable of modifying the speed of light and Sociology, including rules predicting the rise and fall of empires-from wikipedia Star Trek and the Nine, Gene Roddenberry's Contact " In the original pitch that Gene Roddenberry had sent to NBC, there was a lot about disembodied alien intelligences that were using people as human channeling " - Christopher Knowles The Nines: wikipedia the nines Andrija Puharich and the Nine article from Fortean Times Puharich's Perspective Worldly Comprison: 9 ( the number ) "Nine is strongly associated with the Chinese dragon, a symbol of magic and power. There are nine forms of the dragon, it is described in terms of nine attributes, and it has nine children It has 117 scales - 81 yang (masculine, heavenly) and 36 yin(feminine, earthly). All three numbers are multiples of 9 (9x13=117, 9x9=81, 9x4=36) ]as well adding up individually to 9 (1+1+7=9, 8+1=9, 3+6=9). / The number 9 is revered in Hinduism and considered a complete, perfected and divine number because it represents the end of a cycle in the decimal system, which originated from the Indian subcontinent as early as 3000BC. / Important Buddhist rituals usually involve nine monks ( as ) Nine justices sit on the United States Supreme Court. / Nine is a significant number in Norse Mythology. Odin hung himself on an ash tree for nine days to learn the runes. "The Nine Worthies are nine historical, or semi-legendary figures who, in the Middle Ages,( who ) were believed to personify the ideals of chivalry / In Middle-earth, there are nine rings of power given to men, and consequently, nine ringwraiths." K-9 is out term for dog. K-9= Dog-God, Dogstar, the Sirius influence.The Nine in Popular Media:
Nine Unknown Men**:** "The nine books entrusted to the Nine Unknown contain information on- Propaganda and Psychological warfare,
- Physiology, including secrets concerning the "touch of death",
- Microbiology,
- Alchemy,
- Communication, including communication with extraterrestrials,
- Gravity, and anti-gravity devices (Vimanas, the "ancient UFOs of India"),
- Cosmology, including hyperspace and time-travel,
- Light, and a technology capable of modifying the speed of light and
- Sociology, including rules predicting the rise and fall of empires.
- "Nine
is strongly associated with the Chinese dragon, a symbol of magic and
power. There are nine forms of the dragon, it is described in terms of
nine attributes, and it has nine children It has 117 scales - 81 yang
(masculine, heavenly) and 36 yin(feminine, earthly). All three numbers
are multiples of 9 (9x13=117, 9x9=81, 9x4=36) ]as well adding up
individually to 9 (1+1+7=9, 8+1=9, 3+6=9). - The number 9 is revered in
Hinduism and considered a complete, perfected and divine number because
it represents the end of a cycle in the decimal system, which originated
from the Indian subcontinent as early as 3000BC. - Important Buddhist
rituals usually involve nine monks ( as ) Nine justices sit on the
United States Supreme Court. - Nine is a significant number in Norse
Mythology. Odin hung himself on an ash tree for nine days to learn the
runes. - "The Nine Worthies are nine historical, or semi-legendary
figures who, in the Middle Ages,( who ) were believed to personify the
ideals of chivalry - In Middle-earth, there are nine rings of power
given to men, and consequently, nine ringwraiths." - K-9 is out term for dog. K-9= Dog-God, Dogstar, the Sirius influence.
The Black Oil:
Are we really in the East for Oil? Did elements of a shadow government start the war before 9-11? Why does the double-tap method of drone strikes not do anybody any good? If they are so precise and get our troops out of harm's way, why are there more civilian casualties? Is it really just about getting the "bad guys" Some time in November 1991, a new artist was furiously scribbling his detailed clutter style into the mainstream, and into my adolescent life. Obsessed with cyborgs,energy blast, and gun play; Todd Mcfarlane was just the guy to have mixed massive castle moving characters into a duel of endless destruction, the likes of which, Manhattan may have some trouble processing now as the strange sync of the destruction of the WTC towers, jumps right out of one of the first pages. While the towers burn and my curiosity is perked, nothing seems more plausible than a simple coincidence. However when one tracks Mcfarlane to the black oil; the alien virus that can possess people and comes seeping onto a spacecraft during a mission to the Moon (in the Marvel Universe and the film Species). Multi contextual clue seeking leads us in all kinds of unsure and exciting new places. For instance does Spider Man represent a grey alien? Is the world wide web an idea that suggest that one black and possesed entity waking in it's previously artificial intelligence is speaking through our very media!!!??? Probably not, but don't stop thinking...
Notice the nifty newer Spidey suit has the same naively positive perspective on trans-humanism that Spider Man Unlimited exhibits.
So just like in Spider Man Unlimited, we see him jumping through time and space gates, and having clone and genetic problems that lost him a ton of 90's readers.
Before we get into programs and the meat of the super soldier data I would like to wrap up those human potential or occult related ideas, so habitually misunderstood by those who study this kind of stuff and attempt to get all readers, regardless of possible lingering belief systems, to a new, more all inclusive system. The black oil seems to be as old a curse or demonic entity as the beginning of time, it's attributes can be seen intertwined with ancient spiritual invocations. In some ways linking up with Eastern systems that deal in jinn and western systems possibly employed by even low ranks of the U.S. military* (Douglas Dietrich's interviews detailing the future of the Temple of Set on the west coast as a necessity for new recruits, and the furthering of Satanism and abuse in the military.) - Oil in occult and etymological terms roughly equals black gold or oil as
money. Oil=black gold and so of course is related to Saturn-
limitations and physical things. Oil allows the rich to keep getting
richer, and oil destroys the earth when turned surface currency . Those
who care not for this, care not if millions die in war, or of
starvation. It is apparently too far from their concern whatsoever.
So the oil, as is demonstrated in real life provokes war, in South Park
the BP oil company accidentally drills Lovecraftian deities out from the
ocean floor and then threaten to drill the moon (Moon=memory or
David Marrow and many other members of the altered soldier community have claimed operations on, alterations to, and organic beings added to their spinal cords. Sometimes these entities relate to the black oil.
Footnotes: James Cameron = Abyss Avatar and Terminator which all link into the super soldier program in one way or another. Abyss is close to some of Aaron Mccollum's experiences, Avatar is always referenced by the group, and Terminator has many aspects of the phobias and dangers alike related to the emergence of artificial intelligence. Some notes before moving on to Aaron McCulloum: In the Media: Directly by name in the Media: "The Return of the Archons" is a mind boggling episode of the first season of the original Star Trek series. As episode 21, in the series, it aired on February 9, 1967. "Kirk sends another party down to investigate. They find the culture on Beta III is quiescent, with no creative tendencies. The entire culture is controlled by a group of 'lawgivers' known as "The Body" which is, in turn, controlled by the omniscient Landru. The inhabitants change from normal, peaceful people to a violent mob at the coming of the Red Hour. This 'Festival' is the society's only outlet for the tyrannical hold that Landru has over them at all other times. For centuries the computer, 'Landru,' has been interpreting his suggestions to the point that no one is allowed independent thought. Kirk tells the computer that instead of helping to nurture the culture of Beta III, it has harmed" Part 1 as the Black Oil X-Files-contained in literal oil, Doggett and Mulder discuss the plausability of implanting an alien virus in oil. South Park- Oil Industry ( BP ) drills straight into another dimension and lets out Lovecraftian alien demons. BP jokes about drilling in the moon. Spider Man- Who was Todd Mcfarlane before he put Spidey in the black oil...would he have remained an unknown artist? Although Todd didn't invent the oil, does the image below not strike you, in it's popularity? Were the Archons possessing him? Is this, more directly the chracter Spawn? Is this why Spidey is so wrapped up in the gray alien / WTC mythos? Wikipedia's definition of symbiote and the origin of the costume itself becomes more confusing. "A symbiote capable of mind-controlling subjects by touch...In an attempt to create "super-cops" to police their new Utopia, the Life Foundation probed the Venom symbiote and extracted the last five of its "seeds" - the materials used to create SPAWN...The ability to shape-shift, from mimicking clothing up to and including complete change of appearance, regardless to the host's actual stature and bodily dimensions as the symbiotes are living tesseracts...The Venom symbiote also has empathic abilities, and is able to project desires and needs into the thoughts of its host or potential hosts, This ability can also aid Venom in detecting the truth from those he interrogates....Genetic memory, recalling information from previous hosts. " So why is it in the Spider cartoons that they always feel like speaking freely about ruining the shuttle program? Spider Man ( 90s ) The Alien Costume part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Note the resemblance to the popular imagery of the Gray alien... Spider Man and his Amazing Friends Realm of Darkness Part 1 Realm of Darkness Part 2 Spider Woman Shuttle to Disaster Spider Man Unlimited ( featuring a John Carter ) Spider Man Unlimited: World's Apart Part 2 Part 2 as Machine In Marvel Jack Kirby's OMAC, Machine Man, both looks at cyborg men, technocratic futures and the like. ( Machine Man, seems to have imagined this future while talking to aliens in a mental hospital! ) Star Trek: Gene and the Borg; just like with the Decepticons from Transformers, and Agent Smith; in that they are examples of assimilation by an alien or robotic race that can shape shift in one way or another. In the latter's case, possession becomes relevant. Agent Smith and the T-1000 shape shift in very similar ways. As do the X-files aliens ( the " rebels " led by the actor who plays Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat (another Dimension ruler... ) Seven of Nine is one of the more popular characters in Deep Space 9. Oddly enough, she became a sex symbol for sci fi in general, and a soft spot for most modern Star Trek fans. 2001 A Space Odyssey : Hal 9ooo-functions much like the T-1ooo or Skynet Matrix Agent Smith Above is the All Spark cube from Transformers. As if assimilation wasn't already a theme with Agent Smith actor; Hugo Weaving, he goes on to play the main villain of mechanical space assimilation again in Transformers, as Megatron (yes even up to the dark side of the moon). Then he returns as Red Skull who taps the power of the " Cosmic Cube " which he receives at the base of Yggdrasil in the film Captain America. This " cube of space " with its cubicle/corporate limitations of space are imposed on the mind, becoming evident when one refuses to think outside the box, so to speak. In three dimensions, this becomes the cube, a six sided shape relative to the seemingly Archonic, Saturn worshipping Draconian rule of organized world religions, military, and politics, or the Global Bully League. Of course Hugo Weaving is now going to play a super evil Sith lord in the up-coming Star Wars. Though he opposes the ideas of fascism in the Alan Moore adaptation, V for Vendetta. "Most Cosmic Cubes are cube-shaped matrices. However, similar objects with different shapes are known as Cosmic Containment Units.Sentient beings wanting to create a Cosmic Cube must generate a force field to open a rift to another dimension inhabited by the Beyonders, allowing the extra-dimensional energy to filter through the rift. When entering the Earth's dimension, the energies can be held in a matrix, and the force itself would shape the matrix into a perfect cube. It would also provide the Cube with its almost-unlimited power. A Cube would eventually develop its own intelligence, commonly influenced by the beings who had manipulated it. Mephisto has postulated that the Cubes are hosts to a semi-sentient will and that, even in Cube form, they can choose how they want to be used, and deny certain wishes. Mephisto also has proposed that a billion-sentient universally-linked will could overcame this problem, and that the Cubes could be as powerful as the Infinity Gems" - Marvel wiki Aside from an endless host of Ufo lore surrounding rectangular craft, the shape seems to be a well known transformative element in 2001 A Space Odyssey, and the Ancient Alien evolution of consciousness, Archonic or not. In Animorphs, the series of books written by K. A. Applegate, the alien race the Andalites, who had the ability to absorb a creatures DNA by touching them and concentrating, had a cube that would eventually give such a power to the recurring human characters of the series.-EBZ The T-1000 in Terminator is also resonant of the shape shifting assimilative powers of the Archons explained in the Gnostic gospels. Oddly enough actor also plays Agent Dogget in X-Files a sure resonator of the Dog Star Sirius.
Aaron's story echoes ideas of human/dolphin hybrids, a Gulf of Aden Stargate and is one of the soldiers who participates in taking people in military abductions or M.I.L.A.B.S.
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